2022 Spring Impact Report [Digital - High Res]

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September 2021 - February 2022


COVID-19 is continuing to raise significant questions

and challenges across all aspects of how we live, and

how our societies function. The socio-economic crisis

that is following in its wake is being experienced in very

different ways by the most vulnerable in the

communities we support. To that effect, our strategy

has been to focus our approach on locally led response

and recovery to ensure that we are prioritising the

community’s ability to withstand the emerging shocks

and to come back stronger as they rebuild for the


In this impact period, we have welcomed a new

investment and mentoring partner Martin James

Foundation. Martin James believes in the power of

locally led solutions and together, over the next two

years, we will work collaboratively identify more

alternative families - foster carers. We will train foster

carers to provide quality alternative family based

placements to children that need it, and prevent them

from spending even one night in an orphanage.

Through this partnership we are also documenting our

learning and the various models from our grassroots

partners. We will submit this as evidence for policy

development and strengthening around family based

options that exist and can be replicated across Uganda.

We are leaving no voice behind as we continue to

amplify the voices of care-experienced youth and

parents, through the youth wellbeing groups and peer

parenting and advocacy groups.

Our participatory approach will continue to ensure that

local communities are leading the solutions to address

emerging challenges, as well as offering their ideas,

experience and perspectives, helping us to respond

quickly as well as leading the long term solutions that

will ensure that children remain in strong and

connected families.


Christopher Muwanguzi

Chief Executive

Child's i Foundation


Keeping families


We have emerged out of the 3rd wave of the Covid-

19 pandemic, which impacted many families and

communities in various ways. At Child's i, we have

continued to ensure children are not separated from

their families. We are continuing to skill up community

champions as volunteers to direct families in need to

relevant emergency and specialist services. Together

with our social work team, community volunteers visit

and provide psychosocial support to families facing

isolation; delivering food and medical packages to

families facing economic hardship, whilst supporting

their recovery through small business and education


Our cycle volunteers project, piloted in 2020 with the

Rocket Foundation with 15 bicycles to overcome

vehicle restriction during lockdown, has now been

scaled to equip 236 community volunteers with

bicycles, PPE and mobile phones with support from

Oak Foundation and UKAid Direct.

A special thank you goes to the Oak Foundation for

providing a 6-month emergency grant to support

hundreds of families with food and basic supplies,

through our well established community volunteer


We made great strides with our mental wellbeing

initiative supported by Grand Challenges Canada. We

continue to document important lessons and best

practice to inform our strategies in supporting young

people with lived experience of care. We are proud of

the progress made, with the manual developed and

videos produced to serve as learning and capacity

building resources in all our programming.

A key lesson during this period has been to prioritise

the wellbeing out of teams. We continue to ensure

staff respite and ongoing mental wellbeing support.


Susan Ajok

Country Director

Child's i Foundation

Our Impact



children supported with food parcels,

medical care, education and other

assistance to ensure they stay together


children reintegrated

from orphanages into

safe and loving



approved as prospective

foster carers

trained to

provide a safe

and loving home

for children

22 foster parents

young people were

supported to build

their capacity in life

skills by trained peer

wellbeing champions

parents of children with

disabilities were trained

on parenting, child rights

and child protection

peer parenting and

advocacy groups

created as a space

for parents to share

3advice and guidance


The above figures include our achievements between September

and February 2022


The Power of a


At Child’s i, we believe the power lies in our

community. We empower local activists to become

the eyes in their local communities to ensure every

child is growing up in a safe and loving family home.

It is important that every community volunteer is

prepared to safeguard children. We train each

volunteer in case management, child protection,

alternative care, deinstitutionalisation and parenting

and assess them to ensure they are fully equipped

and empowered to protect and support vulnerable

children, families and young people.

The role of a community volunteer is, firstly, to identify

vulnerable families. They work very closely with police,

local government officials and community structures,

such as Community Development Networks, for a well

coordinated and informed intervention.

Community volunteers also monitor and deliver

support to families to keep them together. They visit

families door-to-door every single day to make sure

children are safe and loved and that families have

food, hygiene products and enough money to pay

rent. Community volunteers give families small

business start-up support to help them earn an

income. They also refer families to local services for

medical, education and housing support.

Our network of


volunteers supports




What is a




Community Development Networks (or so

called CDNs) are groups of non-technical

government and community volunteers

who come together with common interest

and passion for the welfare of children.

