Issue 1 October 2020

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As we are separated by six feet of distance, grade cohorts, and even computer screens, the small

moments that make our Baldwin community special are even more important.

Taylor’s tips

Surviving School COVID Style



Go outside during your free

period. Even if it’s just for 10

minutes, getting some fresh air

can make you more motivated,

less stressed, and clear-headed

so you can be more productive.


Obtain food or objects that

were comforting to you when school

was “normal.” Keeping some of

your old routines, even if it’s something

small, can go a long way.


Find quiet spaces. During

outdoor lunch or a free period,

try to look for a place you

can spend time working alone

and recharging your energy.

Elina Emami ‘21 and Isabelle Kauffman ‘21 safely greet each other at the start of the new school year.


While the back to school

season for the Baldwin

Bears looks different this

year, Baldwin’s sense

of community and school spirit are as

strong as ever. As we are separated by

six feet of distance, grade cohorts, and

even computer screens, the small moments

that make our Baldwin community

special are even more important.

As an in-person learner, I’ve had

the opportunity to experience some

of these special moments firsthand,

such as Winnie riding through campus

on a bicycle and balloon arches

adorning the many different entrances.

As we walk single file down the

hallways and sit in our spray-painted

squares on the field during lunch, it is

such a privilege to be able to see many of

our friends and teachers again. The protocols

implemented by Baldwin have allowed

me to focus on my learning, and

I feel safe throughout the school day.

One of my favorite parts about

Baldwin is getting to see my friends

Be sure to

check us out online at

follow us on instagram

every day in a safe environment.

Ryan Murphy ’22 said, “What I

missed more than anything during our

spring semester on Zoom and in the

summer was the social aspect of school:

hanging out with friends, talking/

Being on

campus, sitting in

an actual

classroom, it all

feels strange but

a good strange, a

strange that used

to be normal.”

meeting with teachers, sports, clubs etc.

Being on campus, sitting in an actual

classroom, it all feels strange but a good

strange, a strange that used to be normal.”

The time and effort that Baldwin

has put into allowing all of its students

to learn in person or through a virtual



platform is astounding and is not an

experience that many other schools

are able to provide. As I walk oneway

down the halls, I cannot help but

think about how happy I am to be back.

Originally, I was extremely nervous

at the thought of returning to campus

in person. The fear of contracting

the coronavirus was fresh in my mind;

however, after attending the orientation,

I was confident in my decision to attend

school in-person and felt assured that

Baldwin was taking every step possible

to ensure the safety of their students.

Murphy said, “Now that we

are back in person, I am so glad that

I decided to come. My favorite part

about being back to school in person

is the rebuilding of connections with

my peers, as well as my teachers.”

Baldwin has done an excellent

job making their education available

to every student this school year, and

I am forever grateful for the opportunity

to be back on campus again.

Design by Anna Wang ‘22

Photography by Megan Cooper ‘21


If you’re zooming in, try

to Facetime someone during

lunch. This can help bridge

the gap between you and the

in-person students; it also gives

you someone new to talk to.


Log into Zoom a few minutes

before 8:30/12:10.


Have portable laptop and headphone

chargers with you at all times.


For online learners, create

some form of a daily routine. It

can be really easy to lose track

of time when you’re at home,

but having a routine can make

you feel much more productive.


Purchase online copies of

your textbooks.


Stay in contact with people

who aren’t in your grade.


Follow the rules in and out

of school. Staying socially distant

and wearing our masks not

only protects our health, but the

health of our family, friends,

and the Baldwin community.


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