Friday, 8th April, 2022

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DAILY ANALYST Friday, 8th April, 2022

Global News

Shanghai: Residents

'running out of food'

in Covid lockdown

Some residents under

lockdown in Shanghai

say they are running

out of food, amid the

city's biggest-ever Covid


Residents are confined to

their homes, banned from leaving

for even essential reasons

such as grocery shopping.

Nearly 20,000 cases were

reported on Thursday in China's

biggest city - another near-record


Officials have admitted the

city is facing "difficulties" but say

they are trying to improve this.

But public anger is also being

stoked by other drastic measures

- such as the removal of children

from their parents if they test


Shanghai officials later responded

by allowing parents who

were also infected to accompany

their children to isolation


However, according to a

The trial in Turkey of 26

Saudi nationals accused

over the notorious murder

of dissident Jamal

Khashoggi in Istanbul

in 2018 has been halted.

A judge said the case would

now be handed over to Saudi

Arabia, which had refused to

extradite the suspects.

Khashoggi's fiancee, Hatice

Cengiz, said she would fight on.

The Washington Post journalist

was killed inside the Saudi

consulate after being lured there.

His murder by Saudi agents

sparked worldwide outrage.

A Saudi court convicted eight

unnamed people over the murder

in 2019.

Thursday's ruling comes after

Turkey's justice minister agreed

to a prosecutor's request to stop

the trial on the grounds that it

was impeded by the absence of

the defendants. The prosecutor

Reuters report, there are still

complaints over children separated

from parents who were not


The city began another

round of mandatory mass testing

on Wednesday to identify

and isolate every case.

Shanghai residents who test

positive can't isolate in their

homes even if their conditions

are mild or asymptomatic.

They have to go to mandatory

quarantine facilities, which

critics say have become crowded

and have sub-par conditions.

Why is there a food shortage?

When Omicron first emerged

in Shanghai a month ago, the

city quarantined only certain

compounds. Then as the virus

spread officials last week implemented

a staggered lockdown

where the city was split into

two and each half had separate


On Monday the lockdown

was extended indefinitely to

cover the entire city of 25 million


Strict rules mean most people

have to order in food and water

and wait for government dropoffs

of vegetables, meat and eggs.

But the lockdown extension

has overwhelmed delivery services,

grocery shop websites and

even the distribution of government


Many delivery personnel

are also in locked-down areas,

leading to an overall decrease in

delivery capacity.

Locals in some areas of the

city say they've been completely

cut off.

"Please solve the problem of

insufficient delivery capacity as

soon as possible," one user wrote

on social media site Weibo in

response to city officials' video


Another person wrote that it

was the "first time in my life that

I have gone hungry".

Khashoggi: Anger as Turkish

court halts murder trial

said Saudi judicial authorities

had promised to evaluate the

accusations against them.

The move however has been

lambasted as a whitewash by

human rights campaigners.

Amnesty International's Turkey

official Milena Buyum said

it was an "appalling and clearly

political decision".

Outside the court, Ms Cengiz,

Khashoggi's fiancee, told journalists

she would appeal, AFP news

agency reported.

The development comes as

Turkey seeks to repair its relations

with Saudi Arabia.

Ties between the two regional

powers deteriorated significantly

following the murder and led

to an unofficial Saudi boycott of

Turkish exports.

Jamal Khashoggi, a critic of

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed

bin Salman, was last seen

entering the Saudi consulate in

Jamal Khashoggi was murdered by a team

of Saudi agents in Istanbul in 2018

Istanbul on 2 October 2018, where

he had gone to get papers needed

to marry his fiancee.

Then-UN special rapporteur

Agnes Callamard concluded that

he was "brutally slain" inside the

building by a 15-strong team of

Saudi agents sent from Riyadh,

and that his body was dismembered.

She made that judgement

after listening to purported audio

recordings of conversations inside

the consulate made by Turkish


Turkish President Recep Tayyip

Erdogan alleged that Khashoggi

was "killed in cold blood by a

death squad" sent from Riyadh,

and said it had "been established

that his murder was premeditated".

US intelligence agencies

concluded that the crown prince,

Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler, had

approved an operation to capture

or kill Khashoggi.

The prince denied playing any

role and Saudi prosecutors blamed

"rogue" agents.

A year after the killing, a Saudi

court found five people guilty

of directly participating in the

killing and handed them death

sentences that were later commuted

to 20-year prison terms,

while three others were jailed for

seven to 10 years for covering up

the crime.

Turkey rejected the outcome

as "scandalous" and for almost

two years a court in Istanbul had

been trying 26 Saudi officials

in absentia on charges of premeditated

murder or destroying


The government has been under pressure to quickly

deliver food supplies to residents

Residents have also raised

other concerns about price

gouging, and how elderly or less

tech-savvy residents are surviving

Ċity officials acknowledged

the food struggles on Wednesday,

saying Shanghai had enough

supplies of rice, noodles, grain, oil

and meat but there were delays

in distributing them.

"It is true there are some difficulties

in ensuring the supply

of daily necessities," said Liu

Min, the deputy director of the

Shanghai Municipal Commission

of Commerce.

On Thursday, Shanghai's vice

mayor added the city would try to

re-open some wholesale markets

and food stores, and allow more

delivery personnel out of lockeddown


US Speaker of the

House Nancy Pelosi

has tested positive

for Covid-19, making

her the most senior

member of Congress so far to

report an infection.

The leading Democrat is asymptomatic,

her spokesman said

on Thursday.

Mrs Pelosi, 82, was seen

hugging former President Barack

Obama during his visit to the

White House on Tuesday and

standing close to President Joe


According to the latest US

guidelines, quarantine is not

required after Covid-19 exposure

for those vaccinated.

Both Mr Biden and Mr Obama

have been vaccinated.

"The Speaker is fully vaccinated

and boosted, and is thankful

for the robust protection the vaccine

has provided," Mrs Pelosi's

spokesman Drew Hammill wrote

"We have been holding meetings

overnight to try and figure

out solutions," said Chen Tong.

China is one of the last remaining

nations still committed

to eradicating Covid, in contrast

to most of the world which is

trying to live with the virus in its

Omicron variation.

The country has successfully

enacted full lockdowns before -

endured by millions of people in

cities including Xi'an and Wuhan

- but Shanghai is its biggest city

and the case spread this time

is much higher than previous


As one of the economic powerhouses

of China, Shanghai's

shutdown is also fuelling concerns

about the impact to China

and the world's economy.

Mrs Pelosi was seen in close quarters with a number of

high-profile Democrats, including President Joe Biden

US Speaker of the

House Nancy Pelosi

tests positive for Covid

on Twitter.

"The Speaker will quarantine

consistent with CDC guidance,

and encourages everyone to get

vaccinated, boosted and test


The news of Mrs Pelosi's diagnosis

comes as the US approaches

1 million Covid-19 related deaths

since the start of the pandemic.

After a steep spike in infections

in December - fuelled by the

highly contagious Omicron variant

- Covid-19 cases and hospital

admissions have fallen precipitously

since mid-January.

But breakthrough infections

have hit a number of high-powered

Washington residents in

recent days, with vaccinated

leaders including Attorney General

Merrick Garland, Commerce

Secretary Gina Raimondo and

US Congressman Adam Schiff

announcing they had tested



Friday, 8th April, 2022 Page 3

Frontpage Stories

The Supreme Court has

granted New Patriotic

Party (NPP) Bono East

Regional Chairman,

Kwame Baffoe, alias

Abronya DC, permission to serve

a writ on Minority Leader, Haruna

Iddrisu, and 8 other former

John Mahama appointees via

substituted service.

The vociferous NPP Chairman

went to the Supreme Court

last year, invoking its original

jurisdiction for the interpretation

of Article 98 of the 1992


The provision bars Members

of Parliament from holding any

other office of profit or emolument,

be it private or public, and

whether directly or indirectly,

unless with the permission of

Mr./Madam Speaker’s permission;

and on the grounds that

the conflict of interest concerns

are not triggered and that the

Former 2nd Lady

Hajia Ramatu

Mahama passes on

Former second lady of

Ghana, Hajia Ramatu

Aliu Mahama(neè Egala)

has passed on.

