Swaffham Newsletter

October 2022

October 2022


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October 2022

Your free town newsletter published by Iceni Partnership


newslet ter

version available to view at www.swaffhamcommunityhub.co.uk


Town pays tribute to the

late Queen Elizabeth II

Read about the lighting up of the Buttercross on p.22

Remembering her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

1926 - 2022














published by

Your monthly magazine is published by:

Contact the editor:

01760 722 800


Swaffham Newsletter

Iceni Partnership

Swaffham Community Centre

The Campingland


PE37 7RB


3 Iceni Partnership

4 School Speak/Church News

5 Church News/Pot of Gold

6 Rugby Club/Royal British Legion

9 Swaffham Heritage/FOSH

Iceni Partnership

Offering a helping hand

Here at Swaffham Community Centre we have a

wealth of resources that can help people in these

challenging and uncertain times.

Registered in England Company Number 4257830 Charity Number 1101814 VAT Number UK800057775

Comments or queries welcomed - we are a

resource for all of the community to enjoy.

10 Climate Action/Swaffham Parkrun

13 Swaffham Golf Club

We are always open to new contributors from

Swaffham and surrounding villages.

Deadline for editorial and advertising is the

12th day of the previous month.

Swaffham Newsletter is available to pick up from

various locations across the town, including: Tesco,

Waitrose, Swaffham Library, Swaffham Musuem

and Swaffham Community Centre.

Online versions of all our previous issues are available

to view online: www.swaffhamcommunityhub.co.uk

14 Local WI's

15 NarVOS

17 Merle Boddy Centre

18 Lioness Lions/Home Hospice

20 Swaffham WEA/Garden Club

21 Swaffham Rotary/History Group

22 Swaffham Town Council

There are a number of organisations based here at the

Centre who can help with a wide range of health and

social issues. From mental health support to advice

on housing or financial issues, we can guide you in

the direction of people who will be able to help.

Iceni Partnership have found their Friday Lunch

Club to be a great way of tackling social isolation by

bringing people together for a wholesome meal and

good company. The Club runs every Friday at Midday

and costs £5 for two courses, followed by tea or

coffee. Booking is essential, call us on 01760 722800.

The Community Fridge also continues to grow in

popularity and not only tackles the issue of food

waste, but also helps people who may be struggling

with rising food costs. It has also become an outlet for

people to open up about other difficulties they may

be facing. The fridge opens at 10am Monday - Friday.

Organisations at Swaffham Community Centre:




• Home Start Norfolk - support for parents & families

- 01603 977040

• Family Action - emotional health & wellbeing

services - 01760 720302

• Citizen's Advice - free advice on range of issues -

01760 722800

• West Norfolk Community Transport - affordable

door to door transport services for people with

mobility issues - 01760 720906

• Adult Learning - free or low cost courses for over

18's - 0344 800 8020 - option 5

• Reed Healthcare - offer free NHS health checks for

those over 40 - 0808 175 0413

As well as these organisations, we have a number

of social groups and activities running at the Centre.

From exercise to arts and crafts, there is bound to be

something to suit your interests where you can meet

like minded people and make new friends. You can

find a full list of groups and activities on our website:



The Academy is now back in ‘full swing’ and

we are well into the autumn term with the

expected change in weather and darker evenings this

will bring. The start to the term saw all our students

arrive back to their studies together something we

have not been able to arrange since the pandemic.

Staff and students were of course very saddened at the

news of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

last month. Her dedication to the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and to her other

realms and territories, is unparalleled and we thank

her for her service.

You may have seen our entry to the Swaffham

Scarecrow Competition over the August Bank Holiday

whilst you were visiting the town centre. In our large

window facing the road stood a local farmer in his field

amongst his crops together with a student enjoying

reading in the library.

It was lovely to be able to join in the local community

effort and the standard of entrants seen in the town

was extremely good and no doubt the judges found it

difficult to find a clear winner amongst the wonderful

array of characters. We very much look forward to

next year!

Two of our students have spent their time considering

how to help others and we are proud to share their

stories. Firstly, Carly has had an amazing 23 inches

of hair cut off as part of her fundraising efforts for

children and young people with cancer. This will be

used to make a wig for someone who has lost their

own hair due to this terrible disease. Secondly, Casper

has been deciding how to mark his 16th birthday and

has decided on a skydive no less!

Finally, we are on the cusp of formerly launching

our recycling programme to include plastics, food,

paper and general recycling. As you may be aware

our uniform is already very eco-friendly as we use

suppliers with commitments to using 100% recycled

polyester in all our academy blazers (with each saving

46 plastic bottles from landfill). Additionally, all

trousers, academy skirts, shirts and blouses ordered

via our uniform supplier’s website use 100% recycled

polyester and responsibly sourced cotton via certified

yarn suppliers. Our ‘Student Green Team’ will ensure

that everyone receives our message that we must try

our best to look after the environment and this is a

valuable way for us to contribute.

