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COPY LINK FOR DOWNLOAD ----------------------------------- https://optiplexspeed.blogspot.com/?grand=B09T2F277L uSawyeruHiding and running, that&#8217s what I&#8217m good at. It&#8217s who I am. It&#8217s who I have to be...For Sawyer Brower, the picture-perfect town of Pelican Bay was just supposed to be another place to take refuge for a few months before moving on. One year later finds the seemingly unflappable wildlife veterinarian settling into what&#8217s supposed to be the quiet life of contentment he&#8217s always wanted.But there&#8217s nothing quiet about the arrival of the gorgeous but very bitter ex-soldier who seems intent on destroying what&#8217s left of his life after losing his legs to an IED.uJettuI didn&#8217t just lose my legs in that godforsaken desert, I lost the man I used to be&#8230 the man I should&#8217ve been. How the hell am I supposed to come back from that? I can&#8217t. I won&#8217t&#8230While it took years of hard work and determination for Jett Sharpe to prove he deserved a spot in a prestigious military academy followed by an illustrious career in the army, it took just seconds for it to all be over. With nearly all of his brothers-in-arms lost to a roadside bomb and his own future irrevocably changed, Jett&#8217s got little left to live for.So when his best friend shows up in Oklahoma with an ultimatum&#8212go freely with him to Minnesota or by court order&#8212 Jett knows he has little choice in the matter. But hell if he&#8217s going to


uSawyeruHiding and running, that&#8217s what I&#8217m good at. It&#8217s who I am. It&#8217s who I have to be...For Sawyer Brower, the picture-perfect town of Pelican Bay was just supposed to be another place to take refuge for a few months before moving on. One year later finds the seemingly unflappable wildlife veterinarian settling into what&#8217s supposed to be the quiet life of contentment he&#8217s always wanted.But there&#8217s nothing quiet about the arrival of the gorgeous but very bitter ex-soldier who seems intent on destroying what&#8217s left of his life after losing his legs to an IED.uJettuI didn&#8217t just lose my legs in that godforsaken desert, I lost the man I used to be&#8230 the man I should&#8217ve been. How the hell am I supposed to come back from that? I can&#8217t. I won&#8217t&#8230While it took years of hard work and determination for Jett Sharpe to prove he deserved a spot in a prestigious military academy followed by an illustrious career in the army, it took just seconds for it to all be over. With nearly all of his brothers-in-arms lost to a roadside bomb and his own future irrevocably changed, Jett&#8217s got little left to live for.So when his best friend shows up in Oklahoma with an ultimatum&#8212go freely with him to Minnesota or by court order&#8212 Jett knows he has little choice in the matter. But hell if he&#8217s going to


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More Than Enough (Pelican Bay, Book 4)




More Than Enough (Pelican Bay, Book 4)

uSawyeruHiding and running, that&#8217swhat I&#8217mgood at. It&#8217swho I am. It&#8217swho I

have to be...For Sawyer Brower, the picture-perfect town of Pelican Bay was just supposed to be another

place to take refuge for a few months before moving on. One year later finds the seemingly unflappable

wildlife veterinarian settling into what&#8217ssupposed to be the quiet life of contentment

he&#8217salways wanted.But there&#8217snothing quiet about the arrival of the gorgeous but very

bitter ex-soldier who seems intent on destroying what&#8217sleft of his life after losing his legs to an

IED.uJettuI didn&#8217tjust lose my legs in that godforsaken desert, I lost the man I used to

be&#8230the man I should&#8217vebeen. How the hell am I supposed to come back from that? I

can&#8217t I won&#8217t#8230While it took years of hard work and determination for Jett Sharpe to

prove he deserved a spot in a prestigious military academy followed by an illustrious career in the army,

it took just seconds for it to all be over. With nearly all of his brothers-in-arms lost to a roadside bomb and

his own future irrevocably changed, Jett&#8217sgot little left to live for.So when his best friend shows up

in Oklahoma with an ultimatum&#8212gofreely with him to Minnesota or by court order&#8212Jett knows

he has little choice in the matter. But hell if he&#8217sgoing to make it easy on any of the men who keep

trying to convince him he&#8217sfamily.Two men running, one from the past, the other from the

future&#8230Nohing about Sawyer and Jett makes sense. Not after their disastrous first meeting and

most certainly not the white-hot chemistry that keeps pulling them together. Scarred minds and wounded

souls are forgotten when desire takes over, but masks have a way of settling back into place for two men

who have nothing real to hang on to.Can Sawyer and Jett let the walls that are keeping them safe within

themselves fall or will they miss out not only on each other, but the very thing the town of Pelican Bay is

offering them?A place to call home.

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