She died at the Korlebu

Teaching Hospital earlier

this afternoon, Thursday, April 7.

Hajia Ramatu Aliu Mahama

was 70.

Hajia Ramatu Aliu Mahama,

was the wife of the late Vice

President of Ghana Alhaji Aliu


"It is with deep sorrow, I

announce the passing of my

beloved mom, the former Second

Lady of the Republic, Hajia Ramatu

Aliu Mahama(neè Egala).

She passed on peaceful in Accra

at the Korlebu Teaching Hospital

earlier this afternoon," Farouk

Aliu Mahama, MP for Yendi constituency

said in a statement.

The late Hajia Ramatu Aliu Mahama

"The family has lost a great

pillar. Burial and funeral rites

would be conducted in accordance

with Islamic traditions.

Further information will be provided

in due course," he added.

Hajia Ramatu Mahama was

the daughter of the late Imoro

Egala, a Minister for Trade and

Industry and first black Chairman

of COCOBOD, in the first

Republic and a long-standing political

stalwart in Ghana through

to the third Republic; doubling

as a founder of the PNP now PNC.

The late Hajia Ramatu Mahama

left behind four children,

namely; Salma Mahama, Farouk

Mahama, MP for Yendi, Fayad

Mahama, and Halim Mahama.

The late Hajia Ramatu Mahama,

would have turned 71 on

October 15, 2022.

Serve ‘double-salaried’ MPs

with writ via substituted service

– Supreme Court orders

MP’s core responsibilities are

not prejudiced.

Consequently, and on the

strength of Article 78(3) of the

Constitution, Abronya DC wants

the Supreme Court to direct or

compel the former Ministers/

Deputy Ministers within the

Mills-Mahama Administrations,

who were also elected Members

of Parliament between 2009 and

2016, to pay back to the Republic,

all double salaries received

within the period.

Article 78(3), in the spirit of

article 98, also bars Ministers

of State from holding any other

office of profit or emolument.

The 12 defendants in the

case are Minority Leader and

former Trade and Industry Min-

All set for COA FS boss’

lecture on Peace

All is set for the public

lecture on Peace and

Leadership to be delivered

by the Chief

Executive Officer of

COA Herbal Centre, Professor

Samuel Ato Duncan

The respected businessmen

will also use the occasion to

launch a five-year strategic plan.

The lecture, which will be

held at the University of Cape

Coast Auditorium on 10th April

2022 is under the theme, “Targeting

Leadership Across the

Globe to Achieve Global Peace”.

Profile of Professor Samuel


Professor Samuel Ato

Duncan, FCIDA is a native of

Winneba in the Central Region

of Ghana. He was born with

the mark of the crucifix on his

forehead on the 19th of February

1966. This made his parents believe

he would grow to join the


Samuel Ato Duncan had his

secondary school education at

the Takoradi Secondary School

and Ghana National College.

During this period, young Ato

as he was passionately called,

realized that there was potential

in him and that he had something

for this world but could

not determine what it was.

In the year 1987, he had the

scholarship to study medicine

in Russia but later deferred to

study “THE DIVINE LAW” (The

law out of which everything including

nature itself emanated).


He believes that “To every

problem, there is a solution.

Where a problem cannot be

solved, it means the requisite

knowledge out of which the

solution could be drawn has not

yet been acquired”.

He believes that the numerous

problems the world has no

answers to are due to the lack

ister, Haruna Iddrisu, Alhassan

Azong, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, Eric

Opoku, Abdul Rashid Hassan

Pelpuo, Emmanuel Armah Kofi

Buah, Edwin Nii Lantey Vanderpuye,

Mark Owen Woyongo,

Comfort Doyoe Ghanasah, and

Aquinas Tawiah Quansah.

The rests are the Controller

and Accountant General and the

Attorney General.

Lawyer for Abronya DC, Seth

Gyapong Oware, however, told

the single-judge Supreme Court

on Thursday that it has become

next to impossible to serve 9 out

of the 12 defendants in the case

with the writ invoking the original

jurisdiction of the Court,

and the applicant’s Statement of

Claims. He thus urged the Court

of knowledge from which the

solutions could be drawn. E.g.



DISEASES and many chronic

diseases and most importantly,


At the age of 22, young Ato

Duncan, as he was affectionately

called, began a praying and

fasting retreat from 29th July

to 31st July 1988 during which

he requested from God why he

was on Earth. He then realized

himself as a Messenger of God

Almighty in this present generation

with a great task – “PEACE

OF THE WORLD”. He was then

contemplating on how he could

acquire knowledge for this great

and glorious task which was his

passion and sole aim to achieve

in life – “Global Peace”.

He realized that, before

education started, KNOWLEDGE

existed long before creation.

He realized that he needed the

greatest knowledge and power

ever descended for this Great

Mission and that could only be

to allow them to serve the processes

via substituted service.

His Lordship Clemence

Honyenuga, while granting the

application, said “good and substantial

reasons have been urged

for the grant of the application.”

He ordered that copies of the

Writ Invoking the original jurisdiction

of the Supreme Court,

and Statement of Claims be

posted on the notice boards of

the Supreme Court, Parliament,

and the High Court at the Law

Court Complex, and for the same

to also be published in the “Daily

Guide” and “Daily Graphic”


These publications are to last

for 14 days beginning from the

first day of their posting.

found in GOD ALMIGHTY. On the

13th of November, 1988 young

Ato Duncan denied himself of

all earthly pleasures. He gave

everything he had to friends and

entered the wilderness in search

of a cave to fast and pray for

the Divine Knowledge of GOD.

He finally landed on a hilltop

at Adanse Praso in the Ashanti

Region of Ghana.

Young Ato Duncan prayed

and fasted for forty days and forty

nights from 20th November

1988 to 29th December 1988 for

the Divine knowledge of GOD,

since no University in the world

has answers to the numerous

problems the world is encountering.

On the 22nd November

1988 around 1:00 am, a voice

came from the sky saying, ‘YOU


NESS”. So “The Center of Awareness”

was a title given to Professor

Samuel Ato Duncan. He then

chose to name his organization

“The Center of Awareness Global

Peace Mission”.

Professor Samuel Ato Duncan, COA FS boss

Page 4

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 8th April, 2022

NPP transforming

Ghana despite

current global

crisis – Bawumia

The Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, has

reaffirmed the Akufo-Addo Government’s commitment

to its vision of transforming Ghana

despite the global economic challenges which have

wrought dire straits on the country’s fortunes.

Speaking at the Pentecost Convention Centre, Millennium

City, Kasoa, on Thursday, 7th April 2022 Dr Bawumia said the

Akufo-Addo Government has been focused on undertaking

major structural reforms in the Ghanaian economy by shifting

from a focus on the production of raw materials to value

addition, and by diversifying the economic fundamentals.

This, Dr. Bawumia said, is to address the urgent need to

change the structure of the Ghanaian economy and make it

responsive to the realities of the time, especially as the world

moves into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“Virtually every government in our history has noted

the need for Ghana to change the structure of the economy

through diversification and by shifting from the focus on the

production of raw materials to value addition. This is a key

pillar of Nana Akufo-Addo’s Ghana Beyond Aid agenda,” Dr

Bawumia emphasized.

The Vice President explained that to accomplish this,

Government has implemented a number of programmes that

continue to yield significant results, and has plans to implement

even more. Some of the programmes include Planting

for Food and Jobs to increase agricultural output for agro-processing

and food sufficiency, which has resulted in a significant

increase in food production;

The Tono dam and the Left and Right banks of the Kpong

dam have been rehabilitated to provide 13,190 hectares of

additional irrigable land for rice and vegetable cultivation. As

well, 80 warehouses have been constructed with a combined

storage capacity of 80,000 MT to provide storage and reduce

post-harvest losses.

“Reforms in the cocoa sector (including hand pollination

have resulted in the highest ever cocoa production (1,047,385

tonnes) recorded in Ghana during the 2020/2021 cocoa season.

This is very remarkable.”

The “One-District-One-Factory” policy has taken off with

a significant impact on the manufacturing sector, the Vice

President continued. 106 factories have been completed and

are operational, and 148 factories are under construction. This

represents the largest number of factories established under a

government program since independence.