The CDNs comprise of government officials

- health officers, secretary in-charge of

education, sub county councillor in charge

of children affairs, Chairperson

Headteacher’s Association, Agriculture

extension worker, representatives from

faith-based organisations and private

sector, NGOs and community based

organisations and para social workers in

the sub county.

The CDNs are responsible for ensuring that

children in the sub-counties are realising

their rights to protection from violence,

exploitation and neglect. They provide

community solutions and assistance to

children who are experiencing or are at risk

of child protection violations.

children every year.


Day in the Life of a

community volunteer


Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Angella and I am 28 years old. I am a

single mother of two children, pursuing a degree in

Social Work. I work as a Manager in a Community

Learning Centre. I am also a Community Facilitator and

a teacher of Adult Education.

Why did you decide to become a community


Before becoming a Community Volunteer at Child's i

Foundation, I was volunteering at a government

development project and acted as a youth

representative. With this background, I observed how

children’s affairs were reported and handled and I

wanted to be part of it.

There were very many cases of child abuse in my

community and an increased vulnerability of children.

In addition, parents and the community were not

aware of the reporting structures. With this

background, I wanted to change the way people

treated children in my community. Most children were

abused by their parents, others were not in school. I

love children and I wanted to make a difference in my


What is your biggest achievement as a

Community Volunteer?

I have worked together with parents to help them

learn more about child abuse and its implications.

In some cases, I had to get authorities involved when

parents failed to comply with the law. As a member of

a Community Development Network, I have mobilised

support for parents who could not afford scholastic

materials for their children's education.

What motivates you the most?

My personal life motivates me. I’m a single parent and

I had a challenging childhood. I don't want to see

other children experience what I experienced and this

drives my zeal every day to work hard and have a

favourable environment where children grow and

I don't want to see other

children experience what I

experienced and this drives

my zeal every day to work

hard and have a favourable

environment where children

grow and learn as children.

- Angella, Community Volunteer

learn as children.

Volunteering is very rewarding. Many organisations

have picked me up to run other projects. The trust

they have in me makes me achieve personal and work

goals. I have learnt a lot from different people and I

will not stop.

What's the most interesting part of your role?

It's associating with people from different levels. This

has helped me learn from society and has improved

my skills in counselling and guidance, the elderly have

also guided me in life skills that have been

implemented in my personal life.

If you could say something to all parents, what

would it be?

Fellow parents, love your children beyond anything

else. Stand and be a decision-maker and be confident

that you can provide everything your child needs. In

addition, do not take your children to institutions

because you do not know what they are trained to

adopt in institutions. Let a child adopt your values and

culture to have a sense of belonging.

Parents of children living with disabilities, you should

love and treat all children equally because disability is

not a bad omen.

What are your future aspirations as a Community


Looking forward, with support from Child’s i

Foundation, I would love to address the harm of child

labour and the importance of education for children.

I appeal to all parents to work hard and have their

children in school.

Children are a community’s responsibility, let’s all

stand together and advocate for children’s rights.

It is everyone’s responsibility in the community to

control child abuse. It’s a collective effort. It may not

be the ultimate solution but it is a step towards equal

rights for children.

All children belong to the community.


Creating community led

alternatives to


Project Goals

Overall Goal

develop and recommend models of

best practice across Masaka, Mpigi

and Wakiso that will serve as learning

resources be used to raise national

awareness of alternative care in

Uganda and the region.

6civil society


supported to document

and demonstrate their

alternative family


identify, and


assess potential

foster carers


prepare prospective

foster carers for

approval, in partnership

with ditrict probation

and social welfare officer

and the local alternative

care panel

In the last 6 months, our locally led community

networks have reached 1,996 children in 449


We have also established 3 peer support groups, led

by parents with lived experience of raising children

with disabilities, fostering parents, adoptive parents,

and youth with lived experience of care.

Parents and youth are trained to set up the groups,

once established they are self run and provide

ongoing peer support to existing and new members.

Some have gone onto set up additional functions like

savings and micro-finance initiatives, allowing the

members to save and borrow. They also act as

advocacy groups providing a community led voice and

champions who advocate for inclusion, access to

services and family based care.

Similarly with local delivery partners, our approach has

been to identify and collaborate with civil society and

grassroots organisations, implementing closest to the

community and sometimes with additional expertise.

