Afrikonet Stategic Initiatives

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IoT In a box

Drones for monitoring sectors in cities:

Security and surveillance are one of the biggest growth areas

in the ever-expanding UAV sector. While it's a relatively

recent addition to enterprise toolkits in many industries, the

use of drones to provide aerial assessments of activities on

the ground is actually a return to form for the technology,

which has seen some of its most ambitious development in

defense applications.

The reasons are clear. Aerial vehicles can cover vastly more

terrain than slower, clumsier ground-based surveillance

systems -- which is why they've been a key component of

military and law enforcement applications for decades. But

drones, which are smaller, cheaper, and more efficient than

manned-aircraft like helicopters, have very quickly

democratized access to aerial security and surveillance and

opened up the skies to companies of all sizes across sectors.

The current lineup of security drones reflects the variety of

use cases out there, from fixed-wing models that can cover

large areas quickly to nimble quadcopters that scan

confined perimeters and elaborate structures with a variety

of sensing and monitoring equipment. They were selected

to provide a practical, best-in-class list based on feedback

from users in relevant industries as well as a representative

cross-section of specializations in a fast-growing sector.

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