Idioms and Phrases - Anandam Tutorials

Idioms and Phrases - Anandam Tutorials

Idioms and Phrases - Anandam Tutorials


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SECTION – I<br />


Vocabulary will play the most significant role in fetching better marks in the Examination. This<br />

section will include:<br />

<strong>Idioms</strong> & <strong>Phrases</strong><br />

One Word Substitution<br />

Spellings<br />

Important Words<br />

<strong>Idioms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Phrases</strong><br />

Contracted Forms used:<br />

V – Verb Phrase<br />

Adj. – Adjective Phrase<br />

Adv. – Adverb Phrase<br />

N. – Noun Phrase

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />

1. To strike a chill to the heart – V. (to arouse fear) Mjk nsuk<br />

2. Within a stone’s throw – Adj. (very near/ close) utnhd<br />

3. A bone to pick – V. (to argue / dispute) cgl djuk<br />

4. A red-letter day – N. (a very important day) egRoiw.kZ fnu @ @ ;knxkj<br />

5. To drop names – V. (to hint big names for impression) cM+ks dk uke ysuk<br />

6. Blue-eyed – Adj. (favourite) ialnhnk<br />

7. To blow over – V. (pass over) eqf”dysa xqtjuk<br />

8. To take into account – V. (consider) fcpkj djuk<br />

9. The pros <strong>and</strong> cons – V. (for <strong>and</strong> against) rdZ&forZd<br />

10. To turn the corner – V. (said of danger etc. pass away) [krjs ls ckgj gksuk<br />

11. To go the whole hog – V. (to do it completely) lc dke dj ysuk<br />

12. To be a Good Samaritan – V. (to be a generous person) n;kyw gksuk<br />

13. On the wrong side of (ninety, seventy…) – Adj. (more than) FkksM+k kksM+k T;knk<br />

14. Tooth <strong>and</strong> nail – Adv. (violently) fgalkiwoZd<br />

15. To set forth – V. (to put forth; to present) ÁLrqr djuk djuk<br />

16. Loss of face – N. (loss of reputation) lEeku lEeku [kksuk<br />

17. Heads will roll (dismissal will take place) fu’dk”ku gksuk<br />

18. To come to terms – V. (to be friendly) nksLr cuuk cuuk<br />

19. To run one down – V. (to disparage; to chase) fink djuk @ [kkstuk @ vkykspuk vkykspuk djuk djuk<br />

20. At snail’s pace – Adv. (very slowly) cgqr /khjsa<br />

21. To turn a deaf ear – V. (not to notice) vulquh djuk<br />

22. To take to one’s heels – V. (flee; run away) Hkkx tkuk<br />

23. To have something up one’s sleeves – V. (to keep something secret) Nqik Nqik j][kuk<br />

24. To end in smoke – V. (to finish; to end) [kRe gksuk @ cZokn gksuk<br />

25. At one’s wit’s end – Adj. (perplexed; embarrassed) ?kcjk;k gqvk<br />

26. To take someone to task – V. (to punish) naM+ nsuk<br />

27. To face the music – V. (to face the consequence) ifj.kke Hkqxruk<br />

28. To blow one’s own trumpet – V. (to be boastful) vius eqgW eqgW fe;k feBBw cuuk<br />

29. To carry out something – V. (to follow; to implement; to enforce) dk;Zkfoar dk;Zkfoar djuk<br />

30. To spill the beans – V. (to disclose the secret) jg’; [kksyuk<br />

31. By leaps <strong>and</strong> bounds – Adv. (very rapidly) cgqr rsth ls<br />

32. To lay off – V. (to dismiss; discontinue) fu”dklhr djuk<br />

33. To take thee at thy word – V. (to believe you truly) fo”okl djuk<br />

34. To lay out something – V. (to save something) c; c;kW c;<br />

kW dj j[kuk j[kuk<br />

35. Bad blood – N. (enmity) nq”euh<br />

36. To set the record straight – V. (to give good account) vPNh Noh j[kuk<br />

37. To make one’s flesh creep – V. (to become horrified) cgqr Mj Mj tkuk tkuk<br />

38. To burn one’s boats – V. (to harm oneself) [kqn dh gkuh djuk<br />

39. To hold a c<strong>and</strong>le – V. (to be equal) cjkcjh cjkcjh cjkcjh djuk<br />

djuk<br />

40. To bring up – V. (to nourish; to nurture; to foster) ykyu ikyu ikyu djuk<br />

41. To cut no ice with somebody – V. (to have no influence on somebody) ÁHkkoghu ÁHkkoghu gksuk gksuk<br />

42. The green eyed monster – N. (the jealous person) bZ”;kZyw<br />

43. To be at somebody’s beck <strong>and</strong> call – V. (to be at somebody’s service) fdlh fdlh ds ds blkjs ij ukpuk<br />

44. In the long run – Adv. (finally) vUr vUr esa<br />

45. To be in the good books of somebody – V. (to be somebody’s favourite) ialnhnk ialnhnk gksuk gksuk<br />

46. To get the sack – V. (to be dismissed) ukSdjh ls fudky fudkyk fudky<br />

k k tkuk<br />

47. To give the sack – V. (to dismiss) ukSdjh ls fudky nsuk<br />


Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

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Punishment<br />

48. to bear out – V. (to support) enn~ djuk<br />

49. to bear away – V. (to win) ftr tkuk<br />

50. to bring about – V. (to cause) dkj.k dkj.k cuuk<br />

51. to come by – V. (to obtain) ikuk<br />

52. to go by – V. (to follow) vuqlj.k djuk<br />

53. to be given to something bad – V. (to surrender oneself to something bad) cqjh yr idM+uk<br />

