Ujjwal Kumar OBA 5

Bhakti shastri Open book answers

Bhakti shastri Open book answers


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Submitted By: Ujjwal Kumar


Question 1:

Describe in your own words, practical ways, and the benefits therein, of

applying the isavasya principle in:

● Society in general


● Your own life

Give reference to Sri Isopanisad Mantras 1-3 and purports in your response.

(Personal/ Preaching Application)


Krishna is the Ultimate creator and controller so everything animate or

inanimate within the universe is controlled and owned by God. He is the proprietor

of everything. Only the Lord is the true proprietor and creator of everything.

We should accept only those things which are in our quota – be satisfied with it and

do not encroach in other’s property or quota thinking well to whom it belongs.

Society in General The whole human society is under the influence of lust, anger

and greed. Each and every one want to collect as much as possible to live

comfortably. It is very common to see a strong person taking advantage of a

weaker one.

Even all the ism i.e. - socialism, altruism, nationalism, communism can

accommodate if everyone understands everything belongs to God. World politics

will be different if leaders accept everything as Lord’s property and consider

themselves as a custodian meant to take care of things on a temporary basis.

Examples from Society:

Fighting for false proprietorship:

Instead of understanding and accepting supreme proprietorship some

of the so called developed countries like UK, France and Argentina are

making false claims over the frozen continent of Antarctica. The Israel/

Palestine conflict is a source of insecurity for the Middle East and for the

world at large. “The modern way of living is nothing but living passionately

devoid of any civilization, in reality it is only a soul killing civilization which

has an increased problem of hungry stomach.

Human form of life is not just meant to solve economic problems on a tottering

platform ".(Isopanisad -3 purport).

Fighting for Social status:

Social conflict in the society in order to retain power and exploit

groups with less power. Like Clashes between Dalit group and Hindu

organization in Bhima Koregaon Pune. “Today a Godless civilization

directed toward the so-called advancement of education is more dangerous

than civilization in which the masses of people are less educated.”

(Isopanisad Mantra 9)

Economic Problem:

People are fighting for basic necessities of life not because there is not

sufficient things but because people are encroaching on other property. Once

people understand what their quota is then there is no economic problem in

the society.

Isavasyam idamsarvam- everything is owned by isa, the Supreme

Controller. Tena tyaktena bhunjitha- you may enjoy what is allotted to you

by him. Ma graghah kasyasvid dhanam – but do not encroach upon other’s


“Human being are meant not simply for solving economic problems

on a tottering platform but for solving all the problems of material life into

which we have been placed by law of nature.” (Isopanisad Mantra 3)

But if one understand the principle of Isavasya that everything belong

to God. He is the ultimate enjoyer and controller then it will remove a lot of

suffering and anxiety from the society. By applying this simple principle the

people in the society will live harmoniously to create a God conscious

society and there will be more peace and prosperity in the world.


Lord is the proprietor of everything:

So far the ISKCON community has opened 850 temples, hundreds of

schools, restaurants and farms all around the world. Funds collected by

ISKCON are treated as Krishna’s lakshmi and used to support the

community as a whole and to promote the Isavasya principle. There is no

quarrel in spite of there being so many temples worldwide and differences in

lifestyle, country and upbringing.

Free Prasad distribution:

ISKCON is sponsoring a project to liberally distribute pure vegetarian

meals (prasadam) throughout the world as instructed by Srila Prabhupad to

his disciples “No one within ten miles of temple should go hungry". Food

for life is active in sixty countries and serves up to 2million free meals every


Giving true Vidya:

It was Srila Prabhupad's vision to open gurukul so that children from

very early age understand that everything belongs to God. Previously in

gurukul students eat only when invited by a spiritual master. If the guru

neglects to call him he will fast. He was trained to see Guru's property and

not think of eating without permission. Thus from the outset they were

trained to see everything as the property of Guru and Krishna. Your own life

Engaging children in Krishna Consciousness: We should give Krishna

Conscious environment to our children from the beginning of their life. So

they can see from the beginning that Krishna is the proprietor of everything

and everything belongs to Krishna. Whatever we buy we should first offer to

the Lord. This way we should teach our children.

Srila Prabhupad said “A child is a rare gift given by Krishna, but at

the same time a great responsibility; every parent has the responsibility to

see that his child grows up in Krishna Consciousness.” Letter to

Hamsaduta Vrindawan 15 August 1967.

Accumulating more than what we require:

Not trying to accumulate what is not necessary in life. We should use

our own quota only and not take other things by cheating, by exploiting

others, and not putting other people at risk. There is always a constant

anxiety to earn more so that one can live a peaceful life in old age but again

once we understand that Krishna has set aside one’s quota so there is no real


“One has to realize that nothing in the world belongs to any

individual person, but everything belong to the Supreme Lord.” (BG 3.30)

Avoid wasting Prasadam:

We should always eat Prasad only. Meaning offering bhoga to Lord

Sri Krishna and eating only remnants. Even try to distribute Prasad whenever

it is possible. We should not waste prasadam as it is the property of the Lord.

