Genetic testing

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Genetic Testing

Its supporters believe that it’s the future of medicine, while its opponents

think that its pros overcome its cons. Genetic testing, one of the most controversial

issues in medicine nowadays. Although I do agree that it’s still an infant term, I

believe that genetic testing will revolutionize medicine, and we should support it so

we can fill its gaps, after all nothing starts perfect.

At the beginning I was indecisive, and not sure whether I’m with or against it.

But after going through the reasons of each side, supporters and opponents, I’ve

convinced that genetic testing could be a game changer in medicine if we looked for

its weaknesses as challenges that we should try to overcome. For example, critics

claim that the results of genetic testing could be shuttering and affect the person’s

life negatively. But simply, people can counsel a psychologist who can expect their

reaction to the results and prepare them to deal mentally and practically, or at worst,

to advise them not to do the test at all. Thus, we should be more flexible regarding

deficiencies of genetic testing.

Another reason for why I support genetic testing is that it helps you to

understand your health condition better. Once you understand your health condition,

you’ll be able to know what is good for you and what is not. Moreover, it will motivate

you to change your life style and develop a healthy one. For instance, people who find

that they are carrying the gene for diabetes should do more sports, stop smoking, and

follow a specific diet. Even though its results may not be accurate all the time, we

ought to take any disease potentials into consideration. Remember the proverb "an

ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure ".

For the reasons above, I encourage those who have doubts about their health to

take the genetic testing, providing that they must have the ability to handle the

results positively, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to prevent the disease,

or at least to minimize its possible risk factors.

Never forget, a sound mind in a sound body. And genetic testing, with the

assistance of professionals, helps you to make medical decisions that could ensure a

healthy future for you and your family.

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