“The facilitation of the growth of an Automotive Industry

is on course. Volkswagen, Suzuki, Sino Truck, Peugeot, Toyota,

and recently Nissan have all established assembly plants in

Ghana. KIA, Hyundai, and Renault are also on course to start

production in Ghana this year. Kantanka automobiles is also

benefiting from the same incentives that have attracted these

giants onto our shores.

True to its commitment to diversifying the economy and

value addition, the Government has started the process of

building the integrated bauxite and aluminum industry, the

Vice President pointed out.

“The partner for the project (Rocksure International), a

wholly-owned Ghanaian company, has been selected and

has already started work to develop the Nyinahin-Mpassaso

hills. The Minerals Resource Estimate to confirm the quantity

and quality of the bauxite will be undertaken this year after

which the refinery design will follow for the establishment

of the aluminum refinery. Ghana has waited for this since

independence and with visionary leadership, sound planning

and by the Grace of God it is finally happening,” Dr. Bawumia


While celebrating these steps, Vice President Bawumia

vowed the Akufo-Addo government’s commitment to economic

reform, no matter how long it takes.

“Changing the structure of our economy through diversification

and value addition will not happen overnight. However,

it remains a major preoccupation of the government because

it is our pathway to reduce import dependency, expand the

economy, create jobs, increase exports, and support the value

of our currency.

“The data shows that despite all the challenges of the last

two years, even with COVID-19, the growth of the economy is

fundamentally stronger than it was in the 2013-2016 period,

and we will continue to do more,” he pledged.

Dumsor not coming back

The Energy Ministry

in a press release has

rejected claims by

former Minister of

Energy Dr. Kwabena

Donkor that the electricity crisis

popularly known as Dumsor will

return in Ghana if urgent steps

are not taken.

Dr. Donkor, a former Energy

Minister under President Mahama

made claims to the return

of dumsor on the back of what

he described as an “insignificant

addition to our generation


But the Ministry on behalf of

the Minister of Energy Dr. Matthew

Opoku Prempeh in a press

release by the Communications

and Public Affairs Unit, rejected

“the assertion by the former

Power Minister that there is a

risk of returning to ‘dumsor’ by

virtue of the state of generational


According to the Ministry, “in

line with our projected demand

and the prudent management

of the Energy sector, the Ministry

of Energy is confident that

there is no way that this country

will go back to the dark days of


Speaking to the issues, Mr.

Kwasi Obeng-Fosu the Public

Relations Officer of the ministry

stressed that as a nation

we should take prudent steps

so as to avoid the unnecessary

take-or-pay contracts that are

draining our coffers as a nation

all in the name of adding on to

The National Communication

Officer of the

National Democratic

Congress (NDC),

Sammy Gyamfi has

reiterated that the party will

cancel the E-levy policy if it wins

the 2024 general elections.

According to him, the tax

imposes hardship on citizens,

therefore the NDC will repeal it,

if it assumes the reins of power.

Speaking on Joy News on

Wednesday, Sammy Gyamfi

argued that, the government’s

decision to impose a 1.5% levy on

electronic transactions is unfair.

“The General Secretary of the

party has already said so. He’s

my boss. He’s the Chief Executive

Officer of the party, [and] he

has said so. And I believe that he

has the blessing of the leadership

of the party, and that is a

party position, that we do not

subscribe to the E-levy, and we

will not continue to take E-levy

from Ghanaians should power

change hands.

Because we need to bring

honesty to the politics we do in

this country. If the E-levy is bad

now, it cannot be good in 2025.

And I believe that the NDC will

stand by that position the General

Secretary has announced.

I’m even looking for a situation

where that will be captured

expressly in our 2024 manifesto”,

he stated.

In his view, E-levy is double

taxation which affects the medi-

Minister of Energy, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh

our generation mix.

“The claim by Dr. Donkor

that the NPP government has

not added 'significantly' to the

energy generation capacity cannot

be supported by the available

facts. Government is of the view

that, there must be a prudent

addition to the generation

capacity in order not to get the

country into over-capacity and

its associated issues, and that

the addition must

be premised on projected


As we speak, the total generation

capacity added by this government

is 421MW. This brings

Ghana's total installed

capacity to 5358.50MW, against

um of payment.

He also reiterated that

concerned citizens should not

blame the NDC for the passage of

the Bill into law.

According to him, the Bill is

a tax initiative of the ruling New

Patriotic Party, stating that despite

the passage of the Bill, the

NDC will continue to employ all

avenues to fight the said passage.

Mr. Sammy Gyamfi made

these comments, as part of his

the backdrop of current peak

demand of 3,469MW which was

recorded on March 18, 2022. So

we are managing the situation

better. He added.

Mr. Obeng-Fosu also acknowledged

that due to minor

works, faults and natural

occurrences certain parts of the

nation are facing intermittent

outages. He used the opportunity

to assure all that ECG and GRIDco

are up to the task and fixing

these issues for all to continue to

enjoy stable and reliable power

for both domestic and industrial


Ẇriter's email koryekporfreeman@yahoo.com

NDC will cancel e-levy if it wins 2024

submissions on the “Review of

the first quarter of 2022”. In that

regard, he bemoaned the country’s

current debt profile and the

dwindling economic fortunes.

The NDC Communication

Officer reiterated that until President

Akufo-Addo and his appointees

are able to cut down on

their ‘reckless’ expenditure and

‘mismanagement’, the country’s

economic fortunes will remain

the same.

Sammy Gyamfi, National Communication Officer of NDC


Friday, 8th April, 2022 Page 5


Misconceptions About

Careers in the Tourism

and Hospitality Sector

The tourism and hospitality

sector is a

critical sector for the

economies of many

countries globally.

With the number of people

the industry employs and the

money visitors spend as they

go touring, economies stand

to gain more from investing in

the sector.

Despite the industry’s

contribution to global and

national economic growth,

it is not necessarily regarded

or respected much. In our

part of the world, careers in

the sector are seen as almost

nothing when compared to

other sought-after professions

which are regarded as more


Because of this indifference

towards the sector, not

much career counselling and

guidance is done to guide

individuals with an interest

in the industry and the various

misconceptions about the

industry also go a long way to

dissuade them from taking

this interest to another level.

Support is directed to careers

in STEM and careers in the

tourism sector are neglected

such that even very few universities

offer courses in Tourism

and Hospitality.

Even though we have the

potential to do so much more,

our attitude prevents us from

actually doing it. It can be

likened to discovering treasure

and just sitting on it; you don’t

get anything by not using it.

This doesn’t make the

industry attractive to others;

even those who have a

genuine interest in it shy away

because of the nonchalant attitude

exhibited in the country

when it comes to the industry.

It happens that even when it

comes to employing individuals

in the industry, preference

is given to foreign nationals

than our indigenous people

because we have neglected to

grow the human capital in the


In countries that value

the industry like Dubai, Cape

Verde, Mauritius, South Africa,

Namibia, Seychelles, etc. they

understand the importance of

tapping into it for economic

growth; they cherish the

industry and have put in extra

effort to develop and promote

it and they are massively reaping

the benefits that come

along with it This is an indicator

that, should the necessary

attention be paid to the industry,

more results would be

seen than what is being reaped





• Tourism & Hospitality

is for women: Just as in

the previous years, the role

of an engineer was regarded

as a profession for males, the

tourism industry is also suffering

from a similar ideology;

it is an industry for women.

Even in the institutions that

offer courses in the sector, the

class consists predominantly

of females. However, this is

not true. The industry has a

place for everybody. In fact, it

has just as many males as it

does females. An example can

be made of Mr. Kojo Bentum

Williams who has made great

strides in the tourism sector.

He’s a tourism blogger,

publicist, and senior communication

expert at the World

Tourism Organization (UNW-

TO). He’s also the founder and

editor of Vogue Afrique Media

Limited, a pan African Travel

media company. Contrary to

popular belief in our country,

this is a clear example of a

male in tourism and hospitality

who is excelling.

• Tourism & Hospitality

workers are either uneducated

or academically poor:

Even though some roles in the

industry such as waitressing

do not require much formal

education, they require some

important skills to facilitate

interaction with customers.

Aside that, a lot of roles require

that you be well educated and

trained. Courses taken in the

field of tourism and hospitality

are just as brain involving

and tasking as other courses;

they are not pursuing tourism

and hospitality because they

are dumb. It is exciting and

informative to pursue a career

in the industry.

