Annual Report 2021

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Rachel Mink (soprano), Dan Walker (tenor), and AJ America (artistic director

and mezzo soprano)


To be leaders in ensemble singing, to give

voice to human experiences of all kinds

and ignite the imagination of our audiences

and artists.


To deliver artistic and educational

programmes that showcase the full

expressive capacity of ensemble singing,

foster a future for our art form in Australia

and promote Canberra as a national centre

of music and culture.












2021 Report


Chamber Singers


Children's Choir

Every Heart Sings

Camp LCC

Little Match Girl



International Music


Vietnam Requiem

Holiday Program










Development Programs // Solo


Luminescence in Lockdown

A Luminous Christmas

2021 in statistics:

repertoire and reach


Artists and staff

Board of Directors

Our supporters


AJ America (artistic director)

2021 Report

AJ America

Artistic Director

Bronwyn McNaughton

Chair of the Board

2021 was a transformative year for Luminescence Chamber Singers. Following the

strategic planning processes that commenced in 2020, 2021 saw the appointment of

two new permanent artists to the Luminescence Chamber Singers, consolidating a core

ensemble of 5 voices. Bass Jack Stephens and soprano Rachel Mink have been

welcomed warmly by our audiences, and after 3 years of performing as an ensemble

that drew artists from across Australia, this represented a significant milestone in our

commitment to building an ensemble of professional singers who can grow together,

and develop a sound and shared understanding as we nurture a musical relationship

with one another and with our audiences.

In order to support the continued development of Luminescence Chamber Singers,

acclaimed conductor and artistic director Roland Peelman was appointed artistic mentor

to the ensemble in 2021. Luminescence has enjoyed a close relationship with Roland

since 2017. In addition to performing in numerous programmes as a part of Canberra

International Music Festival, Luminescence has collaborated with Roland on a number of

major projects and benefitted immensely from his time, expertise, and generosity. In his

role as artistic mentor, Roland worked closely with the ensemble for our 2021 Season

Launch and A Luminous Christmas, and offered advice to artistic director AJ America on

programming and planning throughout 2021.

Artistically, 2021 saw a number of highlights, including acclaimed performances of David

Lang's Pulitzer Prize winning work, 'the little match girl passion', and the return of 'A

Luminous Christmas', produced in partnership with the Canberra International Music

Festival. Both concert seasons featured record-breaking attendance, and the quality of

our work was recognised in Canberra CityNews when our season launch performance

was selected as the arts editor's 'top musical pick' for 2021.

In 2021 Luminescence developed a number of new out-reach, community, and

education activities. For the first time, we offered two non-auditioned opportunities for

children aged 7 -12. In April, children and families from across Canberra joined

Luminescence to perform 'We Are the Skywhales' and in June, Luminescence Children's

Choir hosted an inaugural Holiday Program - a promising new venture that offered

more than 30 young singers a chance to work with our artists for a week and get a taste

of life in the Luminescence Children's Choir. Luminescence Chamber Singers also

hosted a young artist program for the first time, working closely for a week with

emerging singers from the Australian National University vocal program, giving

workshops and collaborative performances with the ANU Chamber Choir, and recording

student compositions.

In April 2021, we welcomed Bob Prosser to the Board of Directors in the position of

Treasurer, and pursued a new phase of strategic planning, working with our artists and

board members to develop a new mission and vision statement, as well as key goals

and metrics for the years 2022 - 2025. This strategic plan places emphasis on

Luminescence's bold artistic vision and role as leaders in our artform, delivering

performance and educational programmes that showcase the full expressive capacity of

ensemble singing, and that helps to build a bright future for our artform in Australia,

and for Canberra as a national centre of music and culture.

Despite another year of COVID disruptions and a number of cancelled concerts, we

were proud to present more than 20 concerts, provide opportunities for 18 professional

artists and more than 60 children. We finished the year with a modest surplus in

addition to the significant reserves we have built over the past 5 years. We are pleased

with this financial outcome in another challenging year, and it is due in large part to the

generosity of our audiences, as well as support in kind from the Ainslie and Gorman

Arts Centres, and the contribution of the Embassy of Spain in Australia, who supported

the August performance of 'Canciones Populares'. Luminescence did not recieve

government funding for our 2021 programmes and activities.

That Luminescence Chamber Singers and Luminescence Children's Choir continued to

thrive in 2021 is a testament to the resilience of our artists and volunteers, the

commitment of choristers and their families, the quality of leadership shown by our

Board of Directors, and the generosity of our steadily growing audience. Our heart-felt

thanks to the artists, volunteers, directors, audiences, and supporters, for their

contributions during this period of growth and transformation for Luminescence, amidst

enormous hardship for the arts sector.

