Issue 6-Final

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4 OPINION | May/JUNE 2020



Design and graphics by Anna Wang ‘22

Photography by Jessica Lamontagne ‘22


Lauren and Eesha face off once again discussing whether ice cream

or water ice is the superior frozen summer treat.


With summer’s heat

just around the corner,

you may find

yourself struggling to decide

between Rita’s or Cold Stone.

As we discussed summer

plans, Eesha said, “I could

go for some ice cream right

now,” to which Lauren responded,

“I hope you meant Rita’s!”

Once again, we find ourselves

at odds on another

food-related topic. Which is

better: ice cream or water ice?

When I heard Lauren’s

statement, my immediate thought

was, “Why would anyone prefer

water ice over ice cream?”

Now, I’m not saying that

water ice isn’t delicious, but I

would choose ice cream over

water ice any day of the week.

Objectively speaking, of course,

ice cream is the better dessert.

First of all, ice cream has

significantly more variety than

water ice. According to The Daily

Meal, Ben and Jerry’s carries

54 different flavors of ice cream,

while Philadelphia Water Ice only

carries 40. Moreover, ice cream

can appeal to a broader audience

because of its variety of flavors.

Additionally, ice cream can

be customized; you can add toppings

and mix-ins. Once again, ice

cream can reach a bigger audience

with toppings such as chocolate

chips, Oreos, whipped cream, and

fruit. When it comes to ice cream

orders, there are countless combinations

of flavors, toppings, and

add-ins, unlike water ice which

lacks any additional toppings.

Lastly, the experience of

eating ice cream is significantly

more enjoyable than eating

water ice. Ice cream is creamier,

resulting in a more satisfying

scoop, and has a better texture.

Ice cream also melts more slowly,

meaning that consumers can

enjoy themselves and take their

time while eating it, unlike feeling

rushed to inhale water ice.















Any rational person would

prefer water ice over ice cream,

particularly in the summer. Of

course, ice cream is a delicious

dessert, but in the end, water

ice outshines ice cream any day.

Water ice is one of the most

refreshing and delectable treats

to enjoy on a hot summer day;

its fruity flavors are the perfect

way to cool off with a light snack

that is not overly creamy like ice

cream. The cold, thirst-quenching

nature of water ice is heaven to the

tongue and is perfect for summer.

When you think of summer,

doesn’t Rita’s come to

mind? Rita’s Italian Ice is the

epitome of summer fun, as it’s

an available and classic summer

location at home in Philly or

down at Ocean City, New Jersey.

Not only is water ice a perfect

and refreshing food, but its

affordability and nutritional values

are also pluses. While a small

scoop of ice cream at Cold Stone

is five dollars, a large at Rita’s

is only about two dollars! Why

choose a more expensive, less

refreshing option like ice cream?

By going for water ice, you

not only save money, but you

save calories. A large serving

of Mango Italian Ice at Rita’s

is 440 calories, whereas a large

serving of Mango Ice Cream

at Cold Stone Creamery is 780

calories. It’s a perfect fit! While

water ice is just as refreshing

and delicious as ice cream (if

not more), it’s also more bang

for your buck and better for you!

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