Regency book 2021

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The Annual Magzine


Vol No 18





S I N C E 1 9 9 4



(Affiliated to Osmania University)

6-3-600/A/6, Hilltop Colony, Erramanzil, Khairtabad, Hyd. Ph: 040-23317905

From Editor’s Desk

From Editorial

Regency College of Hotel Management has always been

upfront setting benchmarks in fields of Hospitality Education,

Social Responsibility and Industry Interaction. We are proud to

announce that Regency College of Hotel Management has

been guiding us in the right direction since 1994. At this

Juncture its gives us immense pleasure to present you with

this Silver Jubilee 18th edition of ECHO 2020.

I am fearless, in the eternity of possibility, within the endless

flow. I am breathless, by the wonders that surround us, as

never-ending Fountains.

As the word Echo describes 'Reflection' ECHO 2020 reflects

the Journey to the 25 years of success. The name and fame

of an Institute depends on the caliber and achievements of

the students and teachers. The role of a teacher is to be a

facilitator in nurturing the skills and talents of students. This

magazine is a platform to exhibit the literary skills and

innovative ideas of teachers and students. ECHO 2020

presents the achievements of students and contributions of

teachers. This annual Magazine is a collate of various college

activities in the year 2019-2020 and informative articles. In

this very special edition we also have tried to project the

Black & White theme as a tribute to the hospitality Colors.

We would like to place on record our gratitude and heartfelt

thanks to the Chairman Mr. Mohd Jafer, Secretary Mr. Mohd.

Fathe Khaleq, Principal Mr. P Ramesh Kumar Reddy and all

those who have contributed to make this effort a success.

We profusely thank the management for giving support and

encouragement and a free hand in this Endeavour. Last but

not the least we are thankful to all the authors who have sent

their articles and advertising sponsors .We truly hope that

the pages that follow will make an interesting read. I also

thank my Colleagues and students who have been giving

their best to help me in this process.

Happy Reading!

Ms. Uma Bala

Chief Editor

Ms.Diana Peter


Editorial Team

Mr. Sudheer

Image Consultant

ECHO 2020 01

Dt. 03/2020


I am happy to note that the Regency College of Hotel

Management and Catering Technology, affiliated to Osmania University,


Hyderabad is celebrating its 25 Annual celebrations

I am also happy to note that the college is felicitating the

Young achievers (Hoteliers) on this occasion and bringing out a souvenir

- ECHO 2020.

I convey my best wishes for the success of the event.


ECHO 2020 03


Minister for Prohibition & Excise,

Sports & Youth Services,

Tourism & CuIture and Archaeology

Room No.358,

D-Block, 2nd Floor,

Telangna Secretariat,


Ph. No. 040-23450368



I am happy to know that M/s Regency College of Hotel Management & Catering Technology is

celebrating its Silver Jubilee this year and bringing out a Magazine "ECHO-2020" resonating

the experiences and exposure by the students during the course of their study. I understand that

this College provides quality education for the Hospitality Aspirants and train the Young

Professionals in securing livelywood through employment in the Hotels also opportunities in

the Tourism Sector.

The Tourism & Culture of Telangana boasts a rich culture and plethora of eye-catching

destinations attracting the tourists. Hotel & Tourism is an important sector which contribute lot

to the economic development of our State and the Country by creating employment and


I convey my best wishes to the Management and organizers wishing all success for conducting

Silver Jubilee Celebrations.


ECHO 2020 05

News Gallery


ECHO 2020


M.sc., Ph .D

Professor of Physics &


(Re-Accredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade)


Hyderabad - 500 007. T.S. INDIA

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: +91-40-27682363

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Email : registrar@osmania.ac.in



Regency College of Hotel Management established in 1994 is one amongst the Best College affiliated to Osmania

University, I am happy to learn that the college is organizing its Silver Jubilee Celebrations during ApriI, 2020 and is

bringing out the 21' Issue of College Magazine ECHO-2020.

I am delighted to note that the college has completed 25 years of dedicated service in the cause of higher education

particularly in the field of Hotel Management in Telangana The college deserves appreciation for giving an efficient

training and qualitative education to the students eventually getting recruited into Jobs in the field of Hospitality, Retail

Sector Tourism and other allied Industries both in India and Abroad. The student's consistent academic result at the

University Examinations speaks volumes about the quality of Education imparted by this Institute

I am glad to know that the college has been striving for excellence and is making steady progress over all these years. The

College has been maintaining the fine tradition of regular publication of Annual College Magazine over the years, This

Silver Jubilee Annual Day Celebrations are a Milestone in the onward march of any institution.

I convey my best wishes to the Management, Principal, Staff and Students of the College for their initiative on this


I Wish the Silver Jubilee Celebrations all Success

With best regards


ECHO 2020 07

Our Founder & Chairman's Envision


Educationists should build the capacities of

the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial

and moral leadership among students and

become their role model.”

- Shri Abdul Kalam,

My Dear Students

I deem it to be a matter of immense pleasure and

honor for me to address you all through the ECHO-

2020 this year is its Silver Jubliee Edition of Regency

College of Hotel Management and Catering

Technology affiliated to Osmania University

established in 1994. It is indeed very heartening to

witness that the college has carved a name and

Celebrating SILVER JUBLIEE for itself in the

academic scenario of this region. Education is the

most powerful tool to bring desirable changes in our

personality and also to bring positive changes in our

society. It is the only medium which enables you to

move from darkness to brightness. I strongly believe

that, there can be no better way to drive and improve

our nation's prosperity and social economic wellbeing

than through its education system.

Dear Students, I also believe that, Hospitality

Management Students are the key to continued

economic advancement of our country especially in

Tourism and Hotel Sectors. As you are aware,

Tourism is a potentially large employment generator

besides being major source of Foreign Exchange for

the Country. This sector in our country has

accounted 8% of the total employment opportunities

generated in the country in 2018, providing

employment to around 45.6 million people during

the same year. The number is expected to rise by 3

percent per annum to 52.3 million jobs by 2028.

International hotel chains are increasing their

presence in the country, as it will account for around

47 per cent share in the Tourism & Hospitality sector

of India by 2020 & 50 per cent by 2022

I travel across the world and I see that a lot of

Alumni of Regency are doing extremely well in

various sectors of Hospitality Industry be it Hotels,

Airlines and Retail Sectors.

I congratulate team Regency on aiming at the

complete development of the student, more over

our Principal and staff are handpicked and trained

to ensure that the students are supported in all their

Endeavors' and Academics. To keep pace with the

new trends and changes the institute equips the

students to face all the challenges lying ahead in

life, mainly for Holistic Educational Development,

which causes the employment outlook excellent for

people from every race and ethnic background.

I Pray the Almighty to Shower his Blessings upon us

Wish you all Good Luck!!!

Thanks & Regards

Mohd. Jafer


Regency College of HMCT.


ECHO 2020

Connotation to the

Budding Regents

Q. Regency, is now going to celebrate to Silver jubilee,

What would you like to say?

Well, I am pleased to know that you are celebrating 25

years of existence in Hyderabad. We know Lemon Tree

for now and we do come to your campus for

recruitment, We have got some students who are

currently working with us .We have recruited them

,some have moved on and it's a best college , I wish you

all members at Regency College a very happy 25 years

of existence.

Q. Say something about your career, how you reached

this big platform Regional Manager of Lemon Tree


Yes it's a long journey. It took three decades to come so

far. I started my career with ITC as an apprentice then I

moved to Taj spent a long innings at Taj, got polished in

Taj and then moved to Lemon Tree Hotel. It's now 7

years that I am here with Lemon Tree Hotels in


Q.What would to like to say about leadership?

Well, the leadership style I have is a very participative

style. I believe in letting the people to do what they are

supposed to do best and encourage them to contribute

towards progress. A participative leadership is what

makes the difference.

Q. What is your opinion about CSR activities?

Yes, every industry has to contribute towards the social

responsibility and we “Lemon tree “also have the CSR

,we recruit people as SHI's .we have SHI's as 16% of our

staff. SHI's is a speech and hearing impact people who

cannot hear and speak and we recruit them ,we train

them to become trained bodies to work with us from

shoulder to shoulder. This is the good way that the

lemon tree has shown the way to other industries to


Q. What are the prospects with a brand like lemon tree?

Lemon tree, Hyderabad is very good. as of now ,the

government is very supportive towards the industry as

we have seen the growth that's happening in the

industry also I am the vice president of the Hotels and

Restraint Association of state and we are pleased with

the progress that Hyderabad is making. Hence young

and budding Hotelier have great career prospects with

brands like Lemon Tree Hotels.

Q. What is that one Aspect you like about Regency?

The students are all well trained in all aspects which

makes us pick them for Management Trainee

Programme. It is a very good and disciplined college.

Q. Sir, what is your message to the upcoming budding


As I mentioned earlier, one has to be Patient, Persistent

and Innovative. The first few years of your career might

seem to be quite demanding; however the industry is

extremely rewarding with promising career

opportunities. One must also remain adaptive and

agile to be the perfect fit for the industry.

Q. Sir, what is your message to the upcoming budding


Undoubtedly the Hospitality Industry is very

promising. Young students must have passion.

Wish you all Good Luck!!!

Thanks & Regards

Mr. Regi Corbet

Regional Manager

Lemon Tree Hotels

ECHO 2020 11

Secretary's Preamble


Success is no accident. It is hard work,

perseverance, learning, studying,

sacrifice and most of all,

love of what you are doing.”


It gives me great pleasure to see Regency College of

Hotel Management steadily achieving greater

heights and reaching the MILE STONE of 25 Years

and celebrating its Silver Jubilee. This has been

possible largely due the dynamic leadership of our

Chairman Mohd Jafer, I congratulate the entire staff

of the college for making the Regency College Flag

High and High.

The college is Ideally Situated with its Serene

Surroundings, Excellent Infrastructure & Facilities, it

provides the right ambience for teaching and

learning process to continue undeterred.

I have seen that Regents are cared and developed as

consistent trend-setters and this equips them to

design their career growth. Regency as a brand

endorses and nurtures the potential of every

individual to the extent of perfection. It provides a

rich and diversified culture to make the young minds

to brainstorm and to evolve them into the

challenging scenario. We focus on all round

development and it fosters intellectual and personal

development. It creates an atmosphere to impart

Quality Education based on Ethics and a healthy

environment where Curricular, Co-curricular and

Extra-curricular facilities mould the young minds

and motivate them to be brightest and the best.

In this global scenario, success comes to those who

dedicate everything to their passion. However, your

parents endeavor in opting Regency as their choice

for Hospitality education should have been the best

choice. Here I am glad and also delighted to mention

that RCHMCT is a cornerstone for shaping the

novice to make the students to unlock their hidden

talents and insightful learning. This enriches the

scope for the students to seek for an astute

progress both in academics and in common life.

The Successful Saga and excellent track record of

placements provided to our students makes us

stand apart amidst the peer group of Colleges since

its Inception. We are proud of our Alumni who have

contributed with their Success in the Field of


On the Occasion of Silver Jubilee celebrations, I

take the opportunity to appraise the Principal,

HOD's, Faculty Members, Administrative and Non

Teaching staff for their Dutifulness and

Commitment to keep up the college Mission and

Vision. I wish them all a Great Success even in the

Years to Come

Congratulations to all of you on the Occasion of our

College completing 25 Years. It was indeed a great

journey, from the bottom of my heart I applaud each

one of you who have contributed and paved way for

this Successful journey of 25 Years.

Best compliments to

Team Regency

Mohd Fathe Khaleq


Regency College of HMCT


ECHO 2020

Principal's Envision


The Best way to predict the

future is to create it’,

I believe that this is true; Regency has walked a long way and

reached this Mile Stone of 25 Years. RCHMCT affiliated to

Osmania University Established in 1994, is one of the Oldest

Colleges in Hyderabad offering Bachelor's Degree Program in

Hotel Management.

Hospitality Industry has grown phenomenally due to

globalization. For it to succeed, with the most modern

infrastructure it also requires trained personnel who are the

frontline service providers. The degree & diploma courses are

designed in such a way so as to provide the best career

opportunities to the students with the basic qualities of

professionalism, humility and content. The degree / diploma

programs attract versatile talent from all over India selected

through Written &Interview process of admission, and serviced

by experienced and committed faculty who train them as

professionals. Industry has shown tremendous interest and

confidence in our students since so many years.

Since my association with this organization, I have seen it

maturing from day to day. Having begun cautiously, we are in a

position today, where others envy us. Our past experience, our

association with the industry and the name we have established

have helped us in facing the world with our heads held high and

pride in our hearts. It gives me immense pleasure to be present as

part of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of this College. We

Encourage and Endeavour the students to develop inter personal

skills through interactions with knowledgeable resource persons

from various hotels through Industry Connect Programs,

Organizing Seminars, Paper Presentations, making students

involved with activity based learning by Organizing Field Trips,

Food Festivals and so on.

I am proud to say that our Regents have won two Over All

Championships during this Academic Year 2019-2020. Our

Students competed with 40 Colleges across India, Competitions

were held at National Level, We won One Overall Championship at

Hospitality Ensemble New Delhi, Second Overall Trophy was

lifted by Regents at Great Indian Culinary Challenge by Indian

Express and a Runner up Trophy at Auro University Aurangabad.

The institute provides appropriate opportunity of learning and

acquiring skill so that its product becomes strength of growth

and development for the hospitality industry. We in our

Endeavour are trying our best to respond to the demands of the

industry and develop professional manpower for Managerial

Level / Supervisory Level / Entry-level positions. Our student's

performance at the university examinations is commendable.

Every year a handful of students pass out with distinction.

The Alumini of our college are working as General Managers,

Corporate Managers, Executive chefs associated with JW

Marriott Jakarta, Leela Hotel Goa, Novotel AbuDhabi, Westin

and Le meridian Bahrain. We are able to achieve 100%

placements in the top notch hotel brands in India and Abroad.

Placements of young energetic budding students is of prime

importance to all of us and from last year our regents are

fortunate enough to get placed in cruise liners P&O[EUROPE]

and Costa [ITALY].

We have great pride in our institution and management and

have an expert faculty whose priority is and always will be the

students, their development and enhancing knowledge

horizons about the industry which in turn will lead them to the

path of Global Opportunities.

I whole heartedly thank the management for their

unconditional support and encouragement. I am indebted to

my students, Alumni, Parents well wishers, General Managers,

Recruiters of various hotel Brands who make regency and

regents as their first preference for employability.

With pride and gratitude for the past achievements, may the

faculty and students of this College travel towards the future

with courage, hope and determination.

With warm wishes and Good luck for the upcoming sessions.

Wish you all Good Luck!!

Thanks & Regards.

P. Ramesh Kumar Reddy


Regency College of HMCT

ECHO 2020 13

Mission & Vission


“To Educate, Train, Develop and Empower Young

Professionals to meet the changing needs of the Hospitality



“To create skilled Professionals and to Empower the Weaker

Sections of Society in particular, by providing the Best possible

resources that would help their abilities and talent to blossom”

Regency Prospectus

“To strive, To seek, To find”

Globalization and Economic Reforms have thrown up New

Opportunities, Possibilities and Challenges, for individuals,

as well as Business Organizations. There is an increasing

emphasis on Qualitative Services Today, Transcending

National Boundaries.