Bronwyn McNaughton

Chair of the Board

AJ America

Artistic Director

"Exquisitely refined

and perfectly human"

"This small ensemble of

singers shone brightly as they

offered delicate pearls of

music to prove the primacy of

the human voice as a musical


Canberra CityNews, December 2021

Chamber Singers

Luminescence Chamber Singers is Canberra's premiere vocal consort. Led

by Artistic Director AJ America, the ensemble is comprised of five

professional singers whose experience encompasses chamber music, choral

music, consort singing, and opera, as well as folk song, art song, and

contemporary music. Active in Canberra for more than 6 years,

Luminescence has earned a reputation for presenting exciting and excellent

singing, typically performing unconducted and unaccompanied. The

ensemble maintains a busy annual program, presenting more than 100

concerts in the past 5 years.

Luminescence Chamber Singers perform a wide range of repertoire from

the Renaissance to the 21st century, and frequently premiere new music by

Australian composers, including composers from within their own ranks. In

recent years, Luminescence has appeared at the Canberra International

Music Festival, the Performing the Jewish Archives Festival, the Four Winds

Festival, and has collaborated with a diverse range of Australian

organisations, ensembles and independent artists. Luminescence works

regularly with conductor and director Roland Peelman AM, who serves as

artistic mentor for the ensemble.

Children's Choir

Conducted by AJ America, the Luminescence Children's Choir is a treble

choir for singers aged 10 - 17. The choir is dedicated to excellence in

performance and offers young singers in Canberra holistic and high

quality musical education, as well as the opportunity to perform at the

highest level. This ensemble champions the unique artistic capacities of

young voices.

Choristers receive comprehensive training in choral singing, musicianship,

sight-singing, theory, composition, as well as group and individual

master-classes and workshops, and regularly perform alongside

professional musicians. The Luminescence Children's Choir program is

designed not only to train the next generation of musicians, but to offer

choristers the skills and opportunities to express themselves as young

musicians, and foster a life-long love of singing and the arts.

Founded in July 2016, Luminescence Children's Choir performs regularly

at national institutions such as Parliament House, the National Portrait

Gallery and the High Court. The choir has toured to Hobart, Melbourne,

and Sydney, and performed at some of Australia's finest concert venues,

including Federation Concert Hall, Hobart Town Hall, Sydney Opera

House, and the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Luminescence

Children's Choir has also performed at the Canberra International Music

Festival, and the Gondwana World Choral Festival.

In 2021 Luminescence Children's Choir was comprised of 20 of Canberra's

finest young singers aged 10 - 17. Despite the ongoing disruptions of

COVID-19 and associated lockdowns, the choir enjoyed a productive year,

including our annual camp, a series of online workshops, and regular

performances in Canberra. As the 'voices of the Skywhale children', the

choir was involved in an ongoing collaboration with the National Gallery

of Australia, artist Patricia Piccinini, and composer/performer Jess Green.

Luminescence Children's Choir also appeared in 'Vietnam Requiem'

(presented by Flowers of War), and was featured heavily in 'A Luminous

Christmas', presented in collaboration with Canberra International Music


Luminescence would like to extend thanks to Pianist and Associate Artistic

Director Veronica Milroy, as well as Sight-Singing tutors Leanne McKean,

Patrick Baker and Elsa Huber, who once again made rapid transitions to

online learning in term 3, and enabled the Luminescence Children's Choir

to continue our program with as little disruption as possible during 2021.

Particular thanks is also due to volunteers Olivia Hobbs, Heather Hodgson,

and Maddi Scott, who have cared for choristers throughout the year.

“Luminescence has been the most remarkable experience for

our girls. It has tested their self-discipline, taught them to

listen and to hear things they didn’t before, broadened their

cultural bearings, and cemented new friendships, both at

home and on tour - all while showering them with the

singular gifts that music brings.”

Luminescence Children’s Choir parent

In 2013, the Skywhale graced Canberra's skies in celebration of the city's

centenary. Created by Patricia Piccinini, the divisive hot air balloon sculpture

explores nature, family, evolution, and wonder, and has become something of a

Canberra icon. In 2021, Piccinini presented 'Skywhale papa' - a companion piece

to the Skywhale. In celebration of the skywhale family, the National Gallery of

Australia commissioned composer Jess Green to write a new musical work, 'We

Are the Skywhales'. Luminescence Children's Choir was delighted to be featured

in this work, first as a part of the pop track, which was recorded in collaboration

with the National Gallery of Australia in late 2020.

