Friday, 3rd June, 20221

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DAILY ANALYST Friday, 3rd June, 2022

Call Asante Okore of Sekyikrom to order!

—IGP urged

Story Freeman Koryekpor

Awlesu, Back From

Sekyikrom, Eastern Region

The aggrieved destooled

Apagyahene of

Sekyikrom in the

Nsawam Adoagyir

Municipality of the

Eastern Region, Oheneba Nana

Asante Okore I, popularly known

as Toroo, has been accused of

hiring gun-wielding thugs who

are intended to cause harm to

the chiefs, queen-mothers and

elders at Sekyikrom Palace on

Sunday May 2022.

The thugs numbering about

eight (8), were believed to be

notorious land-guards hired

Founder and President

of the Worldwide

Miracle Outreach

and an International

Evangelist, Dr.

Lawrence Tetteh; and the

Spokesperson for the National

Chief Imam, Sheikh Aremeyaw

Shaibu, have disagreed with the

purported armed demonstration

that is being planned for 4th

June 2022 by some citizens of

the Republic.

The Religious Leaders made

their point on GTV’s Breakfast

Show on June 2, 2022.

According to Sheikh

Aremeyaw Shaibu, if they

intend to stage a demonstration

with ammunition, they

should stop because that could

create a state of instability

in Ghana, insurgency, and

also treasonable things in the


“I want to tell any Politician,

I’m sure no Politician is

encouraging that across the

parties. Stay safe and keep on

the fight, meaning use wisdom.”

Citing an example, he

stated: “In Uganda, if you are

an opposition leader you are

beaten and put behind a pickup

truck.” He added that people

can express disagreement

with some assertions by the

President or Vice President

as well as the government in

power, but one should not take

by Asante Okore from different

communities to cause mayhem

at the chief of Sekyikrom palace

on that Sunday.

According to reports, they

stormed the palace when the

chief of the area, Nana Sakyi

Agyekwa V, Queen mother, Nana

Agyekwabea Akyeampomah

III and Sakyikrom Stool Father

(Gyaasehene), Nana Owusu

Aduomi aka Methuselah

including other chiefs, queenmothers,

elders and people of

Sakyikrom were celebrating

their annual Akwasidae Kesea

for the year 2022.

Nana Sakyi Agyekwa V,

who blew the lid over Asante

Okore Toroo’s action, stated

categorically that the thugs

it personally and turn it into

hatred where one would want

to create an atmosphere of


Dr. Lawrence Tetteh also

said: “sometimes young men

get so psyched up and make

statements without thinking

and I keep saying emotions

have no intent. We should be

able to make statements that

will not undermine the very

things we are doing. They are

demonstrating because they

stormed his palace on Sunday,

May 29, 2022, with machetes,

guns and other offensive


He pointed out that the

thugs threatened to cause

mayhem over the destoolment

of their 'paymaster,' Asante

Okore since they could not

understand the reason he was

destooled by the Queen-mother

of Sakyikrom, Nana Agyakwabea

Acheampomaa III.

The chief indicated that

lucky however, eluded the thugs

as the Asafo group and the youth

of the area successfully arrested

eight of them and handed them

over to the Nsawam District

Police Command.

The police at the CID

Department of the Nsawam

District Police Command have

confirmed the arrest of the

thugs, saying that the case was

under police investigation.

Nana Sakyi Agyekwa V

pointed out that they seized

motorbikes, cutlasses and other

offensive weapons possessed by

the thugs during their arrest

The chief further recounted

the series of attempts by Asante

Okore to team up with the

destooled Abusuapanyin of

Sakyikrom, Mr. Amadi Yemo,

to attack their integrity and


The Sakyikromhene

stated that he fully supported

the decision of Agyakwabea

are not happy with something,

but if you are going to do it in

violence, that will be a crash

which we don’t want in Ghana.

Let us try to do things within

the confinement of the law by

seeking police permission.”

