Wednesday, 6th April, 2022

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Page 2

EU targets Russian coal

and ships in new sanctions

The EU is proposing further

sanctions against

the Kremlin after

allegations of Russian

war crimes in Ukraine,

with EU ambassadors meeting

on Wednesday to decide what

steps to take.

European Commission

head Ursula von der Leyen said

planned measures included an

import ban on coal and a ban on

Russian ships and road operators.

The US is also planning more


And UK Foreign Secretary Liz

Truss is calling for a "tough new

wave" of sanctions from G7 and

Nato ministers.

She said her Japanese

counterpart had agreed the

international community had

to increase pressure on Russia's

Vladimir Putin "and his war machine

with further co-ordinated


EU officials had earlier

indicated the focus would be on

enforcing existing measures.

But revelations of atrocities,

with hundreds of bodies of civilians

found in towns abandoned

by Russian troops, have given

added impetus for new measures.

"The new sanctions will

probably be adopted tomorrow,"

French European Affairs Minister

Clément Beaune said on Tuesday.

Ms von der Leyen said the

proposals included:

• A ban on coal imports

worth €4bn a year, and a full ban

on four Russian banks including

Russia's second biggest bank


• A ban on Russian ships

entering EU ports (with some

exemptions) and on Russian

and Belarusian road transport


• Bans on EU exports in

advanced semiconductors and

machinery worth €10bn and

other EU imports on wood and

cement, seafood and alcohol.

• Russian companies

would also be barred from

taking part in competing for

contracts across the EU.

The EU was also working on

other sanctions including on

imports of Russian oil, she said.

This is the fifth set of EU

sanctions so far. Earlier measures

have ranged from individuals

including Vladimir Putin

and hundreds of Russian MPs, to

the financial and energy sectors.

The 27 member states plan to

cut use of Russian gas by twothirds

by the end of this year

and then make Europe entirely

independent of Russian fossil

fuels by 2030.

There is an active debate in

Germany on imposing a total

embargo on Russian energy, but

the government warns it would

ute, each second thinking it

would be my turn to be taken

away and executed. Even after

being told to go, I feared it was a

trap," one man who witnessed

some executions was quoted as


"As I walked away, slowly,

I held my hand on my chest,

holding my breath, and waiting

for a bullet to pass through my

DAILY ANALYST Wednesday, 6th April, 2022

trigger a recession and mass unemployment

and for the moment

it has ruled it out. "If it would

stop the war, then we would do it

immediately," said Foreign Minister

Annalena Baerbock.

Germany relied on Russian

gas for 55% of its imports last

year, while for the EU as a whole

it was 40%.

Experts widely agree that

sanctions agreed by the West

until now are unprecedented

but Eddie Fishman rates them

at "seven or an eight of 10 in

intensity". He was a lead official

in the US State Department in

2014 when sanctions were drawn

up in response to Russia's illegal

annexation of Crimea in 2014.

"Oil remains the life-blood

of Russia's economy," he argues.

"Putin has made billions of

dollars since the war began and

Russia's oil sales remain very


The EU's latest proposals

tighten sanctions on four

Russian banks. Although major

Russian banks have been shut

out of the Swift financial messaging

system, two of the biggest

are not.

Again, it's energy-related.

Sberbank and Gazprombank

facilitate energy payments from

Europe to Russia.

Lithuania announced that

from the start of this month it

body," he added.

Mali's military admitted on

Saturday that it had killed more

than 200 militants in a "largescale"

assault on the "terrorist

fief" of Moura.

The West African nation's

junta denies that mercenaries

from Russia's Wagner group are

helping it fight the insurgents.

On Tuesday, Germany joined

the US, France and the European

Union to call for an independent

investigation, involving the UN

mission in the country, into

what happened in the village of

Moura, which is in Mali's central

Mopti region.

In its statement, HRW said

there had been a "deliberate

slaughter" of people detained.

"The Malian government

is responsible for this atrocity,

the worst in Mali in a decade,

whether carried about by Malian

forces or associated foreign


HRW described Moura as being

under the "quasi-control" of

al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb


It quoted a local as saying

that some of those killed "were

really jihadists, but many others

Global News

Harrowing accounts

are emerging of

Malian troops and

suspected Russian


allegedly executing about 300

people in central Mali.

Residents told Human

Rights Watch (HRW) that the

killings took place during an

operation against militant

Islamists over four days in late


Detained men were ordered

to walk in groups of up to 10, before

being summarily executed,

HRW said.

"I lived in terror, each minhad

put a stop to all Russian gas


"Look friends, you can do the

same," President Gitanis Nauseda

told his EU counterparts. It

had become possible through

investment in liquified natural

gas and electricity link infrastructure,

he explained.

But could the EU, as a whole,

really turn off the taps to Russian


There have been warnings of

factory closures, jobs losses and

plummeting public consent for


You would have to pray for

warm and windy weather, says

Jacob Kirkegaard of the German

Marshall Fund. Warm to lessen

the need for heating homes - and

windy to power Europe's electricity

generating turbines.

And while Mr Kirkegaard

agrees with German Chancellor

Olaf Scholz that a ban could trigger

a recession, he believes the

blow to Russia would be worse.

were killed simply because they

had been forced by the same

jihadists to cut their pants and

grow their beards".

Others said the killings

were ethnically based, with the

Fulani, largely Muslim semi-nomadic

herders known in Mali as

the Peulh, targeted.

What happened?

HRW said it had learned

from 19 witnesses, including

those from Moura and six other

villages, that soldiers arrived

by helicopter near the livestock

market on 27 March and

exchanged gunfire for some 15

minutes with about 30 Islamist


"Traders at the market and

security sources said that several

Islamist fighters, a few civilians,

and two foreign soldiers

were killed during this and

another exchange of gunfire

that day," HRW reported.

Malian soldiers and more

than 100 members of a foreign

force - identified by several

sources as Russians - were then

deployed to Moura for an operation

that lasted for four days.

"After surrounding the area,

the soldiers patrolled through

"The Russian government

would, in my opinion, be compelled

to start printing large

amounts of new roubles with the

risk of inciting significant additional

inflation in Russia."

Beyond energy, sanctions

so far have hit Russia's tech,

aviation and finance sectors, as

well as its oligarchs - the wealthy

Russians who made their fortunes

under President Putin's


But, as Ukraine's President

Volodymyr Zelensky reminded

Belgian lawmakers in an address

last week, there are other awkward

areas where business goes


Rough diamonds are still

moving from Russia to Antwerp

and sea ports remain open to

Russian shipping.

So while trade ties between

the EU and Russia have been

seriously frayed, strained but

lucrative connections remain.

Mali troops and suspected Russian

fighters accused of massacre

town, executing several men as

they tried to flee, and detaining

hundreds of unarmed men

from the market and their

homes," HRW said.

"Over the four days, the

soldiers ordered the detained

men in groups of four, six, or

up to 10, to stand up and walk

for between several dozen and

several hundred metres. There,

the Malian and foreign soldiers

summarily executed them."

Mali has been battling a decade-long

insurgency that has

affected millions of people, and

has also engulfed out countries

in the region.

French troops have played a

major role in fighting the insurgents,

but in February President

Emmanuel Macron announced

their withdrawal.

It followed a breakdown in

relations with the military junta,

which has been accused of

increasingly turning to Russia

for aid to fight the militants.

Mali is a former French colony,

and maintained strong ties

with France after independence

in 1960.


Wednesday, 6th April, 2022 Page 3

Frontpage Stories

Muntaka clashes with Speaker

Minority Chief

Whip, Muntaka

Mubarak yesterday

forcefully resisted

the speaker’s

ruling on referring some

three members of Parliament

to the Privileges Committee for

absenting themselves from the

House for fifteen sitting days

without permission.

Former Kumbungu lawmaker,

Ras Mubarak petitioned

the Speaker to discipline these

lawmakers for absenting themselves

from Parliament without


In his petition, he said “It

has come to my notice through

parliament’s Hansard, and newspaper

and radio report that some

four Members of Parliament,

namely Hon. Sarah Adwoa Safo,

MP for Dome-Kwabenya; Hon.