In early 2021, Luminescence Children's Choir worked with Jess Green to create a

choral version of 'We Are The Skywhales', which the choir performed at three

dawn Skywhale flights between January and April 2021. Over the course of three

flights, Jess Green, her band Pheno, and Luminescence Children's Choir

performed for nearly 10,000 Canberrans. Luminescence also performed the

choral version of 'We Are The Skywhales' at National Gallery of Australia's family

day reading of Piccinini's new picture book.

During 2021 and 2022, the Skywhale family are embarking on a national tour,

which will feature recordings of Luminescence Children's Choir.



Every Heart Sings Launch | 7 February

Canberra Day Flight | 8 March

'Come and Sing' public workshops | 31 March

'Come and Sing' performance | 3 April

Luminescence Children's Choir with Jess Green, Patricia Piccinini, and Skywhalepapa



Camp LCC | 5 - 8 March

Greenhills Conference Centre

Hosted during March amidst the natural surrounds of Greenhills Conference

Centre, Camp LCC provides an opportunity for choristers to immerse

themselves in music, participate in workshops, masterclasses, and intensive

rehearsals. This time together is a centrepiece of our annual calendar and is

crucial to developing and maintaining strong musical skills and a close bond

within the the ensemble.

In 2021, choristers participated in a workshop with composer and pianist Sally

Greenaway in which they explored the history and defining characteristics of jazz

music and vocal scat. They composed and arranged their own music, and

rehearsed for a number of future projects.

Jack Stephens (bass)

little match girl


penance and remorse

tear my sinful heart in two

here, daughter, here I am

I should be bound as you were bound

all that I deserve is

what you have endured

my penance

my remorse

my penance

"haunting, and beautifully sung."

Canberra CityNews

In our first 'Easter' offering since 2015, Luminescence Chamber Singers

presented David Lang's Pulitzer Prize winning 'little match girl passion'.

Based on Andersen’s 1845 tale, Lang's work tells the sad story of a young girl

who freezes to death, selling matches on the street on a cold winter's night. In

an effort to keep warm, she basks in the small, hopeful glow of her matches,

imagining scenes of warmth, comfort, and safety. As each match burns out, her

visions vanish. Where traditional Passions urge us to recognise Jesus’ suffering,

Lang asks us to see the suffering all around us; suffering that takes modern and

secular forms. This is a passion as much about the absence of compassion as it

is about suffering itself. It is about the boy who stole her slippers, the father who

would beat her and, above all, those that pass-by the shivering child on the

street. The Little Match Girl Passion was preceded by a set of 16th and 18th

century music that explored the neglect of onlookers in the face of anguish,

including multiple settings of 'O Vos Omnes'.

Luminescence Chamber Singers performed 'little match girl passion' to critical

acclaim and sold-out audiences in Canberra, as well as at the Hume

Conservatorium in Goulburn. We would like to thank Music For Canberra for

generously loaning us percussion instruments for these performances.




"subtle virtuosity, [...]

brilliantly articulated" Canberra CityNews

In 2021, Luminescence Chamber Singers returned to the Canberra International

Music Festival for the fifth consecutive year, performing in two festival events,

'Far and Near' and 'Mozart Recomposed'. 'Far and Near' presented new works

composed during 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns. In 'Mozart Recomposed',

Luminescence joined with the Australian Voices to perform Gordon Hamilton's

new 'recomposed' Mozart Requiem, in which he gives Mozart's sketches the Max

Richter treatment to cast a contemporary light on a classic work.

"This is a work that must be heard live. Its depth and incredible

orchestration and arrangement with its amazing colours blended the

sound of the old and new in a magical way." Canberra CityNews

Choristers describe their experiences performing with Luminescence Children's Choir

"Before you're about to sing the first piece, you take a

breath in and think - here it goes, we're about to start

making music!"

"As soon as you start singing, all

the tension is released and you're

just enjoying the moment"

"For me, it's the easiest way to

show the universe who I am"

"You feel like you've

achieved something

really big"

"You can just tell the whole vibe of

the place is alive... because of music!"

"a truly magnificent performance"

Canberra CityNews

Vietnam Requiem | 5 June, Llewellyn Hall

Vietnam Requiem | 6 June, Llewellyn Hall

Led by conductor and director Chris Latham, the Vietnam Requiem brought

together many of Australia's leading composers and performers to

commemorate the Vietnam war, and offer a moment of musical healing to those

communities directly impacted by the war. Each movement of this new work for

massed choir and orchestra was composed by a different Australian composer.

