[DOWNLOAD] No Home Like Nantucket (A Sweet Island Inn Book 1)

Copy Link >> https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yupu/B084T71JWN Mae Benson had her golden years figured out12until her husband17s death off the coast of Nantucket rips away her happily-ever-after.She17s not ready for what happens next, either: her grieving sister-in-law asking Mae to take over the Sweet Island Inn.Now, with a broken heart and a bustling inn to care for, Mae must figure out how to put the pieces of her life back together.And she17s not the only one hurting. Her four kids are each com

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Mae Benson had her golden years figured out12until her husband17s death off the coast of Nantucket rips away her happily-ever-after.She17s not ready for what happens next, either: her grieving sister-in-law asking Mae to take over the Sweet Island Inn.Now, with a broken heart and a bustling inn to care for, Mae must figure out how to put the pieces of her life back together.And she17s not the only one hurting. Her four kids are each com


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No Home Like Nantucket (A Sweet Island Inn

Book 1)



Copy Link >> https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yupu/B084T71JWN

Mae Benson had her golden years figured out12until her

husband17s death off the coast of Nantucket rips away her

happily-ever-after.She17s not ready for what happens next,

either: her grieving sister-in-law asking Mae to take over the

Sweet Island Inn.Now, with a broken heart and a bustling inn

to care for, Mae must figure out how to put the pieces of her

life back together.And she17s not the only one hurting. Her

four kids are each coming home with problems of their

own.Mae17s oldest child, Eliza, is facing an unexpected

pregnancy with a fianc#233 she17s never truly loved.Daughter

Holly is stuck with a workaholic husband and doesn17t know

where to turn.Headstrong Sara is reeling in the throes of a

forbidden workplace romance.And her youngest son, Brent, is

drowning in guilt after his father17s passing.Take a trip to

Nantucket17s Sweet Island Inn and follow along as Mae and

her children face the hardest summer of their lives.Love, loss,

heartbreak, hope12it17s all here and more. Can Mae find a

way to bring herself and her family to the light at the end of the

tunnel?Find out in NO HOME LIKE NANTUCKET.

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