Henry Quartey, MP for Ayawaso

Central; Hon. Ebenezer Kojo

Kum, MP for Ahanta West; and

Hon. Ken Ohene Agyapong, MP

for Assin Central have all absented

themselves from Parliament

for more than fifteen sittings of

a meeting of Parliament without

the permission of Mr. Speaker in


“In view of this reported

breach of the Constitutional

provision, I respectfully petition

your high office to direct

for their conduct to be referred

to the Privileges Committee for

consideration and necessary


In response, the Speaker

referred Adwoa Safo, Kennedy

Agyapong, and Henry Quartey

to the Privileges Committee as

stated by Ras Mubarak.

In the speaker’s ruling, he

quoted article 75 (2) of the Constitution

detailing the absenteeism

of Members of Parliament.

Per Article 97(1)(c) of the

1992 Constitution, a Member

of Parliament shall vacate his

seat “if he is absent, without

the permission in writing of

the Speaker, and he is unable

to offer a reasonable explanation

to the Parliamentary

Committee on Privileges from

fifteen sittings of a meeting of

Parliament during any period

that Parliament has been summoned

to meet and continues

to meet.”

When the issue was raised

in Parliament, Muntaka

Mubarak challenged the Speaker

on his ruling, saying if they

[MPs] allow it, it will become a

precedent in the House.

He further warned that all

of them (MPs) may be culprits

in future.

This resulted in the banter

between members and the


Supreme Court

unanimously dismisses Assin

North MP’s application

The Supreme Court has,

on Tuesday April 5,

unanimously dismissed

an application

filed by Assin North

Member of Parliament James

Gyakye Quayson.

Justice Jones Dotse reading

the ruling noted that the application

for review filed by the

Assin North MP lacks merit.

James Gyakye Quayson in his

application was urging the apex

court to set aside its March 8 ruling

that ordered the legislator to

file his defence in a case seeking

to stop him from performing

parliamentary duties.

The Supreme Court also set

April 13 to rule for the injunction

filed by private citizen Michael

Ankomah Nimfah to prevent

Assin North MP, James Gyakye

Quayson from performing parliamentary


Michael Ankomah Nimfah on

January 27, filed an interlocutory

injunction against him from

performing his parliamentary

duties after a high Court Judgment.

James Gyakye Quayson had

his seat declared vacant by Cape

Coast High Court following issue

of dual citizenship in July 28,


The Supreme Court panel of

seven presided over by Justice

Jones Victor Dotse with Justice

Agnes Dordzie, Justice Nene

Amegatcher, Justice Mariama

Owusu, Justice Gertrude Torkornoo,

Justice Henrietta Mensah

Bonsu and Justice Yonni Kulendi

fixed the date after hearing the


Earlier the Apex court had

dismissed a review of the application

blocking the hearing of

the injunction filed by Michael

Ankomah Nimfah.

Counsel for the MP led by

Tsatsu Tsikata withdrew the

motion on stay of proceedings

after which it was struck out by

the court.

Credit: 3 news

COA FS boss to lecture on

Global Peace & Leadership

The` President General

of the Center of Awareness

Global Peace Mission,

Professor Samuel

Ato Duncan is set to

deliver a fourth public lecture

on Peace and leadership.

The respected businessmen

will also use the occasion to

launch a five-year strategic plan.

The lecture, which will be

held at the University of Cape

Coast Auditorium on 10th April

2022 is under the theme, “Targeting

Leadership Across the

Globe to Achieve Global Peace”.

Professor Samuel Ato

Duncan, FCIDA is a native of

Winneba in the Central Region

of Ghana. He was born with

the mark of the crucifix on his

forehead on the 19th of February

1966. This made his parents believe

he would grow to join the


Samuel Ato Duncan had his

secondary school education at

the Takoradi Secondary School

and Ghana National College.

During this period, young Ato

as he was passionately called,

realized that there was potential

in him and that he had something

for this world but could

not determine what it was.

In the year 1987, he had the

scholarship to study medicine

in Russia but later deferred to

study “THE DIVINE LAW” (The

law out of which everything including

nature itself emanated).

He believes that “To every

problem, there is a solution.

Where a problem cannot be

solved, it means the requisite

knowledge out of which the

solution could be drawn has not

yet been acquired”.

He believes that the numerous

problems the world has no

answers to are due to the lack

of knowledge from which the

solutions could be drawn. E.g.



DISEASES and many chronic

diseases and most importantly,


At the age of 22, young Ato

Duncan, as he was affectionately

called, began a praying and

fasting retreat from 29th July

to 31st July 1988 during which

he requested from God why he

was on Earth. He then realized

himself as a Messenger of God

Almighty in this present generation

with a great task – “PEACE

OF THE WORLD”. He was then

contemplating on how he could

acquire knowledge for this great

and glorious task which was his

passion and sole aim to achieve

in life – “Global Peace”.

He realized that, before

education started, KNOWLEDGE

existed long before creation.

He realized that he needed the

greatest knowledge and power

ever descended for this Great

Mission and that could only be

found in GOD ALMIGHTY. On the

13th of November, 1988 young

Ato Duncan denied himself of

all earthly pleasures. He gave

everything he had to friends and

entered the wilderness in search

of a cave to fast and pray for

the Divine Knowledge of GOD.

He finally landed on a hilltop

at Adanse Praso in the Ashanti

Region of Ghana.

Young Ato Duncan prayed

and fasted for forty days and forty

nights from 20th November

1988 to 29th December 1988 for

the Divine knowledge of GOD,

since no University in the world

has answers to the numerous

problems the world is encountering.

On the 22nd November

1988 around 1:00 am, a voice

came from the sky saying, ‘YOU


NESS”. So “The Center of Awareness”

was a title given to Professor

Samuel Ato Duncan. He then

chose to name his organization

“The Center of Awareness Global

Peace Mission”.

Page 4

DAILY ANALYST Wednesday, 6th April, 2022

Mahama calls

for unity in NDC

The National Democratic Congress Chapter in the United

States of America (NDC-USA), led by the hard-working

Chairman, Maame Aba Dadzie, threw a rapturous

welcome for H.E. John Dramani Mahama, the former

President of the Republic of Ghana and Flagbearer of

the NDC during election 2020.

Among his entourage were Hon. Dr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo-National

Chairman, Hon. Seth Terkper, former Finance

Minister, Cdr George Opera-Addo Esq- National Youth Organiser,

Hon. Alex Segbefia-Director of International Relations Directorate,

Dr. Callistus Mahama, and other senior party executives on

the grounds of Bentley University, Adamian Academic Centre

Former President Mahama and his entourage also met the

President of Bentley University, Dr. LaBrent Chrite, and his cabinet

members while touring their trade center. The historic encounter

was on the sidelines of the former president's keynote

address at the annual Africa Business Conference organised by

the Harvard Business School.

In his address to the party faithful, Mr. Mahama touched on

his concerns about the judicial decay engulfing the country under

the current administration with the many lopsided rulings

by the Supreme Court. He further suggested a critical need for

the Chief Justice to do a thorough judicial review to turn the

unfortunate tide.

He touched on the imploding economy that he attributed

to the current administration's 'irresponsible and reckless'

borrowing spree and management style. Among the areas he

cited included how the government collateralized GetFund, a

situation the younger generation would have to live with and

bear the financial implications.

Former President Mahama expressed his dissatisfaction

with the Akufo-Addo-led government.

He noted that the current government had abandoned the

projects his administration embarked on before the change of


"This current government has abandoned the projects my

administration started before the change of the government.

They have mismanaged the economy, and we are all aware that

the dollar has exposed their incompetence as a government".

In answering questions from a New Yorker about why he

appears to be so quiet about insults by some Ghanaians, especially

Hon. Kennedy Adjapong, although his government has

done better in managing the economy of Ghana than almost

all his predecessors, Mr. Mahama smiled and cited two age-old

proverbs that 'you don't wrestle with a pig, for you will only

get dirty with mud"; if a madman takes your clothes while you

are bathing and you go after him, no one will be able to tell the

difference between the two of you."

In wrapping up, he urged unity among the party faithful

and the need for a collective effort in rescuing Ghana in 2024

from the current abysmal NPP government.

