Business Analyst - June 2

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Thursday, June 2, 2022


Insights with Dzigbordi K. Dosoo:

How to make your life your project

and succeed in 2022 (II)

• Continued from Page 10

the bottom, middle or top in the

workplace. There are four main categories

when it comes to this:

Inspirational – those in these category

determine how things need to happen.

A step by step process for

accomplishing particular objectives.

They write with aspirations and like to

think a lot about what they want to do in

many different ways.

Strategic – those in this category determine

why things need to happen. A

big picture, long term thinking, which

starts at the highest level with defining a

mission and casting a mission – high

level thinkers who like to be very broad

in their writing but know exactly what

they want to do.

Tactical – those in this category determine

what is going to happen. They ask

specific questions about what needs to

happen to accomplish a strategic goal.

Contingency – those in this category

determine how things are made when

the unexpected happens or something

needs to be changed. They are those who

always think of plan ‘b’, ‘c’ and so on.

What do you identify as? You have to

find out which one you are. You may fall

in more than one of the categories but

one will be more dominant. You may also

think you fall in none but I want you to

take a careful look at each of them, take

time to analyze them and that is when

you will realize you fit in one. When you

are able to identify who you are, it helps

you to know what kind of plan you are

going to do.

Another aspect you have to find out

about yourself when it comes to making

your life your project is determining

whether you are a process goal setter

where you do not put specifics in your

goals but plan the process to see what

comes out of it or you are a results goal

setter where you are specific in the outcomes

of the goals you set and work towards

it. Over here too, you must know

which of the goal setters you are in order

to inform how you work out your plans.

As you proceed in making your life

your project, there will be so many aspects

you need to work on to bring about

the needed results. here are 4 areas you

need to start focusing on in your journey:


You need to identify your difference

from everyone else; that is, know that

which drives you and what makes you, to

help you make your first journey to Leadership.

Know yourself, know your skill,

know your ability, and know how you appear

to people. If you are able to become

aware of yourself, you will always show

up in a way where people will come to

you without you having to chase them.


Rejection is an art you must learn.

You must always prepare for rejection as

it may come through business, life and

relationships. This does not define your

life nonetheless; rather, it is an opportunity

to continue developing your skills to

become a person of relevance. Pre-prepare

your rejection messages so that you

can use them whenever the need arises.

This takes care of any unpleasant surprises

that may cause emotional outbursts.

Diminish your emotions and all

the self-esteem distractions that dwell

on the negative. Always show acceptance

and appreciation, and work on that

which caused the rejection. Learn to say

“Thank you, I understand and I appreciate.

I will work on myself.”


Your appearance is the primary instrument

in creating either a positive or

negative first impression. People are superficial

by nature and tend to formulate

their initial opinions about you before

they actually speak to you. The way you

dress has a direct effect on people’s default

assumptions of you. People address

you by the way you are dressed.

Your appearance tells who you are,

where you should be and the impact you

are going to make. how you look – your

gestures and clothing, movement, eye

contact and expressions all play a key

role. Your eyes connotes connection; your

smile should show warmth; your stance

should exude dominance and trust; your

hands should depict trust and respect;

Look people in the eyes, show up with a

smile, and always make your hands visible.

“Strategic – those in

this category

determine why things

need to happen. A big

picture, long term

thinking, which starts

at the highest level

with defining a

mission and casting a

mission – high level

thinkers who like to be

very broad in their

writing but know

exactly what they

want to do.


You must identify your life as a project

and manage it as you would manage a

project that you have been given. Always

be flexible and move on, adjusting to new

ways instead of dwelling on the old.

Work on your mindset in such a way that

nothing will be strong enough to shift

your focus from your message. Then, determine

whether you are a developer, an

organizer, an expert or role model and

use it to your advantage.

Making your life your personal project

comes with a lot of hard work that results

in numerous benefits for both your

personal life and work life. You only have

to take a bold step by finding time to reflect

and consolidate your plans by breaking

down your plans into measurable

goals and putting dates and time to it in

a planner that works for you. You will

then see progress and growth in your

personal and career life as you start executing

your pre-prepared tasks one after

the other with intentionality.

To find out more about yourself – fundamentals,

personality and where to

start in making your life your project,

grab a copy of my book The essentials of

Image Leadership.

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