Inevitably, the Hospitality Industry and related Businesses

offer Tremendous potential for the Employment of skilled

young Men and Women, both in the Domestic and the

International Sectors. India is growing at a Frenetic Pace

and is fast emerging as a major international player with a

Significant Global presence. Hyderabad too, is being seen

as a key destination in the areas of IT, Hospitality and

Healthcare, among others.

Vision Vision

Established in 1994, the Regency College of Hotel

Management offers a three-year Degree Course in Hotel

Management and is affiliated to the Osamnia university.

Over the past 24 years, the College has earned a Reputation

as a centre for Quality Education and Training. The

performance of our students in University Examinations,

and also their Placement in Prestigious Organizations related

to the Hospitality Industry, attest to the Quality of Education

and Training provided by Regency.

With best compliments from :



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Golden Gate of Opportunities

The Travel & Tourism Industry is one of the world's

largest industries with a global economic

contribution. The exceptional Economic Growth of

the Hospitality industry fuels an exceedingly quick

rate of Career Evolution. Regency college is a two

decade Premier Institute of Hotel Management in the

country since 1994. The institution grew

substantially over the years while always

maintaining a cordial atmosphere and intimate

learning Environment for the students. The campus

has the state of art infrastructure with the latest

equipments, smart classrooms, advanced labs, well

equipped library and a fully operational restaurant to

help the students acquire hands on training to hone

their skills and competencies.

The Campus of Regency College opens its gate at

Erramanzil, Hilltop Colony amidst Star Rated Hotels

Taj Krishna, Banjara and Mercure it spreads over

20,000 sq ft in a beautiful and serene atmosphere

ideally suited for Hospitality education. The

infrastructure and facilities available on campus are

amongst the best, the students centered learning

approach adopted by the College since its inception

has helped to produce Dynamic Enthusiastic

Professionals who have created a bench mark for

themselves in the industry through quality

performance year after year


Epitomizing the Sprit of ʻLAGANʼ

Regency took birth from an incessant hunger to

radically transform the Orthodox educational system

for bringing change in Hotel Mgt learning Era with the

spirit of ʻLagaanʼ and putting Objective Commitment.

The College cherishes a mission of ''Commitment to

Excellence, to Nurture and develop Young Aspirants

to be the finest Hospitality Professional for the most

sophisticated Hospitality Industry''. To achieve this,

students are trained in the aspect of 5I's which

encompasses Intellect, Initiative, Integrity,

Interpersonal Skills and Industry related Inputs to be

successful Hospitality leaders.

The College has an Industry Advisory Board for

ongoing curriculum, Pedagogy and the student

Development to meet the industry needs. The

college offers 3 years Bachelors Degree under choice

based credit system CBCS Affiliated to Osmania

University and Craft Course in Food Production under

State Board of Technical Education.

With the most Advanced Infrastructure, Unique

Pedagogical Tools, Soft Skills Training, Smart

Classrooms with Emphasis on Operational and

Management Oriented Education backed with

Cumulative experience of Faculty Members, the skill

sets are delivered in the best possible environment.

Reason why Hotel brands and Restaurants hire our

students and we are able to provide 100%

placement, is through our students consistent

performance at National Level Competitions and the

Numerous Awards and accolades College Possess.

Our students are widely recognized for their Passion,

Commitment and their Professional Competence.

These traits coupled with Academic Excellence make

our students stand out from rest of their

counterparts from other Institutes.


Regency College offers Comfortable,

Reasonable priced Hostel Facilities with

shared Accommodation with the basic

Amenities like Laundry, Wi-Fi connectivity to

outstation students.


Based on the Curriculum of the Osmania University and to

ensure that students are exposed to the Operational

aspects of the Industry, they are sent to Industrial Exposure

Training in IV semester of their second year for a period of

sixteen weeks. The Training Placements Coordinator of the

college guides the students appearing for ON and OFF

Campus Interviews and in making an appropriate career



This Training gives an Exposure to

International Cuisines Across the

Globe. Under the guidance of an

exper t Chef. Students get an

oppor tunity to fine tune their

Culinary Skills, Carving Skills,

Modern Plating Skills.


ECHO 2020


This includes Exposure and Aquaintance to

Regional cuisines of India with special emphasis on

Authenticity, Ethnicity, Cultural Linkages. with the

Quantity Cooking, Bulk Production of Banquets

Buffet Operation.


The College boasts of state of the art Front-Office

lab. The lab is designed like the Reception and

Lobby Area of a Star Hotel. The course covers

areas such as Reservation and Registration,

Cashiering, Night Audit and Floor Management.

The students get to practice on Industry

Standard Software.


This Department includes all aspects of F & B

Operations, Planning, Budgeting, Service

Etiquette, Table Laying, Menu Planning,

Restaurant Operations. Different kinds of

Alcoholic, Non Alcoholic Beverages, Cocktails,

Mocktails their preparations and presentation. The

lab has fully equipped Air Conditioned Restaurant

with a Modern Functional Bar which has a perfect

Five Star Ambience


First year students are introduced to

Gastronomy by familiarizing them with Kitchen

Etiquette, Equipment, Ingredients.


The fully Air Conditioned Computer Lab with

the latest Desktops, Projectors, Access to

Internet with campus wide area networking

enables access from anywhere.


The College has a very Modern and

Sophisticated Seminar Hall. It is fully media

Equipped and accommodates 150 capacity.


The Library has a Large Collection of Books,

Journals and Magazines which serve as a fountain

head of Knowledge and Inspiration for students.

Our Library is Digitalised with Library Software.


The College’s Housekeeping Lab and Guest Room

has been designed to simulate the Modern Luxury

Hotels. The students are taught Interior Decoration,

Flower Arrangement, Types of Equipments, Kinds of

Chemicals used for Cleaning, Usage and

Maintenance of Linen and Fabrics, Cost

Optimization, Room Management and Laundry.


An Intensive Assisted Learning to have Professional

Approach for making International Breads,

Professionally Plated Desserts, Compound

Desserts, Cakes, Gateaux, Tarts etc.


The Executive Centrally Air conditioned

Classrooms provides an Ideal Study Environment

with State of Art Presentation and Communication


ECHO 2020 17

Alumnus Best Wishes on Silver Jubilee

Mr. Manish (1996-99)

General Manager

The Lalit Golf and Spa Resort, Goa

I Graduated from Regency College of Hotel Management my

first job was with Le Meridien, New Delhi as a F&B Associate.

Post that I worked with Shangri La New Delhi. The Park,

Banglore as Bar Manager in 2006. Got promoted to Associate

Director F&B in 2008 and Director F&B 2011and took charge of

the entire Hotel Operations in 2014, got promoted to Director

operations in 2015. Subsequently got promoted to General

Manager in 2016. I went to Cornell University in 2011 for PDP

course. I also did a wine Tour of South African Wineries in Cape

Town in 2011. Loved to take charge as GM of The Lalit Golf and

Spa Resort, Goa in 2017.


Asst. Manager– Food & Beverages

Sayaji hotels Ltd, Raipur

Many years ago, while researching on studying & prospects of

Hotel Management, I chanced upon the services of Regency

College. I still remember stepping into Regency's office 13 years

ago, without a clue as to what Hospitality education was all about

but soon after speaking with them, I found that not only does

Regency have a wealth of knowledge, they truly cared for the

students who came to them. The relationship with Regency did

not stop at getting me ready for the industry but is an everlasting

bond of knowledge, fun & memories that go all along.

Thank you Regency for the guidance and support you have

given me in the past. Congratulations on the Silver Jubilee

celebrations & May you have many greater years ahead!


(General Manager)

JW Marriott Jakarta

I Congratulate Management and Team Regency on the Eve of

Silver Jubilee

RCHMCT- my Alma-mater holds a special place in my heart. Being

fourth batch(1998-2001) student of this Silver Jubilant Hotel

Management College. It was my privilege to become a part of the

building up of the institution's legacy during its inceptive years.

I had a very good time at the institution. Learnt a lot from my

amazing professors who enthralled me with managerial insights

and vast experience they brought in from the industry. I earned a

life-time opportunity to learn more Hospitality Skills, as I had got

recruited for Oberoi Centre for Learning & Development and from

there on no looking back, 15 Years of my work experience I

worked with Taj Group of Hotel and then moved to Marriott

International. Now I am the General Manager of JW Marriott

Jakarta since April'2019. I am a very determined and Passionate

Hotelier My responsibilities as GM include formulating overall

strategy, managing people and establishing policies. To be

successful in this role, you should be a thoughtful leader and a

confident decision-maker, helping our people develop and be

productive, while ensuring our profits are on the rise.

A Word of Wisdom to all my junior Regents, is that the first step in

having a career plan is focusing on “who you are” and “where you

want to be” in order to achieve what you determine to be. The

important thing is to recognize your own individuality and to

think long and hard about how you would determine your own

personal career success.

Without hard work and discipline it is difficult to be a top


I wish you all my junior Regents Great Success in all their


I am currently working at Sheraton Sharjah Beach and Resort and Spa in the seafood

speciality Restaurant. I congratulate my Regency team for celebrating Silver Jubilee. It is

a bigger celebration for us. My journey is good memory at Regency College is like my

family. I got a lot of support from each and every faculty, thanks for the Principal, HOD

Mam and all my Chefs. I gained a lot of knowledge from the college which is very helpful in

my career. I saw many of us are participating in different competitions and we are

winning. The hospitality industry, many of you have heard about ups and downs in the

hospitality industry. Focus on your goals and work, you will get a lot of Career

opportunities. Just follow your passion, work happily and love what you are doing,

success will be yours.



Sheraton sharjah

beach and resort


ECHO 2020

Alumnus Best Wishes on Silver Jubilee


Self Employed Atlanta


Congratulations on the successful 25 years and many more to


It gives me great pleasure to be called a regent. This college

has taught me a lot of things, when I first started my journey

with regency, I was scared of public speaking. But the teachers

here are amazing and have helped me overcome my fear,

groomed my personality and helped me with speaking

confidently. I still remember being a part of the Ms. Budding

personality competition. After graduation, I got an opportunity

to work in the corporate industry with companies like Adp,

Deloitte, TCS. I would personally like to thank each and

everyone. Best wishes for all the future endeavors….


Joining Regency is one of the best things that

happened in my career. I would say my experience

started from the college itself. Regency provides the

best of opportunities, it's upto the students to make the

most out of it. My deepest regards to my college and

best wishes for the present students and future too.


Supervisor-F & B

Oberoi, Dubai



Trident Hyderabad

I am working In Trident Hyderabad as housekeeping

supervisor. I have completed my BHMCT in the year of

2017. One Thank you is not at all enough for what

college has given to me and I am here and the only

reason behind is my college. Whole heartedly

congratulate each and everyone for completing 25

years of successful journey.

I am an alumnus of batch 2008-2011. Currently working

with Oberoi Hotels and Resorts in Dubai as f&b

supervisor. On this wonderful occasion on the Silver

Jubilee Anniversary i would like to share my journey of

Regency College. I can say it was absolutely joyful and

with lots of memories. I would like to congratulate you

all young regents for choosing hospitality industry

especially in regency college. The faculty’s continuos

support for polishing me as a fine hotelier is

commendable. Special thanks to Mr. Reddy, principal

and Uma Bala mam. I would like to take this opportunity

and liberty to say a few words. As a hotelier always think

out of the box and always motivate yourself towards

your goal. All the best. Regents always Rock!!

ECHO 2020 19

From the Hearts of Outgoing Batch 2017-20



It is important for every person to choose a career to know

his/her talents and capabilities and for me Regency College

was a place I was able to find my Creativity. The College not

only gave me a platform to perform but also gave the support

which helped me in achieving my goals. Regency made me

believe in the saying “Everything you can imagine can be real”.

Now I am waiting for an opportunity to pursue my higher

education abroad with the confidence given by Regency and I

aspire to achieve my goal.

Success is not accidental. It is hard work perseverance,

learning, sacrifice and love for what you are doing, and most

important than all it is the motivation from the College

Management. I thank my College and lecturers for being a

part of my journey.



Every person needs a great motivation and competitiveness to

fulfill their dreams & desire, Winning always motivates me to

move further and learn new skills for my better future. I am

thankful to my College for giving me such an opportunity for

enlightening my thinking power.

People always dream big to achieve big, for which we need a

good mentor, Regency has given me many opportunities to

explore. I am thankful to everyone who extended a big hand

of support to guide me in every obstacle of my career.



Being a Regent is a tremendous opportunity, I got a chance to learn

new skills from my course which I turned into my passion. I possess

good carving skills which enhances my ability and elevates

creativity. I thank my College for not only teaching me but also

assisting me for my successful career by placing me in “Fairfield

Marriott as a Commi II”. My career bag is filled with success as I also

got placed with Costa Asia.

It was an awesome platform to bring out my hidden talents

in culinary department. It gave me a chance to explore skills

and enhance my knowledge, I participated in Bread Art

Competition conducted by South Indian Culinary

Association and I won Gold Medal, I participated in “Auro”

University for the kitchens of India and Vedic cuisines,

(Vibrant Gujarat) competition through these competitions I

got a tremendous chance to work on my passion and create

a good career. I am happy that I would start my career as

chef with Carnival Cruise.



My experience at Regency taught me a fundamental fact that

life is unpredictable. Creating and Building Professional

Hoteliers under the Transformational Leadership of our

Principal and his Team changed my personality which helped

me to be a professional. I got placed as Housekeeping Steward

Assistant Costa Asia.

Life is not only about marks and scores but there is a lot to see in

one's life from the stage of learning to becoming successful in life.

The 3 years learning from the college made me think out of the box

and I ventured getting into setting up a small out let near my place. I

am indebted to my college for instilling confidence in me to be an

Entrepreneur. I am double Happy as I also got recruited as a chef for

Costa Asia. Hurray!!


ECHO 2020

From the Hearts of Outgoing Batch 2017-20



Regency college of Hotel Management is an excellent Abode

of Learning. Regular classes held at the College helped me with

the technical skills. The additional exposure and opportunities

given by the faculty gave me more insights about the Industry.

My College has always provided me with the assistance that I

required. Thanks to Regency which has given an opportunity to

start my career as Asst Mgr at KFC.

This was the most interesting stage of my life that has given me

the opportunity to explore the possibilities and have helped me to

dive deep into the ocean of new beginnings and possibilities.

Regency has equipped me to face all the challenges of my life &

helped me in pursuing all my dreams in all possible ways of my

life. I am thankful to Regency College of Hotel Management which

boosted me in all the ways I travelled in. Now I am ready to explore

cruise opportunity with my seccessful placement with Costa




It's been 3 years that I stepped into this College to find what I

want to be. I am happy to be a part of Regency I am now

groomed to be a Professional and Developed to be Leader for

tomorrow. My college helped me to gain confidence beyond

bounds. I enjoyed a lot with my batch mates who helped me in

becoming a better person. I am thankful to Regency for

shaping up by career.

