The Student Collective Volume VIII Online

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Story portraits Angel Glocking Story portraits Breeauna O’Rear

It’s difficult to sum up what I’ve discovered during my time at Fox because of the

transformative nature of my experience as a student and now as a professional. I think

one point that I could touch on would be the wealth of community.

During my time as a student, I often found myself needing to rely on others because

of difficult circumstances. As a first generation college student who was financially

independent from my family, I faced additional stress and uncertainty as I navigated

my four years in undergrad. However, what I discovered at Fox was a community of

people who came around me and beside me, and would not let me fall. I discovered

mentors who listened, shared wisdom, and prayed with me. I discovered staff who

made it their mission to ensure that I received every bit of support they could muster,

and who believed that I was capable. I discovered friends who made me better,

challenged my thinking, and encouraged me to grow.

One person, specifically, who magnified my experience at George Fox was Dr. Steve

Winterberg, my international studies professor. Throughout my time as a student, he

invited me into challenging academic spaces and engaged with me on a personal level.

Two especially impactful things come to mind. First, during our advising

sessions, Steve always made a point to pray with his students and bless

their upcoming year. The way that he intertwined academic growth

and spiritual growth was distinctly graceful. Second, was his

belief in me. Steve knew that I eventually wanted to continue

onto graduate school and eventually gain a doctoral degree.

At some point my sophomore year, I greeted him as “Dr.

Winterberg” as I passed him on the quad and he greeted me

back as “Dr. Glockling”. This exchange soon became our

norm and an inside joke, but also encouraged me because

I knew that he believed I would get there someday.

The Biology Department here at Fox is a place that has allowed me to be known

on campus. I have been able to ask professors questions about both science and

faith. When professors check in about life outside of the classroom it helps me stay

motivated in my goals and passions.

Another place I feel known is on the Track & Field team. My coaches and

teammates have always built me up and allowed me to express the better parts of

who I am, helping to strengthen my faith and character. It is such a strong source

of community in my life! This leads me into answering who has magnified my

time here at Fox. My roommate Ellie, my genetics professor Matt Stump, close

teammates and coaches have helped make my time at Fox worthwhile. These people

combine to make an extremely important piece of my life and I am so grateful to

have their shining lights surrounding me.

My go-to coffee drink here in Newberg is a blended, dirty, spiced

chai (especially good from Sip City)! A few fun places in the

Newberg area are the Alpacas of Oregon, the hills up

near Bald Peak, Critter Cabana, and Chapters!

Sunsets from the big slide park and Dos Mundos tacos!

Sunsets front the big slide park and Dos Mundos are just

a couple of my favorite things in Newberg.

Black drip coffee is my forever go-to drink :)

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5/23/22 10:16 AM

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