2020 by the Young Diplomats Society

2020 - what a year. Our regional content writers and special contributors recapped significant moments of 2020 across the world in our annual special edition: 2020 In Review. COVID-19 responses across the world, post-election protests in almost every continent, catastrophic natural disasters and the most exciting emerging world leaders. Unprecedented. The New Normal. A Year for the History Books. 2020 certainly packed a punch! We hope you enjoy reading about this year of surprises with us. Thank you to our regional content writers and special contributors!

2020 - what a year. Our regional content writers and special contributors recapped significant moments of 2020 across the world in our annual special edition: 2020 In Review.

COVID-19 responses across the world, post-election protests in almost every continent, catastrophic natural disasters and the most exciting emerging world leaders. Unprecedented. The New Normal. A Year for the History Books. 2020 certainly packed a punch!

We hope you enjoy reading about this year of surprises with us. Thank you to our regional content writers and special contributors!


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United States Presidential legacies are often framed in reference to their

influence or consequence. Abraham Lincoln is remembered for his moral

authority, Franklin D. Roosevelt for his economic management and John F.

Kennedy for his skills in public persuasion. At the close of 2020, the legacy

of Donald Trump’s Presidency is still in formation and likely will be for

years to come. Twelve months ago, in last year's Young Diplomats Society’s

Special Edition, I wrote that trials of impeachment and the economic

repercussions of the US-China trade war would define Trump’s Presidency

and would become the defining issues of the 2020 election. Yet by early

2020, impeachment was viewed as a distraction by the Democratic

presidential nominees and the US-China trade war felt like a distant

memory, despite its lasting ramifications.

Perhaps Trump's true legacy will be the magnitudinal shift in political

norms he has left in his wake. This has been exemplified most potently in

2020 by the President’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and his

refusal to accept defeat against Joe Biden in the November 2020 election.

This piece will focus on the latter and show how, by disregarding

presidential norms, Trump’s legacy as a bombastic political agitator will be


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