Low-level roles still require

training to ensure success.

Again, those hoping to start

their businesses in the sector

will need a significant amount

of training and knowledge to

ensure that their businesses

survive in the sector. Aviation

is one path individuals could

explore in the tourism & hospitality


It is very important in the

industry because it helps to

connect so many people to

their tourism destinations; it

is a tourism booster. Various

job opportunities available

in the industry include flight

attendant, pilot, air traffic

controller, aerospace engineer,

aviation manager, etc. The image

below shows more career

opportunities available in this

industrious sector:

This displays the industry

as a world of opportunities;

having a place for everyone.

• Jobs in the sector are

underpaid: Though entrylevel

positions may be paid

the minimum wage, mid-level

and executive roles offer very

competitive salaries. Like any

other industry, this one values

practical experience coupled

with a tertiary certificate;

they go hand in hand. For

this reason, schools should

ensure that tourism students

have a lot of practical experience

whether in the form of

a practical lab or an increase

in the number of internships

are supposed to do before

they graduate from school.

This would make them well

prepared and better suited

to thrive in the industry. The

industry provides an avenue

for you to climb up the ladder

in your career. As with other

industries, the higher you go,

the wider your exposure and

experience gained and the

more you earn.

• Tourism & Hospitality

is just about frontline service:

Aside the people we meet offering

frontline service, the

industry makes use of marketers,

consultants, accountants,

salespeople, educators, menu

advisors, etc. The sector does

not only comprise tour guides,

hotel front desk clerks, and

waiters. Such is the case in

hospitals; apart from doctors,

the hospital is an organization

that houses human resource

experts, accountants, etc. This

can be likened to the tourism

industry where many others

are working behind the scenes

to gel the whole industry together.

The organogram shows the

various departments in a typical

4-star hotel. These departments

work together to ensure

that the hotel is functioning

as it is supposed to for optimum

customer satisfaction.

It shows the diverse group of

people from different backgrounds

coming together to

make up the industry. e.g., Engineers,

accountants, sales and

marketing personnel, logistics

personnel, etc.

• Tourism & Hospitality

only offer part-time work:

Depending on the area of interest,

there are full-time jobs

all year round for individuals.

During peak seasons, there is

an influx of tourists and this

may mean a busy time for the

industry and the creation of

some temporary jobs. This

could serve as a way for students

to gain experience in

the industry even before they

graduate from school. One

may also opt to work part-time

to complement their income.

Even though some people

work on shift, others work traditional

schedules. In Ghana,

December is usually the peak

season for the industry and

students in the industry may

choose to work temporarily


• Tourism & Hospitality

has opportunities only in

hotels: The industry is large

and hotels are just a part.

There are a lot of avenues in

other areas such as restaurant

management, consulting,

spa and wellness, working

in airlines, casinos, public

relations, finance, real estate,

etc. Statistics show that

the number of international

tourists entering the African

continent every year increases

significantly and this signifies

an immense boost for the

sector. The industry has a large

umbrella under which everyone

can fit. Studying tourism

and hospitality does not limit

you to a career in hotels. Individuals

can decide to divert

to consultancy, banking, and

other industries as they wish.

Even though, the industry

is a booming one, the lack of

attention and the misconceptions

surrounding it dissuade

others actively from venturing

into it. It is quite a shame that

this very lucrative industry

is not given the attention it

deserves so more individuals

could pursue careers in it. But

then again, even the privateowned

businesses in the sector

are not receiving the required

support from the government

to enable them to survive the

hurdles of the economy. This

is another thing that puts

off those who would want to

invest their resources into the

sector. It is however important

that individuals who have an

interest in pursuing careers

in the field conduct proper

research before they make

decisions and not just rely on

hearsays from others who may

not know better. This would

aid carefully planning and

making decisions to tap into

this field of gold for maximum


The writer is the Country

Rep for Swiss Education

Group and Lead Consultant at

iQ Mundo. She is a seasoned

and successful leader with

a track record of producing,

presenting and managing the

implementation of innovative

hospitality and tourism business

solutions and services in

Africa and across the world in

the past 15years.

You can contact the author

via info@iqmundo.com

Rosalin Abigail Kyere-Nartey

Page 6

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 8th April, 2022

The Government is

awaiting proceeds

from the controversial

Electronic Transfer

Levy (E-levy) to

facilitate the construction of the

Sea Defense Project in coastal

communities ravaged by the

Tidal Waves.

An amount of 10 million

Ghana cedis has been earmarked

from the E-levy for assessment

and construction works of the

Sea Defense Projects from Elo-bu

to Aflao.

The Communication

Director for National Disaster

Management Organization

(NADMO), George Ayesi in an

interview with Starr News said

the Organization is committed

to addressing the problems with

allocation from the E-levy.

“In the Ada and Sege areas,

Gov’t awaits E-levy cash

for Sea Defense Projects


they are calling for Sea Defense

Project to be constructed. In fact,

that was their major concern.

“As part of the E-levy

concession the government

made, they committed 10

million for assessing works to be

done along the coast from Elu-Bo

to Aflao and major construction

works will be done,” the NADMO

Communication Director


He continued “So the

government is committed, the

Minister for Works and Housing

has also reiterated that some

of the projects will be carried

out. The President said this in

the State of the Nation Address

(SONA) that some of those

projects will be carried out. We

pray that they will be part of

the priority projects that will be

executed by the government.”

Mr. Ayesi, however, added

that there are plans to relocate

victims of the Tidal Waves in Ada

and parts of the Volta Region.

“In Shama there have been

attempts to relocate the people

but with challenges. As of

Tuesday when we went there

and met them the people have

now accepted and are willing to

relocate once the site for them

is ready. So that is progressive

news. There as well we

distributed some relief items.

“The Volta Regional team

have been working in the Ketu

South area, we have got the data

and the rest. We are yet to get

some relief support to them,”

the Communication Director


Wean yourselves

off drugs

– Young MPs sensitise students

Many Ghanaian lecturers not fit to teach; they’re

pupil teachers – Wisconsin Uni. Board Chair

The Board Chairman

of the Governing

Council of Wisconsin


University College

Noble Justice Isaac Duose has

said many lecturers in Ghana’s

tertiary institutions are not fit

to teach.

According to him, having a

mastery of specialist knowledge

does not mean the individual

has the techniques and

competence to effectively teach

at the tertiary level.

“What qualification do they

have to teach, they don’t have

any qualification They are pupil


The retired Appeals Court

Judge Justice Duose bemoaned

the practice over the years in

various Universities in the

country which people with

PhD and other post-graduate

degrees are recruited just to

teach without any post graduate

teaching qualification.

“You must have training in

education before you become a

teacher. What is happening in

this country recently, people

go to teacher training colleges

they graduate yet the ministry

wants them to go and take

license to teach, these are people

who went through a syllabus

designed to make them teachers

they were taught in the colleges

of education so when they are

coming out they are coming out

as teachers but we are asking

them to go and take licensing

in education to teach at the

primary schools and other levels

yet in the Universities where it

matters most the teachers are

not supposed to but they call

themselves university teachers”.

He said the situation in

Ghana is contrary to best

practices in most countries in

the world.

“If you go to America and

you want to teach, you have to

take a certificate in teaching

.My Daughter is a Lecturer in

a University, after her doctoral

degree she has to do nine

months in pedagogy that is

principal in education before

she took a license to teach in a

University that is people want to

go and teach because that have

been thought how to teach. In

our country just get PhD and

you are good to go, go and teach.

Ladies and Gentlemen, having

been involved in Education in

University level for a while, I

realized that a PhD is a research

degree, and when you research

,you have to go to industry with

the research not to go and teach

with the research ”

Justice Duose continued that

“But here ,our emphasis is to

go to do research and after you

have done the research you go

and teach with the research. Is

it a correct thing to do .At least

if you don’t know what to do

copy the people who are leading

,how much effort do you put into

taking post graduate diploma

in education or certificate in


He said this when speaking

as a distinguished chairman

at West Africa Heroes of

Distinction conference and

Awards held in Accra .

