Challenges that accompanied Covid-19 pdf

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interaction are the main risk factors that contribute to the emergence and rapid spread of

diseases. It forces us to adapt, react and reconsider the nature of our relationships with the

natural world, which is emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are epiphenomena of

human existence. As our population is progressively growing, we are also generating an

endless variety of opportunities for genetically unstable infectious agents to evolve into the

unfilled ecological niche.

We need to accept that we live in a world dominated by humans in which our increasingly

severe alterations of the environment lead to increasingly severe backlashes from nature. This

pandemic is a warning that aggressively, damaging unbalanced interactions with nature are

destroying our future, and that's how we will provoke new diseases to emerge. It's a reminder

to stay fit and physically active, boost immunity and take care of the environment to ensure a

better future.

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