Pediatric Liver Transplant – Liver Transplant for Children – Apollo Hospitals

Pediatric liver transplant is surgery that is performed to remove a diseased liver in order to replace it with a healthy one. It is very successful in treating children with liver diseases that cannot be treated with routine medications and surgeries and offering them an opportunity to live a long and healthy life.

Pediatric liver transplant is surgery that is performed to remove a diseased liver in order to replace it with a healthy one. It is very successful in treating children with liver diseases that cannot be treated with routine medications and surgeries and offering them an opportunity to live a long and healthy life.


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Pediatric Liver Transplants

Pediatric liver transplant is surgery that is performed to remove

a diseased liver in order to replace it with a healthy one. It is very

successful in treating children with liver diseases that cannot be

treated with routine medications and surgeries and offering them an

opportunity to live a long and healthy life.

Who is a candidate for a Liver Transplant?

Children who suffer from end-stage liver disease due to various

causes and when the likelihood of surviving without transplant is less

than surviving with transplant, the child may be considered for liver

transplantation. The most common indication in children is biliary

atresia. Biliary atresia is a rare condition in newborn infants in which the

common bile duct between the liver and the small intestine is blocked

or absent. Bile ducts, which are tubes that carry bile out of the liver,

are missing or damaged in this disease, and obstructed bile causes

cirrhosis. Bile helps digest food. If unrecognized, the condition leads to

liver failure. The cause of the condition is unknown. The only effective

treatments are certain surgeries, or liver transplantation. Other causes

of liver transplant can be autoimmune hepatitis (chronic liver damage

due to attack of body’s own immune system), viral hepatitis (chronic

viral infection causing inflammation of the liver), primary sclerosing

cholangitis (chronic condition in which tubes connecting the liver

become narrowed, blocked, and scarred), and tumors of the liver.

How is it decided that my child needs a Liver Transplant?

Eligibility is determined by a comprehensive medical evaluation by the

transplant team.

Pre-transplant evaluation process:

This consists of checking all the body systems with regards to

optimal function and presence of unexpected disease. Your child’s

immunization records will be reviewed. Following transplantation, some

vaccines cannot be given and others may not be as effective.

A detailed nutritional assessment will also be performed. Several tests

will be performed:

• Laboratory blood and urine tests

• Electrocardiogram (ECG)

• Chest X-ray

• CT scan of the liver and blood vessels

How long will the surgery take?

A typical liver transplant can last from 8-12 hours. The surgery for the

donor lasts approximately 5-6 hours. During the operation, surgeons

will remove the child’s liver and will replace it with the donor liver. The

surgeon will disconnect the diseased liver from the bile ducts and blood

vessels before removing it. The blood that flows into the liver will be

blocked or sent through a machine to return to the rest of the body. The

surgeon will put the healthy liver in place and reconnect it to the bile

ducts and blood vessels. Your child’s blood will then flow into your new

liver. Because a transplant operation

is a major procedure, surgeons will

need to place several tubes in the

body. These tubes are necessary

to help the body carry out certain

functions during the operation and

for a few days afterward.

What are the risks of

transplant surgery?

There are risks with transplant

surgery just as with any major

surgery. Some immediate

complications can include

bleeding and blood clotting

problems, respiratory problems and

malfunction of the donor liver. Longterm

complications include rejection

(when the child’s immune system

does not accept the new liver) and

infection. Fortunately, most of these

complications are treatable.

What is the postoperative

period like for the child

who undergoes Liver


After your child’s surgery, he/she will be taken to transplant ICU where

he/she will stay for a week. After your child is transferred out of ICU to

the pediatric floor, the length of stay will depend on how quickly he/she

recovers. Average length of hospital stay is about 3 weeks.

What medications will my child take at home after


Your child will take 2 major types of medications in addition to

multivitamins and health supplements to prevent rejection. If your child

misses a dose, you need to contact our team. immediately.

Once my child leaves the hospital, what happens?

Initially your child has to come to the transplant clinic twice a week for

laboratory work up and physical examination or as frequently advised

by our team. As recovery progresses, these visits become less frequent.

Who will look after my child long-term?

Your child will be looked after by the primary pediatrician who will be

supported by our team.

What restrictions will my child have during her recovery?

For the first six weeks after surgery, your child should avoid strenuous


When can my child return to school?

Your child should go back to school about 12 weeks’ post-discharge.

You have to meet ahead with the teacher to discuss your child’s

medical needs such as medication schedule, follow-up doctor

appointments, and possible effects of the medication taken by your

child like weight gain, facial changes etc.

What lifestyle changes are associated with Liver


Most patients

can return to

a normal or


lifestyle six

months after

a successful




should avoid

exposure to

people with


Maintaining a

balanced diet, and staying on prescribed medications are vital to stay

healthy. Children can attend school and participate in sports and other

age-appropriate activities and can have a normal married life in the

future with no fertility issues.

What is the survival rate for children with Liver Transplants?

Survival rate depends on several factors like age and health condition

of the child. However, our results are comparable to the most well

established centers from across the world.

Apollo Hospitals Center for Pediatric Liver Transplants

Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai have a Comprehensive Liver Transplant

Program to provide the care and support the child and the family

needs. We have performed over 50 Pediatric Liver Transplants including

transplant in a youngest 4-months-old child. These transplants have

been successfully performed out at subsidized costs with a more than

90% success rate that compares with the best in the world.

Members of Liver Transplant Team:

Pediatric Hepatologists

These physicians take care of child before the transplant, after the

transplant (in coordination with the transplant surgeon), and also after

discharge from the hospital.

Transplant Surgeons

These physicians perform your child’s liver transplant operation and

oversee your child’s care in the hospital following the surgery


These doctors administer anesthesia medicine to your child and

monitor him or her during the transplant surgery.

Transplant Coordinator

This person arranges your child’s care before and after transplant, helps

answer your questions, and provides support for you and your family.


Many children with liver disease are not able to maintain normal weight.

Hence, a nutritionist would be monitoring the child’s diet and growth

before and after the transplant.

Medical Social Worker

Medical social worker helps patients and families with the pretransplant

waiting time, the hospital stay, discharge and care after your child

returns home.

Along the way, you will also meet many other people who will provide

care for your child and your family, including critical care physicians,

general pediatric nurses, and physical and occupational therapists.

Overall, these individuals will help you and your family get through this

stressful time.

For appointments:

- +254 748 830976/+254 789 150890

- info@apolloinformationcentre.com

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