As part of Ghana’s tertiary

education reform,Ghana’s

government has proposed a

policy that mandates all tertiary

education institution lecturers

to possess a postgraduate

teaching certificate before they

are eligible to teach.

Ghana’s National Council

for Tertiary Education “argues

that having a mastery of

specialist knowledge does not

imply that a lecturer knows the

techniques needed to effectively

communicate that knowledge

to students. In other words, PhD

holders in particular fields of

knowledge are not necessarily

experts at teaching.”

However Justice Isaac Duose

believes ” the earlier we start

redesigning our systems to

fit purpose the better it will

be for us. Don’t mistake me

there are some teachers in

the Universities who are good

teachers either out of experience

or out of natural gift but it is not

the way to go”.

Noble Justice Isaac Duose

Mr Elvis Morris


President, Young

Parliamentarians Forum, has

advised students of West Africa

Senior High School (WASS) to

focus on their studies and avoid


Mr Donkoh, who is the

Member of Parliament (MP) for

Abura Asebu Kwamankese, said

hard work and determination

defined success therefore

students must aim at these

values to make it in life and

avoid any persuasion to use

drugs to enhance learning.

Mr Donkoh made these

remarks when he led members

of the Young Parliamentarians

Forum on their first outreach

programme at WASS.

The purpose of the outreach

programme was to visit the

students and sensitise them

about the abuse of drugs and

encourage them to focus on

their academic work.

Mr Donkoh also commended

the school for being disciplined

for the last 20 years without any

negative misbehaviour from

the students to tarnish the high

Elvis Morris Donkoh, President,

Young Parliamentarians Forum

reputation of the school.

Mrs Betty Krosbi-Mensah,

MP Afram Plains North and

Vice President of the Forum,

encouraged the female students

study hard and aspire to high

positions of responsibility.

Other young MPs who

interacted with the students

included Mr Thomas Ampem

Nyarko, MP Asuogyaman; Mr

Yves Hanson Nortey, MP Tema

Central; Mr Davis Opoku Ansah,

Mpraeso and Mr Frederick Yaw

Ahenkwah, MP Jaman North.

The young Parliamentarians

touched on various aspects of

Parliamentary work within the

Eighth Parliament and issues

relating to Government business,

stressing that Parliament

existed to make laws and

perform oversight responsibility

of the Executive.

The students asked questions

about the work of MPs.

Dr Mrs Shine Ofori,

Headmistress of WASS, thanked

the MPs for their visit and

words of encouragement to the


The MPs presented mineral

water and assorted drinks to the



Friday, 8th April, 2022 Page 7

Economist Prof Stephen

Adei has said Ghana

is currently going

through an economic

crisis partly because

the Akufo-Addo-led government

used GH¢21 billion to collapse

some nine banks and other

financial institutions.

Some nine local banks, 23

savings & loans companies,

347 microfinance institutions,

39 finance houses and 53 fund

Prof. Stephen Adei

management companies

have been closed down since

2017 under President Nana

Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in

a financial sector clean-up


Two banks, UT Bank and

Capital Bank, were first taken

over by GCB Bank in a purchase

and assumption agreement.

Seven others, the Sovereign

Bank, The Beige Bank, Premium

Bank, The Royal Bank, Heritage

Using GH¢21 billion to collapse 9

banks partly to blame for Ghana's

economic crisis – Prof. Adei

Bank, Construction Bank and

UniBank, had their licences

revoked and placed under the

Consolidated Bank Ghana.

As a result of the banking

sector reforms, the Bank of

Baroda willingly folded up and


Also, six banks merged. First

Atlantic Merchant Bank Limited

and Energy Commercial Bank

merged into one; OmniBank

Ghana Limited and Bank Sahel

Sahara Ghana merged, and First

National Bank and GHL Bank

Limited also merged.

Ghana now has 23 functional

universal banks in the country.

Speaking to Kwame Obeng

Sarkodie on Accra100.5FM’s

morning show Ghana Yenson

about the current economic

crisis in Ghana, the former

Chairman of the National

Development Planning

Commission (NDPC), said: “The

truth is that times are hard

because inflation is 15%, the

price of petrol has doubled, and

the cedi has depreciated”.

In his view, “half of the fault

is not from the government

while the other half is the fault

of the government.

For instance, he said, the

Russian-Ukraine war and

COVID-19 pandemic cannot be

blamed on the government since

it had no control over them.

On the other hand, the

former Rector of the Ghana

Institute of Management and

Public Administration (GIMPA)

said: “What the government

can be faulted for is that they

wanted to do so many things at

the same time when they first

came into power and, so, they

borrowed so much”.

“So, the huge debt is killing

us now, especially when the

borrowing has not yielded any

fruits yet,” he noted.

Secondly, Prof Adei added:

“In my opinion, the manner

in which they collapsed some

banks and financial institutions

with GH¢21 billion is partly

responsible for the country’s

economic crisis”.

Thirdly, he said the size of

the government and the public

sector wage bill have also not

helped the situation.

He, however, noted: “I believe

if they commit to the things

they have promised to do, things

will start getting better by the

end of the year”.

Majority afraid their MPs will be

removed if reports on absentee MPs

are voted on in parliament – Okudzeto

Member of

Parliament for

North Tongu,



has reacted to the position

of the Majority Caucus that

the Privileges Committee of

Parliament should have the final

say on the faith of the three MPs

referred to it.

According to him, the

Majority Caucus is pushing for

that because they are afraid the

MPs will be removed if the entire

House decides on their faith via

a vote.

Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa

said that the Standing Orders of

Parliament stated clearly that

committees of the House cannot

make the final decision on issues

referred to them.

“… well for that portion that

the matter should not come back

to parliament, I disagree. All

committees of parliament are

acting on delegated authority -

all committees. I’m not aware of

any committee, be it a standing

committee, select committee, or

ad hoc committee that carries

out their mandates and does not

report to the plenary for a final

decision, for a final vote, there is

no committee, there is no such


“I do not know what our

colleagues are so scared of that

they do not want these matters

brought to the floor. Is it because

at the privileges committee

they have a one-man majority

and everybody is intact on their

side and that is why there are

trying to circumvent procedures

which are expressly stated,” the

MP said in a JoyNews interview

monitored by GhanaWeb.

He added that “because when

it (reports) comes to the house,

they know they begin with a

deficit of one, the Hon Adwoa

Sarfo is not around. It is also not

clear that those on who we are

going to pass judgement can

participate in the vote if there

has to be a vote. And so, they see

that they will be disadvantaged

by 3 at the minimum and that is

why are afraid for that report to

be brought to plenary.”

Some members of the

majority caucus of parliament,

including the Majority Leader,

Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu,

have stated that the Privileges

Committee should decide

whether the seat of MPs referred

to them for being absent for 15

consecutive sittings, should be

declared vacant or not.

The Privileges Committee

is made up of 31 MPs with 16 of

them from the Majority Caucus

and 15 from the Minority Caucus.

Speaker Alban Bagbin

referred three New Patriotic

Party (NPP) MPs – Dome

Kwabenya MP, Sarah Adwoa

Safo; Assin Central MP, Kennedy

Agyapong; and Ayawaso Central

MP, Henry Quartey – to the

Privileges Committee of the

House after he was petitioned

by former MP, Ras Mubarak, to

remove the MPs for absenting

themselves for more than 15

consecutive sittings.

MP for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa

Stop buying hot

food in plastics

– Minister warns Ghanaians

The Minister of

Environment, Science,

Technology and

Innovation Dr Kwaku

Afriyie has called on

Ghanaians to stop purchasing

food wrapped in plastic in order

to avoid the risk it poses to one’s


The Minister also wants laws

to be put in place banning the

use of plastics for selling food

across the country.

Speaking at the national

launch of the Plastic Waste

Management Campaign held in

Abetifi, Eastern Region, under

the theme: “Plastic is a Resource,

Not a Waste: Pushing the

Agenda of a Circular Economy’

to encourage recycling and safer

reuse of plastic while providing

jobs,” Dr Afriyie stressed on

the risks posed to persons who

consume food from plastics.

He said: “The binding

substance sometimes leaches

into our body and destroys the

internal functions. As a doctor,

I know that. If you are a female,

the plastic chemical composite

shape is the same structure as

part of your hormones and it can

disrupt your menstrual cycle

and cause problems.