In Masaka, a district neighbouring Mpigi, one of Child’s

i Foundations districts of operations, we have

established a training and mentoring partnership with

Home Free.

With support from UBS Optimus Foundation Child’s i

is working with with community based organisations

and local champions to build on existing peer,

advocacy and community groups to train 240

community volunteers and parents with lived

experience in leadership and community mobilisation

to support recruitment of alternative families.

Through this work, we aim to promote family based

care over residential care and to advocate from a

rights based position on issues relating to inclusion of

children with disabilities, adoption, and child family



Community led

alternatives to


Together with the Martin James Foundation, we are

strengthening our foster care work by creating a

professional community of organisations in Uganda

that support and promote foster care and kinship care

in the districts of Masaka, Mpigi and Wakiso.

Our next milestone is to document the models

through the voices of the parents and to develop

foster care training and resources as well as raise

national awareness of alternative care in Uganda and

the region.

Wakiso district will be our first local government

partner whose capacity we will build to deliver their

own foster care programme. The first of its kind, led

by a local government in partnership with local


We are supporting parents and guardians of children

as well as peer educators and community leaders to

establish thriving networks, focusing on promoting

foster care and kinship care in Uganda.

In the last 6 months:

Together with the local community and the

local government we identified, assessed

and trained 102 potential foster carers.

We have trained and up-skilled our

partner Home Free to deliver a foster care

model that has identified and trained 83

foster parents to provide loving and safe

families for children at risk of separation.

Scaling for Impact:

Home Free

Home Free is a community based organisation

that believes that children belong in families.

They keep families together, make families for

children through reunification and foster care

and are transforming the child welfare system

to one that relies on families, and not

orphanages to care for vulnerable children.

We are proud to have provided Home Free

with training and the tools to deliver

deinstitutionalisation and alternative care work

in Uganda. We have trained and mentored

Home Free’s social workers and supported

them with case management guidance.

Home Free is amongst the first organisations

to receive technical training. We are providing

training and guidance to other organisations

as we scale our work in partnership with

grassroots and local organisations aligned

with our vision and values.

Tororo district is still free of orphanages.

The district is taking the lead in delivering

their foster care work. We will be leaving

the district at the end of the year with

community led child protection services

and alternatives to orphanages.


Piloting mental

health peer support

for young people in


With the support from our technical partner, Hope

and Homes for Children, in 2019 we started the

journey of transitioning the children and young adults

in St Michael’s Children’s Home back to their families.

Fast forward to today, and in partnership with the

Archdiocese, and Help Uganda Trust (HUT), we have

transitioned all 37 young people out of the children's

home. HUT has supported their education up to

secondary level and tertiary level whilst our role has

been to prepare the young people with life and social

skills to help them thrive in their new world: business

set up, budgeting, cooking, relationship and sex

education, and more.

Together with Help Uganda Trust, we continue to

work with the young people providing ongoing

psychosocial support, mentorship, and financial

assistance to ensure their personal and professional


Listening to the young adults helped us realise that a

peer support network would be key in helping build

their confidence to navigate their new course of life.

Following their lead, we launched a learning

partnership between youth with lived experience of

care and final year social work students from

Makerere University to develop a youth peer led

innovation to address well-being and trauma amongst

young people.

The innovation “Breaking the Cycle” is made up of

training videos, and accompanying guidebook,

focusing on four key areas: Trauma and Stress,

Depression and Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings,

Anxiety, and Loss and Grief. Together, they will

address the gap in integrated mental health and wellbeing

support for children at risk and vulnerable


Working in

partnership to create

youth wellbeing


The project is powered with support from

Grand Challenges Canada. We want to give

young people the skills and platform to

advocate for a world where children do not

experience the trauma of growing up in an


In partnership with Makerere University,

leading the research aspect, the project will

also provide much needed evidence to

enable us to scale the wellbeing project and

provide a community based approach to

building awareness of mental health and

wellbeing, through the voices of youth with

lived experience of care.

Through this project, we hope to empower young

people with lived experience of care and others that

have experienced trauma through a compassionate



Meet Charles

Charles was placed in an orphanage when he was just 7

years old. This is where he spent the next 17 years of his

life. “I have grown up in the children's home,” he shared

with us. “When my friends would go back to their homes

during the school holidays, I would go back to the

children's home, it was my home.”

Charles is one of the 37 young adults that has been

supported to transition into independent living.