Swaffham Methodist Church

We, at Swaffham Methodist Church, have been

saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen

Elizabeth 11. Words can never express the deep

gratitude we feel for her selfless service and the sense

of loss that she has gone. Now a new era has begun

with the Proclamation of King Charles III. We offer

him and his family our continuing prayers throughout

his reign. GOD SAVE THE KING.

Church Events

• Saturday October 1st Church Coffee Morning 9.30-


• Sunday October 2nd Morning Worship 10.45am

Led By The Worship Leaders And Followed By


• Tuesday October 3rd Drop In 10am-12noon.

• Friday October 7th Power Of Prayer 9.30am. Phone

01760 722611 for venue.

• Saturday October 8th Guides Coffee Morning


• Sunday October 9th Morning Worship 10.45am.

Led By Steve Jones. Refreshments afterwards.

• Tuesday October 11th Drop In 10am-12noon.

• Thursday October 13th 2.30pm. Swaffham

Friendship Group. Rev Jacqui takes us on a ‘Trip

Around Iona’. Refreshments served.

• Friday October 14th Power Of Prayer 9.30am.

Phone 01760 722611 for venue.

• Saturday October 15th Scouts Coffee Morning


• Sunday October 16th Cafe Church, beginning at

10.30am with tea/coffee. A relaxed service led by the

worship leaders.

• Tuesday October 18th Drop In 10am-12noon

• Friday October 21st Power Of Prayer 9.30am.

Phone 01760 722611 for venue.

• Sunday October 23rd Morning Worship 10.45 led

by Elsie Warby. Refreshments afterwards.

• Tuesday October 25th Drop In 10am-12noon.

• Thursday October 27th Swaffham Friendship Group

2.30pm. A fun afternoon called 'Barrie’s Monologues'

- how many will he remember?

• Friday October 28th Power

Of Prayer 9.30am. Phone 01760

722611 for venue.

• Saturday October 29th

Swaffham Players Coffee Morning


• Sunday October 30th ‘Big

Sunday’ Details TBA.

Pot of Gold Shanty Band

Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul Pot of Gold Shanty Crew


The main October 2022 services in Swaffham Parish www.potofgoldswaffham.co.uk

Church will be as follows:

We started the year by traveling to Surrey to make

Sunday 2nd Oct

We started the our year latest by traveling recording to Hauling Surrey and to make Pawling our which latest is record

Pawling which is now now available available at all at our all gigs. our gigs.

9.30 am Harvest Eucharist

We’ve had a busy few months with bookings up this

6.00 am Evensong

We’ve had a busy





were extremely

with bookings



to be








Sunday 9th Oct

naming ceremony of the new Mundesley Inshore

to be asked to the naming ceremony of the new Mundesley Inshore

9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Lifeboat Edna Claxton. This year we are supporting

Claxton. This year this very we are worthy supporting charity which this very is celebrating worthy charity its 50th which

Sunday 16th Oct

50th anniversary anniversary and were and invited were back invited to back their to boat their day boat recently. day

8.00 am Holy Communion (said)


9.30 am United Benefice Sung Eucharist

Sunday 23rd Oct

9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Sunday 30th Oct

9.30 am All Saints Day Eucharist

There will be a 10 am Holy Communion service (Book

of Common Prayer) on Wednesdays 5th, 12th, 19th,

and 26th October.

Morning prayer is normally said in church at 9 am

Monday to Friday. Church is open daily for private

prayer and for visitors from 9 am until 4 pm outside


Our All Souls Day service will be held on Sunday 6th

November at 3.30 pm.

Festival of Remembrance is on Thursday 10th

November at 7.30pm

We had a busy Jubilee weekend singing in local

Remembrance Sunday is 13th November, when there

We had a busy villages. Jubilee Then weekend on to the singing Hanse in Festival local villages. in King’s Lynn Then on

will be a 10.45am Act of Remembrance at the War

Memorial, followed by a service in church.

Festival in King’s where Lynn we where were we on the were main on the stage main on The stage Staithe on The S

singing to a very enthusiastic audience.

See also our website: https://www. very enthusiastic audience.

In July we were at Lowestoft International Smack Race

swaffhamparishchurch.org/ and our Swaffham

Festival and received these very flattering comments.

Parish Church Facebook page and via Twitter

In July


we were “On at Lowestoft behalf of the International entire Excelsior Smack Trust Race we applaud Festival an


flattering comments. the excellent “On behalf singing, of musicianship the entire Excelsior and presence Trust that we ap

singing, musicianship you brought and to presence The South that Pier you yesterday brought morning to The . South .