The performances in June 2021 featured Luminescence Children's Choir, in

collaboration with Canberra Symphony Orchestra, Brisbane Chamber Choir, and

a wide array of soloists, including William Barton (didgeridoo), Minh Le Hoang

(guitar), Slava Grigoryan (guitar), and Paul Goodchild (trumpet). Luminescence

Chamber Singers soprano Rachel Mink was featured as a soprano soloist

alongside soprano Susannah Lawergren. More than 2000 people attended

Vietnam Requiem over two performances, including a significant contingent

from the Vietnamese community in Australia and a large number of dignitaries.


The Vietnam Requiem was supported by the Australian War Memorial




Holiday Program

"A wonderful experience that is

etched in my son's heart and mind"

Holiday program participant parent

Holiday program | 28 June - 2 July daily

Holiday Program Gala Concert | 3 July

In 2021, Luminescence Children’s Choir hosted our first Holiday Program. This

6-day workshop invited singers aged 7–12 to explore their voices, the magic of

singing together, as well as the life and music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Led

by Artistic Director AJ America and members of Luminescence Children’s Choir,

the week culminated in a performance of Jill and Michael Gallina’s musical Of

Mice and Mozart, which marries Mozart melodies with clever rhymes to tell the

story of Mozart’s life from the perspective of the mice who lived in the woodwork

of Mozart’s house. Twenty-six children participated in the inaugural LCC Holiday


'The program was fun and enjoyable for my child'

80% strongly agree; 20% agree

Holiday Program Feedback Survey

'The quality of performance exceeded my expectations'

60% strongly agree; 40% agree

'Musical expectation and activities were appropriate'

80% strongly agree; 20% agree

'LCC Holiday Program was well organised,

communication from Luminescence was

clear, and Luminescence staff were helpful'

80 % strongly agree; 20% agree

'I would send my child to another LCC program'

60% strongly agree; 40% agree

Sublime Voices | 6 August


Side By Side is a new initiative aimed at offering development opportunities for

emerging singers in the ACT. In 'Side by Side', four young artists from the

Australian National Univsersity School of Music joined the Chamber Singers for 2

workshops, rehearsing music by William Byrd, Caroline Shaw, and Sally Whitwell.

During the same week, the Chamber Singers facilitated a workshop for the ANU

Chamber Choir. The week culminated in 'Sublime Voices', a free public

performance featuring Luminescence Chamber Singers, the SideBySide singers,

and the ANU Chamber Choir, led by Tobias Cole.


Populares Canciones | 25 June

In 2021 Luminescence Chamber Singers announced a new line up of five core

artists. SoloSeries was a five concert series of solo recitals, designed to

celebrate this significant announcement by shining a spotlight on each of our

core artists. Each concert was curated by the artists involved.

The first instalment of SoloSeries was Populares Canciones featured Artistic

Director AJ America and guitarist Minh Le Hoang, and was presented in

collaboration with the Embassy of Spain in Australia. The remaining instalments

of SoloSeries were postponed due to COVID-19, and will be presented in 2022.

"delightfully sung by AJ America. She has a rich, pure

mezzo voice, [...] perfect in pitch, and confident."

Canberra CityNews

LCC Online

Like many of our friends and colleagues around the world, our 2021 programs

suffered significant disruptions due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Travel

restrictions as well as local lockdown in Canberra in the second half of the year

forced a swathe of cancelled and postponed concerts.

While in lockdown, Luminescence Children's Choir hosted a weekly workshop

series online. Designed and delivered by Luminescence artists, these workshops

were made available to children across Australia as well as members of the

Luminescence Children's Choir. LCC online spanned a wide array of topics. With

Artistic Director AJ America, choristers traced the evolution of western notation,

learning about how we represent sound, how conventions about notation have

changed over time, and learning to interpret neumes and other historical forms.

Versatile vocal artist Alex Siegers introduced choristers to loop pedal

techniques, enabling chorister to layer their own voices and create a 'choir' all

on their own. Acclaimed repetiteur and pianist Ella Luhtasaari introduced

choristers to the International Phonetic Alphabet and its uses for singers. Rachel

Mink (soprano) and Leonard Weiss (conductor) introducted choristers to the

music of both famed and too-often forgotten female composers.

Through October, Luminescence Children's Choir remained online for a number

of weeks and began work on repertoire for 'A Luminous Christmas'. Live

rehearsals resumed on 1 November 2021.

