Remembrance Day 2021

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And now the Torch and Poppy Red

We wear in honor of our dead.

Fear not that ye have died for naught;

We teach the lesson that ye wrought

In Flanders Fields.

Moina Michael decides to sell silk poppies

9 November 1918

Moina Michael read “In Flanders Fields” and

wrote her own poem in response “We Shall Keep

The Faith”. Michael was an American professor

who taught a class of injured veterans. She saw

the need for ex-Service men to have financial and

occupational support and was the first to have the

idea of selling silk poppies to raise funds. This was

later adopted by Earl Haig’s Appeal Fund (which

became the Poppy Appeal).

Anna Guérin sells silk poppies

15 May 1921

Moina Michaels silk poppies inspired Anna Guérin,

a French woman, involved in the French artificial

flower trade. She went on to sell poppies in

Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Britain. The

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