Charity Event Budget

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Proposal Document

For a Charity Event initiated by

Indigenous Skills Foundation

Compiled by Aleck Chibamu and Sandile Nyambi

At Indigenous Skills Foundation; Economic Development

and individual wellbeing is at the forefront of what we’re

working together towards. Our aim is to reduce hunger. We

provide free meals and food parcels to the needy at least once

every month. Our programs and activities are designed to be a

catalyst that helps community members reach their goals and

fulfill their potential. The purpose behind this project is to

provide training that will promote and empower local

knowledge and skills within our community, by utilizing the

resources and skills that are locally available. We hope to

work with local skilled individuals to engage in our training

programs to uplift community members. Join our team and

learn more about Hair dressing, carpentry, welding, carrier

guidance, counselling and dressmaking. This document

outlines the budget and resources required including time and

location of the upcoming charity event.

Sustainable Development

Our Main Objectives

Food donations

For information visit:

web: https://indigenous-skills-foundation.jimdosite.com/

web: indigenous-skills-foundation.business.site

email: presrvinglocalskills@gmail.com

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/Indigenous-Skills-


Instagram: preservinglocalskills

Call/WhatsApp: 0827338873/0791878809





There are a lot of people who are struggling to support themselves and their families in everyday life, this leads

young people to resort to crime as a means for survival and an effort to support their families. Everyone has a

duty to land a helping hand to build a growing society that helps each other and promote the spirit of Ubuntu.

We are all victims of poverty because of the inequality and corruption that is rooted in this country.

The aim of this event is to show support to those that are struggling to support themselves and families and

those that are forgotten by the system, to show people that you do not have to be rich to help the poor and to

revive the spirit of ubuntu that built our societies thousands of years ago created by our forefather. This event

will run for a day in Salvokop to give out food parcels and sanitary towels to the people in need.

Background information of the event

Majority of people in Salvokop are living in poverty including high unemployment rate and are failing to meet

their basic needs, because most of them lack skills and are earning a bare minimum not even enough to take

kids to school or buy basic needs such as sanitary towels and proper food. Winter is approaching and there are

people who will be sleeping in cold without blankets nor food, kids at school are reaching their adolescents

stage and some have started experiencing their cycles, yet they are not able to afford sanitary towels. This

event is just a foundation for our Indigenous skills foundation that aims to promote indigenous knowledge,

basic skills, youth participation and entrepreneurship to empower marginalized community members in need.

Needs and prospect considered

At the end of this event, people will be aware of the Indigenous Skills Foundation and its objectives to build a

better community that has skillful youth and people. The main purpose behind the event is promote individual

and economic growth by utilizing available resources such as, our local skills and knowledge. This event will

change the attitude of young people who believe that they are forgotten by the system who tend to resort to

crime for survival, it will build the foundation for changing of attitudes and behaviour of young people, the

food parcels and sanitary towels are part of our organizational commitment to reduce and eradicate poverty and

to build awareness of the importance of indigenous skills. The event is targeting the most vulnerable members

of the community especially unskilled, women and girls who are the main victims of gender-based violence,

lack of sanitary towels, unemployment and poverty.

Reasons for Event planning

Goals of the project

‣ To emphasize the importance of indigenous skills and knowledge.

‣ To give out food parcels and basic needs to vulnerable members of the community

‣ To reinvent the spirit of Ubuntu within the community

‣ To empower stakeholders in the community to come together and provide an enabling environment to the

people of Salvokop.

‣ To create awareness of our project’s objectives. [Indigenous Skills Foundation]


‣ People will be given basic food parcels and blankets at the event

‣ People will be made aware of our organization and its goals to build a better community that will create a

future with skillful members of the community

‣ The event will be carried out with the assistance of the local councilors and community leaders.

‣ The event will be taking pictures to build a track record for sourcing funders and sponsors.


This event is expected to run two hours.

Risks and remedial actions

The risks that were evaluated from this event are problems experienced from previous events whereby

members who were asked to assist in giving of food parcels ended up stealing from the food meant to support

the vulnerable people. To address and prevent the same situation, as the leader of Indigenous Skills

Foundation, I have taken measures to select people who will work with honesty and protect the effort and

image of the foundation, members who will be suspected or caught stealing will face the full course of the law,

a criminal case will be opened against such members, these remedies will be done to protect the resources of

the foundation and the effort made by our sponsors to achieve the set goals


A budget is included in this event proposal and the resources are well calculated with honesty and integrity of

our Foundation.

The most important resources required are food parcels, sanitary towels, and blankets.

Transport will also be required, if needed, to move from one location to the next location. However, measures

for transportation have been put to place.

Capacity to implement and carry out the event

As the founder of the foundation, I have worked with different members of the community and those outside

the community who have better knowledge of running organizations and events panning, with their insight and

assistance, I have developed confidence and courage to plan and carry out this event as planned. From my

previous events and effort, I have evaluated he risks and put measures in place to address such risks in a

professional manner that will benefit the public and the community while striving to achieve the goals of the


Total Budget

Our target is to feed 200 -300 vulnerable people. As with our previous events the total budget can be adjusted

according to the received total amount. Project funders may donate more of less if they wish to do so. To

ensure transparency and honesty funders can buy any items they wish to donate. We usually require project

funders to come to the event to distribute food parcels.

Items Quantity Cost per item Kg/litre Total cost

Bread 300 loafs R8 R2400

Juice 300 R 10 R3000


60 crates of

eggs R40 R2400

Beans 300 cans R8 R2400

Total R10,200

The event will be held on:

Date: Saturday 23 April 2022

Time: 12: OO afternoon

Venue: 331 5 Avenue Salvokop Pretoria opposite [SA STATISTICS]

Contact: 0827338873/0791878809

Thank you

Indigenous Skills Foundation

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