54. to put off – V. (to postpone) Vkyuk<br />

55. to put up with something – V. (to tolerate) cjnkLr djuk<br />

56. to set about something – V. (to start doing something) “kq:okr djuk djuk<br />

57. to set in – V. (to begin) “kq: gksuk gksuk<br />

58. to take after – V. (to resemble) ,d tSlk tSlk fn[kuk<br />

59. to make after – V. (to follow) ihNk djuk djuk<br />

60. to turn down – V. (to reject) ughsa ekuuk<br />

61. a hard nut to crack – N. (somebody / something difficult to deal with) rs

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />

93. to run riot – V. (to speak in an unstrained way) cgqr cksyuk<br />

94. to rack one’s brains – V. (to think as hard as possible) fnekx ij cgqr tksj Mkyuk<br />

95. to give somebody the push – V. (to dismiss somebody) fudky nsuk nsuk<br />

96. to make a clean breast of something – V. (to speak up everything without hiding anything) [kqy [kqy dj<br />

dguk<br />

dguk<br />

97. by the book – Adv. (following rules) fu;ekuqlkj fu;ekuqlkj<br />

98. to be a Greek to somebody – V. (to be unfair to somebody)vutkuk vutkuk gksuk gksuk<br />

gksuk<br />

99. to talk one’s head off – V. (to talk nonsense/ insincerely) mytqywy ckrsa djuk<br />

100. all agog – Adj. (excited)mRlkfgr mRlkfgr mRlkfgr<br />

101. to rip up old sores – V. (to revive the past quarrel/ dispute)xM+s xM+s eqnkZ eqnkZ m[kkM+uk m[kkM+uk<br />

m[kkM+uk<br />

102. at a loss – Adj. (confused; in dilemma; in a fix) vleatl esa<br />

103. at daggers drawn – Adj. (quarrelling/ fighting; having enmity) nq”eu<br />

104. at sixes <strong>and</strong> sevens – Adj. (disorderly; not arranged properly) frrj fcrj<br />

105. at the eleventh hour – Adv. (at last) vfUre le; esa<br />

106. at the outset – Adv. (in the beginning) “kq: esa<br />

107. at times – Adv. (frequently):d&:d :d&:d dj<br />

dj<br />

108. to beat a retreat – V. (to go back) ihB ihB fn[kkuk<br />

109. to blow hot <strong>and</strong> cold – V. (to be inconsistent) vfLFkj gksuk<br />

110. to break the ice – V. (to start conversation) pqIih rksMuk<br />

111. to bring home to – V. (to explain) O;k[;k djuk<br />

112. to bring somebody the book – V. (to punish) n.M nsuk<br />

113. by fits <strong>and</strong> starts – Adv. (irregularly; spasmodically) ,d&,d dj<br />

114. to call a spade a spade – V. (to speak the truth) lp&lp cksyuk<br />

115. to call in question – V. (to doubt) lansg djuk<br />

116. to call to mind – V. (to remember) ;kn ;kn djuk<br />

117. to catch a Tartar – V. (to get a tougher competitor)vius vius ls ls T;knk T;knk etcwr etcwr ÁfrLi/khZ ÁfrLi/khZ feyuk feyuk<br />

feyuk<br />

118. to come to blows – V. (to start fighting) gkFkkikbZ dj cSBuk<br />

119. to curry favour with somebody – V. (to flatter somebody) pki ywlh djuk<br />

120. cut <strong>and</strong> dried – Adj. (ready) rS;kj<br />

121. to cut the Gordian knot – V. (to do a difficult task) eqf”dy dke djuk<br />

122. to die in harness – V. (to die working) pyrs&Q pyrs&Qhjrsa pyrs&Q<br />

hjrsa ejuk<br />

123. to eat a humble pie – V. (to be a bit humiliated) FkksM+k csbZTtr gks tkuk<br />

124. to eat one’s heart out – V. (to suffer from some longing or anxiety) fpfUrr gks gks tkuk tkuk<br />

125. to fall flat – V. (to have no influence) vizHkkoh vizHkkoh fl) fl) djuk djuk<br />

126. to fall to pieces – V. (to get shattered) fc[kj tkuk tkuk<br />

127. few <strong>and</strong> far between – Adj. (rare; scarce) eqf”dy ls feyus okyk<br />

128. to get rid of – V. (to escape) NqVdkjk ikuk<br />

129. hard <strong>and</strong> fast – Adj. (certain; fixed) fuf”pr<br />

130. helter skelter – Adj. (disorderly) frrj&fcrj<br />

131. hole <strong>and</strong> corner policy – N. (secret policyv) xqIr fufr<br />

132. ill at ease – Adj. (irritated; peevish) fpM+fpM+k<br />

133. in the teeth of somebody / something – Adv. (against somebody / something) f[kykQ<br />