LCC Online: Workshops

An Abridged History of Western Notation | 17 August

Presented by AJ America

Lockdown Loops | 24 August

Presented by Alexandria Siegers

IPA for Singers | 31 August

Presented by Ella Luhtasaari

Favourite Female Composers | 7 September

Presented by Rachel Mink and Leonard Weiss


In 2020, Luminescence Chamber Singers and Canberra International Music

Festival collaborated to host A Luminous Christmas - a three day Christmas

festival. This event represented a significant expansion of our annual Christmas

with Luminescence concerts. In 2021, A Luminous Christmas returned, featuring

five performances in Wesley Uniting Church. Luminescence Chamber Singers and

Children's Choir were joined by conductor and Canebrra International Music

Festival Artistic Director Roland Peelman, and more than 10 guest artists.

Christmas Classics featured an expanded 12 voice Luminescence Chamber

Singers, Canberra International Music Festival Artistic Director Roland Peelman,

Luminescence Children's Choir, Elijah Lim (organ) and Andrew Blanch (guitar).

This program featured favourite carols from around the world, and the world

premiere of a new work by renowned jazz musician Jonathan Zwartz

Magnificat celebrated settings of Ave Maria and Magnificat by three major figures

in European polyphony, all sharing an important birthday this year: the Tudor

composer Robert Fayrfax, Michael Praetorius, who laid the foundation for

centuries of music in Germany, as well as Josquin Desprez, the celebrated ‘Prince

of Music’.

Guest artists Emily & Andrew in recital: twenty plucking fingers on beautifully

tuned strings made for a rare treat. Emily Granger, harp and Andrew Blanch,

classical guitar, performed ravishing music by Granados, Ravel, Pujol, Kats-Chernin

and Pereira.

From the whimsical to the witty, Love is Born featured carols old and new,

interwoven with the angelic sounds of Emily’s harp and Leunig’s most poignant

poems of the season.

"The singers enveloped the audience with

exquisite sound, in a mellifluous opening"

"Luminescence swept the audience

through the sublime and tender, delivering

music so beautiful and uplifting, in

glorious pitch-perfect polyphony."

Canberra CityNews , December 2021

2021 in Statistics


75 8 8 31%















All Saints Anglican Church

Wesley Uniting Church

Hume Conservatorium, Goulburn

Llewellyn Hall

Larry Sitsky Recital Room

Drill Hall Gallery

Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture


18 64

Includes Luminescence

Children's Choir

members, Holiday

Program participants, and

Skywhale 'come and sing'



912 3000+

Tickets sold

Live audiences


Johann Sebastian Bach

Wir eilen mit schwachen doch emsigen


Patrick Baker*


John Bennet

Weep O Mine Eyes

Benjamin Britten

Friday Afternoons

The Birds

William Byrd

Laudibus in Sanctis Dominum

Giovanni Battista Casali

Improperium expectavit

Pablo Casals

Nigra Sum

Alice Chance*

Fiat Lux

Jaret Choolun*

Disclosure II

Manuel De Falla

Siete Canciones Populares Españolas

Robert Fayrfax

Magnificat - O Bone Jesu

Gerald Finzi

I Praise the Tender Flowers

Michael Gallina

Of Mice and Mozart

Carlo Gesualdo

Merce! Grido piangendo

O Vos Omnes

Ola Gjeilo

A Spotless Rose

Jess Green*

Every Heart Sings

Franz Xavier Gruber

Stille Nacht

Gordon Hamilton*

Mozart, Recomposed

Jacob Handl

Ecce Quomodo Moritur Justus

Charles Ives

A Christmas Carol

William G James*

The Silver Stars

Paul Jarman*

Ancient City

Claude Le Jeune

Revecy venir du Printans

Elena Kats-Chernin*


David Lang

Little Match Girl Passion

Morten Lauridsen

O Nata Lux

Federico García Lorca

Canciones españolas antiguas

Claudio Monteverdi

Ah Dolente Partita

Voi pur da me partite

Jean Mouton

Ave Maria - Virgo Serena

Robert Parsons

Ave Maria

þorkell Sigurbjörnsson

Heyr himna smiður

Michael Praetorius

Es ist ein Ros entsprungen

Magnificat super (ut re mi fa sol la)

Josquin des Prez

Ave Maria

Illibata Dei virgo nutrix a 5

Pierre De la Rue

Miserere Mei

John Rutter

Angels' Carol

Christopher Sainsbury*

If I were a semitone

Sven-David Sandström

Hear my prayer, O Lord

Caroline Shaw

Dolce Cantavi

Paul Sjolund

Love Lost

Paul Stanhope*

Frosty the Snowman

Olivia Swift*

Siren Song

Ben van Tienen*

Some Days


O Vos Omnes (chant)

