Coffee with Moe - Spring_2022s

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Weedy Wonders<br />

Mother Nature has a reason and a season for pretty much everything.<br />

We may not always understand her, but if we investigate a little, we’re sure to<br />

find the w5* of all she quietly and organically manages in this huge and complex<br />

organism we call earth.<br />

*Who, what, where, when and why<br />

One aspect of her that is often disregarded, misunderstood and villainized is the<br />

existence of plants that are widely regarded as weeds. To some, any plant that was<br />

not willingly planted by the property’s guardian is considered a weed. For others,<br />

there is a select list of garden “Enemies” to be eradicated at all costs.<br />

Today we are going to chat about the latter category. Not exhaustively but, I trust,<br />

in enough detail that it may give you pause before you rip any plant out of the<br />

ground because it doesn’t fit <strong>with</strong> your personal aesthetic. Weeds can bring beauty<br />

and biodiversity to your garden in ways that you (and definitely your garden), will<br />

actually find helpful.<br />

As I started to write this essay, I quickly realized that reading about a world of<br />

wonderful weeds, might feel a little overwhelming. I’m guessing that you’d rather<br />

get a clear read on just one (1) weedy wonder.<br />

So, let’s start our weedy exploration <strong>with</strong> a pretty little flower that you either love or<br />

hate, the Dandelion.<br />

Originating in both Europe and North America, the Dandelion is known world-wide<br />

as a symbol of growth, hope and healing. Sure, it’s hated by lovers of the perfect<br />

green lawn and folks bent on eradicating this sunny flower from their cultivated<br />

palettes. Yet, I wonder if, their views might be swayed if they understood the<br />

wealth of benefits each little Dandelion possesses. It dominates as a helper for the<br />

soil, the bees and our health, if we simply just give it a chance.<br />

From the very first glance, the humble Dandelion is quietly doing its job as an<br />

indicator species. Being an indicator means that its very presence is letting us know<br />

that the soil it inhabits is compacted and potentially low in calcium. Soil conditions<br />

are always important to keep track of and better yet, Dandelion has shown up to<br />

do all the heavy lifting. It can reverse soil issues <strong>with</strong> its long, strong tap root, the<br />

same one that makes it a brute to weed out. A dandelion root will lay waste to<br />

compaction issues and that sturdy taproot will also pull nutrients like calcium from<br />


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