134. in full swing – Adv. (speedily) rsth ls @ tksjks ls<br />

135. in the wake of something – Adv. (resulting from something) ufrtru ufrtru<br />

136. to lay bare – V. (to remain exposed) [kqyk gksuk<br />

137. to leave no stone unturned – V. (to try everything) gj dksf”k”k dksf”k”k djuk<br />

138. to leave no avenue unexplored – V. (to try everything) gj gj dksf”k”k dksf”k”k djuk<br />

djuk<br />


Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />

139. a left- h<strong>and</strong>ed compliment – N. (false compliment) >wBh iz”kalk<br />

140. to lick the dust – V. (to die; to be defeated) ej tkuk @ gkj tkuk<br />

141. to look down upon – V. (to hate) ?k`.kk djuk<br />

142. to make a mess – V. (to mix up) xqM+ xkscj dj nsuk<br />

143. to muster up one’s courage – V. (to strengthen one’s courage) lkgl tqVkuk<br />

144. to nip in the bud – V. (to stop something from growing in the very beginning) xyr pht c

Caution:<br />

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Punishment<br />

28. To face the music ______________________________<br />

29. To blow one’s own trumpet ______________________________<br />

30. To carry out something ______________________________<br />

31. To spill the beans ______________________________<br />

32. By leaps <strong>and</strong> bounds ______________________________<br />

33. To lay off of ______________________________<br />

34. To take thee at thy word ______________________________<br />

35. To lay out something ______________________________<br />

36. Bad blood ______________________________<br />

37. To set the record straight ______________________________<br />

38. To make one’s flesh creep ______________________________<br />

39. To burn one’s boats ______________________________<br />

40. Not able to hold a c<strong>and</strong>le ______________________________<br />

Fill in the blanks with appropriate <strong>Idioms</strong> / <strong>Phrases</strong><br />

1. There has been ___________ between India <strong>and</strong> Pakistan since the partition between the two.<br />

2. His business is progressing ___________________ because of his expertise <strong>and</strong> ten years of<br />

experience.<br />

3. All his friends avoid talking to him as whenever they met him, he starts<br />

____________________.<br />

4. He has abdicated the lucrative post <strong>and</strong> thus _________________.<br />

5. As soon as the thief saw the police he __________________________<br />

6. The epidemic in the area has broken out as whenever the local people tried to draw the<br />

attention of the Municipal Department towards the worst sanitary condition, it always<br />

__________ to it.<br />

7. The younger brother can not ________________ to his elder brother in business.<br />

8. During the economic recession, many companies had to _________________ many<br />

employees to sustain.<br />

9. Everybody is advised to __________________ some money for future.<br />

10. He asked for (dem<strong>and</strong>ed) Rs. 10,000/- to _____________.<br />

11. In dirty politics, one feels it very difficult to __________________.<br />

12. The accident was so gruesome that it _____________________.<br />

13. The person will be subject to punishment if he does not ______________________ the<br />

instructions of the Main of the house.<br />

14. You have done it despite repeated warnings; now ________________.<br />

15. All the accused responsible for the Mumbai Attack must be __________________.<br />

16. I was __________________ when I saw the questions in the examination hall.<br />

Answers:<br />

1. bad blood<br />

2. by leaps <strong>and</strong> bounds<br />

3. blowing his won<br />

trumpet<br />

4. burnt his boats<br />

5. turned to his heels<br />

6. turned a deaf ear<br />

7. hold a c<strong>and</strong>le<br />

8. lay off of<br />

9. lay out<br />

10. spill the beans<br />

11. set the record straight<br />

12. made everybody’s<br />

flesh creep<br />

13. carry out<br />

14. face the music<br />

15. taken to task<br />

16. at my wit’s end<br />


Some Highly Important Words<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />

fuEufyf[kr fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa “kCnksa dks dks ;kn ;kn djus djus ls ls igys] igys] bu bu ckrksa ckrksa ij ij /;ku /;ku nsa%<br />

nsa%<br />

• dksf”k”k dksf”k”k djsa djsa fd fd Antonyms dqN dqN pqfuUnk “kCnksa dk gh djsaA<br />

• u;s u;s “kCnksa “kCnksa “kCnksa dks dks muds muds mPpkj.k mPpkj.k ds ds ds lkFk lkFk lkFk ;kn ;kn ;kn djsaA<br />

djsaA<br />

• u;s u;s “kCnksa “kCnksa dks dks okD;ksa okD;ksa esa esa bLrseky bLrseky dj dj ;kn ;kn djsaA<br />

djsaA<br />

• vius vius ikdsV ikdsV ;k ;k ilZ ilZ esa esa “kCnksa “kCnksa dk dk dk Flash Cards j[ksaA tc Hkh ekSdk feys feys rks mls ,d ckj ckj ns[k dj Revise dj ysA<br />

• “kCnksa “kCnksa dks dks Advanced Dictionary (Anglo English) ls ;kn djsaA<br />

• fdlh fdlh vPNs vPNs guidance esa jgdj jgdj Words vkSj muds bLrseky lh[ksaA<br />