The leadership of NDC-USA led by Chairman Madam Maame

Aba Dadzie thanked Mr. Mahama and the delegation for honouring

the chapter with their visit. She pledged to strengthen the

pillars further and enhance the party's growth in the United

States in preparation for the general election in 2024.

The event was well attended by NDC USA branch members

from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Washington

DC Metro, Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio, Indianapolis,

Chicago, Minnesota, Atlanta, North Carolina, Florida,

California, Arizona, Tennessee, Texas, and Alabama.

The event concluded with a standing ovation amidst drumming

and cheers for the former President.

Consequently, the party faithful called on former President

Mahama to lead the NDC back to power in 2024 to save "our dear

country Ghana from the untold hardships this current government

led by Nana Akufo-Addo-Bawumia is imposing on lives of

friends and families in the country."

Tidal waves victims hoot

Victims of the tidal

waves which swept

through Akplabanya

and Anyamam and

three other communities

in the West Ada District of

the Greater Accra Region were

reluctant in taking relief items

when officials from NADMO

visited them last Monday.

According to sources, most

of them hooted at the NADMO

officials, chanting they do not

need the relief items, but rather,

a permanent solution to their


On Saturday, April 2, 2022,

over a thousand (1000) residents

of Akplabanya and Anyamam

were rendered homeless following

torrential tidal waves that

hit the Eastern coastal lines.

Ferocious sea currents occasioned

by high tides broke into

homes destroying properties and

displacing residents.

Women and children in particular

could not find places to

sleep over the weekend and were

left at mercy of the weather.

Even though a few went to

seek refuge at some safe havens

including schools and church

premises, majority of the affected

were reluctant to relocate

in an anticipation of the tides


According to reports mon-

It was an emotional moment

at the Kumasi High

Court on Tuesday when

family members of the

missing staff of the Lands

Commission in Kumasi sat

through court proceedings for

the very first time.

Mother of Rhodaline

Amoah-Darko, Cecilia Obenewaa

Appiah, who could not control

her tears after the court proceedings

said, taking care of the

three children Rhodaline left

behind has been extremely difficult

as they keep asking about

their mother’s whereabouts.

She is thus calling on the

public to volunteer any information

that could lead to her

daughter’s whereabouts.

“It has not been easy at all

because the children keep asking

about the whereabouts of their

mother. I have not had it easy

these past months as I have had

to juggle between pretending everything

is alright for the sake of

my grandchildren and worrying

about my daughter.”

“I appreciate all the efforts

that have been made since her

disappearance. I encourage

members of the public to volunteer

any information that could

lead to my daughter’s whereabouts.”

itored on Atinka TV, when the

NADMO officials went to present

the items, most of the victims

were reluctant to take it.

He said most of the times,

the government brings them

relief items when such things

occur but the last time it happened,

the government promised

to do a sea defence wall but

nothing of the sort happened till

the recent tidal waves hit them.

He narrated that the waves

hit the people while some of

them were asleep, confirming

The court adjourned the case

to 12th April 2022, after the state

attorneys served the lawyers of

the accused persons with a new

document which they asked for

more time to peruse.

The case management

conference is expected to begin

that some buildings were swept

off and so inhabitants had to

move to different places which

were safer.

“Yesterday around 4 to 5

p.m., NADMO officials brought

in some relief items but when

they got there, the people were

hooting at them and they said

they are tired of rice, mosquito

sprays, cups, mattresses and the

rest. They said what they want

the government to do is to build

the sea defence wall to protect

them,” he said.

Mother of ‘missing’ Lands

during the next hearing, where

persons who will serve as

witnesses in the case would be

presented to the court.

Rhodaline Amoah-Darko has

been missing since 2nd September

2021, and her husband is

being tried as the main suspect.


Wednesday, 6th April, 2022 Page 5


Absa Bank MD Abena

Osei-Poku writes:

Growing up, the

issue of whether

leaders were

born or made

was such a raging

topic that it proved too

difficult to diffuse. I remember

hearing a rather funny

but poignant statement

from a well-known academic,

who said the person who

settles that debate must be

awarded the Nobel Peace


I grew up the first

amongst four girls. It was a

relentless and never-ending

picture of love, collaboration

and resilience. I remember

vividly, as if it were

yesterday, my father telling

me to lead by example and

that my younger sisters

were looking up to me. He

was such a man of encouragement.

I didn’t realise

until much later that it was

the embryonic phase of my

leadership development.

I keep getting asked

countless times to describe

my appreciation of leadership

and how my own

experiences have taught

me about the concept and

its ramifications. In fact,

I recently joined a virtual

session organised by the

UK-Ghana Chamber of

Commerce (UKGCC) on

International Women’s Day

(IWD) to share my thoughts

and reflections as a Senior

Executive in one of Ghana’s

leading financial institutions.

It was a great session

and one that made me

reflect more deeply on how

my own journey has redefined

leadership for me.

Leadership has come to

mean so many things to

so many people. At what

stage in life can one confidently

lay claim to having

led successfully and what

tangibles can one exhibit to

reflect that? The way I see it,

and no matter the diversity

of attributions given to it,

leadership is about people.

When you are able to grasp

that, you put yourself on a

path to effective leadership

and playing a significant

role in winning and influencing


“Uneasy lies the head

that wears the crown,” said

Shakespeare. Leadership is

not a rosy journey or position

to be in. However, when

you understand that it is

all about how to handle

people and not just about

being smart, everything

falls in place. A successful

leader demonstrates a lot

of emotional intelligence,

discernment, and engagement.

You need to embrace

the responsibility that

comes with being looked up

to and harness the skills of

identifying the strengths

and weakness of your

people to fit them in the

right roles. There was a time

in my career when my Line

Manager noticed my potential

and moved me into a

role to enhance my skillsset

and get me ready for the

next level. I had come back

from maternity leave at the

time and took it the wrong

way. My biases immediately

stood out distinctly and I

felt I was being sidelined

because I was female, but

my line manager was insistent.

Years later, I got my

epiphany and understood

the whole point of the exercise

– and I must say I have

never stopped being thankful

for it.

Eight years ago, I was

told blatantly that I’d never

make CEO by a Senior Group

Executive I respected. He

struck a mortal blow right

through my ambitions,

but I didn’t let that put me

down. I remember leaving

that meeting thinking, “If

someone’s going to give up,

that won’t be me.” I delved

deep into the recesses of my

being and never wavered

or despaired. I put my head

down and relentlessly got

to work to present a better

version of myself.

A good leader possesses

an uncanny amount of

humility and a willingness

to learn no matter the circumstance

or environment.

A leader also learns from

the people they lead. It is

absurd to think knowledge

resides in one head; in fact,

I think the greatest barrier

to knowledge is the presupposition

that we already

know it. I have always surrounded

myself with the

best of people, much better

than me.

In all my experiences,

the lessons and approaches

have been dynamic and

yet full of the same central

truths. Living in readiness

or in expectation of the

next opportunity fills you

with the energy and urge

to prepare, learn and know

more. The Romans had a

famous saying, “Victory

loves Preparation,” and they

could not have been so spot

on. The yearning for constant

reinvention and new

discoveries must encompass

any leader desiring to

make a mark in their sphere

of influence and beyond.

I have come to cultivate

a presence of mind in my

journey where I always look

for opportunities to make

the biggest difference –

whether at work, home or

in society. It is not about defining

a certain direction or

ascribing labels to the kind

of leadership we exhibit.

Anytime I have been asked

about my specific style

of leadership, I hesitate

because there is no one size

fits all. It takes a commitment

to hard work, learning

from mistakes, willingness

to always be a better version

of your previous day

and a lot of Grace!

It is a cliché that continues

to permeate the

corporate world with characteristic

vigour. However,

as I understand it, I do not

embrace the thought that

such a thing exists. As a

leader, you have to make

choices, you must be decisive.

It is not a knock on

your time management

skills, it is rather a call for a

strong and effective support


I am blessed to have a

close-knit family. Throughout

my life and career, apart

from God’s grace, they have

been the backbone for my

success. We support each

other in every challenging

situation, through prayers,

encouragement, and unfettered

love and that’s priceless!

Leadership is a journey.

It is one of unmitigated

learning and investment.