“Simply by liberal distribution of Prasad and sankirtana, the whole world

can become peaceful and prosperous (SB 4.12.10)”

Freedom from false ego:

Living in the harmony with extended family member and try to set

example of Good Krishna conscious life in front of them so they even start

Krishna Conscious life by seeing this. This "I am is called ego, or

identification of the self.

“I am this body" or "Everything in relation to the body is mine" is

called false ego, but when one is self-realized and thinks that he is an

eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord, that identification is real ego. (SBS


God centered family:

Krishna should be the center of our home. Whatever we do, think or

perform – we should think everything belongs to Krishna and we are just

temporary custodians. “ There is no harm in becoming a family man, or

altruist, a socialist, a communist, a nationalist or a humanitarian,

provided that one executes his activities in relation with Isavasya, the God

centered conception.” (Isopanisad Mantra 2)

Once we truly understand and accept the Isavasya principle that

Krishna is Supreme proprietor we automatically become peaceful and stop

abusing our body to accumulate more and more. This principle makes one’s

life simple and thus conducive for spiritual realization. The major reasons

between fights between individuals or partners is false ego which can be

easily addressed by acknowledging one’s eternal position as a servant to the

Supreme Lord. There is no real worry or concern for conditioned souls to

ignore the practice of self-realization but to focus with all energy to use

human form of body to enquire about the supreme and come out of the

problem of birth, old age, disease and death.

Own Life:-

1. Not being greedy for material advancement.

2. Understanding everyone as part and parcel of Krishna and not being

envious of them.

3. Krishna is the bhokta and this material world is miserable so best part

is to focus on getting out of it.

4. Regularly being in contact in Bhagwad Geeta to understand and act on

a spiritual platform.


Discuss the importance of controlling the 6 urges as described in Sri

Upadesamrta Text 1. What practical steps are you taking to control these 6

urges? Give appropriate references to sri Updesamrta Text 1, verse and

purport, in your response.

(Practical Application)


The six urges References from text Practical application

Vaco vegam

(tolerate the

urge to speak)

● Materialistic Talks or mundane talks

not related to Krishna.

● Talks of Mayavadi,

impersonalists(croaking of frogs.)

If we do not speak about Kṛṣṇa

consciousness, we speak about all sorts

of nonsense.(Toad and snake).

● Engaging the speaking process in

glorifying the Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa.

The tongue can thus glorify the name,

form, qualities and pastimes of the

Lord. The preacher of kṛṣṇa-kathā is

always beyond the clutches of death.

● Chant Hare Krishna in

whichever temple we go

(sometimes with family we have

to go to another temple).

● Don’t preach to your mother and

family rather ignore them or give

them someone else's association.

● No confidential talk with

Mayavadi, materialistic people.

● Don’t speak when angry, wait a

little bit and analyse with

reference to Bhagavad Gita.

● Daily at least 15 min of kirtan

and prescribed no. of rounds.


krodh vegam

(the mind’s

demands and


● The restlessness or fickleness of the

mind (mano-vega) is controlled when

one can fix his mind on the lotus feet

of Kṛṣṇa.

● If one always thinks of Kṛṣṇa and how

to serve Kṛṣṇa best, one’s mind will

naturally be controlled.

● Become angry with those who

blaspheme the Lord or the devotees of

the Lord, we control our anger in

Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

● one should be ready to tolerate all

insults to one’s own self, but when

Kṛṣṇa or His pure devotee is

blasphemed, a genuine devotee

becomes angry and acts like fire

against the offenders.

● Mind is controlled by quoting

the exact same verse at that


● Regularly spending at least 7

hours a week reading and


● Thinking about Krishna, feeling

the non- permanent nature of this

world and willing to always

serve Krishna.

● Understanding Krishna is not

responsible for your problems

but you are responsible.

● Krishna can only satisfy my

mind’s thirst by glancing his

mercy upon me.

● Lust in mind is addiction and can

only be eradicated by Lord’s

mercy and chanting of


Jihva vegam

(the actions of


● We all experience that the tongue

wants to eat palatable dishes.

● The devotee’s attitude is that he will

eat only when Kṛṣṇa gives him

prasāda. That is the way to control the

urge of the tongue.

● Eating at Govinda when it comes

to restaurants.

● Fasting on Ekadasi.

● Offering food before accepting it

and not eating the food prepared

by materialistic people.

● Avoiding sweets at night.

● Taking prasadam in a temple.



(belly and


● The genitals should be used to beget a

Kṛṣṇa conscious child, otherwise they

should not be used.

● Not using the phone at night.

● Sleep with proper clothes.

● Sleep early and don’t sleep

● The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement

encourages marriage not for the

satisfaction of the genitals but for the

begetting of Kṛṣṇa conscious children.

during the day.

● Taking proper rest as less sleep

makes me prone to more sexual


● Avoid thoughts before

meditation i.e at first step

because after that it turns into

lust and we fell into it.

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