“If you are a male, it can

also enter the system and

interfere with Spermatogenesis.

Because it is chronic in nature,

it happens small, small, so you

might not appreciate it.”

He continued that: “Pass

laws to prevent Kenkey users

from using plastic to wrap

Kenkey before boiling. Stop

buying if hot food is in plastic.

“All the women wrapping

plastic over corn dough before

cooking; put a stop to it.”

The minister also

emphasised the benefits of

recycling plastic waste as a


“Plastic recycling reduces

trash in the ocean, it creates new

jobs, especially for the informal

sector, provides income and

prevents global warming,”

Page 8

The media has been

urged to focus on limitations

that inhibit

persons with disability

from reaching

their full potentials by helping

in removing those limitations

through their reportage and


“The way we treat persons

with disabilities and mental

health conditions disempower

them and needs a relook,” Dr

Elizabeth Agbeto Zotorvie, Programme

Manager, Ghana Blind


Dr. Elizabeth Agbeto Zotorvie

Union has said.

“Such persons rather need

our support and love, and not

our pity and sympathy, she said.

She was speaking at a training

workshop organised for

some media personnel and civil

society actors in Accra.

Hope for Future Generations

(HFFG) and the PsykForum, both

non-governmental organisations,

organised the training

as part of the “Ghana Somubi

Dwumadie” (GSD), a project

geared towards training criti-

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 8th April, 2022

Help promote positive

disability and mental health

language – Media urged

cal stakeholders on disability

to promote the use of positive

non-discriminatory language in

media programmes across four


The GSD, a four-year programme,

is being funded by the

UK Government through UKAid.

The intervention is expected

to reduce negative and discriminatory

attitudes, behaviours

and norms faced by people with

disabilities in Ghana, including

people with mental health


The purpose of the training

was to seek to increase the use

of positive disability language in

media discourses on disability

and mental health conditions,

while promoting non-discriminatory

language in all media

programmes and publications, as

well as citing positive examples

of such persons living normal


The two organisations, as a

consortium, are implementing

the Social Behaviour Change

Communication (SBCC) and stigma

reduction for mental health

and disability inclusion in 18

districts in four regions, namely,

Greater Accra, Central, Savannah

and North East under the project.

Maame Serwaa Gyamfi, Monitoring

and Evaluation officer

for the project at HFFG, said the

focus was on the promotion of

positive culture, language, and

law enforcement regarding persons

with disabilities and mental


“We also want explore how

the law is backing the rights of

people with disabilities.”

She mentioned the targeted

population as including religious

persons, education sector, civil

society organisations, persons

with disabilities and the media.

The implementation of the

project stated in April 2021 aiming

to reduce the negative and

discriminatory attitudes towards

people with disabilities and mental


Ms Gyamfi said advocates

would be trained to carry out

messages of positive culture for

persons with disabilities.

Ms Nancy Ansah, Director of

Programmes, HFFG, said there

was the need for people in the

communities to support the

call of promoting the rights of

persons with disabilities.

She encouraged persons

with disabilities including those

with mental health conditions

to continue to insist on their

rights and demand for all social

amenities that would ease their

movement and make their lives


She said the media whose

activities influence the culture

of society should endeavour to

promote the positives of the persons

with disabilities and ensure

that they were structured within

the systems of the society.

Ms Ansah said under the

project, all major stakeholders

including community and

religious leaders, the media,

and other opinion leaders were

being engaged and sensitised

on avoiding discrimination and

stigmatisation of persons with

disabilities and mental health.

“We shouldn’t tag persons

with disabilities and forming

a culture of neglect towards

them,” she said.

COVID-19 was declared

a global pandemic

by the World Health

Organization (WHO)

in March 2020. Since

then, the pandemic has caused

significant impact on health

systems around the world,

disrupting all aspects of human

life including the delivery of

routine health services.

As part of Ghana’s recovery

efforts, it has therefore become

necessary to support the

continuity of essential health

services to address health issues

like malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis,

and Neglected Tropical Diseases

(NTDs). This is to facilitate the

achievement of the Sustainable

Development Goal (SDG) 3 on

Good Health and Wellbeing by


In this regard, the United

Nations Development

Programme (UNDP) in

partnership with the Ministry

of Health and the Ghana Health

Service, with funding from

the Government of Japan, has

been implementing a series of

interventions to strengthen

health systems at the community

level for improved health


The project dubbed:

‘Strengthening Community

Health System to Support the

Continuity of Essential Services

for the Vulnerable during and

post COVID-19 Pandemic’ is

strengthening the capacity of

health facilities and Community-

Based Health Planning and

Services (CHPS) in underserved

urban communities to provide

health services.

To underscore the importance

Building strong community health

system to leave no one behind

from the project, with Chorkor

Chemuena receiving a fully

equipped CHPS compound and

Anyaa receiving a patient care

block in Anyaa Polyclinic, whilst

the other zones have received

over 60 essential medical and

operational equipment including

weighing and height scale,

adult and pediatric stethoscope,

digital blood pressure apparatus,

refrigerator thermometer,

motorbikes and tricycles, and


To facilitate effective health

surveillance in the era of COVID,

especially at the borders of Ghana,

the project is also providing

mobile laboratories at Aflao,

Elubo, Kotoka International

Airport, and Paga points of entries

of CHPS in healthcare delivery,

it is worth repeating the

profound words of the Deputy

Resident Representative of

UNDP in Ghana, Sukhrob

Khoshmukhamedov, when he

said “for us to achieve universal

health coverage and SDG 3, we

must bring healthcare services

to the doorstep of communities.

This is a pragmatic strategy that

can promote access and equity in

health service provision”.

Speaking at the handing over

ceremony of a fully equipped

CHPS facility at Chorkor

Chemuena as part of the project,

the Japanese Ambassador

to Ghana, H.E. MOCHIZUKI

Hisanobu highlighted the need

for sustainable healthcare

initiatives to overcome health


“COVID-19 has placed a

heavy burden on health systems

and consequently affected the

delivery of essential health

services. We must strengthen

health systems by building the

capacity of health facilities to

respond to health emergencies”,



This project is significant in

several ways. It is bringing health

service delivery to the doorsteps

of the most vulnerable in society

and helping to ensure that no

one is left behind. Moreover, it

is simultaneously enhancing

the capacities of community

health systems, communities,

vulnerable groups such as

women, children, persons living

with HIV, persons living with

non-communicable diseases and

slum dwellers for the uptake of

health services during and post

COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, thanks to the

project interventions, 100

community health management

committee members, community

health volunteers and

community health officers in the

Ga Central Municipality and the

Accra Metropolis in the Greater

Accra Region of Ghana have

gained the requisite knowledge

and skills to strengthen essential

health service provision.

In addition, through series of

engagements with community

members, over 200 community

leaders, including women

leaders are now aware of the

available services within their

communities and are poised

to support other community

members to take full advantage.

“I am particularly very happy

for the pregnant women and

children in this community.

Previously we used to struggle

to go to Korle Bu Polyclinic, but

now with this CHPS compound,

pregnant women will not have

to struggle to access quality

healthcare”, noted Naa Adokor

Gyamfi, Queen Mother of


Indeed, 22 CHPS zones in

Accra Metropolis and Ga Central

Municipality are benefitting

to strengthen case detection and

management for COVID-19 and

future public health emergencies.

It is worth noting that if the

pandemic has taught the world

any lesson, it is that leaving

others behind in the access to

quality healthcare services is a

potent threat to the health of all.

This is better summarized in the

powerful words of the Deputy

Secretary-General of the United

Nations, Amina Mohammed,

when she stated, “No one will

ever be truly safe until everyone

is safe.”

Therefore, the time to build

strong community health

systems that truly work for all is

now or never.


Friday, 8th April, 2022 Page 9


Gambling With Food Security

Pharaoh had a

weird dream and

wanted someone

to translate the

dream to him. All

the wise men and magicians

in Egypt could not

translate the dream until

someone introduced Joseph

to the Pharaoh.

In short, Joseph told the

king that the dream meant

there will be seven years of

abundance of food in the

land of Egypt to be followed

by another seven years of

lean season.

He told the king that

there will be famine in the

land of Egypt, so there was

the need to gather and store

grains during these seven

years of bounty, when famine

did strike, there will be

enough food for the people.