;kn ;kn j[ksa j[ksa fd fd fd vki vki ftruk Words ;kn djsaxs djsaxs mruk gh vkids ikl Confidence gksxk gksxk pkgs vki ftl fdlh fdlh Hkh English<br />

oriented exam dh rS;kjh D;ksa u dj jgs gksA<br />

All the best!<br />

1. Aberration (N) – Deviation HkVdko<br />

2. Abhorrent (Adj) – Disgusting ?k`f.kr<br />

3. Abortive (Adj) – Fruitless csdkj<br />

4. Abrade (V) – scrape [kqjpuk<br />

5. Absolve (V) – Set free; free from blame cjh dj nsuk<br />

6. Abstracted (Adj) – Inattentive; Distracted ?;kueXu<br />

7. Accede (V) – Agree lger gksuk<br />

8. Accredit (V) – Attribute vf/kdkj nsuk<br />

9. Accretion (N) – Growth o`f) gksuk<br />

10. Adorable (Adj) – Delightful; Charming izse Hkktu]<br />

11. Affable (Adj) – Friendly lq”khy] nksLrkuk<br />

12. Afflict (V) – Distress ihMk nsuk<br />

13. Affluent (Adj) – Well-off; Rich /kuh<br />

14. Affront (V) – Open insult [kqyh csbTtfr<br />

15. Agog (Adj) – Eager; Expectant ÃPNqd<br />

16. Airy-fairy (N) – Unrealistic vO;ogkfjd<br />

17. Alacrity (N) – Briskness rRijrk<br />

18. Alienate (V) – Estrange; Make hostile vyx dj nsuk<br />

19. Allay (V) – Diminish de dj nsuk<br />

20. Alleviate (V) – Lessen Pain ihMk de dj nsuk<br />

21. Allude (V) – Refer to indirectly vizR;{k :Ik ls bfUxr djuk<br />

22. Altercate (V) – Dispute; Wrangle >xMk djuk<br />

23. Ambience (N) – Surroundings vkl ikl dk okrkoj.k<br />

24. Amenity (N) – Pleasantness lq[k lk/ku<br />

25. Amnesty (N) – general pardon jkt {kek<br />

26. Anguish (N) – Pain; Suffering nnZ ;k ihMk<br />

27. Annex (V) – Add feykuk<br />

28. Annihilate (V) – Destroy; Defeat lewy u’V dj nsuk<br />

29. Annul (V) – Cancel; Repeal; Revoke; Rescind jn~ dj nsuk<br />

- An<strong>and</strong>am<br />

An<strong>and</strong>am<br />


30. Append (V) – Attach; Add feykuk ;k tksMuk<br />

31. Apprise (V) – Inform lwfPkr djuk<br />

32. Apropos (Adj) – Suitable; Fit; Apt mi;qDr<br />

33. Assist (V) – Help; Second; Back; Aid lg;ksx djuk<br />

34. Asperity (N) – Roughness :[kkÃ<br />

35. Attenuate (V) – Reduce; Make thinner de djuk<br />

36. Augur (V) – Portend “kqHkk”kqHk crykuk<br />

37. Avid (Adj) – Eager; Enthusiastic ÃPNqd<br />

38. Awkward (Adj) – Clumsy; Ungainly tfVy ;k fo’ke~<br />

39. Averse (Adj) – Unwillingness; Declined; Opposed vfuPNqd<br />

40. Balmy (Adj) – Mild; Fragrant; Soothing ihMk gj.k djus okyk<br />

41. Banal (Adj) – Trivial; Boring cksfj;r Hkjk<br />

42. Bare (Adj) – Empty; Exposed; Expressed uaxk ;k [kqyk gqvk<br />

43. Beatific (Adj) – Blissful; Blurred ije lq[kdkjd<br />

44. Bellicose (Adj) – Warlike; Hungry; Berserk; Paincky yMkdw<br />

45. Bewail (V) – Lament; Fill; Waste foyki djuk<br />

46. Bizarre (Adj) – Strange; Grotesque; Eccentric vn~Hkqr ;k vthc<br />

47. Blight (V) – Mar; Harm; Destroy u’V dj nsuk<br />

48. Blot (V) – Stain nkx yxkuk<br />

49. Bolster (N/ V) – Buttress; Support; Prop; Encourage lgkjk nsuk ;k etcwfr nsuk<br />

50. Brag (V) – Talk Boastfully Mhax gk¡duk<br />

mi;ZqDr mi;ZqDr “kCnksa “kCnksa ij ij vk/kkfjr vk/kkfjr Exercise<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