I invested in my journey,

consciously or unconsciously,

by the choices I

made in building capacity,

taking risks, helping others,

fostering relationships,

pushing myself outside my

comfort zone and gaining

visibility. As a mentor once

told me, P = C x A2; where

Performance (P) equals

Capability (C) multiplied by

a double dose of Attitude (A).

The model highlights that

to maintain a high level of

performance, attitude is

everything! It was a lesson

that really struck a chord

and stuck with me.

Learn to embrace the

opportunities that come

your way, identify mentors

(in your sphere of influence

or the external environment)

and cultivate a habit

of voracious reading. Above

all, remember that success

in business (any kind of

business) is a team effort. It

is better to move together

and achieve more than to

move alone and achieve

little. Above all great grace


Page 6

DAILY ANALYST Wednesday, 6th April, 2022

Haven International,

an autism training

and information

centre, has launched

this year’s Autism

Acceptance Month with a call on

Ghanaians to help promote the

inclusion of children with autism

in mainstream schools.

The theme for the launch is

“Inclusion Leads to Acceptance.”

The world has set aside

every April as the World Autism

Awareness Month.

Mr Mohammed Adjei Sowah,

the former Accra Metropolitan

Chief Executive who performed

the launch on behalf of the

board and patrons of Haven,

said: “Today, Haven is charting

a worthy cause that needs the

support of all so that one day

we will come to celebrate big


He said diverse assistance

would be required from all

Ghanaians as the whole month

of April has been packed with

a number of activities such as

professional development series

that involved the engagement

with teachers and parents to

undertake grooming exercise as

well as fun games.

He encouraged every citizen

The leadership of the

Ghana Private Road

Transport Union,

GPRTU, in another

meeting today, March

5, 2022, to deliberate on a

possible increment in transport

fares which will take effect from

Friday, April 8, 2022.

The Union earlier suspended

the 15 percent increase in

transportation fares hoping

the government will make a

substantial reduction in fuel


Speaking on Behind the

News, General Secretary of the

GPRTU, Godfred Abulbire said a

number of engagements with

the government have been

unsuccessful, hence the need for

the new fares.

He however said the

increment might be more than

the 15% communicated earlier,

as fuel prices keep rising. He

to be part of the programme,

especially families, to devote

time and play with their children

at the centre.

“For all that we are doing,

the intention or the objective is

to promote inclusivity of kids

who are on the autism spectrum

so that they would be accepted

in their homes, accepted in the

communities and would be

accepted and mainstreamed

in our normal schools that we

attend,” Mr Sowah said.

“I was touched when we

graduated two kids here. The

organisation that was put in

for the graduation of the two

kids was more than 1000 kids

graduating from a big school that

I cannot mention,” he stated.

He said there was the need

to educate and change society’s

mind-set against people or

kids who were on the autism

spectrum, who often became

subject of mockery in our


The former Chief Executive

commended Mrs Jennifer

Brock, a Co-founder of Haven

International, for her effort in

keeping the center running.

Mr Michael Langmer,

Assistant Director, Special

Education Coordinator of the

Tema Metro Education Office

said there was the need to

include children with autism in

the regular schooling and that

some prominently personalities

who were on autism spectrum

have achieved great height and


Mr Langmer called on

policymakers to provide facilities

to take care of children with

disabilities for them to achieve

their potential.

He appealed to parents

to accept their children with

autism, saying: “Let us see what

talents they have. Send them to

resource centres or include them

in our regular schools to help

them learn and achieve greater


Mrs Jennifer Brock, a Cofounder

of Haven International

in a welcoming address said the

center was established 10 years

ago to provide autism and other

intellectual disability services in

the country.

“We started off by bringing

resource persons from the US,

who provided training for our

teachers, healthcare providers,

and parents. They also spend

time at the center and welcome

children from all walks of life.

They also do assessment of the

children, diagnose them, and

recommend therapies,” she


Mrs Brock said: “Because we

know the earlier, we intervene

the better we have gotten really

good results and most of the kids

go back to mainstream school;

some do two days at the centre

and three days in mainstream.

“Those who are unable to gain

speech because typically most

of them were not verbal. They

Prepare for new

transport fares – GPRTU

spoke to Yvonne Atilego’s

announcement of a total of 15

pesewas reduction on some

build-up levies and taxes on

We Need to Promote Autism

Children Into Mainstream

Schooling – Adjei Sowah

fuel prices is not enough. He,

therefore, asked commuters

to prepare for the new fares to

avoid any misunderstandings.

stay with us and go on vocational

programmes, which is for young

adults. We had one graduation so

far; we graduated two girls from

the vocational programme and

we did a big ceremony because it

was a big achievement for us.”

The Co-founder said the

organization was looking forward

to the next 10 years where it

would introduce inclusive

education, adding that: “Because

in the real world we live with

Mr Israel Nii

Adjei Brown,

the Director

of Research

at Ministry

of Fisheries and Aquaculture

Development (MoFAD), has

urged fishers to desist and end

all forms of illegal fishing which

was driving the colapse of

country’s small pelagic fishery.

“Gone were the days where

fishers experienced bumper

harvest between July and

August, unfortunately, the

sitaution is not the same now

due to the illegalities on the sea”

Mr. Brown made this

known at the Regional Regatta

competition organised at

Winneba as part of the 7th

Meeting of OACPS Ministers

of Fisheries and Aquaculture

scheduled to take place in Accra,

from Tuesday April to Friday 08

this year.

The event was organized

by the Ghana National Canoe

Fishermen Council (GNCFC)

and the Ministry of Fisheries

and Aquaculture Development

(MoFAD) with funding from

the Environmental Justice

Foundation (EJF).

The Regatta was between

five artisanal fisher groups, and

won by God is good, followed

by Isaiah, Star 2, Agege Boys

number 2 and Morocco in

that respective order and was

awarded with cash prizes after

the competition.

each other, so we do not get our

kids isolated.

“It does not help them; it does

not help the parents; so, from

next term we will begin to run

more inclusive programmes. We

all know the stigma some parents

attached to kids who have

intellectual disability they don’t

want their children to go near

them, but we would try, because

that is the way to go; in fact, that

is government policy” she stated.

Let’s end illegal

fishing demining

Ghana’s pelagic fishery

The Director called on

artisanal fishers to comply

with the closed season to help

replenish the fish stocks adding

that artisanal fishers play

important role in the Ghana’s

economy and food value chain.

“ Ghana’s fisheries resources

are overexploited and a number

of management measures

are being rolled out to ensure

recovery of fish stocks” he added.

Mr Brown told that there was

an ongoing national campaign

against illegal and unregulated

fishing practices such as

transhipment at sea, popularly

called “Saiko” and needed

collaboration of all stakeholders

to reduce the canker to the

barest minimum.

The OACPS meeting provides

an opportunity for ministers,

policy makers, professionals

and practitioners from different

blocks (African, Caribbean

and Pacific) to exchange ideas,

knowledge, experiences, policies

and best practices for improved


For his part, Neenyi Kow

Bowie II, the Gyaasehen of

Woarabeba, a surburb of

Winneba called for unity

among the residents to help

develop the area since the major

employment was fishing.

“A lot can be achieved if the

major asafo companies come

together and work towards a

common goal” he said


Wednesday, 6th April, 2022 Page 7

Torgbui Adzonugaga

Amenya Fiti V,

Paramount Chief of

Aflao Traditional Area

has urged Border

Security (BORSEC) officials to

always project the country’s

good image in the performance

of their duties.

That, he explained could be

done through diplomacy and

professionalism in their dealings

with people travelling in and out

of the country.

Torgbui Fiti made the

call when Mr Maxwell Koffie

Lugudor, Municipal Chief

Executive for Ketu South

led Mr Kwame Asuah Takyi,

Comptroller-General of the

Ghana Immigration Service (GIS)

together with his entourage

caledl on him.

The Comptroller-General

was in the Municipality to visit

the Aflao, Kpoglu and the Akanu

Borders to observe processes

there following the reopening

of land borders and to motivate

BORSEC officials to put up their

best to safeguard the country’s

eastern borders.