Pharaoh bought the idea

which saved Egyptians and

other nations.

Pharaoh's dream and the

translation of the dream by

Joseph is relevant today as

it was in those days. Nobody

can convince me that

maize is not the staple food

of Ghana. Just mention any

food which is highly patronised

by a cross section

of the people of Ghana and

you cannot end without

mentioning maize.

Ga Kenkey, Fante Kenkey,

Fomfom, Tuozaafi, Hausa

Koko, Mmore Koko, Banku,

Pakapaka, Etsew, Adibi,

Nkyewie, Anasodwe, Nkyekeraa,

Akpele, Laale, etc.

are all made from maize.

Thankfully, wherever you

plant maize in Ghana, it

does well.

In the early seventies,

when General Acheampong

was the Head of State of

Ghana, he introduced the

Operation Feed Yourself

programme which led to

bumper harvest of maize

and other food crops in the

country. When Acheampong

over threw he government

of Professor Busia, he

told the world that Ghana

will not pay any debt owed

to countries (Yentua Regime).

When things started

to get bad for the country,

bread became a luxury

because the country could

not get foreign currency

to import wheat, which is

the raw material of bread.

The ingenuity of Ghanaian

bakers was brought to bear

when they started to produce


No wonder the sages say

necessity is the mother of

invention. The cornbread

caught on so well with

the people that gradually

Ghanaians came to eat

more cornbread than wheat

bread. In fact, many Ghanaians

could not differentiate

between cornbread and

brown bread which was

made from wheat.

Cornbread was heavier

and thicker and more

delicious than wheat bread,

and Ghanaians gradually

became hooked to it. Boarding

schools also patronised

the cornbread. Instead of

concentrating on the production

of cornbread to safe

scarce foreign exchange,

Ghana resorted to the importation

of wheat when

things started to get better,

economically. We missed an

opportunity to make cornbread

a national delicacy

and a staple diet.

I am recounting this history

because of what is happening

in Ukraine. Russia

and Ukraine are the world's

leading producers of wheat.

Because of the war and

the numerous sanctions

slapped on the face of

Russia, wheat has become

scarce and costly. We have

to rethink and go back to

the days of cornbread.

Remember I wrote in

this column some time

ago that when a dog loses

one leg, it changes its way

of walking and running. If

we start eating cornbread,

maize farmers will profit

and the youth will be

attracted to maize farming

instead of going to the big

cities to find none existing

menial jobs.

We always talk of food

buffer zones whiles silos lie

empty in all the maize producing

areas. At Nkoranza

in the Bono East region, we

have silos that can contain

six thousand metric

tons of maize. Similar silos

are located in Techiman,

Kintampo, Atebubu and

some towns in the Ahafo

and Ashanti regions, as well

as maize producing areas in

the Northern Regions.

Since the Ghana Food

Distribution Cooperation,

the managers of the silos

became defunct, no government

ever tried to make

good use of these silos.

If Egypt could store

grains for future consumption,

I see no reason why

we cannot find a strategic

investor to take up the job

of buying and storing our

maize in time of bumper

harvest. The 1983 famine

nearly brought the country

on her kneels simply

because we failed to think


Even the ant which

saves food for the rainy day

was wiser than us. When

we came face to face with

the devastating famine

of 1983, we had to import

yellow corn from the US

to survive when we could

have stored maize for many

years like the US did. After

the famine, we went back

to sleep as we continued to

produce, eat the products

and refuse to store some for


Now that climate change

is knocking on our doors,

we must be proactive before

we are taken unaware.

Niger is not a maize producing

country but they eat

maize-based food than us.

To make the best out of the

worse situation that they

have found themselves,

they buy maize from Ghana

and other countries in West

Africa and store them for

the future.

In fact, Niger has the

largest maize market in the

West Africa sub region even

though they don't produce

maize. We don't think

ahead as a nation.

Between 1973 and 1974,

fishermen along our coasts

experienced a never to be

forgotten bumper catch of

herrings and other species

of fishes. Fishermen always

returned from their fishing

expeditions with boatloads

of fishes. Because we

had very few cold stores in

those days, fishmongers

became tied of smoking

the fishes, which forced the

fisher folks to sail back to

high sea to jettison their

catch for lack of space to

store them.

In less than one year,

the fish stock in our sea

mysteriously depleted and

fishermen returned from

their fishing expedition

with empty boats. That was

when Ghanaians started to

eat a type of tasteless fish

called 'Ewura Efua', which

also got depleted in the sea

in no time. It was like going

from boom to bust. We never

learnt a lesson from that

tragedy which opened our


The Minister of Food

and Agriculture must form

a team of experts to brainstorm

on how to save the

situation of storage. We

must not wait for a catastrophe

to strike before

we start complaining and

apportioning blames.

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah established

the University of

Science and Technology for

a reason. Today, KNUST cannot

even invent a technology

which can help store

plantain for a year without

going rotten. Science and

Technology have given way

to Law faculties and faculty

of “Dondology.”

We must revisit the

blueprint of the university

like the way Mr. Agyekum

Kufuor did with the blueprint

which was drawn

more than one hundred

years ago to construct the

Bui Dam. Successful leaders

think ahead.

Planting for Food and

Jobs, yes, but saving food

for the rainy day should be

at the center stage. Is my

very good friend Owusu Afriyie

Akoto listening to this

Earth Angel Gabriel who is

delivering the message of

salvation from the firmament?

A word to the wise is in

the North!!! Don't laugh because

I am serious and agitated.

A physician specialist

once told me that a stick of

cigar a day releases tension

and makes one feel good.

Imagine what I am doing

today on my maize farm as

I light up my Havana. Who

say man no dey?



From Eric Bawah

Page 10

Human Resource Director for

Vodafone Ghana, Hannah

Ashiokai Akrong


Human Resource

Director for

Vodafone Ghana,

Hannah Ashiokai

Akrong, has

highlighted some initiatives

that Vodafone has put in place to

support the youth and help build

their portfolios.

In an interview with Rev.

Erskine on YFM’s Y-Leaderboard

Series, Hannah Ashiokai,

explained that Vodafone believes

in the youth because of their

innovative and great ideas for

the organization.

“We have different

programmes. Apart from our

graduate training programme,

we have internships,

apprenticeships, our female

engineering scholars’

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 8th April, 2022

Vodafone prioritises

advancement of the

Youth —HR Director

programme and many others.

We have a screening process

because a lot of people apply for

these roles”, she said.

“For our graduate training

programmes for instance, we

have about twelve slots and

usually get about two thousand

applicants annually. By the time

we finish screening, we get the

number we’re looking for. The

screening doesn’t focus on work

experience because at that time,

people are just getting out of


‘…With your potential, we

look at mental agility which

talks about how quick you are to

pick new things, how confident

you are, how you can express

yourself, put your ideas together

and present it to a team to

convince them that this is the

data and this is how it’s going to

work?” she expressed.

The HR expert also

mentioned that having past

leadership experiences from

school or through voluntary

opportunities is also good,

hence, it is a plus for applicants

who do have that experience.

You Must Make Yourself Visible to Make an Impact

– Antoinette Kwofie, CFO MTN Ghana Urges Women

The Chief Finance

Officer for MTN Ghana,

Antoinette Kwofie,

has urged women

who aspire to take up

leadership positions to make

themselves visible in order to

make an impact in society. This,

she believes, will help bridge the

gender gap and promote gender


Antoinette was speaking

at the 2022 ‘Ring the Bell for

Gender Equality’ program

organized by the Ghana Stock

Exchange in partnership with

the International Finance

Corporation (IFC). She was

among a five-member panelist

who spoke on the theme “Gender

Equality Today for a Sustainable


Sharing her experience as a

woman in Finance, Antoinette

said in the world of Finance,

women are viewed as the

exception rather than the norm.

She said until she got into the

corporate world, she did not

know that the expectations of

women were different because

she grew up in a home of five

girls and everything got done

by them. She said, “We did

everything and nothing came

to a standstill because we are

women”. As a result, she said she

is very passionate to create a role

model for the next generation

of women to know that they are

enough to make things happen

and also conscientize them to

know that as women, they do not

have to be men in order to thrive.