Our College has always believed In helping students and

guiding them into the right path to build a successful career

in the industry. Being a Regent I can say that joining this

college is worth for a bright career in a reputed brand, which

was my goal as well. I am really very thankful to

my college for helping me to take every step towards

a successful life.



Great experience from Regency College of Hotel Management

where I could follow and learn, I not only learnt about studies, but

also about handling situations in different aspects of life and I

consider myself lucky to have been supported and guided to the

fullest. I am really thankful to Regency for all what I could be.

Regency taught me the best practices required to be a

successful Chef. It has given me a path to prove myself, I am

proud to share my success that I have got placed as Kitchen

Executive Trainee with Lemon Tree Hotels. I am very happy

that I got multiple options to start my career I also got a

placement opportunity with Princess Cruise as Commi-II

with excellent pay package. I am indebted to my college for

giving me this successful career.



As a student of this College I had the best feeling of my life I not

only learnt about the core departments but also about the

various aspects of life which gave me courage to take matured

decisions. I heartily thank my College and Management for

assisting me while paving my route. I got placed as HOT(

Culinary Department) with Taj Group of Hotels. I am honored to

be passing out of this college. It's a my privilege to represent

Brand Regency.

I owe a lot to my college to transform me into a confident

chef. I used to be a very shy guy and also I couldn't focus on

my interests, my chefs made me strong by making me

realise my strengths which has given me lot of confidence to

perform. I am placed as Commi-II with Fairfield By Marriott.


ECHO 2020

Regency Continues support

We care and support after passing out with career opportunities


Costa Europe - Commi De Cuisine



Costa Europe Commi De Cusine



Costa Europe - Commi De Cusine



Costa Euro Cruises - Commi De Cuisine



Princess Cruises – Commi II



Princess Cruses, Assistant Buffet

Steward F & B Service


Costa Asia Cruses, HK Steward

House Keeping


Costa Asia Cruses, HK Steward,

House Keeping


Costa Cruises - Commi De Cuisine



Costa Asia, Cruises, HK Steward,

House keeping


Princess Cruises - Commi II



Costa Europe, Commi De Cuisine



Regency College celebrating 25 years? What do you say?

I would like to congratulate Regency College on completing 25

years. The longevity of your college and completing 25 years is

proof of the excellent work done by the institute and its founders

in the field of hospitality education. I would like to congratulate

all of you and wish the management, faculty and students the

very best for the years ahead as well.

How did you know about Regency?

I have been associated with Regency College since 2010 when I

was working in Hyderabad and I had visited the college for

campus recruitment.,

Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your

chosen profession into H.R?

I have always been passionate about people and people

management. Being in HR, I get a chance to develop and shape

the career of young people. Nurturing talent, mentoring them and

developing their career gives me immense satisfaction and

that’s the reason which encouraged me to join HR.

What is the difference between hard work and smart work? In

your view as a H.R Manager as you are involved in performance

appraisal of all the hotel employees?

These days, its all about smart work and managing your time,

resources and people efficiently. Smart work is about utilizing

your available resources to the optimum and achieving more out

of less.

What is the most difficult thing that you’ve ever accomplished?

I do not look at anything as difficult. I take pride in all

achievments, small or big. I believe that if you follow the right

processes, the results will take care of itself. Its about doing the

small things correctly on a daily and consistent basis which

leads to big results.

How quickly do you adapt to new technology?

To survive in today’s ever changing world, one needs to

constantly reinvent and adapt themselves to the latest

technology and trends in the market. We have to constantly learn

new techniques and unlearn old methods. We have to open our

minds to new ideas and new ways of thinking. We cannot have a

rigid mentality and we should have an open mind to learn and

evolve. I would advise youngsters to devote at least an hour

every day to read on a new subject, learn some new courses,

constantly keep yourself engaged. We are living in the

information era and it’s about learning, understanding and

processing the information available to achieve the best output.

If we do not learn and evolve, we will become redundant in

today’s competitive world.

What motivates you?

The passion which I have for my job and the desire to develop the

careers and aspirations of the youngsters around me motivates

me to give my best every day. India’s future lies in its human

capital which is the youth. I want to play my role in nation

building by providing a platform to youngsters so that they can

develop their careers and life.

Describe your hiring strategy.

The junior level hiring is more about hiring for attitude and then

training for skills. What we look for is a positive attitude,

excellent communication skills and we look for signs of flexibility


Human Resource Manager

Double Tree Suites

By Hilton Bangalore

and eagerness to learn. If the attitude is right, other areas will

take care of itself. At a senior level, we also look for stability and

past achievements.

What do you believe is the role of the HR department in relation

to the mission, vision, and strategies of the business?

The Human Resources department has to play a strategic role

in helping the organization to achieve its mission, vision etc.

The fundamental pillar of any organization is its people

resources and we believe that if our people are happy and

motivated, they will take care of the guest. The HR department

has to play a proactive role in developing learning and

development strategies for the team members. At Hilton, we

look at providing and shaping people with a great career and not

just jobs. We are constantly looking at and engaging with our

team members to provide a great platform for them to learn and

we provide them with a great work life balance which enables

them to perform more efficiently.

Why do you enjoy working closely with people?

The immense satisfaction which I get from helping and

developing aspirations of the youngsters to achieve their

dreams is what I enjoy most. The enthusiasm and energy of the

youth of India radiates positive energy in me as well.

What is the key to success when communicating with your staff?

The key to communicating with your team members is to always

have a honest and transparent discussion. When

communicating with team members, its important that we listen

more and take their valuable feedback into consideration. When

team members understand that their opinions are valued, they

will be much more honest in their communication and feedback.

What are challenges encountered in employee retention?

There are so many opportunities available to the youngsters

today as there are so many hotels opening all the time and they

are all looking for people. Hence the range of options available

to them may at times lead to constant attrition.

As HR, it’s our job to educate the youngsters about stability in

job and the need to strengthen their resumes with proper job

tenure. We at Hilton provide our team members with a fantastic

exposure in terms of great on the job learning, various online

courses in Hilton university, exposure to other hotels for cross

training and we also provide them with great opportunities for

career growth. The youngsters of today are looking for constant

learning and career growth and we at Hilton take these

aspirations are taken into count and hence we are able to retain

team members in their jobs.

ECHO 2020 23


May we know your career progression?

I started my career as a Housekeeping supervisor at

Hyderabad International convention Centre and then

promoted Assistant manager Housekeeping and later

promoted as Assistant executive housekeeper at Novotel

Hyderabad Convention Center and then Executive

housekeeper. I have 15yearsof experience in

Housekeeping and at present am Working as Executive


What is your inspiration to take Housekeeping as your


Housekeeping is an important department which is

responsible to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of

whole building now a day's housekeeping is much more

than keeping a place clean. When a guest enters into a

clean hotel the first impression of the guests gets

created. Housekeeping is a department with many

umbrellas under it like Rooms, pest control, horticulture,

laundry and public areas. Housekeeping now is not just

about cleaning a washroom or cleaning a public area it is

more than that.

What in your view is most important quality our young

budding housekeepers should process?

I think most of the students are choosing housekeeping

as their career as there are many opportunities, backend

when I started my career there were very less

opportunities as we used to work only in hotels, now if

you look at it if you choose housekeeping you have

opportunities in air travel industry, facility management,

Tourism and hospitality. Also you don't have to work only

in housekeeping in hotel there are many other options

which are opening up and with this you are learning

different trends. Also I know many housekeepers who

have become General Managers and are working at

Region level as operations head.

With all of the competition in the market, how do you stay

on top of industry trends?

You have to keep learning, keep looking for change, new

ideas. what is the change, there are many changes if you

look at it, you have to be up to the mark with market with

new growing trends and then it's not like only I am there to

take the decision sometimes associates can also come

up with good and different ideas that might rock so it's

not that I am the only one who knows everything, I might

learn from someone else so it is always constant



Executive House Keeper

Lemeridien Huderabad

What trends are being followed for safety and security of

the guest?

Maintaining hygiene during process of room cleaning is

very important hence it is important that associates are

always trained in best cleaning practices and usage of

better and hygienic tools are provided to them one of the

example is usage of color coded dusters to clean different

areas in guest rooms. Usage of chemicals while cleaning

of surfaces and bath rooms.

Sustainable practices are trend now a days, does guest

support to the practices?

Guests these days are frequent travellers and are well

versed with the sustainability programmes carried at

hotels and supports the green practices so one of the

practices is linen wash program which is to make a green

choice that is reuse of bed & bath linen. This is there in

most of the hotels now and most of the guests

appreciates it and they also follow. apart from this there

are many other initiatives like Plastic free minimart (Items

in minibar can be with no plastic packing)

What is the biggest challenge of a corporate


Hospitality is one of the largest and fastest-growing

industries there is no such challenge in any role it's just

that one has to keep a close watch on changing trends and

habits of travelers, customer expectations and to succeed

as an Executive Housekeeper, one needs patience—and

lots of it..


ECHO 2020


How important is the Employee Satisfaction for you?

I would say it is actually the most important aspect than the

Guest Satisfaction. As long as any Organization which takes

good care of their employees they turn out to be a successful


Can you share us your Experience handling a fussy Guest?

Well, there are no such guest who exists, it is all our mind set

and the way we look into their needs, basically we just need to

understand their needs and fulfill their requirement and

sometimes it can go wrong. We are meant to serve them

hence if you think of any fussy requests try to give an option

available rather than contradicting them with NO.

Prioritize the Hotel Occupancy or The Guest Satisfaction?

Both are equallly important for us to make money to run the

business, it is also utmost important to maintain the legacy of

the hotel/organization and to sustain in this competitive


As long as you take good care of the guests they will turn out

to be your regular guests and regular guests = regular


Human or Robot's which one better suit Front Office?

Of course Humans, but very unfortunate we being robotic in

handling our guests in a process of completing formalities as

early as possible just to avoid unnecessary delays or

complaints from the guests.

Though world is evolving towards digitalization and indeed

many robotic options available in the market can give much

better + consistent results and importantly cost effective, still

hotels prefers to hire the staff, because we can't implant

feelings and teach basic common sense to robots.

What Surveys do you conduct to know about Guest


As Accor being one of the leading hospitality management

company uses Trust YOU as Guest Service Satisfaction

platform and all the reviews from various channels like

google, Trip Advisor, Booking.Com, Expedia.Com, Ctrip.com

etc flow through in and hotel has no control towards the

review contribution and when it comes to Trust YOU, basically

we have a questions pertaining to Check In, Check Out

Experience, Room, Breakfast, Hotel F & B Outlets, Employees,

Recreational Facilities, Loyalty etc. are the points covered in

the survey.

What strategies are followed to enhance Guest satisfaction

at your Hotel?

Simple, being available for every guest and their needs,

unfortunately we all falling into a trap of creating action

plans, strategies and focusing on something which guests

doesn't even aware of.

Guests don't work in the hotel and they don't care what you


Front Officer Manager

Novotel World Orade Center, Dubai

do, all they just need is a basic smile on the face of every

employee greeting them with respect and assisting them

with their preferences it’s all about personalizing the


How often is a Guest Satisfaction survey been conducted at

your property?

Daily, it is actually sent to every guest who gives their email

id during check in and link will automatically reach their

email as soon as they checkout from the hotel.

Could you tell what made you join hospitality industry?

I was just an average student in my academics until my

intermediate and I really wanted to choose some course

which is very easy to complete and satisfy my parents with a

degree that's how I got into Hotel Management and after

joining it is something I really wanted to be in, especially

after completing my industrial training I just wanted to see

myself as Front Office Manager, I am fortunate enough I

could achieve it by 27 years.

How do you balance Work and personal Life?

Well I don't think I have one. At the beginning of the career it

is very easy to complete your daily tasks and leave the shift

on time, however the more you grow in your career, your

responsibilities do grow, hence I train, coach, monitor and

delegate in order for me to complete my work at the same

time keeping a watch on all activities in my assigned areas

(Front Office, Housekeeping, Spa & Recreation, Health Club,

Valet) etc.

ECHO 2020 25

Mindfest Cultivate

Discover your inner peace

with Yoga!

International yoga day was celebrated with great

enthusiasm by the Regents with the movie crew of “1st

Rank Raju” on 21st June 2019 at Vengal Rao Park. A

healthy breakfast buffet was arranged for all students and


A Mark of Distinction

Mr. Dinesh Kumar Chairperson of “Hospitality Navigator”

& owner of “On the Wok” Restaurant conducted a

seminar on 28th June 2019 emphasizing on the different

phases of Hoteliers Life and enlightened the final year

students on “how to set a Career Goal” and emerge out


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26 ECHO 2020

Mindfest Cultivate


the Budding Hoteliers

On 29th June Chef Anjani Rahul Executive Chef of “Okra

Restaurant” conducted a Q&A session for the final year

students and edified them with “Stavier Plant” a

substitute for sugar, “Keto Diet” & other customized

trends of a Healthy Diet.

Symposium @ FTCCI

On the 3rd & 4th July 2019 the 2nd and 3rd year Regents,

attended a workshop conducted by the Federation Of

Telangana Chamber Of Commerce & Industry where students

got a vast knowledge and understanding about Planning a

new tourism venture, Sustainability and importance of English

language in the Global Tourism Sector.

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ECHO 2020 27

Mindfest Cultivate

Inspiring Minds

Mr. Unnikrishnan Chandashekaran a personality

development trainer organized an Orientation program

in the college campus from 8th to 11th July 2020 for

the newly admitted students, the Objective was to

motivate & prepare them mentally for their days ahead.

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Investing in Knowledge

The 2nd year Regents along with the faculty visited ITC Kohenur

on 9th July 2019, the students got an understanding about the inhouse

Laundry operations in a 5 star Hotel.

The 2nd year Regents Visited “Over the Moon” Brewery on 10th

July 2019, they got ample knowledge about the difference

between Bottled beer and freshly made beer & also about Gluten

Free Beer. They also witnessed the step by step process of

preparing beer.


ECHO 2020

Mindfest Cultivate

Parent-Teacher's Meet

The Parent-Teacher's Tryst was held on 12th July 2019

for the first year's parents and guardians.

Mr. P. Ramesh Kumar Reddy (Principal), Ms. Uma Bala

(HOD) & Md. Jaffer (Chairman) addressed the audience

and principal gave a brief about the “Learning Culture” at


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ECHO 2020 29

Creativity at it’s

best by Regents

Spectacle Winners

The Regents had a pleasure participating in the California

Walnuts Exhibition conducted by Telangana Chef's

Association on 10th July 2019. This competition brought

out the amazing talents of the young bakers' in Regency.