“The Paramount Chief said

officers of the GIS especially, the

Agency mandated to regulate

and monitor entry and exit of

people through the country’s

frontiers ought to be mindful of

their critical roles of creating

the right impressions about

Ghana in the minds of visitors

as they served as first points of

contact and by their conducts

the country and its people would

be rated.”

He gave an instance,

where during one of his visits

to the USA, he was detained

and questioned at the airport

without suspecting anything

because of how tactical the

officials there went about the

process saying, “You’re doing

well but you must relook at your


Torgbui Fiti called on the

Comptroller-General to provide

personnel with the right

logistics including motorbikes

and tents to facilitate their

work saying, most of the time,

“your men serve under harsh


He lauded the reopening of

the land borders and appealed

to the government for bilateral

negotiations to get Presidents

of neighbouring countries to

open their borders to enable

free movement of people to

neighbouring countries for trade

to restore livelihood of border

residents in particular.

Mr Takyi indicated that

negotiations were ongoing to

have Ghana’s neighbours to

open their side of the border

for free movement of citizens

in the region and disclosed that

government had devoted lots of

money into retooling all security

agencies to improve their work.

Citizens need skills,

confidence to hold public

officials accountable – NCCE

Ghana Airports Company MD’s dismissal

was within the law — Transport Minister

The termination of the

appointment of the

Managing Director

(MD) of the Ghana

Airports Company

Limited (GACL), Mr Yaw Kwakwa,

was within the labour laws of

the country, Mr Kwaku Ofori

Asiamah, Minister of Transport,

has told Parliament.

He said the termination of

appointment of persons holding

public offices was governed

by appropriate legislation and

persons holding offices in the

GACL were not exempted from

these legislations.

He added that Section 17 of

the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651)

had made provision for notice of

termination of appointments.

“Mr Speaker, guided by this

Act, the letter that I signed on

the 4th of February, 2022, was

issued without prejudices,” Mr

Asiamah stated on the floor of

Parliament in his response to a

question by Mr Kwame Governs

Agbodza, Member of Parliament

(MP) for Adaklu and Ranking

Member for Roads and Transport

Committee of Parliament.

The MP wanted to know

from the Minister of Transport

what necessitated a letter

dated 04/02/2022 signed by the

Minister to the Board Chairman

of GACL, calling for the

termination of the appointment

of the MD.

On what necessitated the

sacking of the MD, the Minister

maintained that his action was

within the ambit of the labour

laws of the country.

“I don’t think that I have

done anything ultra vires per

the laws of Labour Act and

Company’s Law”.

Mr Asiamah said that under

the labour laws, the employer

was not bound to give reasons

for the appointment of a person

or for the termination of a

person’s appointment.

Mr Haruna Iddrisu, the

Minority Leader, said the

circumstances leading to the

termination of the appointment

of the Managing Director of the

Ghana Airport Company was in

relation to some developments

at the Kotoka International

Airport between McDan Aviation

and the Ghana Airport Company,

and Mr Kwakwa insisting on

right thing being done.

“Does the Minister hold the

view that the Chief Executive

was dismissed as a victim of

political victimization?” Mr

Iddrisu asked.

In response, Mr Asiamah

said: “Mr Speaker, my good

friend, the Minority Leader

made the assertion that the

former MD suffered a political

victimization. Mr Speaker, I

reject it entirely.”

Mr Daniel Agbesi

Latsu, the

Kadjebi District

Director of

the National

Commission for Civic Education

(NCCE), has stressed the need

for Ghanaians to take civic

education seriously.

He said civic education

helped create an informed and

responsible citizenry that played

a pivotal role in enhancing

democratic governance.

Mr Latsu said citizens

needed skills and confidence

to voice their concerns to hold

public officials accountable and

responsible and responsive to

their needs.

He made these remarks at

a Civic Education programme

organised for students of Christ,

the Prince of Peace School at

Kadjebi in the Oti Region.

According to him, civic

education involved inculcating

in a person the ideals, principles,

practices, habits, skills, opinions,

attachments, tasks, values,

and virtues necessary for the

preservation and flourishing

of any society or a system of


The NCCE District Director

said there were three main

outcomes of any civic education

enterprise in support of

democratic governance

and named them as civic

knowledge, civic skills, and civic


He said civic education, be it

formal or informal, needed these

three products to thrive.

Mr Latsu also called on

the students to help educate

Ghanaians on the values,

principles, and objectives of the

1992 Constitution.

He said the Constitution

defined the structure, functions,

and the behaviours of all actors

in corporate Ghana.

Mr Latsu said this was

why every person living in

Ghana should understand and

be knowledgeable about the

provisions in the Constitution.

He underscored the need

of studying the Constitution,

saying understanding of the

Constitution enabled citizens

to know the rules, demands

and ethics of Democratic Party


The District Director said

adequate knowledge on the

Constitution would also enable

the electorate to participate fully

in the processes involved in the

governance of the country at all


Mr George Darko, a Social

Studies Teacher, thanked the

NCCE educational team for the

programme and called for more

of such engagement.

Page 8


DAILY ANALYST Wednesday, 6th April, 2022

As part of activities

geared towards the

celebration of this

year’s World Malaria

Day, which will be

marked on Monday, April 25, Global

Pharmaceutical company, Bliss

GVS Pharma Ghana has extended

its donation of antimalarial drugs

to the Tamale Teaching Hospital.

The company over the weekend,

donated drugs worth GHC

30,000 to the hospital to help in

the fight against malaria.

Presenting the medicines on

behalf of the company, Medical

Representative for Bliss GVS Pharma

Ghana in Tamale, Mr. Seidu

Ibrahim Mumuni, reiterated the

company’s commitment in the

fight against malaria.

“Malaria has been crippling us

as a country and also in Africa so

we have been leading the initiative

to provide certain antimalarial

drugs particularly LONART

to combat and eradicate malaria

from Ghana and Africa at large”,

he said.

Mr. Ibrahim Mumuni further

explained that the donation is

also aimed at creating awareness

and empowering healthcare

providers to be able to reduce the

malaria burden in Ghana and


He said Bliss GVS Pharma Ghana,

will continue the donations

in some selected regions in the

country as it had already begun

and added that the team will also

engage in community health

talks, to educate people on personal

hygiene and other preventive

measures against malaria.

“We are doing these donations

across the nation. Last week we

did the first donation at the Koforidua

Regional Hospital and we

are here at the Tamale Teaching

Hospital. We will be going to other

parts of the country to do similar

donations. It is our hope that

these donations will go a long way

to help the needy access healthcare.

The ‘Act for Africa’ campaign

is not only about donations.

We also include educating the

communities around us to create

health awareness”, Mr. Ibrahim

Tamale Teaching Hospital

Mumuni said.

Receiving the medicines on

behalf of the hospital, Dr. Adam

Atiku, of the Tamale Teaching

Hospital, appreciated the gesture

and commended Bliss GVS Pharma

Ghana for its instrumental

role in the health sector.

He indicated that malaria is

the leading cause of admissions

at the children’s ward and leading

cause of attendance at the hospital’s

poly clinic.

“The fight against malaria is

still very important to us and donations

such as these will help us.

People from the hinterlands come

here for malaria treatment but do

not have the resources to buy the

basic antimalarial drugs so donations

such as these will help us to

support them”, he said.

Dr. Atiku said the drugs will

also be used to treat children

who have malaria to reduce the

increasing mortality rates caused

by malaria.

Also expressing appreciation

for the donation, Director of Pharmacy

for the Tamale Teaching

Hospital, Dr. Salifu Alhassan Tiah,

disclosed that Malaria is among

the top ten leading causes of

deaths in the hospital and so such

donations would go a long way to

help the fight against the disease.

“I believe that this is not going

to be the end of it, we will expect

that we will keep this relationship

into the future so that together we

can all combat this monster called

Treat eye cancer in children through

early detection – Prof. Essuman

Professor Vera Adobea

Essuman, Eye Specialist

at the Korle Bu Teaching

Hospital is advocating

for prompt referral of

abnormal eye conditions to help

reduce the rate of children who

die of eye cancer (retinoblastoma)

in the country.

She said early detection of

the disease could save the lives

of children who die needlessly

because their parents failed

to send them to hospital early

enough for treatment.