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Punishment<br />

Fill in the blanks:<br />

1. It is ___________ for mother to get her lost child.<br />

2. All the members of the family were _______ at the dead body of the main.<br />

3. Don’t _________ about your richness.<br />

4. Almost half of the viewers had dropped out of watching the movie in the middle as the movie was<br />

__________.<br />

5. The fatigued way-farer sat in the _________ shade of the tree in that scorchingly hot day.<br />

6. In the class, every student should remain _______ to learning more <strong>and</strong> more.<br />

7. Any _________ in the discussion will fetch you less marks.<br />

8. Having done the precis, give an / a ____ title to it.<br />

9. Your insincerity for studies may _______ your career.<br />

10. The alleged person was _______ by the court as no concrete evidence was put forth by the police.<br />

11. She was looking ________ in the party as she was wearing some other dress than the typical<br />

dress.<br />

12. His ________ has hurt her to death.<br />

13. The government must ______ the power of terrorists.<br />

14. Please, ________ me of the latest news.<br />

15. A virtuous person is _________ to doing anything wrong.<br />

16. It is a belief among the Hindus that a black cat ________ something bad.<br />

17. The grammarian has decided to _______ some more chapters to make it much easier to students.<br />

18. Considering his past bright career, the President has decided to give him __________.<br />

19. Take this pill; it will _________ your pain.<br />


Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />

20. One can gain unexpectedly in a good _______.<br />

Answer:<br />

1. beatific 2. bewailing 3. brag 4. banal 5. balmy 6. avid 7.aberration<br />

8. apropos 9. blight 10. absolved<br />

11. bizarre 12. asperity 13. attenuate<br />

14. apprise 15. averse 16. augurs<br />

17. append 18. amnesty 19. alleviate<br />

20. ambience<br />

Anadam <strong>Tutorials</strong>….<br />

… .is always in service to all the Students who dare to do something unique.<br />

Now learn the words further<br />

51. Brassy (Adj) – Impudent fuyZTt<br />

52. Breach (V) – Break mYya?ku djuk<br />

53. Breast (V) – Contend with; Face boldly cgknwjh iqoZd lkeuk djuk<br />

54. Brickbat (V) – Insult csÃTtrh djuk<br />

55. Browbeat (V) – Intimidate; Bully /kedh nsuk<br />

56. Bulge (V) – Increase; Swell cwBh iz”kalk djuk<br />

59. Callous (Adj) – Ruthless; Merciless; Cruel dzwj<br />

60. Capricious (Adj) – Whimsical ludh<br />

61. Cardinal (Adj) – Chief; Fundamental izeq[k<br />

62. Carnal (Adj) – Worldly nqfu;koh ;k lkalkfjd<br />

63. Catastrophy (N) – Disaster foink<br />

64. Censure (V) – Criticize; Reprove vkykspuk djuk<br />

65. Chaos (N) – Utter confusion vQjk rQjh<br />

66. Chary (Adj) – Cautious; Careful lpsr<br />

67. Chasm (N) – Gap; Abyss [kkÃ<br />

68. Chaste (N) – Pure; Virtuous “kq)<br />

69. Cheerful (Adj) – Happy; Gay [kq”k<br />

70. Cherish (V) – Protect; cling to iks’k.k djuk<br />

71. Chill (Adj) – Depressing; Influence; very cold dkQh BaM<br />

72. Chimera (N) – Fantastic; Conception vlaHko [;ky<br />

73. Clement (Adj) – Mild; Merciful lfg’.kq<br />

74. Coarse (Adj) – Rough; Crude eksVk] #{k<br />

75. Coerce (V) – Intimidate; Restrain /kedkuk] tcnZLrh djuk<br />

76. Comely (Adj) – H<strong>and</strong>some; Good-looing lqanj] eueksgd<br />

77. Complacent (N) – Self- satisfied; contented vkRe larq’V<br />

78. Complement (N) – Counterpart iwjd<br />

79. Concise (Adj) – Brief laf{kIr<br />

80. Conducive (Adj) – Helping; Contibuting lgk;d<br />

81. Confiscate (V) – Seize tCr dj ysuk<br />

82. Conform (V) – Be suitable mi;qDr gksuk<br />

83. Confront (V) – face tw>uk<br />

84. Conjecture (V/ N) – Surmise; Guess vuqeku yxkuk<br />


85. Conspire (V) – Plot; Intrigue ‘kM;a= jpuk<br />

86. Cope (V) – Manage O;oLFkk djuk<br />

87. Copious (Adj) – Abundant; Amply; Enough; Plentiful dkQh<br />

88. Covetous (Adj) – Grasping; Greedy ykyph] Hkq[[kM<br />

89. Crooked (Adj) – Dishonest csÃeku<br />

90. Curt (Adj) – Rudely brief; Blunt; Abrupt FkksMs esa dgk x;k] laf{kIr<br />

91. Cynosure (N) – Centre of attraction vkd’kZ.k dk dsanz<br />

92. Dainty (N) – Small; Discriminating NksVk fdUrq lqanj<br />

93. Dangle (V) – Offer nsuk<br />

94. Dash (V) – Strike Vdjuk<br />

95. Dauntless (Adj) – Brave cgknwj<br />

96. Dearth (N) – Shortage; Scarcity; Lack deh<br />

97. Debacle (N/ V) – Complete failure iw.kZ vlQyrk<br />

98. Debonair (Adj) – Cheerful; Self- assured vkuUne;h<br />

99. Debunk (V) – to declare false; Expose >wBk djkj nsuk<br />

100. Decamp (V) – Abscond Pkwids ls Hkkx tkuk<br />

mi;ZqDr mi;ZqDr 51 ls ls 100 “kCnksa ij vk/kkfjr Exercise<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />

1. Having robbed the jewellery box, the thief ___________.<br />

2. The ‘Titanic’ collided with a very huge icerberg <strong>and</strong> was _______ to pieces.<br />

3. He has _______ the law <strong>and</strong> so he is subject to punishment.<br />

4. Everybody has to leave his _________ body sooner or later.<br />

5. The ancient mariner __________ one of the attendants of the conjugal ceremony to narrate the<br />

story.<br />

6. Her attractive appearance in the red ‘sari’ remained the _________ of the party.<br />

7. Giridih has no ___________ of talents either in sense of education or in sense of sports.<br />

8. The ________ money-lender must be brought to the books.<br />

9. In India, all insurance companies’ pockets are ________ as more than 70% of its area is still<br />

untouched.<br />

10. The newly bred girl was shedding _______ tears while she was being bidden farewell for the first<br />

time by her parents.<br />

11. Don’t give anybody a _______ reply as it hurts.<br />

12. He is the _______ member of the committee; so you had better take advice from him.<br />

13. Tsunmi also called a tidal wave is a __________ caused by some form of movement in the<br />

Earth’s surface, eg a volcanic erruption, l<strong>and</strong>slide, etc.<br />

14. He has been claiming the l<strong>and</strong> for more than thirty years but his neighbour has always _______<br />

this claim.<br />

15. The ________ king Kansh killed seven of Devki <strong>and</strong> Vasudev’s sons.<br />

16. The _______ elephant ate away all the bananas in the kitchen.<br />

17. Some companies attract people towards themselves by ________ them many offers.<br />

18. He has got promotion in the company by _______ his boss.<br />

19. A majority of leaders have approved the ‘Women Reservation Bill’ whereas few of them<br />

__________ it.<br />

20. Being a new employee in the office, he is ______ with the difficulties.<br />

Answers:<br />

1. decamped 2. dashed 3. breeched<br />

4. carnal 5. buttonholed 6. cynosure<br />


7. dearth 8. crooked 9. bulging<br />

10. copious 11. curt 12. cardinal<br />

13. catastrophe 14. debunked<br />

15. callous 16. covetous 17. dangling<br />

18. cajoling 19. censured 20. coping<br />

Spellings<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />

“kCnksa dks xyr Spell djuk xyr Impression Mkyrk gSA dHkh dHkh Wrongly spelt words xyr Meaning nsrk<br />

gSA<br />

dqN dqN dBhu dBhu “kCnksa “kCnksa dks dks fuEu fuEu rjg rjg ls ls ls ;kn ;kn djsa%<br />

djsa%<br />

• Ass.ass.i.nation & ,d x/kk (Ass) fQj ,d x/kk (ass) rc eSa (I) vkSj rc jk’Vª (Nation)<br />

• Embarrass – esa rhu tksaMs gS & aa, rr, ss<br />

• Grammar - esa rhu tksaMs gS & aa, mm, rr<br />

………………………………………….<br />

Prefixes Mkyrs Mkyrs le; le; dksà dksà dksà Hkh Hkh letter letter u u u NksMsA<br />

NksMsA<br />

• Im + mortal = Immortal<br />

• Move + able = Moveable (However, ‘Movable’ can also be written)<br />

• Mis + spelt = Misspelt<br />

• Dis + satisfaction = Dissatisfaction<br />

English esa esa esa Q ds ckn ges”kk u vkrk gSA<br />

• Quiet<br />

• Quarantine<br />

• Quit<br />

• Question<br />

• Quote<br />

• Query<br />

• Quarrel<br />

• Quaver<br />

• Quagmire<br />

• Quail<br />

• Earthquake<br />

• Queer<br />

;fn ;fn –ing tksMuk gks rks rks “kCnksa ds ds vUr esa vk, ‘ie’ dks y esa esa cny cny nsA<br />

nsA<br />

• Lie + - ing = Lying<br />

• Die + - ing = Dying<br />

• Tie + - ing = Tying<br />

• Quixotic<br />

• Quotient<br />

;fn ;fn fdlh fdlh “kCn “kCn ds ds vUr vUr esa esa Consonant gks gks vkSj mlds Bhd igys dsoy ,d Vowel gks vkSj vkSj ml “kCn dks fdlh<br />

,sl ,sls ,sl<br />

ss s Suffix ls ls ls tksMk tksMk Tkk, Tkk, ftldk ftldk igyk igyk Letter ,d vowel gks rks rks ewy “kCn dk vfUre Letter Double gks gks gks tkrk tkrk<br />

tkrk<br />

gSA gSA<br />

gSA<br />

• Run + -ing = Running (Runing)<br />

• Big + -est = Biggest (Bigest)<br />

• Rob + -ery = Robbery (Robery)<br />

• Hid + -en = Hidden (Hiden)<br />


(ign)<br />

Benign<br />

Campaign<br />

Champagne<br />

Feign<br />

Foreign<br />

Sovereign<br />

[(g)ue]<br />

Morgue<br />

Rough<br />

Pursue<br />

Laugh<br />

Rogue<br />

Vague<br />

Rough<br />

Tough<br />

Unique<br />

(-rrhoea)<br />

Diarrhoea<br />

Pyorrhoea<br />

Gonorrhoea<br />

(-que)<br />

Burlesque<br />

Mosque<br />

Picaresque<br />

Picturesque<br />

Boutique<br />

(-ei)<br />

Receive<br />

Seize<br />

Protein<br />

Parietal<br />

Kaleidoscope<br />

Conceit<br />

Deceit<br />

Leisure<br />

(-ie)<br />

Alienate<br />

Mischief<br />

Niece<br />

Some important confusing spellings<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />


Siege<br />

(-age)<br />

Message<br />

Massage<br />

Passage<br />

Passenger<br />

(-ette)<br />

Cigarette<br />

Pipette<br />

Omelette<br />

Etiquette<br />

(dia-)<br />

Diabolic<br />

Diagnose<br />

Diagram<br />

Dialect<br />

Dialogue<br />

Dialysis<br />

Diameter<br />

Diaphanous<br />

Diaphragm<br />

(-quence)<br />

Consequence<br />

Eloquence<br />

Gr<strong>and</strong>iloquence<br />

Sequence<br />

Subsequence<br />

(-ence)<br />

Excellence<br />

Affluence<br />

Confluence<br />

Effluence<br />

Conference<br />

Reference<br />

Inference<br />

Deterrence<br />

Abhorrence<br />

Recurrence<br />

Science<br />

Sapience<br />

Convenience<br />

Conscience<br />

Expedience<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />


Omniscience<br />

Salience<br />

Virulence<br />

Fraudulence<br />

Flatulence<br />

Excellence<br />

Opulence<br />

Prevalence<br />

Turbulence<br />

(-ance)<br />

Abundance<br />

Appliance<br />

Compliance<br />

Alliance<br />

Variance<br />

Reliance<br />

Temperance<br />

Assurance<br />

Endurance<br />

Insurance<br />

(-ous)<br />

Venomous<br />

Clamorous<br />

Perilous<br />

Humorous<br />

Synonymous<br />

Antonymous<br />

Spacious<br />

Virtuous<br />

Adventurous<br />

Courageous<br />

Fallacious<br />

Callous<br />

Pious (piety)<br />

Contemptuous<br />

Sumptuous<br />

Voluptuous<br />

(-eable)<br />

Manageable<br />

Abridgeable<br />

Chargeable<br />

Knowledgeable<br />

Changeable<br />

Damageable<br />

Marriageable<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />


Noticeable<br />

Traceable<br />

(-syl/ -sym/ -sys)<br />

Syllable<br />

Syllabus<br />

Syllogism<br />

Sympathy<br />

Symphony<br />

Symbiosis<br />

Symmetry<br />

Symposium,<br />

Symptom<br />

Synthesis<br />

Syntax<br />

Syndrome<br />

Synchronise<br />

Synergy<br />

(-our)<br />

Flavour<br />

Glamour<br />

Rumour<br />

Tumour<br />

Pour<br />

Sour<br />

Tour<br />

Parlour<br />

Rigour<br />

Odour<br />

Neighbour<br />

Valour<br />

Armour<br />

Savour<br />

Endeavour<br />

C<strong>and</strong>our<br />

Splendour<br />

(-sion)<br />

Repulsion<br />

Expulsion<br />

Compulsion<br />

(-tted)<br />

Admitted<br />

Benefited<br />

Betted<br />

Inherited<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />


Patted<br />

Knitted but Profited<br />

(Ass-)<br />

Assail<br />

Assault<br />

Assemble<br />

Assent<br />

Assert<br />

Assess<br />

Asset<br />

Assiduous<br />

Asseverate<br />

Assign<br />

Assimilate<br />

Associate<br />

Assuage<br />

Assumption<br />

Assure<br />

(-all)<br />

Allay<br />

Allege<br />

Allegiance<br />

Allegory<br />

Alleviate<br />

Alley<br />

One Word Substitution<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />

1. A word spoken to help magic to be successful -------------------------------- Abracadabra Nw earj dydRrs<br />

okyh okyh rsjk rsjk opu opu tk;s tk;s u u [kkyh] [kkyh] Nw Nw !!!!<br />

!!!!<br />

2. Belonging to Middle class --------------------------------------------------------- Bourgeois iwathirh<br />

iwathirh<br />

3. A person living at the same time as another ------------------------------------- Contemporary ledkyhu<br />

ledkyhu<br />

4. Something to be made correct in a Printed Book ------------------------------- lq/kkjk /kkjk tkus okyk<br />

5. A Style of Cooking ------------------------------------------------------------------ Cuisine ikd ikd ikd dyk<br />

dyk<br />

6. An Official Order forbidding Trade with another Country -------------------- Embargo O;kikj O;kikj ij ij jksd<br />

jksd<br />

7. The scientific study of Insects ----------------------------------------------------- Entomology<br />

8. A serious Crime such as murder, or armed robbery ---------------------------- Felony t/kU; t/kU; vijk/kh vijk/kh<br />

vijk/kh<br />

9. A medicine causing sexual excitement ----------------------------------------- Aphrodisiac dkeksrstd dkeksrstd dkeksrstd vkS’k/kh<br />

vkS’k/kh<br />

10. An agreement to stop fighting ---------------------------------------- Armistice(or truce) ;w) fojke ij<br />

11. One who avoids physical pleasures <strong>and</strong> comforts ---------------------------- Ascetic lk/kw lk/kw @ @ Qdhj Qdhj lgefr<br />

lgefr<br />

12. A place for keeping birds ----------------------------------------------------------- Aviary fpfM+;k fpfM+;k ?kj<br />

?kj<br />

13. Being unable to pay one’s debts -------------------------------------------------- Insolvent nhokfy;k<br />

nhokfy;k<br />

14. One who leaves his country to settle elsewhere --------------------------------- Emigrant mRizoklh<br />

mRizoklh<br />

15. One who plays a game for pleasure <strong>and</strong> not professionally -------------------- Amateur ”kkSdh;k ”kkSdh;k<br />