At the height of the Covid19 pandemic, Charles left the

orphanage to start his new life in independent living.

Once set up in his new accommodation, we provided

Charles with with rent and food packages to help him

get through the pandemic.

Charles loves to bake, a passion he turned into his

business. “My passion for baking started when I was in

high school, during the holidays I would volunteer at a

restaurant near the orphanage. That’s where my passion

for cooking was born.” At the university, Charles chose to

study Hotel Management and Institutional Catering.

During the long holidays while at the University, Charles

would go back to the orphanage and intern at a local

hotel to learn how to bake.

“I spend most of my time baking and perfecting my

recipes by watching YouTube videos,” he tells us


“I want to expand and have a wide variety of baked

goods.” Charles shared with us.

Child's i has helped Charles grow his business and fulfil

his dream by buying him an industrial oven. “Now I do

not have to worry about burning my cakes,” he laughed

heartily. “I will scale up my business. The baking

equipment is expensive, I hope to save and buy more


Charles shares that his life experience is his inspiration.

He would like to have a brighter future and have

connections with bigger bakery brands that can provide

him with advice on how to run a successful bakery.


We are an Award

Winning Charity

Winners of the FiRe award, again!

Child's i Foundation has just been announced the

winner of the FiRE award for Small and Medium-sized


We are excited and honoured to become two-time

recipients of the 2020 and 2021 Annual Financial

Reporting Awards (FiRe), under the International

Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for SMEs.

The FiRe Awards are an annual ceremony through

which excellence in financial reporting is recognised

and rewarded. Organisations in the private, public and

non-profit sectors participate by submission of their

annual reports for the year under review.

Winners of the Best Partnership award!

Child's i Foundation together with St James's Place

Wealth Management has won the award for BEST

Partnership with an international Charity, in the 7th

Annual Better Society Awards!

The award recognises the focused partnership

between Child's i and St James's Place that has

leveraged skills and resources of the financial

institution to create an international blueprint for


Winning this award means so much to

us. It confirms that our small social

impact organisation can have a big

footprint and that our work is being

noticed. We are extremely grateful for

the support and mentorship from St

James’s Place Charitable Foundation.

Their investment, encouragement and

belief in our vision has brought us this


Christopher Muwanguzi



Take Action

You can make a change

Join in the efforts to make sure every child in Uganda

grows up in a safe and loving family.

One small act of generosity can make a world of

difference in the lives of children growing up

separated from their families. From organising a

running challenge with your friends, donating for free

while you shop online, to engaging in our work

through philanthropy, there are plenty of ways you

can help change the way we care for children in



Transform Lives

Become a monthly supporter to transform the way we

care for children in Uganda. Your monthly gift will

support children, families, and communities to make

sure every child grows up in a safe and loving family.

Are you based in Uganda?

Giving in Uganda is easy. Simply, sign up with your

bank, or give monthly via mobile money.

Be a part of a community

By becoming a part of the Giving Circle, you are joining a community of

like-minded and committed individuals who understand the importance

and lasting impact of children growing up in families, not orphanages.

Secure a safe future for children in Uganda

Monthly gifts enable us to invest in specific areas of our work, expand our

programmes and innovate because we know that our efforts are being

backed up by the Giving Circle community.

Get a front seat to our work

The Giving Circle community is part of our family - you will get exclusive

updates, meet-ups with the team, and special gifts along the way!



Thank you to the families, community volunteers,

government officials, partners, staff, volunteers, and

supporters for making our work possible.

Goodwill Ambassador in Uganda

Lucy Bunyenyezi

Our Ambassadors in the UK

Richard Osman

Tamara Box

Sam Rowe-Beddoe

Greg Nasmyth

Mary O'Connor

Andy Ash

Deborah Francis-White

Nicola Horlick

Natascha Lander

Irem Yerdelen

Special thank you to our photographers Benjamin

Nsubaga and Mark Andrew Nsubuga.

Address in the UK: Child's i Foundation, Abbots Rift,

Monastery Gardens, Rotherfield, TN6 3NB

Address in Uganda: Bukasa Rd, Kampala, Uganda



Registered charity number: 1126212


Our mission is to enable Uganda to fully commit

as a nation to curb the spread of orphanages,

repurposing the orphanages that exist and

reimagining the way it cares for vulnerable

children and young people.


One day, in a Uganda free of

orphanages, all children will

belong and grow up in safe

and loving families.

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