Retinoblastoma is the

commonest eye cancer in children

for the first five years which

arises from the retina and causes

blindness and without treatment

could lead to death.

According to Prof. Essuman,

the survival rate of children with

that condition was low because

most parents sought medical

attention at later stages when

nothing could be done to save the

eye and sometimes the lives of

such children.

She was speaking at a training

programme for some community

health nurses and midwives in

Kumasi on early detection of

retinoblastoma and other eye

conditions in children as part of

a project aimed at prevention,

protection and treatment of eye

cancer in children.

Dubbed, “National Eye

Screening Project”, it sought to

equip the nurses and midwives

at the community level to detect

and refer eye conditions for early

treatment with the overall goal of

preventing eye cancer in children.

As part of the project, all

beneficiary nurses and midwives

would be provided with a device

known as arclight to examine the

eyes of children at their facilities

and refer those with abnormal


The project, which was

targeting about 500 nurses and

midwives across the country

was being funded by Rotary

International through the Rotary

Club of Detmold-Blomberg and

Rotary Club of Accra- La East.

It was a collaboration between

the Ghana Health Service (GHS),

University of Ghana Medical

School, World Health Organisation

(WHO) and World Child Cancer


Prof. Essuman said eye cancer

in children apart from causing

blindness could also kill the child

if not detected early.

She said in developed

countries, hardly would three

out of 100 children with

retinoblastoma die, but in the

case of developing countries, the

survival rate was very low.

She disclosed that a recent

national survey to look at the

situation in Ghana revealed

that 60 cases averagely among

newborns across the country were

detected annually.

Most cases, she noted, were

often presented late such that by

the time they got to the hospital,

the eyes were in a state that could

not be saved.

“Sometimes it goes beyond the

eyes to the extent that you cannot

save the lives of the children,” she


Ṡhe urged parents to send

children to the hospital as soon

as they detect any abnormality

in the eyes of their children,

especially those under five years,

adding that all eye conditions

were treatable as long as they are

detected early.

malaria”, he said.

Health Talk

Bliss GVS Pharma Ghana also

continued its visit to the Nurses

and Midwives Training College in

Tamale, where the company donated

antimalarial drugs and other

medicines worth GHC 8,000.

After the donation, Medical

Representative for Bliss GVS Pharma

Ghana in Tamale, Mr. Seidu

Ibrahim Mumuni advised the students

to visit the hospital and get

tested for malaria whenever they

show symptoms of malaria.

He discouraged them from

Mr Emmanuel




Ghana Tourism

Federation (GHATOF) is optimistic

Ghana will generate huge revenue

from Agenda 111 through medical

tourism to support the economy.

He said “if the Agenda 111

is achieved, it will increase the

number of health facilities in the

country, and this will give the

tourism sector the opportunity to

promote medical tourism which

is a phenomenon that recently

has generated huge revenues

for countries that are taking

advantage of it.”

Mr Frimpong, reacting to

the State of the Nations Address

delivered by President Nana Addo

Dankwa Akufo-Addo, noted that

no country in the West African

Sub Region had taken advantage

of medical tourism and so Ghana

could set the pace through the

Agenda 111.

Agenda 111 is a project by the

government involving designing,

procurement, construction,

equipping and commissioning

of 101 district hospitals, seven

regional hospitals, two psychiatric

hospitals and the redevelopment

of the Accra Psychiatric Hospital.

He said the construction of

Creative Arts Senior High School,

at Kwadaso, if done properly,

should be able to impact on the

sector positively, saying “we

cannot have a tourism sector that

is buzzing and growing without

the Creative Arts.

self-medicating and described the

act as very dangerous.

For her part, Madam Angakumpo

Dorithy Talata, Staff

Secretary Nurses and Midwives

Training College also educated

the students on personal hygiene

and advised them to bathe at least

twice a day, drink more water and

eat healthy to keep their immune

systems strong always.

She also called for future

collaborations between the school

and Bliss GVS Pharma Ghana

towards the common goal of eradicating


Medical Tourism to

generate revenue for

Agenda 111 – GHATOF

Mr Frimpong said the Creative

Arts was central to tourism

and played an integral role in

everything done within the sector

and cited the success of the “Year

of Return.”

“If the school is completed

it will help train interested

students who will come out as

professionals to support the

sector. It will also help create

jobs and generate revenue for the


He said the upgrading

and equipping of the TVET

institutions was also another

laudable initiative by the

government to help meet the

skill needs of the tourism and

hospitality sector.

“One major challenge of the

tourism and hospitality sector

is having the right people at the

right places. And in this sector

most people begin from the

scratch, very much unscaled and

unfortunately there is no clear

pathway to career development.

So, if these institutions are

equipped, we will be able to churn

out skilled personnel who will

help the sector.”

“We need to believe in Ghana

and be inspired by Ghana. We

all have a role to play, and no

individual person can help the

country bounce back. So as a

sector, a federation and private

sector, we have confidence in the

country and believe that if we do

the right thing, we will be able to

come out stronger than before,”

he said.


Wednesday, 6th April, 2022 Page 9


The story of a famous drug lord

Pablo Escobar was born

in 1949. The son of a

teacher and a peasant;

his life of crime

began early. While

he was still in school he stole

tombstones and sold them to

smugglers from Panama.

In the early 1970s, he entered

the cocaine trade. His

ambition and ruthlessness in

the cocaine trade would make

him one of the wealthiest, most

powerful, and most violent

criminals of all time.

Under his leadership, large

amounts of coca paste were

purchased in Bolivia and Peru,

processed, and sent to the United

States. Escobar collaborated

with five or six other illegal

entrepreneurs from the Medellin

area, forming the infamous

Medellin Cartel.

He eventually controlled

over 80% of the cocaine shipped

to the U.S. He was named one

of the ten richest people on

earth by Fortune and Forbes

magazines. But his rise to

infamy cost the lives of three

Colombian presidential candidates,

an attorney general, a

justice minister, more than 200

judges, dozens of journalists,

and over 1,000 police officers.

Escobar’s ruthlessness was


His rise was opposed by

many honest politicians, judges,

and policemen, who did not

like the growing influence of

this street thug.

Escobar had a way of dealing

with his enemies: he called

it “plata o plomo,” literally,

silver or lead.

Usually, if a politician,

judge, or policeman got in his

way, he would first attempt to

bribe them, and if that didn’t

work, he would order them

killed, occasionally including

their family in the hit. The

exact number of honest men

and women killed by Escobar is

unknown, but it definitely goes

well into the hundreds and perhaps

into the thousands.

Even being important or

high-profile did not protect you

from Escobar if he wanted you

out of the way.

He ordered the assassination

of presidential candidates

and was even rumoured to be

behind the 1985 attack on the

Supreme Court, carried out

by April 19, an insurrectionist

movement in which several

Supreme Court Justices were


On November 27, 1989, Escobar’s

Medellín cartel planted

a bomb on Avianca flight 203,

killing 110 people. The target, a

presidential candidate, was not

actually on board. In addition

to these high-profile assassinations,

Escobar and his organisation

were responsible for

the deaths of countless magistrates,

journalists, policemen

and even criminals inside his

own organisation.

By the mid- 1980s, Pablo

Escobar was one of the most

powerful men in the world.

Forbes magazine listed him as

the seventh-richest man on the


His empire included an

army of soldiers and criminals,

a private zoo, mansions, and

apartments all over Colombia,

private airstrips and planes for

drug transport, and personal

wealth reported to be in the

neighborhood of $24 billion. He

could order the murder of anyone,

anywhere, any time.

In 1991, due to increasing

pressure to extradite Escobar,

the Colombian government and

Escobar’s lawyers came up with

an interesting arrangement:

Escobar would turn himself in

and serve a five-year jail term.

In return, he would build

his own prison and would not

be extradited to the United

States or anywhere else. The

prison, La Catedral, was an

elegant fortress that featured

a Jacuzzi, a waterfall, a full bar,

and a soccer field. In addition,

Escobar had negotiated the

right to select his own 'guards'.

He ran his empire from inside

La Catedral, giving orders

by telephone. There were no

other prisoners in La Catedral.

Today, La Catedral is in ruins,

hacked to pieces by treasure

hunters looking for hidden

Escobar loot.