James Valentine*

Goat in Rajastan

Charles Villiers Stanford

The Blue Bird

Beati quorum via

Tomás Luis de Victoria

O Vos Omnes

Animam Meam Dilectam

Giaches De Wert

Questi odorati fiori

Sally Whitwell*


Jessica Wells*


Lisa Young*

Here We Are

Jonathan Zwartz (Arr Peelman)*

Little Stars


Patrick Baker*

Dirty Projectors/Björk, On and Ever Onward

William G James, Carol of the Birds

Trad. Love Came Down for Christmas

Stefan Claas

Trad. Maria durch ein Dornwald ging

Bob Chilcott

Sussex Carol


Nu är det synd

Roland Peelman

Trad. Tucuquerere

Trad. Patapan

We Three Kings

John Rutter

I wonder as I wander

Wexford Carol

Of the Father's Heart Begotten

King Jesus Hath A Garden

Dan Walker*


Trad. Il est ne le divin enfant

Healy Willan

Huron Carol

David Willcocks

O Come All Ye Faithful

* Australian composer



Artistic Director and Mezzo Soprano

AJ America is a performer, conductor and creative

producer. She appears regularly as a soloist and a consort

singer in Sydney and Canberra, performing with the Choir

of St James King St, Cantillation, Pinchgut Opera, and Vox

Plexus (Melbourne). She is a regular recital collaborator

with pianist Ella Luhtasaari, and a member of Ampleya - a

multimedia collaboration with pianist/composer Rasa

Daukus and visual artist Genevieve Swifte. AJ is founder

and Artistic Director of Luminescence Chamber Singers and

Children's Choir. She performs regularly with the Chamber

Singers and conducts the Luminescence Children's Choir.

AJ served as Founding Chair of the Board from

incorporation in 2015 until August 2019, and has recently

been appointed Deputy Chair of the Minister's Creative

Council for 2022 - 2023.


Veronica Milroy has been involved in all aspects of

Luminescence from its inception. She was a founding

member of the Chamber Singers and a founding director

of the Board, serving as Treasurer for many years. She is an

experienced consort singer and educator, with over a

decade of experience across ACT, NSW and New Zealand.

In addition to performing with the Chamber Singers, she is

the pianist for the Luminescence Children's Choir, and

contributes to programming and rehearsals of both



Dan Walker is one of Australia's most in-demand choral

specialists. He is a performer, conductor, and composer.

Dan has performed with Luminescence Chamber Singers

since 2018 and works often with Luminescence Children's

Choir as guest composer and conductor. Dan has had

works commissioned by the Sydney Symphony, Australian

Chamber Orchestra, Gondwana Choirs and Halcyon, and

has performed as member of Cantillation, Pinchgut Opera,

and The Song Company. He is the artistic director of a

number of local choirs, including Oriana Chorale and

Canberra Choral Society.


Rachel joined Luminescence Chamber Singers in 2021. A

singer-songwriter turned opera singer, Rachel enjoys

genre-bending work and is committed to accessibility in

classical music. In addition to performing with Luminescence,

Rachel is a 2021 Pacific Opera Young Artist, and a chorus

member of Victorian Opera. Her 2021 engagements include

Susanna in Le Nozze di Figaro, Marzelline in Fidelio, Despina

in Cosí fan tutte, and Spirit in Gustav Holst's Savitri. In June,

she was a soloist for Flowers of War's Vietnam Requiem in

Canberra, where she premiered a new work by Elena

Katz-Chernin. Originally hailing from the USA, Rachel is a

dual master’s candidate in Vocal Performance and Musicology

at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, Maryland.


Sydney-born bass, Jack Stephens has worked extensively in

Australia and overseas as a soloist and ensemble singer. In

addition to performing with Luminescence Chamber Singers,

Jack is the Director of Music at St Paul’s College (within the

University of Sydney) and works as the Principal Lay Clerk at

St Andrew’s Cathedral Choir. Jack sings regularly with St

Mary’s Cathedral Choir and Cantillation, and is on the

Committee of the Royal School of Church Music NSW, in July

2019 organising their SydneyinSpires conference. He is

currently studying for a Doctorate at the Sydney

Conservatorium of Music, supervised by Dr Erin Helyard,

looking at Regietheater and its application to the staging of

Bach’s Passions and cantatas.