Harish (Final Year) – Gold Medal (Student Category)

Chef Ramesh – Silver Medal (Professional Category)

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The Regency Alumni Congregation

The student alumni cell organized the 16th general body

election on 30th July 2019, where the Alumni's of Regency

came together and elected the new members of the

association. Mr. Rahul Francis – President, Mr. K. Vamshi

Krishna – Vice President, Ms. Sushmitha Singh – Vice

President, Mr. Shivesh Mittal – General Secretary, Mr. R.

Uday Prakash – Joint Secretary & Mr. Shekar – Joint


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Mindfest Cultivate

Unveiling the Indian Snacks

The Regents organized a North & South Indian

Snacks Display on 7th September 2019 at “ADDA”

Students displayed around 100 variety of snacks.

Awadhi Food Fiesta

“The Royal Regency Darbar” was organized by the

second-year Regents on 27th July 2019 where the

students dwelled into the culture, tradition and cuisine of

Lucknow. The students prepared 65 flavorsome dishes.

The guests for this fiesta were Ms. Madhavi Munge (Asst.

HR Director – Le Meridien), Mr. Ramakrishna (Sous Chef

– Hyatt), Ms. Dolphy Lobo (Executive Chef – Le Meridien),

Mr. AlokKar (F&B Manager – Le Meridien), Mr. Anjani

Rahul (Executive Chef – Okra Hotel) & Ms. Alka Agarwal

(President of Siddham – NGO).

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30 ECHO 2020

Mindfest Cultivate

Tour the Ville

The 1st year Regents accompanied by the Front Office

Faculty, headed for a city tour on 2nd August 2019 where

the students visited historical places in Hyderabad.

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The Fresher's Jamboree

The second and final year Regents organized a dazzling

fresher's party at Hotel Abode on 3rd August 2019 where

the 1st years had a gala time. The previous year's Mr. and

Ms. Fresher handed over their titles to the new Mr.

fresher (Hrithik Sharma) & Ms. Fresher (Chandana). The

best attire award was given to Ms.Manvee and Mr. Rahul


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ECHO 2020 31

Mindfest Cultivate

Students Globetrotting

The 2nd year Regents went for a trip to Aurangabad on

the occasion of 39th “World Tourism Day”.

They visited 2 heritage sites Out of the 82 UNESCO

world heritage sites in India.The purpose of this visit

was to foster awareness among the students about the

importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political

and economic value.

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ECHO 2020

Celebrating National

Festival of incredible India @ Regency

Turn Mindfest on Events Cultivate

Sovereignty Observance

The regents celebrated the 73rd Independence Day on 15th

August 2019, to mark this event various cultural programs and

competitions were held. The winners of these competitions


Open Mic- Winners- Prathik Singh, D Praveen, Md Meraj and

Joel. Runners- S Rahul, T Rishwanth, K Vyshnav & K Ujwal.

Glass Painting- Winner- Ashok. Runner- Vineela – Final year

Speech- Winners- Chandana- 1st year. Runner- Gazal– FPCC

Economizing Energy

Mr. Harihara Iyer & Prof Ramana from Petroleum

Conservation Research Association were invited on 20th

August 2019. Students had an insight about fuel and

energy conservation.

ECHO 2020 33

Silver Jubilee

Celebrations Galore

Regency Silver Jubilee Kickoff

The curtain raiser of Silver Jubilee was organized on 3rd August

2019. The new logo of the College's 25th Year was unveiled by our

Chairman, Mr.Mohd. Jaffer, the Secretary, Mr.Mohd. FatheKhaleq

and the Principal, Mr. P. Ramesh Kumar Reddy.

Mr. Soumitra Pahiri, General Manager – Mercure, Mr. Shailesh

Mathur – General Manager – Hotel Abode & Mr. Mathew – Hr

Manager, Mercure were the dignitaries

Silver Jubilee Inter College

Cricket Tournament

Commemorating 25 Year's Silver Jubilee, Regency College

hosted an Inter-College Cricket Tournament, where 14

Hotel Management Colleges participated. The

competition was inaugurated by Professor Dr. Shyam

Sunder, Principal of College of Technology OU & our

chairman Mohd. Jafer.

Winners- Sun International - Hyd

Runners- IHM Hyd

Silver Jubilee Trophy

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Blend Academia

Horticulture visit

Excellence Personified

Students of Final year went to visit at Horticulture show

at Necklace Road on 24th January 2020 as a part of

their horticulture project.

The objective of the activity was to reinforce the topic-

Horticulture and to inculcate love for the environment

and to relish the beauty of nature. The exhibition had a

collection & wide range of plants labeled with their

botanical names. They also got to learn about the

different types of fertilizers and other equipments used

for gardening.

Mr. Krishnan Chandrashekaran conducted a mock

Management Training Program rehearsal for the Final years

from 25th to 31st August 2019. The students underwent a

series of activities which helped them in enhancing their

personality traits and making them prepare for Campus


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34 ECHO 2020

Wired for Success

Extravagant Spread

Best Florist of the year

On 6th September 2019 the FPCC students under

Chef's guidance organized a vast spread of various

Snacks, Beverages, Cookies & Sweets. The director

of “Idly Street” Mr. Sateesh & Mr. Vinod Executive

Pastry Chef were the Guests for the event

The House Keeping Department conducted “Florist of

the season“ Competition for the 2nd & 3rd Year students

on 17th September 2019, Students came up with their

Imaginative ideas and creativity with fresh flowers.

Ms. Karuna was the Judge for this event.

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ECHO 2020 35

Wired for Success

Aperitif Sport

The F&B Department organized a “Best Bar Man” competition for

the of 2nd & 3rd year students in Bartending. The students

showcased their talents with innovative ideas as well as classic


Mr. Vikas Singh Pawar Banquet Manager of Novotel Airport was

the Judge and he was surprised to see the competitive spirit of the

students. He applauded their unique and versatile cocktail


Splurge of Ingredients

The 1st year Regents organized an ingredient Display in

the College premises on 31st August 2019.

Students Displayed many ingredients like various Dairy

products, Meat products, Vegetables, Pulses and so on.

The motto of this Display was to make the students well

versed with the various ingredient Pricing, Uses and

familiarizing them to the different ingredients available

in the market.

36 ECHO 2020

Leaving our mark on @ Great Indian Culinary Challenge

South Indian Champions

Regents participated in the Culinary Competition to

exhibit their skills in various categories organised by

Telangana Chef's Association from 25th to 27th

September 2019. Conquering the overall championship

Regents won 1 Bronze, 2 Silver and 4 Gold in Student

category as well as 1 Gold and 2 Silver medals in

Professional Category.

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Student Category:

Gopi- Gold medal in Bread display

Ajay- Silver Medal in Platted Appetizer

Ambresh -Gold medal in Platted Appetizer

Pratik - Bronze medal in Platted Dessert

Vybhav -Gold medal in Carving

Professional category:

Chef Stev Silver medal in Platted Dessert

Chef Karunakar -Silver medal in Platted Appetizer

Chef Uday -Gold medal in Bread Display

ECHO 2020 37

Wired for Success

On 11th October 2019, the 1st years & Fpcc students

participated in the Nestle Competition which was

sponsored by NGO Siddham. 17 Regents participated

and showcased their talent by preparing mouth

watering dishes.


1.Ms Manvee, 2.Mr Rizwan, 3.Ms Chandana


1.Mr. Lohit, 2. Ms Priya

Regency Winners of

Nestle Maggie Journey

Intra College Wander Quiz Mania

Regents of 2nd and 3rd years were tested on their

General Knowledge in Front Office, World affairs, Sports,

Capitals, Monuments on the 10th October 2019. Miss.

Alekhya Som (Business Development Executive-Study

Path) Consultancy sponsored the award.

The Winner Mr. ANKIT PATEL (2nd year student) cash

prize of 10000/- .

The runner up ABDUL RAHMAN (2nd year ) -cash prize of


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38 ECHO 2020

Wired for Success

International Chef's Solemnization

Regency College organized I.C.D Charity Lunch for the

students of –Devnar Blind School on 18th October 2019

as a part of CSR initiative in collaboration with the

Telangana Chef's Association NGO Siddham. The

Regents also conducted various Cultural programs and

Games for the students.

Students and Staff enjoyed a specially curated meal.

On 19th October 2019 Regency Celebrated International

Chefs' Day, one of the most creative professions & to

reiterate the significance of “Chef's” and in the field of

Hospitality. The theme being 'Healthy Eating'. As a part of

CSR initiative, in collaboration with the Telangana Chefs

Association and Siddhams a Cookery Competition was

conducted in the College where many participants from

various parts of the city took part focusing on Healthy

Food using Organic products .We also organized a Blood

Donation Camp in collaboration with NTR Trust and a

Cookery Competition in Silver Oaks International School

with the main motive to spread knowledge about Healthy


For more images

ECHO 2020 39



"I'll make it" National Level Competition at Delhi

The Regents triumphed overall championship with 9

medals in the National Level Competition held at the Capital

city New Delhi on 16th 17th and 18th October 2019, where

30 colleges across India participated.



Ÿ Hospitality Education Professional of the year -

Chef Stev


Eclat Young Talent Award - Mr. Miraj




1) R-PURE Indian Regional Cuisine Challenge -

Mr.Satyavan Das and Mr. Parameshwar {3rd year BHMCT}

2) California Walnut Festive Culinary Challenge -

Mr.Satyavan Das and Mr.Parameshwar {3rd yr BHMCT}

3) Taiga Live Sushi Culinary -

Mr.Ambresh and Mr.Prashanth {3rd yr BHMCT}

4) Tramontina Fruit And Vegetable Carving -

Mr.Vybhav {2nd yr BHMCT}



1) IHG Manage The Damage Contest -

Mr. Miraj {3rd yr BHMCT}

2) Asian Culinary Challenge -

Mr.Ambresh and Mr.Miraj {3rd yr BHMCT}

3) Food Service Indian Biryani Competition -

Mr. Satayan Das and Parmeshwar {3rd yr BHMCT}



1) Taj Hospitality Brain Twister -

Mr. Joel & Mr. Miraj {3rd yr BHMCT}

For more images

40 ECHO 2020

National Budding Chef Triumph



“Don't Let Your Fear Of Failing,Triumph Over The Joy Of


Yes, a long preparation by the students and faculty team

was on. The students participated at the National



Ensemble from 20 to 22 of January 2020.An Inter

College Competition held at AURO UNIVERSITY National

Level in the City of Surat, Gujarat. 30 Colleges across

India competed in the competitions conducted for

various categories. The presentations and product setup

by the students made the judges spell bound.





Liquid Flavors Mr. Joel {3rd yr BHMCT}

Contempary Miniatures-Mr.Ambresh {3rd yr BHMCT}


Carving Mania -Ms.Tanya Farishta {1st yr BHMCT}

For more images

ECHO 2020 41

Wired for Success

Flower Embellishment

Winners of Hyd.

National Festival of

Incredible India @ Regency


On the occasion Republic day 26 January 2020,

Regency College organized different competitions for

students to showcase their talent. More than 50 Regents


of the 1 year, Final year and FPCC participated in

different competitions and Cultural Programs.

The winners and Runners are as follows:

Category: Glass painting


Winner: Ashok ( 3 Year)


Runner: Jagruth (3 Year)

Category: Essay


Winner: Chandana (1 year)


Runner: Relin (1 year)

For more images

Category: Best speech


Winner: Chandana ( 1 year)


Runner: Ali verani (3 year)

Category: Debate


Winner: 1 year students

Chandana, Deepanshu, Goutham, V.praveen, Priya

Runner: Final Year Students

Ajay Goud, Meeraj, Ali Verani, Jagruth, Vignesh

For more images

Ripple the Throb!! of talent an Inter-Collegiate

Competition was held on 24th January 2020 . 20 Hotel

Management Colleges participated in this fest, the

stunning arrangements made by the Regents won prizes

Category – Free Style

Ms Haya


1 prize Exquisite Country



Mr. K Prashant 2 Prize Patriotic Medley

Category – Ikebana


Mr. Koushik 2 prize Grace in pursuit


Mr. Bhanuprakash 3 prize Rustic Beach

Special Prize

Mr. Nikhil Reddy Frantic Wild

42 ECHO 2020

Sankranthi Carnival

The Sankranthi festival reached a crescendo as the

Students Of RCHMCT has a Fete on 10th January 2020.

Students celebrated this event with lots of pomp & galore.

Movie crew “Bom Bhaat”. Students prepared around 100

mouthwatering dishes. Various Competitions were held

in the College to mark this event. All Guests, Staff

Members & Regents enjoyed the lovely Cultural Program.

Regents Reflecting the Country ‘s

Cultural Abundance Amidst

Tollywood Glamour

For more images

ECHO 2020 43

Kudos Wall

Continental Breakfast

On 13th February 2020, the Regents of FPCC elegantly

decorated the “Radiance Restaurant” the theme being

Valentine's Day, they presented various Breads,

Confectionaries, Beverages & stews. The Executive Chef

Of “By The Bay” Mr. Santhosh was invited to grace the



On 17th February, The F&B Department conducted a

Napkin Folding Competition for 1st year Regents. In

which students performed various napkin folds.


ECHO 2020

Kudos Wall

Budding Chef

Annual Budding Chef Competition was organized by

Regency College on 20th February 2020 for 1st year and

FPCC, The Competition was conducted for Indian and

Continental cuisines. The judge for the competition

was Chef Ramesh Yadav (Executive Chef of “Hotel

Abode”). around 40 Regents participated in this event

and impressed the judges.

ECHO 2020 45

Excellence Personified

Mr. & Ms Regency

The Front Office Department conducted the Annual

Competition on 4th October 2019. This contest provided a

Golden platform to the students of the 2nd & 3rd year to

show their splendid presentations.

Winners – Runners –

Mr & Ms Budding Hospitality

Professionals @ IHM-Hyd

Students of different institutes participated Inter College

competition for Mr. & Ms. Budding Professionals

conducted by IHM Vidyanagar Hyderabad.

Colleges across India participated in the competition.

A tough Stir between all the participants was seen with

many learning's and exquisite presentations of layouts.

Students Of Regency College Of Hotel Management, Mr. D

PRAVEEN & Ms. HAAYA IQBAL were winner for

Presenting the “BEST LAYOUT OF KITCHEN”.


ECHO 2020

Winners of Hyderabad

Annual Total Recall

wired for Sucess

After immense practice and with guidance of Chefs,

Regents of FPCC and 1st year participated in the

Numaish Competition two categories Cake Decoration

and Fruit Carving. It was a breathtaking competition

students from various Hotel Management participated.

The competition was judged by Chef Ramesh Chandra

and Ms. Anuradha (HOD of Government Polytechnic

College) The stunning Regents won two prizes,

Bharat from 1st year-Cake Decoration

Venkatesh from 1st Year-Fruit & Veg. Carving

For more images

ECHO 2020 47

Catalyst Refletion

Impact of Hotels on Environment:

Features of Green Hotels to Overcome

Environmental Pollution

An overview of the “green” concept

Tourism and hotel business are quite

interrelated and an age-old phenomena,

but concept of “Green Hotel” is fairly new

one. The concept of “green” has become

a “catch word” on all walks of human life

and endeavors. It is applied to business,

banking, construction of buildings,

e d u c a t i o n , o ffi c e m a i n t e n a n c e ,

agriculture, trade and commerce, all the

like. But what it means in the true sense is

preserving the nature in its original state

as far as possible. In the 21st Century, it is

felt more than ever that we have to

recycle the limited resources that we

have, minimize our aggressive behavior

toward nature, and thus save the

environment from pollution.