Everyone knew that Escobar

was still running his operation

from La Catedral, but in July

1992, it came out that he had

ordered some disloyal underlings

brought to his “prison,”

where they were tortured and


This was too much for even

the Colombian government,

and plans were made to transfer

him to a normal prison.

Fearing he could be extradited,

Escobar escaped and went into


A massive manhunt was

organised, with help from the

United States Government.

By late 1992, there were two

organisations searching for

him: the Search Bloc, a special,

US-trained Colombian task

force, and 'Los Pepes,' a shadowy

organisation of Escobar’s

enemies, made up of family

members of his victims and

financed by Escobar’s main

business rival, the Cali Cartel.

On December 2, 1993,

Colombian security forces

using US technology located

Escobar hiding in a home in a

middle-class section of Medellín.

The Search Bloc moved

in, triangulating his position,

and attempted to bring him

into custody. Escobar fought

back, however, and there was a


He was eventually gunned

down as he attempted to

escape on the rooftop. He had

been shot in the torso and

leg, but a serious wound was

found in his ear, leading many

to believe that he committed

suicide, and many others to believe

that one of the Colombian

policemen had executed him.

With Escobar gone, the

Medellín Cartel quickly lost

power to its ruthless rival, the

Cali Cartel, which remained

dominant until the Colombian

government shut it down in

the mid-1990s.

Escobar is still remembered

by the poor of Medellín as a


He has been the subject

of numerous books, movies,

and websites, and fascination

continues with this master

criminal, who once ruled one of

the greatest crime empires in


By Anthony Obeng Afrane

Why Africa is poor in the midst of plenty?

When it comes

to the endowment

of natural

resources, nature

was not stingy with Africa.

We have oil, diamonds, gold,

uranium, copper, platinum,

timber, bauxite and numerous

other resources far too many to


For example the proposed

Grand Inga Dam over River

Congo in DR Congo has the potential

to produce 40,000 MW

of electricity that can power

the whole of Africa. The project

which is estimated to cost

$100 billion, and if completed

would be the world's largest

hydroelectric plant is more

than twice the power generation

of the Three Gorges Dam

in China.

In spite of all these wealth

and resources, Africa is wallowing

in abject poverty, and

as much as I agree that some

of the causes of this unfortunate

situation is the making of

Africans themselves through

corruption and other vices,

much of the blame must be

put at the doorsteps of some

western countries, and I will


Apart from the Slave Trade

and Colonization, the relationship

between the west and

Africa has been primarily one

of exploitation. International

trading agreements with Africa

have been unfair to African

countries. These agreements

have been overly influenced

by western big businesses.

Such unfair agreements and

relationships have allowed

individual African officials to

get rich while the region sells

itself cheaply and develops no

infrastructure. The global market

also sets a price on most

of Africa’s exports and so the

higher production cost cannot

be recouped.

One will ask why the West

is interested in doing this to

Africa; there is a saying that

the fight for survival justify

swindle and theft because in

self defense, anything goes.

And it is believed that the

West is doing all those things

because they will collapse if

Africa develops since most

Western countries do not have

natural resources and depend

on raw materials from Africa

for survival.

It is believed that it is for

these reasons why the West

has an interest in African

countries trying hard to develop.

For instance declassified

CIA documents provide compelling

evidence that the US

government had a hand in the

overthrow of President Kwame

Nkrumah in 1966.

According to the documents,

on March 11, 1965,

almost a year before the coup,

William P. Mahoney, the U.S.

ambassador to Ghana, participated

in a candid discussion

in Washington, D.C., with CIA

Director John A. McCone and

the deputy chief of the CIA's

Africa division.

According to the record of

their meeting (Document 251),

topic one was the "Coup d'etat

plot, Ghana." Mahoney was

satisfied that popular opinion

was running strongly against

Nkrumah and the economy of

the country was in a precarious

state, and was convinced that

the coup d'etat, being planned

by Acting Police Commissioner

Harlley and Generals Otu and

Ankrah, would take place.

By Anthony Obeng Afrane

Page 10

The World Bank on

Monday, April 4,

2022, released GH¢42

million through the

Ghana Productive

Safety Net Project 2 (GPSNP 2),

to support the Government of

Ghana (GoG) to pay two cycles of

arrears—75th and 76th cycles—of

the Livelihood Empowerment

Against Poverty (LEAP) for

344,000 beneficiary households.


DAILY ANALYST Wednesday, 6th April, 2022

World Bank supports Ghana with GH¢42M

The ongoing global economic

challenges, which have been

worsened by the COVID-19

pandemic, have increased the

economic strain domestically,

leading to progressive delays in

LEAP payments. This has in turn

impacted LEAP beneficiaries,

notably the poor and vulnerable,

who naturally suffer the most in


“We are happy to support in

the interest of beneficiaries to

assist the government [of Ghana]

with the LEAP payments to avoid

eroding gains made over the

years and safeguard beneficiary

households’ wellbeing and

their resilience to shocks. These

payments will be completed in

April 2022 and will help cushion

GoG in the interim as efforts are

made to identify and provide

sustainable, and reliable funding

for the LEAP program and social

protection interventions, in

general,” said Pierre Laporte,

World Bank Country Director for

Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

The LEAP program is one

of the Government of Ghana’s

flagship social protection

programs, initiated in 2008.

The program seeks to

smoothen consumption

of targeted extreme poor

households, specifically focusing

on the poor within the following

categories: orphans and

vulnerable children, the elderly

(65 years and above) severely

disabled, and pregnant women

or mothers with children under

one year.

The program also aims to

increase access to basic social

services like healthcare through

the enrolment on the National

Health Insurance Scheme, as

well as boost human capital

by encouraging beneficiary

households to enroll their

school-going aged children in


Per the GPSNP 2 program

design, beneficiary households

receive cash grants through

electronic payments every two

months. The cash benefit sizes

differ, depending on how many

persons in the household are

considered eligible to receive the


The benefit ranges from

GH¢32 to GH¢53 per eligible

beneficiary, per month. Over the

years, the Government of Ghana

has progressively increased the

program’s beneficiary reach from

1,645 beneficiary households in a

few districts at initiation in 2008,

to a current reach of 344,023

beneficiary households in all

districts across the country.

Additionally, Government has

demonstrated its commitment

to the program’s implementation

by progressively increasing its

contribution to the program. It is

currently funding approximately

80 percent of the total funding of

the program, with development

partners’ support comprising the

remaining 20 percent.

Particularly within global

economic downturns, such as

the current one on the back of

the COVID-19 pandemic, it will

be important for the Government

to identify ring-fenced funding

to ensure regular payments of

social welfare programs. The

World Bank remains committed

to working with the Government

of Ghana, through both technical

and financial support, in its

agenda to support the poor

and vulnerable populations,

through needed social assistance


The European


for International

Partnerships, Ms.

Jutta Urpilainen, and

the Minister of Finance, Mr Ken

Ofori-Atta, officially launched

the Multiannual Indicative

Programme for Ghana for 2021-

2027 on Thursday, March 31, 2022.

The ceremony took place

during the Commissioner’s visit

to Ghana on 30 and 31 March.

A representative from

the Ministry of Agriculture,

Ambassadors of the EU Member

States and Switzerland, and the

Regional Director of the EIB was

also in attendance.

This new programming

falls under the EU’s new Global

Europe financing instrument

and will provide €203 million for

the period of 2021-24 to support

the following three priorities:

– Green growth for jobs;

– Smart and sustainable


– Good governance and


These priorities, she said,

were jointly determined with

Team Europe partners and

in close consultation with

Ghanaian authorities, civil

society, and other relevant


“Ghana is a strategic partner

for the EU in West Africa, as

an economic powerhouse and

an anchor of stability in the

region. The EU sees concrete

opportunities to deepen our

partnership by working together

on Ghana’s green and digital

transition, security situation,

and at the multilateral level by

promoting our common values,”

said Commissioner Urpilainen.”

“The EU Global Gateway

strategy will serve as one of the

frameworks for our partnership

with Ghana, with the aim to

boost smart, clean, and secure

connections and to provide the

quality investment needed in

Africa,” she added.

