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had gone from being a machine operator to owning nine corporations. What

impressed me was that while achieving this level of success, he was able to

balance the various aspects of his personal life extremely well. Not only that,

he was a generous giver.

I inquired to learn from him what had triggered such dramatic changes. He

then told me about a book that he had read and studied that was the foundation of

his life-change. He said that this book had “the greatest ‘principles of increase’

ever written.” To my amazement, I discovered that he was talking about the

Bible. I had always thought of the Bible mainly as a book of theology. Now

a successful businessman was telling me that it was also a handbook full of

personal and financial strategies for victorious living.

Over the next several months, I examined this book to learn more about

these strategies. I also began an intensive audio listening program and read

numerous books about success and prosperity.

By activating my newly acquired knowledge with my business acumen,

my financial situation soon began to experience a turnaround. Not only did my

finances improve, but I became a more positive and joyful person. In addition,

fresh love rose up from within me for my wife, children and those around me.

And that is not all. Because my beliefs now had a more solid foundation, I

experienced a spiritual renewal. With my values and priorities clarified, my life

to took on new meaning and vibrancy.

Over the next few years I read scores of additional books and interviewed

numerous achievers from all walks of life to learn their increase secrets. In the

process I collected thousands of quotes on various subjects and organized them

using a unique computerized retrieval system.

From across the globe, business organizations, marketing groups and

churches asked me to come and share my valuable knowledge. As people

heard and applied these strategies, many of them began to experience dramatic

changes in their businesses and personal lives. I have received thousands of

remarkable testimonials and praise reports such as the following:

A top-level network marketing distributor called excitedly exclaimed….

“This teaching has changed my life.”

A businessman from the state of Washington told me… “In the last year,

my income has gone from $25,000 to $140,000.”

14 Power Points for Increase

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