Friday, 3rd June, 20221

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Tesla boss Elon Musk has

ordered staff to return

to the office full-time,

declaring that working

remotely is no longer


The new policy was shared in

emails that were leaked to social


Tesla did not respond to a

request for comment on the messages,

one of which appeared to

be addressed to executives.

People who are unwilling to

abide by the new rules can "pretend

to work somewhere else" Mr

Musk said on Twitter, when asked

South Africa's former spy

chief has accused President

Cyril Ramaphosa of

kidnapping and bribery

in a case he has registered

with the police.

Arthur Fraser said the case

related to the alleged attempted

theft of $4m (£3.2m) in 2020 at

one of the president's properties

and the alleged efforts to conceal

what happened.

Mr Ramaphosa said "there is

no basis for the claims of criminal


Mr Fraser is seen by some as

an ally of former President Jacob


Some believe the allegations

could be linked to wrangles within

the ruling African National

Congress (ANC) ahead of a leadership

race in December.

The police have confirmed

that a case has been registered

with them and that "due processes

will follow", which includes an

initial investigation.

Mr Fraser, who ran the country's

State Security Agency (SSA)

between 2016 and 2018, has said

he has handed photographs, bank

account details and video footage

over to the police.

In a statement, he alleged

that criminals broke into a farm

in Limpopo province in February

2020 to steal more than $4m.

They were then detained and

interrogated on the property and

paid to keep quiet about what

had happened, the statement


In response, Mr Ramaphosa's

office confirmed that there was

a robbery at his farm in Limpopo

"in which proceeds from the sale

of game were stolen".

about the policy.

"Everyone at Tesla is required

to spend a minimum of 40 hours

in the office per week," he wrote

in one of the emails. "If you don't

show up, we will assume you

have resigned."

The BBC is not responsible

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View original tweet on Twitter

The emails said staff should

report to work at one of the

company's main offices, "not a

remote branch office unrelated

to the job duties".

Mr Musk added that he

would personally review any

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 3rd June, 2022

requests for exemptions from the


Mr Musk said working in

the office full-time was what

the company asks of its factory

employees and in-person collaboration

was critical to the firm's


"There are of course companies

that don't require this, but

when was the last time they

shipped a great new product?

It's been a while," he said in an

email, one of two that was leaked

and shared on social media.

"Tesla has and will create and

actually manufacture the most

exciting and meaningful products

of any company on Earth.

This will not happen by phoning

it in."

Companies in many industries

are wrestling with whether

to allow the remote work practices

that exploded during the coronavirus

pandemic to continue.

Some sectors, such as banking,

signalled early on that they

would expect staff to return to

S Africa president accused

of kidnap and bribery

The president, who was

out of the country at the time,

reported the incident to the

police's presidential protection

unit, the statement from his

office said.

He "stands ready to cooperate

with any law enforcement

investigation of these matters",

it added.

After running the SSA, Mr

Fraser went on to head the country's

prison service. Last September,

he was responsible for ordering

Zuma's release on medical

parole nearly two months into

his 15-month prison sentence for

contempt of court - a decision

which was criticised by many

South Africans.

He has also been accused

of enabling graft while he was

running the SSA by witnesses

at an inquiry into corruption in

the country during the Zuma

presidency known as the Zondo

commission. Mr Fraser has

accused the witnesses of lying

about him.

Mr Ramaphosa became president

in February 2018 after Zuma

resigned in the face of numerous

corruption allegations, which he

denied. The ANC remains divided

between supporters of the two

men. It is due to choose later this

year who will be its presidential

candidate for the 2024 elections.

The president has made combatting

corruption a priority of

his government. But his commitment

to this has been questioned

as the misuse of state funds,

especially over money earmarked

for fighting Covid-19, has continued

during his presidency.

Before he became deputy

president in 2014, Mr Ramaphosa

was a prominent businessman

with stakes in mining, telecoms,

media, beverage and fast food


In 2014, he declared to parliament

that he owned $5m in

shares as well as 30 townhouses.

But it is widely believed that his

wealth is greater than that.

Global News

Elon Musk declares end to

remote working at Tesla

President Cyril Ramaphosa

the office, while others, often in

the tech industry, have said they

will allow remote work indefinitely.

Many places have opted for

a mix.

Office occupancy in the US is

at about 43%, according to data

from Kastle, which runs security

card access systems at thousands

of buildings across the country.

'I lived in the factory'

Mr Musk is famously hard

charging in his own attitude to

work. He rarely takes holidays

and during a crunch period for

Tesla a few years ago, he slept on

the factory floor.

"The more senior you are,

the more visible must be your

presence," he wrote in one of the

emails on the remote work policy.

"That is why I lived in the

factory so much - so that those

on the line could see me working

alongside them. If I had not done

that, Tesla would long ago have

gone bankrupt."

Mr Musk was previously

on the record as having a dim

The US Treasury has

announced a round of

new sanctions against

Russian individuals.

The latest sanctions

target a Kremlin-aligned yacht

brokerage and several prominent

Russian government officials.

Close Putin associate and

money manager, Sergei Roldugin,

who is a custodian of the Russian

president’s offshore wealth is also

on the list.

The State Department has

imposed sanctions on five of Russia’s

oligarchs and elites, including

Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman

of the Russian Ministry

of Foreign Affairs; Alexey Mordashov,

one of Russia’s wealthiest

view of remote work, writing on

Twitter earlier this year that "all

the Covid stay-at-home stuff has

tricked people into thinking that

you don't actually need to work

hard. Rude awakening inbound!"

His comments raised the

potential for a fresh clash of

cultures with the staff at Twitter,

which he is in the process of

buying for $44bn (£35.3bn).

In March, the firm's chief

executive Parag Agrawal said

staff could continue to work from

home "forever".

In a note to employees posted

on the social media platform, Mr

Agrawal said "As we open back

up, our approach remains the

same. Wherever you feel most

productive and creative is where

you will work and that includes

working from home full-time


"Office every day? That works

too. Some days in office, some

days from home? Of course."

The State Department has imposed

US announces new

round of Russia


billionaires; and family members

and entities associated with the

oligarchs and elites.

“Russia’s elites, up to and

including President Putin, rely

on complex support networks to

hide, move, and maintain their

wealth and luxury assets,” said

Brian Nelson, undersecretary of

the Treasury for Terrorism and

Financial Intelligence.

“Today’s action demonstrates

that Treasury can and

will go after those responsible

for shielding and maintaining

these ill-gotten interests. We will

continue to enforce our sanctions

and expose the corrupt systems

by which President Putin and his

elites enrich themselves.”

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