European Union, Ghana launch

€203M joint programme


The Multiannual Indicative

Programme takes the form

of Joint Programming for

Ghana 2021-2027. This has

been developed with Team

Europe partners, namely the

Czech Republic, Denmark,

France, Germany, Hungary, the

Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland,

and the European Investment


The document has been

prepared in close consultation

with Ghanaian authorities, civil

society organisations, including

women and youth organisations,

local authorities, private sector

representatives, the UN, and

other partners.

The strategic goal of the

Joint Programming in Ghana

is to support Ghana’s economic

transformation agenda,

boost strategic sustainable

investments, decent job creation,

and private sector development.

The EU Partners jointly

commit to support the following

priority areas: Green growth

for jobs, smart and sustainable

cities and good governance and


For its part, the EU will

provide funding amounting

to €203 million for the period

2021-24 to reinforce the

EU-Ghana partnership and

advance common interests. The

allocation for 2024-2027 will be

determined following a review

by the EU.

The Global Gateway is the

new EU strategy to boost smart,

clean, and secure links in digital,

energy, and transport, and

strengthen health, education,

and research systems across

the world. It aims to promote

sustainable and trusted

connections that work for people

and the planet, to tackle the

most pressing global challenges,

from climate change and

protecting the environment,

to improving health security

and boosting competitiveness

and global supply chains.

Global Gateway aims to

mobilise up to €300 billion in

investments between 2021 and

2027 to support a lasting global

recovery, taking into account

partners needs and the EU’s own


The strategic goal of the

Joint Programming in Ghana

is to support Ghana’s economic

transformation agenda,

boost strategic sustainable

investments, decent job creation,

and private sector development.

The EU Partners jointly

commit to support the following

priority areas: Green growth

for jobs, smart and sustainable

cities and good governance and


For its part, the EU will

provide funding amounting

to €203 million for the period

2021-24 to reinforce the

EU-Ghana partnership and

advance common interests. The

allocation for 2024-2027 will be

determined following a review

by the EU.

The Global Gateway is the

new EU strategy to boost smart,

clean, and secure links in digital,

energy, and transport, and

strengthen health, education,

and research systems across

the world. It aims to promote

sustainable and trusted

connections that work for people

and the planet, to tackle the

most pressing global challenges,

from climate change and

protecting the environment,

to improving health security

and boosting competitiveness

and global supply chains.

Global Gateway aims to

mobilise up to €300 billion in

investments between 2021 and

2027 to support a lasting global

recovery, taking into account

partners needs and the EU’s own


The EU is already active

in some above-mentioned

priorities, through the following

ongoing projects:

– European Union

Agriculture Programme in

Ghana (EU-GAP): In partnership

with the Ministry of Finance

and under the guidance of the

Ministry of Food and Agriculture,

the EU supports EUR 132 million

to the agriculture sector in the

Upper West, Savannah, and

North East Regions. EU-GAP

aims to increase agricultural

productivity, protect natural

resources, and improve access

to markets, infrastructure, and

capital for smallholder farmers.

– EU support to Kumasi

Metropolitan Assembly

(KMA): Through the Holistic

Reinforcement for Sustainable

Development (HORESD) project,

the EU has provided a grant of

EUR 2.5million to the KMA to

help manage solid waste and

improve service delivery in the

metropolis. The project also

includes the establishment of a


Entrepreneurship School,

to support entrepreneurs in

Kumasi in developing green

jobs and finding new ways of

converting waste to energy.

– EIB support to Kpong Dam:

Co-funded by the European

Investment Bank (EUR 12.5

million) and the French

Development Agency (AFD,

EUR 50 million), the Kpong

Dam facilities were restored

and upgraded in 2019 to reduce

the risk of mechanical failures.

Kpong was opened in 1982 and is

the second-largest hydroelectric

dam built in Ghana, which

provides about 12% of the

country’s electricity production.


Wednesday, 6th April, 2022 Page 11


Mbappe: If I had

decided my PSG

future, I would

have said so!

After being involved

in five goals against

Lorient on Sunday,

Paris Saint-Germain


Kylian Mbappe has insisted his

mind is not made up regarding

his future at the club.

While it was widely assumed

he would leave this

summer for Real Madrid after

pushing for a move last year,

he's now assured PSG fans that

they may yet be able to watch

him beyond 2022.

Mbappe said he would

announce his final decision

publicly when he is ready to

do so.

What has been said?

"If I had made my decision,

I would have said so," Mbappe

told Amazon Prime. "I don't

have to answer to anyone. If I

had made the decision, I would

have taken responsibility. The

good and the bad things, I have

always assumed them by the


"I don't have to hide, I

didn't kill anyone. I just want

to make the best decision I can.

"I'm still thinking about it.

Because there are new elements,

new parameters. I want

to make the right choice. I

know that for people, it takes a

little while."

Later, he added to reporters:

"Is staying at PSG is possible?

Yes of course."

The bigger picture

It's been a difficult year for

everyone at PSG, as rumours

of Mbappe's departure have

loomed amid a campaign in

which the club are already out

of the Champions League.

The arrival of Lionel Messi

has not had the immediate

impact many at the club had

hoped, although Sunday's 5-1

victory over Lorient provided a

look at the squad's capabilities

when Mbappe, Messi and Neymar

on the top of their games.

Because of PSG's struggles,

further doubt about Mbappe's

willingness to remain with the

team has emerged.

However, he enters the final

stretch of the season still not

ready to declare his time in

France over.

Good news for Ghana as

Hudson-Odoi acquires

Ghanaian passport

Ghana's hope of

having Chelsea star

Callum Hudson-Odoi

represent the country

could become a reality

after the player completed the

processes to acquire a Ghanaian

passport recently.

The UEFA Champions

League winner is reported to

have completed the process of

acquiring his Ghanaian passport

which is an important step in

switching nationalities.

According to the reports,

Hudson-Odoi finalized the

process during his last visit to

Ghana in February.

Sports Journalist Saddick

Adams who broke the news

stated that the former Board

Chairman of the National

Sports Authority, Kwadwo Baah

Agyeman confirmed to him

that Callum Hudson-Odoi was

assisted to complete processes

to acquire his Ghanaian passport

during his last visit to the


Despite playing for England’s

national team on three

occasions, Hudson-Odoi is still

eligible to play for the Black

Alban Bagbin about

Kwesi Nyantakyi

The Speaker of Parliament,

Alban Bagbin

has revealed that FIFA

Executives spoke highly

of Kwesi Nyantakyi’s

qualities and lamented his ban

from football activities.

Kwesi Nyantakyi, the former

Ghana Football Association president

was banned for life in 2018

by the FIFA’s Ethics Committee

following an Anas Aremeyaw

Anas documentary into football


Speaking on football-related

matters in Parliament, Alban

Bagbin stated that some FIFA Executives

questioned him on why

Kwesi Nyantakyi was exposed in

such a manner.

Bagbin said, “When I met

the Executives of FIFA and said

I was the Speaker of Parliament

of Ghana, they said what happened?

Why did you people do


“He was a dynamic addition.

The value that he carried at their

meetings. He was highly respected,

he was very influential

and Ghana football was up there.

We thought we were handling

Nyantakyi but we didn’t know

we were handling the whole of


According to Bagbin, Senegal

Stars per the new FIFA rules on

players switching nationalities.

Hudson-Odoi would be

eligible to play for the Black Stars

if he does not honour any Three

Lions call-up by November 2022

when he would be free to switch

nationalities to another country.

The 21-year-old attacker has

represented England at all youth

levels, from U16 to U21, and made

was able to achieve its recent

feat in Africa as a result of the

FIFA General Secretary, Fatma

Samoura who is a Senegalese.

“Senegal is up there because

the Secretary-General of FIFA

is a beautiful young lady from

his first senior international

appearance in 2019.

The Chelsea star has been

tight-lipped over his decision

to either represent Ghana or

England in the future.

Ghana would play at the 2022

World Cup in Qatar where they

have been placed in Group H

alongside Portugal, Uruguay, and

Korean Republic

there who is doing very well.

Please leaders do not stand alone,

they stand for something that is

symbolic to the country. Criticise

us but don’t break their hands or

legs,” he stated.

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