Business Analyst - June 23

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Thursday, June 23, 2022


Mobile phones and

social interaction

In 2018, a young man attended a

job interview in Accra. As he sat

at the designated room with

others waiting to be called, he

took out his phone to browse.

For close to 45 minutes of dead

silence in the room, he lifted his head

out of curiosity to look around and then

something struck him. He realized a

similar pattern- everyone was busily

fidgeting with his or her phone.

they spent all that time in the room

but never exchanged greetings or any

form of pleasantries. that was when the

thought occurred to him as to the extent

of damage mobile phones had done to

the once vibrant Ghanaian social life.

Defining social interaction, John

Lewis Gillin and John Philip Gillin

wrote: “By social interaction we mean

the mutual or reciprocal influence,

resulting in the modification of

behaviour, exerted through social

contact and communication which, in

turn, are established by interstimulation

and response.”

Pitirim Sorokim also describes social

interaction as “any event by which one

party tangibly influences the overt

actions or the state of mind of the other.”

(Sorokin, 1928). thus, social interaction is

a reciprocal and interdependent activity.

Benefits of mobile phones

By inventing the cell phone, Martin

Cooper, widely regarded as the “Father” of

the cellular phone, gave humans the

ability to carry a device with them that

allowed for instant communication.

the major advantages to having a

mobile phone is that it is easier to express

oneself through communication and

creativity, to access entertainment, to be

safe, and to connect to the internet.

Communicating with loved ones,

colleagues, friends, and more has never

been simpler.

techspirited, a tech-savvy platform

said, “By allowing instant access to any

desired destination across the globe,

mobile phones have changed the

landscape of communication.

not only globally, cell phones are

important in day-to-day life.”

Besides the ease of communication,

expressing oneself creatively has also

never been so straightforward.

Albeit the immense benefits derived

from mobile phones, its negative impact

on social interactions cannot be


Cell phone technologies can create

addictive tendencies in people

Highlighting the global addictive

nature of mobile phones, thrive Global, an

American Company that provides

behavior change technology and media, to

support individuals struggling with stress

and burnout, in its article published in

“This is backed up by

a study where the UK

Post Office


YouGov to research

whether we are

developing anxieties

related to our mobile

phone. it turns out

nearly 53 per cent of

young mobile phone

users in Britain

develop anxiety when

they cannot find their

mobile, lose signal or

break their phone!” it


2018 stated that the increasing

dependence on mobile phones had

developed a fear of being away from it.

this is called “nomophobia”, which is

an abbreviation of ‘no-mobile-phone


“Some college students keep their

mobiles with them in their shower rooms

as per their need to be able to stay close to

connectivity,” the article said.

“this is backed up by a study where

the UK Post office commissioned YouGov

to research whether we are developing

anxieties related to our mobile phone. It

turns out nearly 53 per cent of young

mobile phone users in Britain develop

anxiety when they cannot find their

mobile, lose signal or break their phone!”

it added.

In Ghana, the situation is no different!

People can become emotionally tied to

their phones in such a way that they feel

grief, anxiety, or despair if they forget it at


In public transports, the addictive

repercussions are so evident that when

one greets a passenger, instead of him or

her looking at the fellow in the face,

smiling and giving a response, the

unexpected rather happens— he or she

only nods in response while bending

towards the phone.

Some passengers even end up missing

their bus stops or leaving their valuables

behind in vehicles due to over

concentration on their mobile phones.

Excessive use of mobile phones drains

confidence and dwindles public speaking

abilities, experts say.

Mobile phones have gradually created

a generation of people who are very vocal

and highly opinionated on social media

platforms but in real life, these same

people struggle to even start a


on university campuses, one will

notice something interesting, that some

students who were very expressive and

visible on social media, seemingly shrunk

in fear during group presentations at


Mobile phones create constant

distractions and promote isolation

Mobile phone interruptions happen at

weddings, family gatherings, movie

theatres or offices and even at religious

gatherings. this poses a detrimental effect

on work or class productivity and slows

up the rate at which work is done. It is

true mobile phones make people

connected and the world a small village,

but if not used carefully, it can physically

isolate you from family and people

around you. one of the typical negative

impacts is where you meet a group of

young people seated around a coffee table

but not talking among themselves and

glued to their phones.

Additionally, if a teenager or partner

is too much into their mobile phone, this

can hurt the relationship with the family

or partner.

Final thoughts

the advantages and disadvantages of

cell phones show us that having more

ways to communicate with others can be

an excellent resource. Below are a few

suggestions to help you work on your

mobile phone addiction and improve

social interaction.

1. tracking your cell phone use

such as adding up how many times per

hour you check your phone can increase

your awareness about your problem. You

can download an application that tracks

your cell phone use like Checky, App off

timer, or Qualitytime. You can use this

information to set a specific goal of how

many times per hour or day you allow

yourself to check your phone.

2. Create a plan for your phone use.

Limit your cell phone use to certain times

of the day. You can set an alarm on your

phone to alert you when you have reached

your maximum time. For example, you

can allow yourself to use your phone only

from 1800 hours to 1900 hours. You can

also set up specific times not to use your

phone, such as while you are at work or

school. Write your plan and goals down to

make them more concrete. Keep a log of

which goals you’ve met and ones you are

still working on.

3. Change your phone settings.

there are settings on your phone that

may alert you every time you get an email

or Facebook notification. Make sure you

turn these off! this will reduce the

number of times your phone goes off or

vibrates. this way you are not being

notified every time something occurs.

4. remind yourself that whatever

you are wanting to check on your phone is

not that important and can wait. next

time you feel the need to use it step back

and think, “Do I really need to call/text

this person right now or can it wait until


With all that said and done, the way

you utilize your mobile phone matters. If

used wisely, a mobile phone can be one of

the best gadgets you will ever hold. You

can use it to benefit your life profitably.

Don’t let the disadvantages of mobile

phones discourage you, it’s a matter of

choosing how best it benefits you.

By Eric Appah Marfo


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