Village Voice AUGSEPT 22

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The Old Clock House - 22 High Street - Milford-on-Sea

Hampshire - SO41 0QD

Parish Clerk: Graham Wells

Assistant Clerk: Niamh Morrison

Coastal Footpath

Some time ago the Parish Council

discussed the possibility of undertaking

some much needed work to the footpath

that leads past scholars retreat field. This

path often became unpassable during the

winter months and walkers, at times, used

the adjacent field to walk upon which

caused some damage to both the fencing

and the field. However, this path

does not belong to the Parish Council and

some lengthy discussions were needed

with the Land owner, Barker Mills Estate.

Permission was also required from

Natural England before any work could


Barker Mills Estate were very supportive

and thankfully Natural England responded

fairly quickly and in favour.

Tel: 01590 644410

Email: clerk@milfordonseaparishcouncil.gov.uk


Website: milfordonseaparishcouncil.gov.uk

Lets hope it stays in place for several

years without falling into the sea!

Graham Wells (Parish Clerk), David Horne (Chair of MCV),

Martin Gretton (MCV Co-Ordinator) , Josh Mantock (Parish


Parish Councillor Vacancy

A vacancy has arisen for the position of

Parish Councillor.

If you feel you have something to

contribute to the village of Milford-on-

Sea which will only take a few hours of

your time each week we would be glad to

hear from you.

The Parish Council are in the position of

co-opting (i.e. an election for the post has

not been requested).

If you are interested, please contact the

Parish Office for further details. The

closing date for applications is the end of


Two members of the MCV along with the

Parish Groundsman and Clerk started to

transport 7 tonnes of aggregate to the

site on 15th June, filling in the deep ruts

that had occurred over many years. A

further 5 tonnes of material was also

taken to the site on 22nd June and the

job was finally completed. This section of

path is now safe to walk during the

summer and should be free from large

puddles during the winter.

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