Characteristics of green hotels

Green hotels are belonging to some

properties which are built-in to be 'green'.

According to Bohdanowicz (2005) green

practices are identified through energy

efficiency, water conservation and waste

management. Different studies have

explored various characteristics of green

hotels separated them from ordinary

ones. Identified characteristics are

assessed as follows:

Energy efficiency

Hotels generally use more energy per

visitor than local residents, as they have

energy intense facilities, such as bars,

restaurants, and pools, and have more

spacious rooms (Gosling et. al. 2005:6).

In tourism, accommodations for tourists

require large and expensive energy,

especially for heating and cooling


1. Water conservation

In accommodation industry, use of water

is abundant, costly, and puts a significant

stress on the local environment,

particularly on the water supplies of the

local people. Tourists demand more

water than local residents on a per capita

basis (Essex, Kent & Newnham, 2004).

Green hotels use improved technologies

to conserve water by installing proper

systems in places like bath-showers,

automatic flushing of toilets, washing


HOD, Accommodation


machines, and air-conditioning/cooling

units. In sum, a hotel practicing 'green'

identify the reasons of excessive use of

water and takes the necessary initiatives

to minimize water consumption.

2. Solid waste

Paper, food, various metals, plastics,

aluminum, glass etc. are generally

treated as solid waste in a hotel. By

implementing solid waste reduction

programs, hotels can create more

environmental-friendly image. The

programs can save cost in waste

disposal fees. As Green hotelier (2004)

suggests that the hotel industry can

reduce the amount of waste produced by

implementing and following a waste

management system that is modeled

around the concepts of reduce, reuse

and recycle.

3. Pest management

Implementation of a green integratedpest

management (IPM) program is one

of the practices of green hotels. IPM

allows less dependence on chemical

treatments against pest. Hotels use

organic insecticides and biocides (IPM

techniques) that lead them in greening.

Weeds are picked by hand rather than

u s i n g w e e d k i l l e r s i n a g r e e n

accommodation. In eco-friendly hotels,

ants and roaches are killed by using

traps, containerized temptation and gels

instead of using chemicals.

4. Customer and employee Education/


Tourists are often unaware of the impacts

of their holiday-activities on environment.

By providing information, green hotels

help them understand how they can

modify their behavior while spending time

in a hotel. Information is disseminated on

the website, public areas of the hotel, and

in guest rooms. Such education/trainings

are also imparted to staff to enhance

green practices. Without being aware of

the green issues and real motivation on

the part of the employees, it will not be

possible to attain benefits of green


5. Achieving green certification

Many hotels around the world have

started operation to be environmentfriendly

by implementing green tourism.

However, fraudulent practice under the

name of green-wash is also observed. In

such situations, travelers need to

identify actual 'green accommodation'. A

variety of certifications are attained by

an actual green hotel, which exhibits

the specific green practices. Through

t r u s t w o r t h y g r e e n c e r t i fi c a t i o n

programs, hoteliers promote their green

activities. To demonstrate a hotel's

c o m m i t m e n t t o p r o t e c t i n g t h e

environment, it looks for assistance in

promoting their environmental plan

through green certification programs.

Authorized organizations offer publicity

and provide support and guidance in

developing and maintaining the initiatives

by green hotels. So, among available

certifications for green practices, hotels

need to try to achieve a trustworthy green

certificate that should work as a tool for

publicity and promote their business.


To m i n i m i ze t h e e n v i ronmental

degradation, green hotels can contribute

significantly with other environmentconcerned

organizations since it can

protect the environment and conserve

the resources. It seems from the

available literature and its discussion

that the idea is internationally in the

initial stage, although some hotels have

started green practices, and some are

planning to be green in the near future.

48 ECHO 2020

Catalyst Refletion



Culinary Diplomacy

Promoting your country's food is becoming

a trendy tactic for nations looking to raise

their profile (and tourist revenue). It's

d e l i c i o u s d i p l o m a c y — o r e d i b l e

propaganda, some food trends involving

cultural cuisines aren't trends at all: they're

carefully-planned branding efforts by

governments looking to raise their profile

on the world stage. Food can even help

divert attention from a country's “troubled

past,” like Peru's epidemic of terrorism

during the 1980s and 1990s. The push

toward “gastro-prestige” is so common,

that it's spurred a conference calling the

kitchen “the new venue of foreign policy.”

What is Culinary Diplomacy?

Culinary diplomacy is the use of food as a

tool that fosters cultural under-standing

among countries. Here on AU's campus, we

have a class on culinary diplomacy, called

"gastro diplomacy". In the class, students

get to learn about the relationship between

food and culture by listening to different

Diaspora communities that have visited DC

during times of conflict. By listening to

these stories over a meal together,

students get to slowly see what culinary

diplomacy is. It is a type of cultural

diplomacy, which itself is a subset of public

diplomacy. Its basic premise is that "the

easiest way to win hearts and minds is

through the stomach". Official governmentsponsored

culinary diplomacy programs

have been established in Thailand, South

Korea, Malaysia, Peru, and the United


The terms "culinary diplomacy" and "gastro

diplomacy" have been in use since the early

2000s, and have been popularized by the

work of public diplomacy scholars Paul

Rockower and Sam Chapple-Sokol. An

early mention of the concept was in a 2002

Economist article about the Thai Kitchen of

the World program. In a 2011 article

published in the Taiwanese journal Issues

& Studies, Rockower wrote that "Gastro

diplomacy is predicated on the notion that

the easiest way to win hearts and minds is

through the stomach. Chapple-Sokol wrote

in a 2013 article in the journal The Hague

Journal of Diplomacy that culinary

diplomacy is "the use of food and cuisine as

an instrument to create cross-cultural

understanding in the hopes of improving

interactions and cooperation.

Food is an ambassador in and of itself.

Historically, food has been used for peacebuilding

even though it has only recently

become popular in public diplomacy. The

Romans would use food as a way to create

peace with their enemies - by sharing a

meal together, people become more open

to each other and this starts the creation of

a diplomatic bond. This is because food is a

tangible way to access culture.

How We Can Take Part in Culinary


We can all be culinary diplomats. The best

way that you can take part in culinary

diplomacy is simple: eat meals with people.

Meet new people by saying hello to the

owners of a restaurant. Order the most

authentic meal on the menu and ask the

chef how they learned the recipe. These

conversations bring us as a global society

together and forge lasting peace between


Culinary diplomacy is as simple as just

trying a new restaurant or a new dish.

Anthony Bourdon is a great example if you

are nervous. He was the best culinary

diplomat of our era. Through watching his

shows or reading his blogs, you can see

how simple culinary diplomacy is. Become

hungry, open your mind, and ask someone

about their background. You will find that

food truly is the best way to make a new

friend and to welcome diversity into your


Bakery industry in India - Innovations,

trends and challenges

Bakery products, due to high nutrient

value and affordability, are an item of huge


Due to the rapid population rise, the rising

foreign influence, the emergence of a

female working population and the

fluctuating eating habits of people, they

have gained popularity among people,

contributing significantly to the growth

factor of the bakery industry.

Bakery holds an important place in

food processing industry and is a

traditional activity. With regard to bakery

products, consumers are demanding

newer options, and the industry has

been experiencing fortification of

bakery products in order to satiate the

burgeoning appetite of the Health-

conscious Indian.


Chef Instructor

A number of healthy products have been

launched in the bakery segment, and are

gaining popularity at a high rate. The

mounting presence of bakery chains has

further triggered the growth in the sector.

Indian scenario India is the world's second

largest producer of food next to China, and

has the potential of being the biggest with

its food and agricultural sector.

The Indian bakery industry is one of

the biggest sections in the country's

processed food industry. Bakery products,

which include bread and biscuits, form the

major baked foods accounting for over 82

per cent of the total bakery products

produced in the country.

It enjoys a comparative advantage in

manufacturing, with an abundant supply

of primary ingredients required by the

industry, and is the third-largest biscuit

manufacturing country (after The United

States and China).

Baking the difference. We create delicious

memories, just like home. Let us keep

your cookie jar filled.

ECHO 2020 49

Catalyst Refletion

"Creativity doesn't wait for that

perfect moment. ...

“Creativity is the ability to connect all

unknown connections, which no one

did in the past”.

Creativity is a phenomenon whereby

something new and valuable is formed.

Creativity is a spark of an idea that a

business leader needs to achieve their

goals. Creative thinking involves

thinking of different ways to do things

to achieve a better result. ... According

to research, business leaders who

could think about new ideas and stick

to it are most likely going to be

successful. And no innovation is

possible without some amount of

creativity. The creative state is a

profound pathway towards connecting

with our spirit and receiving spiritual


Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas

inspire changes. Creativity is the art of

connecting with experiences you have

had in order to synthesize new things.

How to check?

Do you like change: Creative people

always ready to face any change in

their life without any resistance and

welcome it with positive attitude.

Creativity is the input to innovation and

change is output from innovation.

Do you ask questions: It's been said

that at the age of 5, children ask 120

questions a day, at age 6 they ask only

60 questions a day, and at the age of 40,

adults ask 4 questions or less in a day.

We adults need to embrace “beginner's

mind,” and ask questions, instead of

trying to find immediate answers.

Curiosity and eagerness to know are

the seed for creativity.

Do you like to do one thing at a time:

Multitasking never leads to creativity.

Being totally involved from your heart

will help to reveal something new from

your nature.

Do you believe history repeats itself:

Those who believe it will never be able

to create the new one because past

gives experience but spontaneity is

needed for creativity. Every being and

moment is new and fresh, it needs fresh

and innocent eyes to get new shapes.

Do you have gut feeling: An instinct or

intuition; an immediate or basic feeling

or reaction without a logical rationale.

Be silent to listen it.

Do you like to solve puzzles or brain

twisters: Yes creative people like to

solve puzzles and brain twisters as part

of play and it's really good for your brain

and neural growth for new connections

to grow. The most important check is,

whether your efforts are making your

environment pleasant, comfortable

and loveable i.e. creative or making it

insecure, dull and dangerous i.e.

destructive. As creativity is always

beautiful and loved. In addition to

above lot of online tests are available to

check your creativity level.

How to boost?

Use your 5 senses to inspire: Use all 5

senses to watch things from around

you. Start observing around with

senses individually and then shift

towards totality. Be more alert and

aware i.e. be a good observer while

listening, watching, smelling, touching

and tasting.

Be clear and concise: Abstraction is the

ability to abstract concepts from ideas.

Connect the disconnected: It is the

ability to make connections between

things that don't initially have an

apparent connection. Creative thinking

helps in it which is not over thinking.

Unplug (Do nothing): Alan Cohen once

wrote, "There is virtue in work and there

is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook

neither." Sometimes you're best ideas

will come only when you're not

wracking your brain or trying too hard.

Be hungry to unveil: Ignite fire of

curiosity and eagerness to change or

improve things that will be accepted as

the norm. Be Bold or sometime rebel:

The confidence to push boundaries



beyond accepted conventions. Also

the ability to eliminate fear of what

others think of you. Change is always

being resisted and rebellious with

awareness do it for creativity.

Paradox: The ability to simultaneously

accept and work with statements that

are contradictory. Wide vision is

needed, which can see contradictory

and complementary.

Complexity to simplicity: The ability to

carry large quantities of information

and be able to manipulate and manage

the relationships between such


Persistence: It is the ability to force

oneself to keep trying to derive more

and stronger solutions even when

g o o d o n e s h a v e a l r e a d y b e e n


Challenge yourself: Challenges act

as a catalyst for us to think creatively

and come up with simultaneous

ideas or solutions. Love, compassion

a n d s e l f - a w a r e n e s s a r e b a s i c

foundation for the creativity otherwise

hate, lust and unawareness can

transform the same energy into

destruction. A creative person lives life

joyously as he/she never gets bored

and enjoys all moments of life.


ECHO 2020

Catalyst Refletion


Chef Instructor

Future..... Food in Pills

When really Hungry are you Ready to

take food in pills....

Here's the thing: The phrasing of the

question "How close are we to a meal

pill?" makes it sound like meal pills are

something we're all itching to get our

hands on. Who wants braised pork

belly or Nona's lasagna when you can

swallow a nutrition pill?

Uh, I'll take the food, please. Because

while it might be less convenient to

stuff our faces with the right amounts

of iron and folic acid every day forever,

many of us would happily trade

efficiency for the strings of mozzarella

that drip off a pizza slice. Of course, we

can't forget that nutrition -- and food -- is

not always plentiful. Meal pills might be

an easy, cheap solution to international

food shortage or hunger.

So we enter the world of the meal pill:

Some want it for ease, some want it to

eradicate global conflicts. And in a

way, we're actually already at a mealin-a-pill

form, so long as you're willing

to be a little flexible on the "pill" part.

Soy lent is the brand name of a drink

that contains lipids, carbs, proteins,

essential vitamins and minerals.

While the taste and texture is reported

as a thick, creamy, batter-type fluid, it

does supply the necessary "meal" a

body needs [source: Widdicombe].

But that's not the pill we all imagine in

our 22nd century fever dreams -- the

one that might even let us "taste" an

appetizer, entrée and dessert with one

swallow. How close are we? Let's put it

this way: we're as close to meal pills as

we are to changing the laws of the

universe -- which we might have to do

to get the darn things to work.

The bottom line is that getting 2,000

calories' worth of energy and nutrition

from pills is going to involve a lot of

pills. Lard, for instance, is a great way

to get calories in as dense a method as

possible ... and you'd still need half a

pound of it to get close to your daily

requirement [source: Friedman]. And

then you're not getting the rest of your

nutritional needs met, so you'd have to

add in room for that, too.

Essentially, it's going to be hard to

pack enough of anything into one pill

to make a meal. We might have to

settle for something like Soy lent, or

high-nutrition peanut butter paste

(often part of global aid to famine

areas) to pack in the calories without a

knife or fork [source: Dobbs].

The Progressive Promise of the Food


Alongside robots and jet packs, food

pills complete the holy trinity of

futuristic kitsch. They run the fantasyadventure

gamut, from the classic scifi

of Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury to

the space-race camp of TV's Lost in

Space and The Jetsons (whose

breakfast pills include burnt toast).

Even the technophobic fantasies of

J.R.R. Tolkien include food pills, in the

form of lembas, an elvish sort of super

trail mix. The apotheosis of processed

food, the meal in a pill seems an idea

native to the twentieth century, but its

origins lie in the Victorian era. One of

the first to speculate in earnest about

food pills was the feminist, lawyer, and

populist firebrand Mary Elizabeth

Lease, who, as part of the hype

building up to the Chicago World's fair

of 1893, was asked by the Associated

Press to forecast the world of 1993.

