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I got onboard, trekking 220 miles

across Nicaragua from the Atlantic to the

Pacific coast was a gruelling experience.

Scaling a 5000 foot volcano (stepping

two centimetres to the left or to the

right would result in a 2000 foot drop),

tramping through dense tropical jungle

in temperatures of 40°C, was certainly

a challenge, with crocodiles and snakes

deciding amongst themselves whether

they should eat you now or later. Pushing

another traveller who was in a wheelchair

and sleeping in hammocks was exhausting.

Each morning I thought I can’t do it, I

worried that physically I wasn’t capable of

tackling the arduous journey ahead. I then

realised it had to be power of the mind

that would get me through and it then

turned into the most wonderful experience.

Work initially brought me to this

great county I now call home. I love the

breathtaking beauty and even someone

who is blind can see and feel it.

I’ve walked the Yorkshire Three

Peaks (Pen-y-ghent, Ingleborough and

Whernside), 26 amazing miles in 10 hours.

I can’t physically see it but I can feel the

wind on my face and I have incredible

images of rolling green hills in different

shades. Sometimes I think I have a better

picture than a sighted person. It’s like

reading a book that’s then turned into a

film. The picture conjured up in the mind

is often far more vivid than when you

actually see the cinema interpretation.

Returning from another far-flung

destination, I recently headed to The

Coniston Hotel Country Estate and Spa

in the Dales to embrace quiet relaxation,

delicious cuisine and to have a lot of fun.

Being handed a double-barrelled

shotgun for the first time ever was surreal.

As a blind person it’s crucial to listen to

instructions. A helpful instructor explained

the importance of taking the correct

stance. If you pull the trigger and you’re

not in the right position, flying back and

toppling over is highly likely. The gun

was loaded, I carefully rested it on my

shoulder and I was about to fire. Luckily

my positioning was bang on and although

I was scared, I also had an overwhelming

feeling of exhilaration.

For my second go I relaxed into it

more, but the jolt is powerful every time

and the intense smell of gunpowder made

me think of how life must have been in

the past, hunting and gathering to survive.

It may seem like a reckless activity, a

blind man clay target shooting but with a

sighted professional instructor to verbally

guide and ensure I was aiming in the right

direction, all went to plan.

I didn’t know what an archery bow

looked like or how it felt. It reminded me

of a violin bow and I was convinced I was

going to play music. Surprisingly, the skill

of firing an arrow requires a lot of strength

and I was relieved that my time at the gym

had prepared me well. The bow has to be

pulled back gently. My sighted instructor

gave me accurate guidance, encouraged

me to relax and the sound of the arrow

whooshing through the air at top speed

and hitting the target with such force is

something I will never forget.

Opposite: Amar gets to grips

with a shotgun and collects his

arrows. Above: Professional

instructors guide Amar through

the experience. Below: Amar

stayed on the beautiful 1,400

acre Dales estate.

yorkshire.com 61

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