Delabole Slate July 2022

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Delabole School

At last, the summer term is here and we can truly enjoy all the events that have been so sorely missed for the last two

years. For the first time in a very long time, it feels as though we can anticipate all those extra curricular events that make

up such an important part of our school culture, without looking over our shoulders and wondering if they will truly go

ahead. And the children so deserve it because these are the rites of passage that make memories and mark the transitions

from one phase of learning to another.

How lovely to be able to relish such things as our Year 6 Bristol Residential trip – art galleries, river trips, visits to the SS

Great Britain and just a glimpse of city life – and look forward to residential experiences for years 4 and 5 to follow.

There are so many opportunities just waiting to be seized – a group of our Year 5 children are already thinking about

working as an ensemble to contribute to a Royal Shakespeare Company performance of Much Ado About Nothing. We

are proud to say that they are the only primary school in Cornwall alongside our partner school, Tintagel, to take up the

challenge and perform alongside Secondary pupils at Falmouth University later in the term. For a small group of bold

and talented children, this will be a collaborative venture that they will never forget.

Alongside these great opportunities we have also recently enjoyed the Deli Run, and we have various trips and

experiences planned linked to our ‘beautiful tapestry of learning’. At the core of all our

learning for Summer 2022 is the golden and much missed opportunity for our parents and

community to share in our achievements through sport, dance and performance. We

sincerely hope that at some point you will once more delight in what it means to belong to

our beautiful Tribe of Delabole…it has been a long time coming.


Wishing my son Rich a Happy 29th Birthday on July 8th

Love Mum xx

Wishing my Granddaughter Daisy a Happy 4th Birthday

on July 4th.

Love Nanny xx

A Methodist Minister’s View

In late May over a period of about three weeks we were harassed by a gentleman on the telephone telling us a story

about our computer website having been hacked. He wanted us to open our computer to put the matter

right under his instruction. We were suspicious and took some advice and ascertained that the organisation he claimed

to be from was a bogus one, in other words he was a persistent scammer. We have as well, through experience, become

suspicious of organisations which telephone us offering a free survey of a part of our home. We have discovered that

this often opens the door to high pressure salesmen offering dubious products. The above are examples of some of the

dishonesty which exists in our society and through which the people involved are profiteering. Many of us, of course,

would distance ourselves from being employed in such schemes, but the examples are ‘symptoms; of the nature of the

society in which we live.

In early June we were all sharing in various ways in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. At that time, many

comments were made in the television programmes and the national press about the importance of the Christian faith

to her, her dedication to the task and the Service ethic she brings to it. My Mother-in-Law had a saying of ‘After the Lord

Mayor’s Show comes the dung cart.’ Perhaps a euphemism saying to use in the context – but the day following the

Jubilee Celebrations we learnt that our Prime Minister was to experience a vote of no confidence in his ability to govern.

It raised a range of issues of the Party-gate Scandal, honesty, truthfulness, and integrity at the heart of government.

Many people were surprised at the size of the minority vote - it representing forty per cent of the ruling party. All of this

is, of course, another example of the symptoms of the society in which we live. The Bible’s Old Testament prophets such

as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, and Micah in the indifferent generations were charged with calling people to follow

God’s ways for living and not their personal interests and inclinations. I think this advice is timely for today and is worth

while for all of us to ponder and discuss.

Every blessing in your pondering.

Bryan Ede

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