Lease predicted a future where the

minimization of household chores

would raise the status of women. She

imagined future diners consuming

one of the latest is the Food Pill Diet.

Science fiction has predicted food

being compressed into pill form for

over 100 years and the team behind

Food Pill Diet is well on its way to

achieving it. The science behind this

patent-pending diet methodo-logy is

that if you do not taste your food then

you can trick your body into not feeling

hungry. They claim that this allows

you to be on a low-calorie diet with

much less difficulty than if you are

constantly battling cravings.

Founder, Dan McGuire, serial inventor

and entrepreneur, came up with the

idea whilst on the Singularity

University Global Solution Program

(sponsored by Google) where he lived

on the NASA Ames Research base in

Mountain View along with 90 of the

smartest PhDs, engineers, scientists

and entrepreneurs to work on

solutions to solve climate change. It

was here that he hit on an idea which

to his mind helps solve the obesity

epidemic, rising healthcare costs, and

climate change.

While in the program, McGuire

researched the personal experience of

hunger. He noticed that the loss of a

sense of taste was repeatedly linked

to weight loss. For example, when

people get older and start to lose the

sense of taste, they consistently start

to lose weight; or if someone takes

medicine that has a side effect of

them losing their sense of taste, they

also consistently lose weight.

Could you give up tasting food to lose

weight, improve your health? Could

this be an answer to short term

situations where fresh food is

unavailable such as in natural disaster

or food shortages?

ECHO 2020 51

Catalyst Refletion



Library and its importance

Have you spoken to students about what

books they enjoy reading? Does your

library or classroom collection include a

mix of fiction and nonfiction titles?

What opportunities do you provide for

students to read for enjoyment, rather

than a task? When reading for enjoyment,

do you allow students to select their own


It is known that reading for enjoyment is

associated with higher academic

achievement. Of course, it's also great fun

transporting yourself to a fantasy world,

settling down with familiar characters for

the latest installment in a series, or

dipping into a nonfiction book to quench

your curiosity.

Whether it's beginning readers, juniors or

older teens, having a good mix of fiction

and nonfiction books on offer will ensure

there's plenty for students to choose from.

Student choice of what to read, rather than

yours, is important – in a recent Australian

study (Scholastic, 2016) nine out of 10

children said their favorite books were the

ones they picked out themselves, and the

same proportion said they were more

likely to finish a book they'd picked out


So, what to select when adding to your

library or creating a classroom collection?

One simple way is to ask students what

they're interested in and what they'd like to

see. You could make a suggestion box

available for requests. There's also

inspiration from outside school in the

shape of annual lists of most popular


What makes an effective library?

Library is a central hub supporting every

student and staff member, as well as

parents and whānau. The library

combines several elements — library staff,

resources, and space. Each of these plays

an important part in supporting teaching

and learning. School libraries are most

effective when these elements combine to

form an integrated whole.

An effective school library:

Improves student outcomes — collections

developed for your unique school

community enrich reading and learning

programmes· Welcomes people in — the

library is a safe place, that values and

includes students from different cultures

and backgrounds· Brings people and

information together — connections with

other libraries and information sources

enhance your library's collections, and

help your library staff help users find what

they need· Embodies the principles of

'learner agency' — students having the

independence to choose their own

reading, and to find resources that help

them develop their interests and strengths

at their own pace· Helps close the

education gap — for students who might

otherwise be disadvantaged, the library

can provide access to the stories,

information, and technology they need.

School libraries are fundamental to

developing engaged readers who have the

capability and inclination to read and learn

beyond their years at school. School

libraries help students learn to find and

use the information they need, to succeed

now and in their future life and work.

Libraries impact studies

Rise of Seacuterie Food

Seacuterie brings a seafood twist to the

classic charcuterie board

l Takes skill and knowledge to prepare –

and requires storage and fridge space

l Choose the finest, freshest fish to set

your seacuterie apart

l Timing is important. You need to hit the

sweet spot between firm and soft

Seacuterie is the latest food trend to

catch the imagination of Irish foodies. It

uses the same techniques as everpopular

charcuterie boards – only this

time the ingredients come straight from

the sea.

It's a trend that's turning chefs' heads as

well as customers. The reason? Because

it's relatively low-cost and convenient to

prepare. And the only limit to what's

possible is your own imagination.

To make it work, you'll need to have enough

storage space – and refrigeration space.

You'll also need the right equipment to

vacuum pack the fish as well as enough

time to properly cure your dishes.

The curing process preserves the fish,

ensures it's safe to eat and really

compresses the flavors' down. If you

want cured fish to taste just like heaven, it

does take time.

Test the fish regularly for firmness,

because you don't want it to become too

soft. Take it out early and it'll be too firm.

Miss your moment, and you'll have fish

that's too soft to serve.

Seacuterie is riding an incredible wave

with chefs and diners. For chefs, the

appeal lies in the fact they can have fun

and be playful with it. But it also does

good business, with customers willing to

pay a premium for seafood innovation.


Chef Instructor

Social, shareable food is going nowhere.

And seacuterie is the latest, cool and

on-trend option. So why not give it a try,

have fun with it, charge the premium

that customers are prepared to pay –

and put some extra money into your

business account.


ECHO 2020

Catalyst Refletion


Faculty - F & B

7 Emerging Restaurant Technology

Trends To Look For In 2020

In the upcoming year, the restaurant

industry is likely to witness trends that

would revolve around innovating food

tech, providing a seamless experience

to the customers thus streamlining the

entire workflow of operations.

Voice Technology

“Alexa, please add burger in my existing


Virtual assistance is no longer a distant

reality in the restaurant industry. Well

known chains like KFC, Pizza Hut have

enabled voice-activated ordering to

provide a seamless experience to their

customers. In-app voice assistance or

i n t e g r a t i o n w i t h m a j o r v i r t u a l

assistants like Alexa, or Google

Assistant provides easy navigation to

customers for placing orders using

voice commands. Voice assistance is

o n e o f t h e m o s t p r o m i s i n g

technological trends and will influence

the future of the restaurant industry.

Tabletop Ordering System

Tabletop ordering systems provide

diners with the ease of scrolling through

the entire menu digitally and give

orders. There is no need for servers to

physically take orders from each table.

Orders placed through digital menus are

directly transferred to the kitchens.

Some systems are also integrated with

entertainment features to engage

customers while their order is being

prepared and delivered at the tables.

These systems decrease the table

turnaround time, serve more guests and

ensure better service delivery.

Chat bots

Interactive Chabot assistants could

become popular in 2020. Large

restaurant chains like Burger King and

Taco Bell have already introduced chat

bots which are turning out to be an

effective tool for engaging the

customers. They are programmed to

carry out tasks like answering FAQs,

processing orders, sending targeted

promotional messages and directing

customers to website or payment


Chabot technology is well integrated

with social media platforms such as

Face book, Whatsapp, inbuilt mobile

app and website. Overall, chat bots will

continue to evolve as a wonderful

marketing tool that would deliver more

value and enriching experience to


Self-ordering Kiosks

Kiosks cut down the long waiting time in

queues even during peak hours and

direct more customer traffic. This

results in an increase in sales.

These systems also provide real-time

insights about customer preferences.

All the data is well synced with the POS

terminals. Restaurateurs can easily

determine what is working well and

further, brings improvements in overall


Restaurant Owned Mobile App

According to the 2019 National

Restaurants Association of India (NRAI)

report, 44% of consumers said that they

placed a food order using a restaurant

app or website during the past year. This

explains the importance of creating a

mobile app that enables the customers

t o p l a c e o r d e r s a s p e r t h e i r

convenience. Mobile apps not only

increase the number of orders but also

increase brand awareness.

The many benefits of in-built Mobile

Apps include better audience reach,

enhanced customer experience,

targeted customer offers, hassle-free

order management and improved

return visits.

Marketing Automation

Over the years, restaurant marketing

has become more analytical and datad

r i ven. W i t h b e t t e r restaurant

management software, targeting

potential customers will not only be

intuitive but also supported with data.

Restaurant CRM software that

consolidates customer data from all

platforms can provide invaluable

insights that can be utilized to develop

customer-centric loyalty programs.

The restaurants will also be able to

attract more customers through

targeted marketing campaigns using

email, SMS, website, and social media


Robotic Chefs

While robots in the kitchens could

someday automate the entire meal

preparation process, they are currently

not being employed to replace human

chefs. Instead, robotic systems in

restaurant kitchens will fasten order

management and enhance the overall

performance of the restaurant. With an

effective combination of human skills

and automation, restaurants can

effectively optimize order delivery time

and speed up the entire chain of events

f rom o rder p l a c e m e n t t o f o o d

production to service delivery.

Automation in the kitchen would

provide an impeccable customer as

well as employee experience and a

competitive edge to pace well with

growing customer demands.

With automation setting in, the food

industry will certainly become more

efficient. From accessing the entire

status of your restaurant operations in

a single click to employing robots in its

kitchen, technology solutions have the

potential to change the entire

restaurant business for the better. The

evolving technological trends in

restaurants will improve efficiencies

and expand the customer base without

disrupting the core functionality of your


ECHO 2020 53

Advancing knowing

Transforming Lives

Who Do We Trust with Guest's Valuables?

The guests that rent rooms in our hotels

have an expectation that the proprietor

has done some form of due diligence in

screening the employees who have

access to their valued possessions left in

a hotel room. It really does not matter to

them that you may provide an in room

safe, install expensive door hardware and

have appropriate window stops if you

have not taken the time to investigate the

employees that you grant access to their

p e r s o n a l a n d o f t e n t r e a s u r e d


The hospitality industry is sometimes

fragile and susceptible to large revenue

losses as a result of a single negative

event such as theft of valuables of a

guest who just happens to be with a large

convention group. Word travels quickly

with these groups and meeting planners

can be quite adept at researching these

issues when deciding on a hotel for their


Conducting Background Checks

The cost of conducting these investigations

can be expensive especially in

those labor markets where high turnover

and a lack of qualified candidates create

a challenge for the hotel proprietor. Many

companies advertise primarily on the

Internet that they can conduct a

background check for as little as $12.95.

Serious research should be conducted to

determine what information you are

requiring and the validity of that

information. A background check that

utilizes just database information is not a

true and accurate investigation. The only

true method for an accurate criminal

check is actual court checks in the

jurisdictions in and around where the

perspective employee has resided.

The hotel that does not do background

checks on employees is assuming a

rather hefty risk if an employee commits a

homicide when they are caught stealing

by a hotel guest especially if they had a

history that was available if a simple

check was made. The defense that it was

not foreseeable or that the employee

acted outside of the scope of their

employment may not carry enough

weight to sway a jury from a large verdict.

Catalyst Refletion

Guidelines for Pre-employment Background


A security expert hired by a plaintiff's

lawyer will most likely use this and other

published materials to attempt to prove

that had you conducted a simple check,

you would have found derogatory

information on an offending employee's

past. There are other organizations that

publish resources and guidelines

including the National Fire Protection

Association's NFPA 730 Guide for

Premises Liability which includes a

section on pre-employment screening

and on lodging facilities.

Interior Room Theft by Employees

A housekeeper who takes a couple

prescription pills for pain out of bottles is

not typically caught or found missing by a

guest until much later yet the implications

can be serious if it is occurring regularly.

Those guests may never report the loss

even if they did realize it had occurred.

The thefts of items that are illegal to

possess are often targets of a dishonest

employee also. Drugs or other personal

items of value that are not legal or are

socially embarrassing to report stolen will

never be on a police report unless the

guest is so irate they want to prove a

point. There is also a danger that a guest

will confront an employee who they

believe has taken their marijuana or other


A dishonest maintenance employee can

easily defeat a sliding glass patio door or

window or alter the latching hardware or

window stops and enter a room without

the electronic door registering they were

even in the room. Many hotels rely on the

e l e c t r o n i c k e y s y s t e m s a n d t h e

interrogation devices as foolproof which

they are not. They only register those

cards that will access the lock and not

anyone who exits the room. The reality is

that more likely than not this dishonest

employee has a history of theft and quite

possibly has a criminal history or an

employment history that may be

important to know before they are hired.

The legal and professional obligation to

investigate employees prior to hiring

increases almost daily as criminal

prosecutions and civil claims against




hotels occur at an ever increasing level.

Establishing strong procedures for

employees while inside guest rooms will

also go a long way in identifying when an

employee is inside of a room for extended

periods or is not following open door or

maid cart positioning requirements.

Know Your Employees

Any professional manager or supervisor

knows that it is important to know who is

working for you. Paying attention to those

employees who are in financial distress

or who have relatives or friends

constantly in trouble with police can be

helpful in the intervention of an employee

becoming a thief or as an accessory to a

larceny. Positive people skills should

include keen observations of employee's

habits to include if they bypass

procedures that might help a theft of

guest valuables occur. Logging and

monitoring guest complaints and

identifying the personnel assigned to a

room when a lost item is reported can

quickly identify that the same employee

name keeps popping up on the log and

further investigation is warranted.

Monitoring of housekeeper carts, linen

rooms, storage closets and maintenance

shops should be done regularly to look for

guest property that is commonly stored

by a thief for a period of time in case the

theft is discovered.

Lost and Found

Managing lost and found is truly a

nightmare for most managers especially

in larger hotel facilities. Items left in

rooms, pools, spas, restaurants, meeting

rooms and lobbies are all typically of

some value to the person who left them.

Dealing with this issue is challenging and


ECHO 2020

Catalyst Refletion

every property has a distinct procedure

for handling guest inquiries and returning

of items to guests. The danger involving

employees is that many believe that if the

item was left, it is fair game. Increases in

guests reporting lost items are an

indicator of possible theft by an

employee and should always be

investigated. Lost and Found theft by

employees can be extensive and far

reaching. In one Las Vegas case, the

surveillance department received

information that one or more of managers

in the Security Department were taking

cash and other lost and found items. The

surveillance department installed a hidden

camera into the Lost and Found room (a

permanent camera should have been in

place already and is highly recommended!)

and monitored the activity within the room.

Unfortunately for the property, the

information turned out to be correct.

Surveillance watched aghast as senior

security personnel pocketed cash that was

to be turned into the Cage for safekeeping

and forged "return to owner" receipts.

Surveillance also observed security

personnel picking through the lost and

found items and taking whatever they

wanted; clothing, hats, electronics, phones,

etc. One manager even stole someone's

walking cane! This one incident resulted in

the termination of the security managers

involved and permanently damaged the

reputation of the security director and the


In conclusion, it should be apparent that

taking the time to perform the due

diligence necessary to know who your

employees are is extremely important in

today's world. Increasingly, and with

good reason, businesses are being held

accountable for what occurs on their

premises, and especially so when their

own employees are involved.

All hotels must operate from the premise

that crimes and other serious issues will

occur on their property. The time to

prepare for that incident is before it

happens. Knowing who your employees

really are is paramount to the protection

of your property. As I believe former

President Reagan said "Trust but verify."

