Trinitonian 19

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Let’s face it, we haven’t fully recovered from that thing we

will not name, but in the context of our “new normal”,

it is a good time to think about school stationery for 2022.

If you’re a seasoned parent with kids in several grades, this

list can strike fear into any heart when done at the last minute.

But do not fear, 2022 school stationery includes lots of practical

(and sensible) options for grown-ups and is cool for our children.

Buy those today and aim to save time (and perhaps money)

before the big rush. Start with well-labelled or personalised items to

ensure they stay with their original owner and don’t get shared.

A few options to consider are:


Marco School Stationery

Bundle Envelope, R319.00

Typo Desk Set, from R149.99

Takealot.com: Stationery Pack:

Back-to-school Grade 1, R628.00

Typo Activity Journal,

from R74.99 per book

Loot.co.za: High School

Essential Stationery, R400.00



Parents often ask

questions about

sport specialisation

versus sport sampling,

whether to play multiple sports

during the same sport season,

and travel leagues versus

recreational leagues. These

questions can be complex

and tricky, even for parents

who were once themselves

young athletes. Therefore, it

is important to have sport

choice conversations with

your children as the decisions

families make regarding school

sports are important, not only

for sports growth but also for

future life skills development.

It is also important to make

your child part of the decisionmaking

process, as it will

directly impact their lives.

It would help if you also

were open and honest

about the financial impacts

participation in certain sports

will have. Travelling, camps and

additional coaching could

potentially make your child’s

dreams come true but also

break your bank. Therefore,

if you cannot afford it, say

so upfront and choose an

alternative that will make your

child equally happy.

Try to stay positive,


and respectful

as you engage

in the decisionmaking


and show your


to your

child that they are taking

ownership of their choices. Be

flexible with decisions and allow

for a change after the season

ends. In addition, your child is

more likely to have a positive

and enriching experience

playing sports if you focus on

being a good sports parent.

Just be sure to refrain from

applying too much pressure

or setting



on both you

and your

child. Open

and honest


are key before

the sports



The Trinitonian | 17

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