Andrew Barley; Cody Christopher; Lucien Fischer; Andrew Fysh; Alexander

Gorbatov; Emma Griffiths; Adele Kozak


Emily Granger (harp); Andrew Blanch (guitar); The Australian Voices, Tobias Cole

(conductor); Elijah Lim (organ), Sally Greenaway (composer), Ella Luhtasaari

(repetiteur), Alexandria Siegers (singer), Leonard Weiss (conductor)


Born in Belgium, Roland Peelman has been active in Australia over 30 years as a

conductor, pianist, artistic director and mentor to composers, singers and

musicians alike. Since 2017, Luminescence has enjoyed a close relationship with

Roland, collaborating on numerous major projects. He serves as artistic mentor to

the ensemble.


Tessa Andrews, Hannah Appaneal, Axl Beeby, Amelia Bobbin, Ling Butler, Anjea

Byrne, Maiya Douglas, Mia Edwardson, Andriel Hernandez, Amira Hibberd, Jim

Hodgson, Elsa Latham, Paige Le Lievre, Mila Liu, Bryn Lymburner, Lucy Milner,

Sasha Sawczak, Nina Stachurski, Karl Smitz, Paul Wan



Leanne McKean graduated with a Bachelor of Music, majoring in Vocal Studies at the

Canberra School of Music, ANU in 2003 and a Graduate Diploma of Education at

University of Canberra in 2005. She has taught in primary and secondary schools in

Australia, Scotland and England, in both the public and private sectors, She was appointed

Head of Music at St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls, London and then returned to

Canberra to take up the position of Head of Music and Director of Choirs at Radford

College, Canberra. She has been a member of many choirs, most notably Chandos

Chamber Choir, London where she regularly toured England leading evensong services in

places such as Lincoln Cathedral and Ely Cathedral. She also has a passion for community

singing and is currently the Musical Director of Canberra Mens’ Choir.


Elsa is a young vocalist, teacher, and composer, studying a Double Degree of Music

(Classical Performance) and Arts (International Communication) at the Australian National

University. She is learning classical voice with Cheryl Barker and Peter Coleman-Wright.

Elsa recently performed as a chorus member in National Opera’s production of La

Clemenza di Tito, and she sings with the Canberra Bach Ensemble Choir, Kompactus

Youth Choir, and the ANU Chamber Choir. She teaches theory and aural with the ANU

Open School of Music and Luminescence Children’s Choir. Elsa’s first commissioned

original work was premiered in Melbourne in 2019. She also wrote and contributed to the

performances of six pieces for the 2018 Canberra International Music Festival. Elsa was the

recipient of the 2018 ANZCA Composition Prize (First Year), the 2017 St Mary MacKillop

College Creative Arts Award, and an ACT Organ School and Wesley Music Centre organ

scholarship in 2017 and 2018.


Patrick Baker graduated with a Master of Music Studies (Composition) from the Sydney

Conservatorium of Music in 2017, where he studied under Carl Vine. His music has been

performed both nationally and internationally, and he has participated in workshops with

some of Australia’s leading composers including Paul Stanhope and Stephen Leek. As a

singer he has performed with Luminescence Chamber Singers, Cantillation, Choir of St

James’ King St, as well as been a participant in SongCo Lab. As a composer, he has had

works performed both nationally and internationally, including radio broadcasts on

ArtSoundFM, Fine Music 102.5, and ABC Western Plains. Patrick was one of the Sydney

Children’s Choir Emerging Composers in 2015 and in 2017 was a composer for

Moorambilla Voices. He is regularly commissioned by varied ensembles, and has had

music performed by Woden Valley Youth Choir, Junior Gondwana, juice vocal ensemble,

and the Song Company amongst others.

Board of Directors


Bronwyn is a lawyer with both public and private sector experience. In the public

sector she has worked in legal, policy and parliamentary roles. In the private

sector, encompassing corporate and industry advocacy roles, her focus has been

on legal, compliance and regulatory, including 16 years as general counsel and

executive in a large financial services organisation where key responsibilities

included governance and board services. She is experienced in the strategic

design and execution of corporate governance, and board compliance and

accountability to regulators and the broader community. She is an enthusiastic

supporter of music and its performance.

BOB PROSSER, Treasurer

(Appointed May 2021)

Bob is a music lover and a frequent concert goer. He is an enthusiastic supporter of

Luminescence, having attended their concerts for many years. He neither plays an

instrument nor does he sing, much to everyone’s relief, but is a member of that

particularly important group known as the audience. Bob is an experienced Chartered

Accountant (FCA) and Company Director (MAICD), including being a member of the

Board of The Song Company from 2015 - 2018.