Words to live by!



Faculty-Front Office

A branch of computer science which deals

with the simulation of intelligent behavior in



With machine learning and language

recognition, it is no surprise that 85% of

telephonic customer service jobs will be

performed by computers and will not need

human interaction.

At the rate at which AI is being adopted in

various areas of our world, it is predicted

that it will replace 16% of our jobs over the

next decade.

Often misconceived as a replacement for

human power, the concept of AI as a

technological aid is much larger, wider and

pervasive. It has created greater trust,

however, for the hospitality industry,

showing the promise of transforming its

processes, services and facilities through

AI-powered robotics. Today, the hotel

i n d u s t r y, w h e r e c o m f o r t - d e fi n i n g

a d v a n c e m e n t s a r e m o s t r a p i d l y

incorporated, has sophisticated its entire

system with the adoption of many

innovative methods used for providing

satisfying customer service.

The idea of erecting intelligent hotels

Having an intelligent hotel that surpasses

customer expectations is the strategy many

modern hospitality leaders and service

partners conjure. What adds viability to this

concept is the thought of making it all

enhanced with AI-powered care, support

and service. There are certain essential

elements that make hotels intelligent. Some

of which are:

l Concierge robots

l Digital assistance

l Voice-activated services

l Travel experience enhancers

l Automatic data processing (machine


AI robots not only diminish the human

involvement with its voice-activated

assistants but also smarten the way hotel

guest service is delivered to customer's

satisfaction. From customer's personal

choices to their smallest of needs, AIenabled

hotel concierge bots can offer

minute service and careful assistance.

Artificial intelligence entering the hotel


Apple's Siri started providing voiceactivated

assistance to its mobile users to

an extent that it has become almost a norm

now. Amazon Echo and Alexa have also

joined the race of creating a richer, more

delightful customer experience using the

power of machine learning of AI software.

Ever since the artificially intelligent system

has crept into the hotel industry, the

hospitality sector is abuzz with AI's ability to

learn about customers using its data

analytics platform that helps hotel staff

create a better frame of customers. Utilizing

the full potential of AI software, they can

capture a gamut of information about:

l Customer Purchases

l Travel choices

l Journey patterns and itinerary

l Location preferences

l Hotel rating inquiries

l Payment methods

The knowledge gathered thus can further be

translated into providing insightful

experience to hotel guests as they travel,

inquire, stay and enjoy the luxurious hotel



Even though AI is regarded as the emerging

technology trend, the hospitality industry

has already experienced incredible benefits

and wide impact on their business

momentum. From the front desk where AIpowered

robotic concierge service stands

in the hotel rooms where voice-activated

assistants accelerate customer experience,

Artificial Intelligence is seen successfully

driving hotel industry today. The technology

enables personalized concierge services

and offers real-time recommendations and

easy service requests management. Hence,

we can conclude that AI is working far

beyond imagination for hotel systems, a

breakthrough we all have been anxiously


ECHO 2020 55

Year long Winners of Regency across India – 2020

South India Bakery & Pastery

Challenge (SICA) (1nos)


Bakery & Pastery


Great Indian Culinary Challenge


2 Runner up

Plated Dessert

Prathik Singh

Runner up

Hot Plated Appetizer

K.Ajay Goud


Fruit & Vegetable Carving



Cold Plated Appetizer



Bread Artistic


IHM - Hyd Hospitality Competition


Carte Du Jour Consilio & Culinare

Tekton (Kitchen Layout)



Carte Du Jour Consilio & Culinare

Tekton (Kitchen Layout)

Haaya Iqubal

Banarsidas Chandiwala Ensemble -


Eclat Young Talent Award


Tramontina Fruit & Vegetable Carving



Ihg Manage The Damage Contest

Runner up

Md miraj

Zone-barwizard challenge


2 Runner up


California Walnut Festive Culinary



Satyavan das



Asian Culinary Challenge

Runner up


Runner up

Md Miraj

Food Service India: Biryani


Runner up


Runner up


Taj Hospitality Brain Twister


2 Runner up



2 Runner up


Taiga Live Sushi Culinary





Auro University-NBCC-2020 -


Carving Mania


2 Runner Up


Contemporary Miniatures


We are supplying our proudcts to many reputed organizations over a period of 30 years




ECHO 2020 57

Students Imaginative Turn around

The guests that rent rooms in our hotels

have an expectation that the proprietor has

done some form of due diligence in

screening the employe


1st year BHMCT

Oyo Rooms, also known as Oyo Homes &

Hotels, is an Indian hotel chain. It is the

world's third-largest and fastest-growing

hospitality chain of leased and

franchised hotels, homes and living

spaces. Founded in 2013 by Ritesh

Agarwal, OYO initially consisted mainly

of budget hotels. OYO has been in the

limelight for all the wrong reasons this

year, as partner hotels protest against

the company's business model and

policies in India, the US, Japan and

Southeast Asia. With so much attention

on the hospitality startup, one does

wonder where OYO has become a threat

to the hotel industry in India and around

the world, with its aggregation plus selfmanaged

inventory model. OYO's

expansion in terms of presence and

products as well as its market-soaring

v a l u a t i o n h a s s u r p a s s e d t h e

expectations of many market watchers.

However, the company has failed to

satisfy the hotel owners completely and

hence; it has found itself in several

heated protests. Hoteliers claim that the

hospitality unicorn has been cheating

them out of their promised returns and

the minimum guarantees, which were

the key component in OYO's pitch to

hotels in the initial days. However, OYO

h a s c o n t i n u o u s l y d e n i e d t h e s e

allegations of large-scale breach of

contract and predatory pricing levelled

against it by the Federation of Hotel and

Restaurant Associations of India

(FHRAI) – an all-India body of hotel

owners and operators. After initiating

action against online travel aggregators

MakeMyTrip and Gobibo in November,

FHRAI had warned OYO of nationwide

protests if it did not negotiate with the

hotel owner's body.

In response, OYO said it is aware of the

recommendations made by certain

bodies and is actively engaging with the

asset owners, franchisees and lessors

associated with OYO Hotels, on a one-toone



1st year BHMCT

‘Are Robots The Future Of Hotel


Have scoffed at the idea, but now at the

rapid pace in which Robots in the

hospitality industry? 50 years ago

people would technology is changing;

this has become very much a reality.

Hotels across the globe have started

experimenting with using robots and AI

as part of the guest experience in their


Hilton Mclean in Virginia, USA has

partnered with IBM and is using

'Connie', the hospitality industry's first

robot butler as the hotel's concierge.

Connie provides basic information such

as the spa and gym timings, location of

the nearest bank, things to do as well as

personalized information for a

consumers needs.

Trending Hotel in Nagasaki, Japan, has

a front desk staffed by robots that

monitor the check-ins and check outs

and respond to the queries of their


Well the robot may not smile or have the

'human' touch, but hotels as well as the

creators of the robots can monitor on

how the robots are being received by the

guests. Analysis can help create

keyword alerts that can enable hotels to

track and monitor online reviews that a

guest posts related to the robots.

Robots are actually more efficient

than humans in recognizing images,

faces and speeches which can help

them recall details of the guests

checking in. Robots definitely improve

efficiency, reduce costs thereby

increase revenues for the hotel but they

can also ensure that a guests personal

needs are taken care off.


Final year

Hospitality Industry

The Hospitality Industry is one of the

main industries in this world and this is

the relationship between guest and

host. Hospitality also involves

showing respect for their guest, treat

them equal and providing what they

need when they are in the hotel or

requesting on a thing such as need a

tourist to bring go around the town,

need transportation and other. The

Hospitality Industry basically provides

lodging or accommodation to people

who travel and needs shelter for the

day. Today, the Hospitality Industry is

providing more choices for its

consumers all around the world from

hotels, resorts, inns, hostels and many

more. Hospitality industry is one of the

industries that provide service so it is

basically focused on customer

satisfaction because customer who is

the main major to pay us. In different

kind of hotel will get a different type of

service because it is depend on how

the hotel functioning. If the hotel has a

good experience to the customer this

will affect customer loyalty and

customer will come again. In addition

to that, it also will increase the

successful of the company in

hospitality industry. Other that this,

hotel industry also will provide facility

for customer.

Most of the business customers are

need a bed and food, this are enough for

them but some of the customer are

request for using our facility. We can

introduce our facility to the customer or

maybe we can discount for them to

encourage them have a try. Therefore,

hotel will have a good experience for the

customer and also can gain more profit.


ECHO 2020

Students Imaginative Turn around


A Day in the Life of a Chef…

After first arriving at the restaurant, a chef

must immediately begin to take inventory

of all food and beverages. Produce

deliveries often arrive in the morning, and

it's the chef's responsibility to be sure that

all fruits and vegetables are fresh. Likewise,

the chef should check the rest of the

inventory to make sure all food; beverages

and condiments are being used before the

expiration date.

Kitchen staff usually begin to arrive a short

while after the chef does. This is the time

when work should commence on any

dishes that take longer to cook or can be

prepared ahead of time, such as soups or

desserts. Because a chef is usually also the

supervisor of all employees who work in the

kitchen, she also needs to make sure that

every worker arrives on time. If she's short

on staff, the chef should immediately begin

making arrangements for additional

workers to fill in if possible.

The lunch crowd typically begins to arrive

around 11:30 a.m., and it's then that the

chef's full attention must be devoted to how

his staff is performing in the kitchen. It may


1st year BHMCT

Opportunities that an Hotelier gets in Hotel


Hotel Industry is considered as the

extending and the biggest industry for

career opportunities are high for the

beginners and as well as thetrained

hotelier. The opportunities are based on the

area where he/she is interested (or) trained

be necessary for the chef to provide advice

or instruction to staff members. It's equally

common for the chef to pitch in and help in

whatever area of the kitchen may be lagging


After the lunch rush is over, a chef and her

staff have time to take a lunch break of their

own. Kitchen personnel usually stay at the

restaurant and eat their midday meal

together, often sampling potential new

additions to the menu. This is also the time

of day when beverage distributors typically

make their deliveries. It is the chef's

responsibility to make sure that the delivery

includes exactly those items that were

ordered, in the proper quantities.

The chef supervises his kitchen staff as

they prepare for the dinner crowd. This

often involves making sauces, chopping

and slicing vegetables and beginning to

cook any meats that may take a long period

of time to prepare, such as roasts or baked


The dinner crowd arrives in early evening,

and this is most often the busiest time of

day. Usually beginning around 6:00 p.m. and

lasting until 9:00 or 10:00 that night, the

dinner rush involves a great deal of activity in

the kitchen, all of which must be supervised

and coordinated by the chef. A chef's duties

during this time of day can be compared to a

conductor leading an orchestra.

While kitchen employees are cleaning up,

the chef takes the time to plan and review

his menu for tomorrow. Now is also often

the time for placing beverage and produce

orders for the following day.

in.There is some particular designations in

Hotel Industry which are considered to be

highly payed (or) respected. The various

posts like Manager , Executive chef , Sous

chef, Executive Housekeeper etc are

considered to be the most respected and

highly payed job (or) designation which

differs according to the property (or) the

Hotel in which he is working in. As an

hotelier it takes a lot of time, patients, hard

work and effort to reach these positions. In

another way it is a challenge give to an

hotelier by himself to do better and

performbetter in every aspect of him/her


Hotels and Hotel Industry are developing

gradually, thought it creates more and more

opportunities to the talented and skilled



1st year BHMCT

Facts Related to hotel industry

• The oldest hotel in the world has been

operated by the same Japanese family for

over 1,300 years. 52 different generations

of descendants have cared for and

operated the inn.

• Hotels use RFID chips to track their towels

and linens. One hotel in Hawaii saved over

$15000 in stolen towels using the RFID


• Half-used hotel soap is sterilized, melted

down, and reformed and sent to poorer

countries with scarce hygiene resources.

• Miami Beach has banned beachfront hotels

from giving out plastic straws.

• The Aurora Ice Hotel in Alaska was made

entirely of ice. Ice walls, ceiling, beds, bar,

barstools, even martini glasses were made

of ice. It was closed by the fire marshal for

not having smoke detectors.

• Las Vegas's MGM Grand Hotel & Casino had

its worst financial week ever when it hosted

a physicist convention.

• 15 of the 25 largest hotels in the world are

on the Las Vegas Strip.

• Fairmont hotel chain has resident dogs that

greet guests in the lobby, accompany them

on walks and to make them feel at home.

• The Hyatt Regency Hotel in KC, MO had

multiple crosswalks that collapsed on top

of each other. 114 died and another 216

were injured. Up until 9-11, it was the largest

structural collapse in the USA.

• When Thomas Edison installed the modern

electric lighting in the Ponce De Leon Hotel

in St Augustine, FL they had to hire extra

staff to turn lights on and off for guests that

were scared of being shocked

• A Chinese construction company built a 30-

story hotel in 15 days. The hotel is energy

efficient, has air 20 times cleaner than

comparable hotels, and can withstand

earthquakes up to magnitude The Largest

Cruise line in the world is 362 meters in

length Harmony of the Seas by Royal

Caribbean International can accommodate

6800 guests

• Space Tourism is set to gain more pace now

and should be worth Billions by 2020

• You would be surprised to know that the

hospitality industry has more women

working for them than men

ECHO 2020 59

Students Imaginative Turn around



1 Year BHMCT

For someone special…..

When I close my eyes, I felt you aside,

You just keep your hands on my head , I

k n o w m y s a d n e s s w i l l r a n

away…Please don’t leave me…please

don’t, Whenever you are not there, My

soul shouts for you, My heart makes

me remember the special moments

that we have spend together, My eyes

starts searching for you When I see

you, My checks start blushing for you

Whenever you hit me ,I don’t feel bad, I

feel there is someone who is ready to

withstand, Beneath the world ,lets

make our own world, Which is full of

surprises, Where my head will be

bowed in front of someone who is

priceless, To the person who gave me

the way of life, Love you MOM

Without you I am nothing but the

burden to the soul beneath me…

Women Safety



1 year BHMCT

The safety of women in India is a

vast topic nowadays. We cannot say

that women are safe in India by

seeing the last few year crimes

against women, especially in the

national capital. Women generally

feel frightened while going alone

outside to the home. It is a very sad

reality of the country that its women

citizens are living with fear all the

time. The personal safety of women

has been the topic of importance for

every Indian citizen. In order to

improve the condition regarding

women safety in India, the following

are some points as tips for women


Some Tips Regarding Women Safety

Self-defense techniques are the first

and foremost thing to which each

and every woman must be aware of

and get proper self-defense training

for their safety. They must be aware

o f s o m e e f f e c t i v e d e f e n s e

techniques such as kicks to the

groin, blocking punches, etc.

· Generally, most of the women are

gifted with the sixth sense which

they must use whenever they

become in some problem. They

should at once avoid any situation in

which they feel bad for them.