He continued: “the whole

essence of being here is to

create an environment where

Muslims and Christians can live

in peace, where NPP and NDC

can live in peace as well.”

“I am happy that our young

Acheampomaa III to perform

rituals to destool Asante

Okore because the continuous

misconducts of him was creating

serious confusion, tension and

insecurity in the area.

Nana Sakyi Agyekwa V noted

that after he was installed Chief

of Sakyikrom, he personally

approached Asante Okore to

advise him to stop causing

trouble in the area.

But, according to him, Asante

Okore turned down all his pieces

of advice.

Nana Sakyi Agyekwa V

described Toronto as a notorious

trouble maker in Sakyikrom,

accusing him of using the name

of the Inspector General of

Police (IGP), Dr. George Akuffo

Dampare, to terrorise the chiefs,

queen-mothers, elders, and other

traditional office holders within

the Sakyikrom.

"Whenever there are

little misunderstandings

between Asante Okore and

other traditional office holders

sometime during our meetings,

you could see that Asante

Okore will just flip his mobile

phone and threaten that he

will call the IGP to report that

person to him, because IGP is

his friend. These have been the

continuous behaviours of Asante

Okore in Sakyikrom," Nana

Sakyi Agyekwa V disclosed to

journalists at a press conference

held at Sakyikrom on Monday,

We are against armed demo - Religious leaders

men and women are going on

demonstration, it is part of

democracy but violence is not

acceptable,” he concluded.

In a statement posted on

their Facebook page, the Ghana

Police Service on Wednesday,

June 1, 2022, said it had received

notification from the abovementioned

organizers of the

intended demonstration on

Sunday, May 29, 2022.

May 30, 2022.

The press conference was

held in a quick reaction to the

current widespread media

reports attributed to Asante

Okore to the effect that all

the households in Sakyikrom

did not have toilet facilities, a

development which compels the

indigenes to defecate in bushes

and at the public cemetery.

Mr. Asante Okore was

reported to have made these

derogatory comments on Onua

TV. He was also reported to

have made several dangerous

statements against the elders,

chiefs, queens and people of the

area which has dented the image

of Sakyikrom.

He was ostensibly exhibiting

these acts to destroy the

reputation of the newlyinstalled

Sakyikromhene but

evidence available showed

that Nana Sakyi Agyekwa

V demonstrates that he has

technical know how to work

closely with the traditional

authorities and leadership of

the Nsawam Adoagyir Municipal


However, the continuous

practice of Mr. Asante Okore to

go on Onu TV to peddle falsehood

against the Sakyikrom has

angered the traditional office

holders and youths in the area.

Addressing a crowded press

conference, Nana Sakyi Agyekwa

V issued a stern warning to Mr.

Asante Okore and his followers

including the destooled

Abusuapanyin of Sakyikrom,

Mr. Amadi Yemo to immediately

stop their continuous habit of

using the media to attack the

integrity and reputation of him

and his elders of the area, lest he

(Asante Okore) would face their


According to him, their

attention has been drawn to the

series of the bad news attributed

to Asante Okore on Onua TV,

describing the contents of

these statements as complete

gross disrespect, useless and

misconception, and charged the

IGP to call Asante Okore and his

followers to order!

"If really it is true that what

Asante Okore has been always

saying that the IGP is his friend,

then l am using this platform to

appeal to the IGP to immediately

invite Asante Okore and his

followers to advise them to stop

their continuous behaviours,

because their actions and

inactions were retarding

development in Sakyikrom,"

Sakyikromhene appealed to the


Ḟlanked by the Queenmother

of Sakyikrom Nana

Agyakwabea Acheampomaa III,

Stool father of Sakyikrom, Nana

Sakyi Agyekwa V pointed out

that the troubles that Asante

Okore and his followers were

fomenting in the area were

threatening lives and security in

the area.

Against this back ground,

Nana Sakyi Agyekwa V

warned the youth not to allow

themselves to be used by

some self-seeking individuals

including Asante Okore and his


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