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Power Point #3




Edition News Headline EXTRA!

Plane Loses Door

In Flight

Minutes after takeoff, a commuter plane’s

cabin door suddenly blew off. Passengers

clutched a flight attendant to keep her

from being swept out of the open door.

The primary purpose of a door is to provide entrance and exit. However, if it

opens at the wrong time—as happened on this flight as it was leaving Chicago—

it can cause real problems. This is true not only on airliners, but also at the

office or at home. Let me illustrate by explaining a problem that my friend Dick

Withnell had with the open door to his office.


Dick is a very successful Dodge dealer in the Northwest. Several years

ago, I was visiting him at his dealership. During the course of our conversation,

he mentioned to me that his business sales volume and income had greatly

increased over the past few years. However, even though he was excited about

the positive changes, he was actually feeling greater stress and having a more

difficult time focusing on important tasks. He asked me for suggestions about

what could he do.

I decided to observe how he was handling the flow of information

and people that came to him. It soon became obvious to me that one of his main

problems was the door to his office. It was located directly off a public hallway.

Employees, customers, and solicitors could enter and leave through the door to

his office at will.

Although Dick’s desire to be accessible was admirable, his “open-door

policy” gave him no control over interruptions and distractions. Sometimes, his

office seemed as busy as New York’s Grand Central Station during rush hour.

The continued interruptions were robbing him of the privacy that is necessary

for creative thinking, long-term planning, and meaningful conversations.

22 Power Points for Increase

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