”kkSdh;k<br />


Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />

16. One who has grown old in or had long experience of (especially military ) service or occupation –<br />

VeteranmLrkn mLrkn<br />

17. One who lends money at exorbitant rates of interest --------------------------- Usurer lwn[kksj<br />

lwn[kksj<br />

18. One who looks at the bright side of things --------------------------------------- Optimist vk”kkoknh<br />

vk”kkoknh<br />

19. One who looks at the dark side of things ---------------------------------------- Pessimist fujk”kkoknh<br />

fujk”kkoknh<br />

20. One who comes as a settler into a foreign country ----------------------------- Immigrant vizoklh<br />

vizoklh<br />

21. One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen -------------------- Alien vtuch] vtuch] ijxzgh<br />

ijxzgh<br />

22. One who undergoes the penalty of death for persistence in his faith -------- Martyr ”kghn<br />

”kghn<br />

23. One who makes an eloquent public speech ------------------------------------- Orator oDrk<br />

oDrk<br />

24. One who defends or is zealous for his country’s freedom or rights --------- Patriot ns”kHkDr<br />

ns”kHkDr<br />

25. Not being able to be elected or selected under the rules ---------------------- Ineligible v;ksX;<br />

v;ksX;<br />

26. Not being able to make a mistake --------------------------------------------- Infallible xyrh xyrh ugha ugha ugha djus djus ;ksX;<br />

;ksX;<br />

27. Belonging to all parts of the world; a person familiar with many different countries – Cosmopolitan<br />

loZns”kh;<br />

loZns”kh;<br />

28. A person sent on a mission (usually official) ----------------------------------- Emissary xqIrpj<br />

xqIrpj<br />

29. A minister representing a Sovereign or State in a foreign country ---------- Ambassador jktnwr jktnwr<br />

jktnwr<br />

30. Incapable of being seen ----------------------------------------------------------- Invisible vn`”; vn`”;<br />

vn`”;<br />

31. Incapable of being penetrated ---------------------------------------------------- Impenetrable vHksn~;<br />

vHksn~;<br />

32. Incapable of being read ----------------------------------------------------------- Illegible viBuh;<br />

viBuh;<br />

33. Incapable of being conquered ----------------------------------------------- Invincible, Unconquerable vts; vts;<br />

vts;<br />

34. Incapable of being wounded ----------------------------------------------------- Invulnerable vHksn;<br />

vHksn;<br />

35. Incapable of being avoided ---------------------------------------------------- Unavoidable, Inevitable t:jh t:jh<br />

t:jh<br />

36. Chosen as a symbol <strong>and</strong> thought to bring good luck -------------------------- Mascot ”kqHkadj ”kqHkadj<br />

”kqHkadj<br />

37. A lie told on purpose --------------------------------------------------------------- Perjury >wBh >wBh xokgh<br />

xokgh<br />

38. The habit of walking about while asleep ---------------------------------- Somnambulism uhan uhan esa esa pysus pysus okyk<br />

okyk<br />

39. An object kept as a reminder of something ------------------------------------ Souvenir ;knxkkj ;knxkkj ;knxkkj pht pht<br />

pht<br />

40. Something used as a test or st<strong>and</strong>ard -------------------------------------------- Touchstone dlkSVh<br />

dlkSVh<br />

Phobias (Excessive Fear – vfr vfr Mj Mj) Mj<br />

1. Acrophobia – fear of heights <strong>and</strong> high places<br />

2. Aerophobia – fear of air or draughts<br />

3. Agoraphobia – fear of open spaces<br />

4. Aichmophobia – fear of knives<br />

5. Ilurophobiea – fear of cats<br />

6. Algophobia – fear of pain<br />

7. Androphobia – fear of men<br />

8. Anemophobia – fear of wind<br />

9. Anthropophobia – fear of people<br />

10. Arachnophobia – fear of spiders<br />

11. Astrapophobia – fear of thunder <strong>and</strong> lightning<br />

12. Aviophobia – fear of flying<br />

13. Bathophobia – fear of depths<br />

14. Bibliophobia – fear of books<br />

15. Claustrophobia – fear of confined spaces<br />

16. Dromophobia – fear of crossing a street<br />

17. Erythrophobia – fear of the colour red<br />


18. Gerontophobia – fear old age or old people<br />

19. Haemophobia – fear of blood<br />

20. Hodophobia – fear of travel<br />

21. Hydrophobia – fear of water<br />

22. Kenophobia – fear of empty places<br />

23. Necrophobia – fear of corpses or death<br />

24. Nyctophobia – fear of the night or darkness<br />

25. Ochlophobia – fear of crowds<br />

26. Ornithophobia – fear of birds<br />

27. Ophidiophobia – fear of snakes<br />

28. Pantophobia – fear of everything<br />

29. Photophobia – fear of light<br />

30. Pyrophobia – fear of fire<br />

31. Scotophobia – fear of the dark<br />

32. Spectrophobia – fear of mirrors<br />

33. Theophobia – fear of God<br />

34. Xenophobia – fear of or hostility to foreigners<br />

35. Zoophobia – fear of animals<br />

Caution:<br />

People pirating these Primum<br />

Mobile Materials are subject to<br />

Punishment<br />


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