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Aviation Occurrence Details Report

Rapport Aviation Occurrence Détails

AO. Ref. No. 183101-V1

No de référence de [EA 183101-V1

Occurrence datetime: 2015-01-10 13:00 (2) Reported datettime: 2015-01-10 1408 (2)

Datelheure de I'événement

Datelheure de signalement:

Reporting unit!

Winnipeg ACC

Unité responsable du rapport: ACC de Winnipeg


Incident or ther reportable occurrence

Classification de Févénement: Incident ou autre événementa signaler

Location of occurrence

Lieu de Fincident :

Location description/Description du lieu:

Vicinity of Lumsden, SK

‘Summary description/Description sommaire :

Muliple aircraft reported a very large object witha small white light in the middle, surrounded by a halo, moving

northbound in the vicinity of Lumsden, SK. One pit reported the object appeared to descend from above

FL410. The sighting lasted one to two minutes. No impact on operations. CIRVIS report fed.

Aircraft involvement/Aéronef impliqué

There were no aicrat involved. / Aucun aéronef était en cause.

Vehicle involvement/Véhicule impliqué

There were no vehicles involved. / Aucun véhicule ntait en cause.

Oote 0422021 tort Time: 110637 AM


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