RASA DAUKUS, Board Member

Rasa is an award-winning composer, pianist and sound artist, whose experience crosses

the entertainment, financial services, higher education, community and arts sectors in

Australia and overseas. As well as creative practice, her career spans business, product

and strategic development, research and analysis, course design and delivery, event

management, production, marketing and operations. Senior roles across industries

include Product and Label Manager, International at BMG Entertainment (Sony BMG),

National Account Manager of Master Funds at Credit Suisse Asset Management, and

Director of Music at the University of Canberra. She has served as university lecturer,

subject convener and curriculum adviser, presenter, adjudicator, and on the board of the

Music Teachers' Association of NSW. Rasa is the owner and director of Music Classes

Canberra, which specialises in adult music education.

ADAM MAJSAY, Board Member

Born and raised in Sydney, Adam is a graduate of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

Over the past decade, he has built a strong reputation as a choral conductor, working

with both adult and school-aged choirs, including both auditioned and non-auditioned

ensembles. His investment in the development of Australian choral repertoire has led to

the commissioning of numerous new works. In addition to his role on the board of

Luminescence, Adam is the Music Director of Sydney Gay & Lesbian Choir and has

served as a member of the Australian National Choral Association’s National Council and

NSW/ACT Chapter, and on the management committee of Sydney Chamber Choir.

Adam is passionate about music and education, working as Deputy Principal at an

independent school in Sydney’s east, having previously been a Head of Music for many



a/g Secretary

Elizabeth Minchin is Emeritus Professor of Classics at the ANU, where, apart from

continuing her research projects and supervising postgraduates, she acts as curator of

the ANU Classics Museum and oversees the outreach and fundraising activities of the

Friends of the Museum. Her first career after graduating from Sydney University as a

secondary school teacher of languages ancient and modern. She subsequently

completed an MA and PhD at the Australian National University in Ancient Greek

literature and joined the Classics staff in the Classics Program (now the Centre for

Classical Studies) at the ANU. Elizabeth has taught the languages and literature of

Ancient Greece and Rome, helping students to appreciate why the literature of these

ancient cultures continues to be so influential, and has also enjoyed teaching classes in

social history. Elizabeth is an enthusiastic audience-member and supporter of a number

of music enterprises, both local and national.

AJ AMERICA, Founder and Artistic Director

AJ America served as founding Chair of the Board from 2015 - August 2019. She was a

driving force behind the transformation of Luminescence into a professional

organisation, and remains on the board in her capacity as Artistic Director.

Thank you

Our work would be impossible without the generous support of our partners and

patrons. We are deeply grateful for their ongoing support. We are immensely

grateful to the individuals who gave to Luminescence in 2021, as well as to the

Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centres, Wesley Music Centre, and Canberra International

Music Festival, whose support in kind during 2021 allowed our activities to continue

during difficult times. We would also like to thank the Embassy of Spain in Australia

for their generous sponsorshop of 'Populares Canciones'.


Lilon Bandler

Anonymous (1)

$2000 - $4999

Irena Nebenzahl

Anna and Bob Prosser

Anonymous (2)

$1000 - $1999

Jennifer Hershon

Elizabeth Minchin

Anonymous (4)

$500 - $999

Dorothy Broom

Cody Christopher

Anonymous (2)

$250 - $499

Anonymous (2)

$100 - $249

Angela Brown

Marlene Hall

Gertraud and Richard Cohen

Andrew Blanckensee

Paul Shelley

Anonymous (2)

$2 - $99

Paul and Betty Meyer

Helen Louise Sinclair

Johanna McBride

Jennifer Nicholson

Nina Stachurski

Sage S. Wang

Anonymous (12)


Luminescence relies heavily on volunteers who generously donate their time and

expertise. These volunteers help keep choristers safe and well, accommodate

interstate and touring artists, and record and photograph concerts. We'd like to

offer our heartfelt thanks to those who have helped this year, including:

Mary Colls, Olivia Hobbs, Kate Burt, Antoinette Perry, Stephen Beeby, Heather

Hodgson, Peter Hislop, Cody Christopher, and Maddi Scott.



Total income: $116,216


Total expenses: $109,125

For a detailed financial report see: LCS Inc. Financial Report 2021

Luminescence Chamber Singers Incorporated

A Not-For-Profit Incorporated Association registered in the ACT.

Ainslie Arts Centre

30 Elouera Street

Braddon ACT


Ph: 0401 770 130

Email: lcs@luminescence.org.au


Facebook: facebook.com/luminescencesingers

Youtube: Luminescence Chamber Singers

Instagram: luminescencesingers

Photos: Hilary Wardhaugh, AJ America

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