This is Y December 2020 Digital Edition

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As if that wasn’t enough to contend with,

she’s greatly enjoyed the opportunity to

explore acting roles – notably in the Batman

series, Pennyworth, which she describes as an

‘amazing experience’ that she would love the

chance to repeat.

Clearly, planning for the future is a little hard

contending with a pandemic, but the muchtravelled

singer is anticipating heading out

on the road again for another UK tour next

autumn. It’s a prospect she is eagerly awaiting,

with performing remaining her grand passion,

especially with the added bonus of designing

her own sets.

Somehow, beyond being a recording artist,

mum and actress, she’s still found time to

devote to other personal interests, including

being an ambassador for Oxfam and

Greenpeace, which are of great significance

to her.

“Being an ambassador is fantastic, as I feel like

when you’re in my industry, it’s easy to lose

sight of the reality about the world. The truth

is, there are a lot more pressing things going

on out there than singing a pop song, so if I

can use my platform for the greater good then

I absolutely should and intend to. “I also find it

something I get a lot of enjoyment out of and

not for superficial reasons that I’ve pursued

this career,” she remarks, looking forward

amid an uncertain world with a true sense

of optimism.

Paloma Faith – Yorkshire 2021 dates

scheduled for:

28th Sept - Sheffield City Hall

3rd Oct - Harrogate Convention Centre

7th Oct – Bonus Arena, Hull

yorkshire.com 43

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