Explaining what gender

equality means to her, Antoinette

said, “Gender Equality means

the world deciding to pick-up

a box with two hands which

is better rather than trying to

struggle to pick it up with one

hand”. Speaking on the necessity

to take other women along,

Antoinette said she believes that

every woman should be able

to see beyond themselves. “If

you can’t see it, you can’t be it.

You have to be more visible. You

can’t be invisible if you want to

make an impact, your visibility

has to create the right impact”,

Antoinette reiterated.

Antoinette committed to

creating space to talk about

issues that pertains to women

in a professional environment,

undertake mentoring, coaching,

putting in place intentional

policies and measures that can

be measured along. She is of the

belief that “what doesn’t get

measured, doesn’t get performed.

Antoinette Kwofie, CFO MTN Ghana

Deputy Minister of Finance, Dr. John Kumah


Deputy Minister of

Finance, Dr. John

Kumah, has said that

the macroeconomic

environment is

meant to be an enabler, but the

Ghanaian economy is not yet

there but on the path.

He noted that the

government is reducing the

deficit, revising expenditure

targets by 30% for discretionary

expenses, and has placed a

moratorium on the importation

Government is reducing

fiscal deficit – John Kumah

of vehicles, among others.

He noted that last year GRA

met its revenue target with

excesses and this is expected

for the 2022 fiscal year also.

However, external factors like

COVID-19, the Russian-Ukraine

crisis, and other external factors

have adversely affected the


He also noted that the Fiscal

Responsibility Act is very good

in guiding and monitoring the


Speaking about the policy

rate and other macroeconomic

variables during the IMANI-GIZ

Reform Dialogue on Ghana’s

Macroeconomic Environment,

John Kumah who is also a

lawmaker for Ejisu also noted

that the Bank of Ghana through

its monetary policy tools has

been implementing policies to

address the economic problems.

He noted that government has

to do more with regard to the

efficiency of its expenditures.

Recently Finance Minister,

Ken Ofori-Atta announced

some measures to deal with

the economic challenges facing


Mr. Ofori-Atta announced

on Thursday, March 24 that

with immediate effect, the

government had imposed a

complete moratorium on the

purchase of imported vehicles

for the rest of the year.

This affected all new orders,

especially 4-wheel drives, he


“With immediate effect,

Government has imposed a

complete moratorium on the

purchase of imported vehicles

for the rest of the year. This will

affect all new orders, especially

4-wheel drives. We will ensure

that the overall effect is to

reduce total vehicle purchases

by the public sector by at least 50

percent for the period,” he said.

“Again, with immediate

effect Government has imposed

a moratorium on all foreign

travels, except pre-approved

critical/statutory travels;

Government will conclude ongoing

measures to eliminate

“ghost” workers from the

Government payroll by end of

December 2022;

“Discretionary spending is to

be further cut by an additional

10%. The Ministry of Finance is

currently meeting with MDAs to

review their spending plans for

the rest of the three (3) quarters

to achieve the discretionary

expenditure cuts; ii. these times

call for very efficient use of

energy resources.

“In line with this, there

will be a 50% cut in fuel

coupon allocations for all

political appointees and Heads

of government institutions,

including SOEs, effective 1st

April 2022,” he added.


Friday, 8th April, 2022 Page 11


Portuguese side

Sporting Club have

announced the signing

of Ghana international

Abdul Fatawu


The winger, who turned 18

in March, joins the Lions in a

five-year deal with a staggering

release clause of €60 million.

Signed from Ghanaian lower

division side Steadfast, the

teenager had a short loan spell

with local Premier League outfit

Dreams before leaving for

Portugal in February to commence

training with Sporting

ahead of his 18th birthday.

“Abdul Fatawu Issahaku, 18,

is a reinforcement for Sporting

Clube de Portugal,” Sporting

have announced on their official


“The footballer from Ghana

has signed for five seasons

and has a release clause of 60

million euros, having been

presented this Wednesday at

the Cristiano Ronaldo Academy

in Alcochete.

“After making the transfer

to the emblem of Alvalade

official, Fatawu posed for the

usual photographs, with the

presence of Frederico Varandas,

president of the Board of Directors,

and spoke to the Sporting

Abdul Fatawu Issahaku


Sporting Club

announce deal

with Ghana


CP media.”

Issahaku made his senior

Ghana debut last year at just 17

when he was handed a surprise

start in a 2022 World Cup qualifier

against Zimbabwe.

Recently, he featured for

the Black Stars at the Africa

Cup of Nations finals in Cameroon

and started in both legs

as Ghana edged Nigeria in the

World Cup play-offs earlier this


"I'm very happy to be here,

it's fantastic. They welcomed

me very well," Issahaku added.

"There are many differences

between the football I was

playing [in Ghana] and Sporting

CP [and] it will make me

grow more. Everyone [here] has

helped me, telling me what I

have to do.

"Ghanaians believe in me

and I had opportunities very

early. They made my dream

possible and without that, I

don't think I would be here.”

Last year, Issahaku, who

was adjudged Best Player at the

2021 Africa U20 Cup of Nations

tournament where Ghana won

gold, came close to agreeing on

a deal with German side Bayer

Leverkusen, but it fell through

at the last hour.

Songo slams GFA over

Hudson-Odoi chase

Ghanaian Sports

journalist, Patrick

Osei Agyemang

alias Countryman

Songo has

opposed the Ghana Football

Association(GFA)'s decision to

lure British-born Ghanaian,

Callum Hudson Odoi to play for

the Black Stars.

Songo believes the Chelsea

winger does not merit the Black

Stars call-up because he lacks

playing time for the English

Premier League side.

According to Songo, the Black

Stars technical handlers should

call players who are playing

actively and duly merits the

invite to the FIFA World Cup in


The Black Stars qualified for

the 2022 FIFA World Cup after

seeing off Nigeria in the playoff


Following the qualification,

the FA have begun discussions

to convince top-performing

Ghanaian players born abroad

to represent Ghana at the World

Cup, which includes Odoi.

Courtois: Why Mendy

shouldn’t be blamed

Real Madrid goalkeeper

Thibaut Courtois

has defended Chelsea

goalkeeper Edouard

Mendy for his costly

mistake in Los Blancos' 3-1 win

in the Champions League on

Wednesday night.

The Senegal international's

weak pass moments after the

break was intercepted by Karim

Benzema who kept his cool to

score his third of the game at

Stamford Bridge.

The result also means the English

charges have a mountain to

climb in the second leg that will

be played at the Santiago Bernabeu.

Courtois believes the Lion

of Teranga should not be blamed

for the mistake that helped

Benzema complete his second

hat-trick in his last two matches

in the competition.

"The problem if you make a

bad pass as a goalkeeper is that

there’s no one behind, they steal

the ball and score. He shouldn’t

be blamed, but a mistake by a

goalkeeper is talked about a lot,"

the 29-year-old Belgium international

said as quoted by The

Chelsea Chronicle.

However, former Blues attacker

Joe Cole pointed at Mendy

and Antonio Rudiger for criticism

after the Spanish heavyweights

scored their third goal.

"The next goal in the tie is

crucial. It’s a huge ask to go to

Spain and overturn a 3-1 deficit,"

Cole told BT Sport.

"[Thomas] Tuchel changed it

The Chelsea star is eligible

to play for the Black Stars

despite appearing three times

for England- all under age 20 not

appearing in a tournament.

at half-time, went to a back four

and looked a lot brighter and

sharper. One thing you can’t account

for is individual mistakes.

Rudiger and Mendy got it wrong.

"Benzema, outstanding and

gives them a good advantage

next week. The tie isn’t over


The Blues have now conceded

seven goals in their last

two games in all competitions,

scoring two in the process.

Chelsea winger, Callum Hudson Odoi

Hudson Odoi is reported

to have secured his Ghanaian

passport which fuels his possible

nationality switch.

On Saturday, after the international

break, they fell 4-1 to

Brentford at Stamford Bridge.

Despite scoring first courtesy

of Rudiger, the Bees struck back

through Vitaly Janelt - who

scored a brace, as well as Christian

Eriksen and Yoane Wissa.

This weekend, they have

another tricky fixture, away to

Southampton whereby another

loss will pile pressure on the players

as well as the technical bench.


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