1 year BHMCT

In today's society, the pressure to

drink, smoke or use drugs to fit in is all

around our youth. Teens commonly

associate addiction with movie

images, or people they've seen at the

absolute lowest, worst point of their

addiction. Many have ideas about

what an addict looks like: desperate,

homeless, suicidal, criminal. With

these ideas in mind, it's hard for them

to understand how their drug or

alcohol use is a problem — after all,

their consequences seem less


Just as teens do, parents have their

own images of what someone with a

drug problem looks like, and it can be

as extreme as the child's view. These

preconceived notions help parents

stay in denial of a potential problem.

Plus, they lead to false measurement

tools. Parents think, “If my kid had a

problem, she'd be getting bad grades”

or”Clean-cut polite kids don't use

drugs.” Parents can easily fall victim to

the false belief that if their child is not

b e h aving i n a w ay t h e p a rent

associates with addiction, then there

is not a problem.

One of the problems afflicting most

Nations off world is drug abuse. It is a

social evil which can destroy the very

vitals the society. It can make it weak

and hollow as it nibbles gradually a

slowly at the quality of human resource

of a country.


ECHO 2020

Students Imaginative Turn around



1 Year BHMCT

Leads and Trends of Hotel Industry

A hospitality unit contains multiple

groups such as facility maintenance

and direct operations contributed by

servers, housekeepers, kitchen,

workers, bartenders, management,

marketing, human resource, tour

guides just to mention a few. The

hospitality industry refers to a variety of

businesses and services linked to

leisure and customer satisfaction.

Market Value Of Hotel Industry

Important performance indicators for

the hotel industry include market size,

company revenue and brand value. The

market size of the global hotel

industrywas just over 570 billion U.S.

dollars in 2017. However, Hilton Hotels

& Resorts recorded the highest hotel

brand value in 2018 - valuing at 6.33

billion U.S. dollars.

Latest Hotel Industry Trends You Need

To For example, fingerprint or facial

recognition technology is used in hotel

to unlock rooms. Now consider the

uses of the same technology for checkin

and check-out purposes. In the

future, this technology is also likely to

allow for completely seamless

purchases, with payments being

authenticated by touch.

1. Chat bot to assist you 24X7

With the growing digital channels, it is

getting easy for the hotels to give rapid

response to guests' inquiries across all

channels which are leading to a

revenue gaining. Therefore, hotel

Chabot is one of the latest technologies

being used to improve experiences.

Today, the hospitality industry is

making the most use of Chabot that has

the capacity to engage website visitors

in real-time which help in the increase

of direct bookings. This way, the hotel

s t a f f i s f o c u s i n g o n p roviding

personalized guest experience.

2. Mobile app for easy access

Many hotels are making their websites

mobile-optimized. Besides, they are

also providing a mobile app to

encourage potential customers so that

they can easily perform the action.

For example; book rooms and check

availability, read reviews, browse

through hotel services, view hotel

images, and more with the help of a

hotel app.

3. Self-check-in to minimize guests'

waiting time

Today, our guest doesn't wait at the

reception desk anymore. As the

internet has become an inseparable

part of their lives, hotel guests are now

interacting with hoteliers digitally,

which is a part of the recent hotel

industry trends.

Self-check-in service through kiosks

and mobile, guest self-service portals

are gaining popularity among the top

hospitality industry trends. With the

implementation of such services in

hotels, the guests are easily finding

whether their room is ready or not, can

make requests for amenities; check

their bills, updating their preferences

and a lot more.

4. Social Media for promotion

Billions of people around the world are

using social media and the numbers are

increasing day by day. The advanced

technology has made it possible to

reach out to the audience through

multiple platforms.

Hotels use Social Media not just as one

among the hotel promotion ideas, but it

also act as customer care to drive

revenue. That means, when customers

visit our hotel face book page and

shares their thoughts. This interaction

is helping hoteliers to build brand

awareness and loyalty among the


Video marketing is becoming popular

with time and has been skyrocketing in

recent years. According to research,

hotels are attracting nearly 80% of

guest with video engagement.




1 year BHMCT

Being an expert in a particular field

can be helpful, but at the very top of

an organization this can be a liability.

It's important to learn to delegate well,

involving yourself in a deep dive to

course-correct and redirect only

when needed. Keep your eye on the

big picture and avoid being drawn into

one particular area or issue.

Also, as a leader, you want to make

sure people believe in you and trust

you. At the same time, you need to

have the gumption to go for things

you believe are right. This is where

taking on “servant leadership” as a

philosophy can be particularly

effective, shifting the role of leader

from sole focus on the thriving of the

company to priorities supporting your

people. This approach allows you to

deal with difficult situations; you

know you can trust your team, and

your team can trust you.

By taking charge of your own career,

t a k i n g a c c o u n t a b i l i t y a n d

responsibility and staying focused on

how you can best serve your

company and your employees, you

also serve yourself in the best

possible way and will be recognized

for doing so.

Moreover, it is important to seek out

scenarios that challenge and even

terrify you. There is less competition

for these, and you will learn more and

have a greater chance of making a

difference and standing out when you

succeed. One might say that aspiring

future leaders should aim high and

prepare well. Think logistically and

consult with others, learn new skills

and be willing to fail, as you will learn

from the process.

ECHO 2020 61

Esteemed Compliments on Silver Jubilee

Mr. Ravindranath Yakapur

Director of Sales


Big heartfelt congratulations to the esteemed

management and faculty of Regency College of Hotel

Management & Catering Technology for completing

grand 25 years and imparting one of the best

educations in the country.

On this remarkable occasion, it gives me great

pleasure to share my journey in this industry. I have

been working with Hyatt since 2013, and it has been

nothing less than wonderful. Hyatt has given me an

opportunity to work with some of the best people all

across the world.

My piece of mind to all the aspiring students at your

college would be that to get believe in your selves.

Success comes with hardwork and passion in what

you do. Hence my advice to all my young friends would

be to have patience and don't get into a comparison

mode or get on a race with each other. If you are

passionate about hoteliering as a profession, success

is just definite. Our industry is very rewarding however

initial few years one has to invest and then there is no

looking back. Patience, Commitment and Passion –

remember these and Hotel Industry is an ocean which

has something for everyone.

I wish you all the best for the times ahead and would

also like to congratulate you all for choosing to be a

part of Regency College of Hotel Management who

ensure they are always delivering quality education

being in line with the industry trends.

All the Best

Mr. Rishabh Tandon

Director of Human Resources

Crown Plaza Greater Noida

Its a great milestone for a Hospitality Academy to

nurture talent in the world of hospitality world

consistently for last 25 years. Thanks to Regency

College of HMCT for supporting Crowne Plaza Greater

Noida, an IHG hotel with talent in form of colleagues as

well as interns. One of the unique strength about

students from this alma mater is their functional and

geographical mobility along with an attitude of

unconditional support in extending True Hospitality.

This will surely take the flag of the Institute - up and

rising in the best of hotel companies in India and

across the globe. Keep up making a difference in the

life of students and budding professionals.

Mr. Vikas Mishra


Global Sourcing & International

Placements, Eclat Hospitality

As winners of Eclat Young Talent Award & Eclat

Hospitality Educator of the Year Award, Regency

College has established a winner's paradigm

without a shadow of doubt!

The program, the leadership and the faculty are a

testament to the quality education, which goes into

creating empowered, empathic and ambitious

young hoteliers that will shape the industry for

years to come.

We are proud to be associated with Regency and

wish each and every member of the fabulous team a

winning decade to come!

Eclat Hospitality


ECHO 2020

Esteemed Compliments on Silver Jubilee

Mr. Anvit Misra

Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty

Learning Manager

I have been associated with Regency College for

almost a year now and I have nothing but good

things to say about the institution. The students are

quite industrious and willing to learn new things

during their training here their existing knowledge

from the college is quite decent. Congratulations

and best of luck for everyone associated!!

Mr. Ashok Nair

Human Resource Manager

Four Seasons Resort-

Chaingmai (Thailand)

My heartiest congratulations on achieving this

milestone and this is no small achievement. To be able to

stand out from the rest and continue the journey on your

own terms is laudable.

I am certain that you will continue to set higher standards

of education and training thereby setting the path for

your students to be good hoteliers and better human

beings in this ever changing world.

Ms. Sonia D’cunha

Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty

Human Resource Manager

“ My connect with Regency College is not just from

yesterday, it's been for 05 years since I've connected

with them. The quality of education provided by them

is explicit. I have many success stories that I can talk

about in terms of the students recruited during my

tenure in Human Resources. There is tremendous

passion and dedication showcased by the faculty, as

well as Ms. Uma Bala and Mr. Ramesh. I wish you all

the best for your upcoming projects and keep

flourishing in all future endeavors.”

Ms. Alka Agarwal


(Society for Integrated Development

done in Health Awareness & Mentoring)


We take this opportunity to congratulate you on

the silver jubilee celebration of your esteemed


It is a matter of immense pleasure for us to be

associated with your college especially your staff

and students .We wish you and your students many

more accolades and success in the future.

Wishing you more laurels and success all along.

Thanking you

Warm Regards

ECHO 2020 63

United We Stand

25 Batches (1995-2019)

Malik, Varun, Jiddawala, Aliya, Ranjan, Pajay,

Omer, Shadab, Rabinder, Gautam, Jawed,

Rajesh, Kailash, Hadi, Himansu, Sasi,

Venkateshwar rao, Biju, Vishal, Vijay, Aravind,

Venu, Arun, Kishore, Vinod, Indu, Abdul, Charles,

Sanjeev, Noor, Raj, Ali, Avinash, Rajjev,



Soumithra, Deepak, Anis, Amit, Santhosh, Mumtaz,

Ismail, Ravi, Kiran, Sunil, Maneesh, Anil, Ranjan,

Lokareddy, Vinod, Ameer, Rohit, Vinay, Ramkrishna,

Asif, Anikhel, Anwar, Amar, Sridhar, Wasseq, Rahul,

Yugandhar, Shadab, Sathish, E.sathish, Ashok,

David, Basheer, Ali, Asmita, Vamshi, Ishwan, Aleem,

Santhosh, Abdul, Vigneshwar, Vikas, Raja, Vamshi


BINDU, Ibrahim, Mustafa, Navven, Abhjishek, David,

Manish, Suresh, Rajpreet, Kareem, Srikanth,

Gopikrishna, Sharath, Hussain, Harendhar,

Laxmikanth, Umesh, Javeed, Ayub, Vishnu, Jimmy,

Varistha, Sachin, Surya, Sunil, Niklesh, Venu, Vishal,

Stephen,Tariq, Alimakki, Sarat, Purna, Subbarao,

Jaheer, Younus khan, Vineesh, Swamy, Anwar, Bhanu

Naveen, Surya, Santhosh, Rahul, Santhosh, Rahul,

Anish, Krishna, Praveen, Joseph, Saket, Shashi, Jana,

Sreeram, Sreedhar, Adithya, Suneetha, Anil, Aneesh,

Rattan, Sudha, Phillip, Naga, Madhu, Mansoor, Harsh,

Ashish, Sathish, Sarvesh, Dhanunjaya, Aliya, Amit,

Prakash, Sunil, S.sunil, Ranjith, Venkat, Faisal,

Sandeep, Seethaiah, Emmanzal, Saurabh, Sathish



Mirza, Jaqueline, Kesava, Vamsi, Vijjesh, Rohan,

Vinay, Madhu, Saran, Ammeth, Sanjeev, Mukund,

Nikhil, Srikar, Indra, Dharma, Chaitanya, Jayadas,

Abbas, Vijaya, Mirza, Sujeet, Tanmay, Sahaja, aranjeet,

Srikanth, Krihna, Mastan, Abhilash, Vishal, Kranthi, Asif,

Ganesh, Rahmath, Kalyan raj, Krupakar, Mansoor,

Srikanth, Suresh, Prasad, Kumar, Prem, Raviteja,

Surya, Prakash, Praveen, Pavan, Prassanna

Mohd Raheemuddin, Mohd Asif Rahamtullah, Mateen Ahmed, P

Krishna Chaitanya, Khyati H Maru, Ganesh Singh Sijwali, Vakkanti

Vineel Kumar, Abhishek Gupta, Sameer Arshad Md Abdul Quddoos,

Suryadeepthi Kapa, Ghulam Waheed,gautam Somaiah, Binoy

Mathews, P Abhilash Babu, Mohammed Shafeek, Ganesh S, P Ravi

Kiran, Ch Phani Kumar Varma, K Shiva Rama Krishna, Vanitha

Josephene Gomez, Kalyani Govind Jana, Y Kiran Kumar, Abhiruchi

Soral, C R Sridhar, Abhinandan Kumar, B Rama Krishna, Sireesh

Samrat D, Mohd Wajahath Hussain, Siddharth Lal, A Mohan Kumar,

Pamula Jobard, K X Krupakar, K V N Krishna Chaitanya.






ECHO 2020

United We Stand

25 Batches (1995-2019)









ECHO 2020 65

United We Stand

25 Batches (1995-2019)





FPCC 2010-11

FPCC 2011-12

FPCC 2012-13 FPCC 2013-14


ECHO 2020

United We Stand

25 Batches (1995-2019)

FPCC 2014-15 2015-16

FPCC 2016-17 FPCC 2017-18



1 Year Sec-1



1 Year Sec-2


2017 - 2 Year


2017 - 3 Year

ECHO 2020 67

United We Stand

25 Batches (1995-2019)





1 Year Sec-1



1 Year Sec-2



2 Year Sec-1



2 Year Sec-2



3 Year BHMCT



Team Regency


ECHO 2020

United We Stand

25 Batches (1995-2019)



1 Year Sec-1



1 Year Sec-2



2 Year Sec-1



2 Year Sec-2

Anti Ragging &

Women Grevience

Communicado Club

Cultural Club

Editorial Club

ECHO 2020 69

Regency Council

Enthusia Club



Gastronomy Club

Green Core




Lab Assistants

Service Committe

Team Regency


ECHO 2020

Regency Excellence Awards 2020

Ms.B.Mani Chandana

Best Attendance 1st year


Best Attendance 2nd year


Best Attendance 3rd year


Best Attendance FPCC


Recognition of Merit 1st year

Ms.Arshiya Firdous

Recognition of Merit FPCC

Mr.C.Sai Kiran Singh

Scholar of the year


Best Scholar of the year

Ms.Manvee Mathur

Budding Sreekar

Terela Memorial award


Best IET boy


Best IET Girl

Mr.D.Raj Kumar

Best Outgoing student


ECHO 2020

Regency Excellence Awards 2020

Ms.Haya Iqubal

Florist of the season


Best Innovative Flower Arrangement

Ms.Gazal Malkani

Budding Chef

Mr.Prashanth Goud

Budding Carver


Chef Regency


Budding Baker

Mr.Nageshwar Madhukar

Best Barman

Ms.B.Mani Chandana

Best Rapito




Sreekar Terela Memorial award

ECHO 2020 72

PLACEMENTS 2019 - 2020














































































































































Since 1994




(Affiliated to Osmania University)




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