Business Analyst - July 5

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Tuesday, July March 5, 2022 1, 2022

Our finances, cash & cashflow

YEARS ago, Akwasi, a relative of

mine lived with us. He had

just graduated from Legon

and had begun working with a

state organization. He was as

soft-spoken then as he is now, and a very

agreeable fellow.

One evening, Akwasi fell ill. I can’t

remember what the cause was but he had

a very acute stomach ache. My dad

immediately thought about taking him to

Korle-Bu for diagnosis and treatment. It

was about 6:30 pm when we left home and

already dark when we arrived there. We

were told to go to the Polyclinic instead. At

the Polyclinic, a stretcher was brought to

send him in.

A nurse then enquired what the

problem was. My father explained that my

cousin (Akwasi) had a very bad stomach

ache which had begun earlier that day. The

nurse retorted, “And you chose to stay in

that pain for all this while?” It was

amazing how she concluded that someone

would be in pain and choose to bear the

pain for such a lot time instead of doing

something to get a remedy.

Truth is, we had gone through a lot

before we appeared before her. The

commute to Korle-Bu from home had

been quite long and we had initially gone

to the teaching hospital before being asked

to go to the polyclinic instead.

What I learnt

There are lessons I glean from what I

call ‘the Akwasi episode’. Indeed, lessons

with connection to our finances, cash and

cashflow. Many times, it is a wonder why

we seem to hold on to expenses without

doing something about them. Why do we

have expenses sometimes piling up? Is it

an intentional indulgence in

procrastination? On every day bills that

can even be envisaged: why do we

sometimes find ourselves allowing bills to

build up without paying them off when

they fall due? Is it that we really ALLOW

them to pile up?

Certainly, in most cases, we don’t. No

one in their right senses would want

expenses which have to be dealt with

grow and eat away all efforts to create

wealth. Of course, in business, it is useful

to finance your operations with finances

and activities of others, where interest

costs are not considered. It is all about

cash and cash flow.

We prefer to purchase on credit and

stagger payments yet we would rather

receive cash when we sell goods and

services. We wait till close to the middle of

the month to settle statutory payments

like Tiers I and II pension payments and

taxes. Years ago, as a young employee, I

was tasked to supervise construction


I hired a concrete vibrator machine

for them and when they were done, I

requested for cash from the accounts

section to return and pay for the

machine’s use immediately. Strangely, I

was told I appeared to be too much in a

hurry to pay my creditors and that it was

“Back to the build-up

of expenses. When

expenses are paid for,

credibility is built for

goods and services to

move round in the

immediate future,

psychological relief is

achieved and cash

can move to get

things done to keep

everyone happy.

Therefore, we all

would usually want

to pay for expenses

early enough.

not appreciated! Nothing made sense at

the time, of course, until I was introduced

to the time-value of money and the

importance of cash and cashflow.

Cash, the king

The assertion, ‘cash is king’ is very true

for our personal finances and investments.

The worth of money is much more evident

when it is in motion than when it sits.

Cash on the move accomplishes many

things. In physics, cash is like kinetic

energy, wealth is like potential energy.

Kinetic energy produces work.

Potential energy stores work. Let’s look at

this, for instance. Saap receives contract

payment for a consulting task she

submitted. Great! Time to visit the Grand

Oyeeman and drive away with the Range.

She makes payment and the keys are

handed over to her. As she rolls out, dark

Ray Bans on, sun-roof opened, she reflects:

she had built wealth through her

consulting work.

Potential energy. She got paid (cash

transferred to her bank account) and she

also transferred it to the dealership.

Kinetic energy. The dealership then pays

the shipping company, Maersk, for

delivery of Land Rover and Jaguar cars,

parts and accessories. The shipping

company purchases marine heavy fuel oil

(HFO) from AI. The energy company, in

turn, pays its tanker drivers and other field

operations workers.

The money keeps moving around

getting more and more things done as it

moves, and Auntie Akweley the banku

seller will get hers for all the banku and

hot pepper she had sold to the workers

that month.

Back to the build-up of expenses.

When expenses are paid for, credibility is

built for goods and services to move round

in the immediate future, psychological

relief is achieved and cash can move to get

things done to keep everyone happy.

Therefore, we all would usually want to pay

for expenses early enough.

The problem is, cash does not move to

us soon enough, often enough or in

adequate quantities. Cash flow is never

enough. Cash flow is non-uniform.

Additionally, cash flow may not be easily

predictable. Invariably, expenses become

due and get unpaid. They accumulate until

a significant inflow arrives to care of it.

Cashflows and Controls

For regular workers, the cash inflow

(wages, salaries) is usually predictable.

There may be other sources of income, not

predictable or not regular. What about the

cash outflows?

It is advisable to have our outflows as

predictable as possible and as manageable

as possible. Watch ‘commitment’ expenses

which are difficult to break from: school

fees, personal loan repayments, mortgage

repayments, hire purchase payments for

consumer goods, rent, utilities, etc.

These are expenses which need

controlling. Before we sign up for any, it is

helpful if we ensure that each one does not

constantly over-stretch us. A good

examination of the inflows should advise

us. It would be tough enrolling our

children in a twelve thousand cedis per

term school if our inflow each month is

just three thousand cedis.

It would be ill-advised to take a

personal loan to purchase a consumer

item when the loan repayment amount is

prohibitive. Without careful consideration,

all these costs, when they are committed

to, can give us stress. Additionally, they can

take away all probability of us retaining a

positive net cash flow which would enable

us to invest.

Very tough decisions have to be made

by each of us from time to time. As we

aspire for and actively seek financial

independence, we should make the

attempt to match our cash inflows with

our cash outflows. We can better our cash

inflows but it may not be easy and it may

be out of our control for a period.

doing extra jobs for multiple and

larger aggregate income is the way go,

usually. It is the outflows that we can

determine how large and frequent they

would be. That is where we can exercise

greater control and careful consideration.

Inflows can then target expenses for

adequately prompt payment.

For instance, ‘side relations’ can be

very expensive and can rob us of the

chance to set aside money in investment.

For men especially, the costs of

‘maintenance’ for the side-chick (and any

children in the ‘side relation’), ensuring

stealth like a CIA operative, and

‘reparation’ to their spouses when their

covers are blown may make the often-time

‘high-risk, high return’ venture of a side

relationship not worth it and at variance

with wealth building.

About the Author

For the love of wealth creation and

financial freedom for his readers, he writes.

Through his writings Kwadwo has

discovered his love and knack to simplify

complex theories spicing them with

everyday life experiences for the benefit of

all. He was recently the resource person of

Metro TV’s business show Bottomline,

where he shared thoughts on Goal Setting

for 2022 from the perspective of financial


The Head of OctaneDC Research,

Kwadwo Acheampong, has over years

garnered experience in fund management

and administration, portfolio management,

management consulting, operations

management and process improvement.

Feel free to send him your feedback on his


Kwadwo at

kwadwo.acheampong@octanedc.com or

call him on +233 244 563 530

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