. it lifted the entire event. The Crew are superb and

morning . . . it lifted the entire event. The Crew are superb and in m

in my opinion your performance was notches above

performance was notches above other shanty ensembles I have he

other shanty ensembles I have heard.”

We are returning to the Henry Blogg Museum, Cromer

for a day of singing and in future we will be seen at

The West Norfolk Shanty Festival, Brancaster and

have been invited back to the Harwich International

Shanty Festival this October.

We shall continue to support local churches, Houghton

on the Hill, Swaffham, Tittleshall and Brisley. We can

also be found at Dereham, Wissey and Aylesham U3A

meetings and the Swaffham Dementia Cafe.

Next year sees us again visiting Cornwall, this time

the Port Isaac Shanty Festival.

For more information about the band, please visit

our website for gig dates and information about the

members of the Crew.

4 5

Swaffham Rugby Club

The weather was great for our Family Fun Day and

opening game of the season on September 3rd -

although the players may have appreciated it being

a bit cooler! Our aim was to increase the profile of

our Club in Swaffham, and attract new players in all

sections, supporters and volunteers.

Visitors arrived from 1pm, and depending on ages took

advantage of the bar, barbecue and bouncy castles, all

of which did a steady trade throughout the event.

Younger visitors had an opportunity to sample our

game, with throwing and passing skills activities

throughout the afternoon.

Visitors were treated to an exciting match when

Swaffham beat worthy opponents Lakenham Hewett

48 – 21. The score is not a true reflection of a hard

game, where the opposition kept pushing Swaffham

until late into the second half. Those Magnificent Men

stuck to their plans and with the forwards supplying

good possession, the backs were able to do their thing.

Swaffham Men’s Shed had some of their creations on

sale, and offered badge making for the younger visitors.

The event was a result of a great team effort – the

entire Committee of Swaffham Rugby Club, supported

by bar staff and volunteers got involved before, during

and after the game. Thanks to all for their contribution.

New players, supporters and volunteers are always

welcome at our club.

On Saturday 15th October at 3pm we will welcome

Watton to North Pickenham Road. Bar will be open

during and after the game.

On the 29th October our game against Thetford will

be preceded by one of our famous Vice Presidents

Lunches – for further details contact : vpsecsrufc@


Regular sessions at our club include:

• Mini’s Tag Rugby Wednesdays at 5:30pm

• Junior Training Wednesdays at 6:30pm

• Senior Training Thursdays 7:00pm for 7:30pm, with

the bar open from around 8:30pm.

Contact details for all the above are included on the

Contacts Page of our Website: https:/swaffhamrugby.



Swaffham Clean Up

The Swaffham Clean Up started in February this year. To

date a staggering number of over 700 bags of litter plus

other larger debris have been collected by the volunteers

who turn out every Sunday morning come rain or shine.

Although in the first few weeks a substantial amount of

litter accumulated over several years was removed, this

is unfortunately a never-ending job. Every week we are

filling 15 to 20 bags of litter from our streets and open

spaces. Please imagine if these volunteers did not do

this what our town would look like! Our environment is

being spoiled and polluted by litter.

Cigarettes are a particular problem, as they are too small

to pick up during a litter pick and get washed into the

roadside gullies when it rains. The filter tips are made of

plastic material which will never break down naturally

and so is washed down the drain, into the streams and

rivers, and then into the sea. As well as being plastic

they also contain toxic chemicals from the tobacco and

so are poisoning our seas.

We have asked the Highway Authority to let us

know when they are about to cut or strim verges.

Unfortunately, they do not litter pick beforehand, so the

litter often gets chopped up into small pieces. So if they

alert us, we will try to concentrate litter picking where

they are about to cut or strim.

Swaffham Clean Up exists because, like you, we

want our town to look clean and tidy, and to save our

natural environment from pollution. Want to join in?

It’s simple, we meet up on Sunday mornings at 10.30

am outside the Greyhound pub in town. You can also

check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.

com/groups/313415790821852/, where you will find

further details, and see postings about the sites we have

cleaned up.

Royal British Legion

May I, on behalf of Swaffham Branch

Royal British Legion, offer our sincere

condolences to King Charles III, Queen

Camilla and all the royal family. Our thoughts and prayers

are with them at this overwhelmingly sad time. Queen

Elizabeth II was Patron of the Royal British Legion for

many years. She was a wonderful role model for us all

and will be greatly missed.

Our meeting in October will be on Tuesday 18th at

8pm. There will be a committee meeting prior to that

at 7.30pm. We welcome anybody who wants to join us

at 8pm.

The Poppy Appeal Organiser has started to phone people

regarding helping during Poppy Appeal fortnight. If you

would like to help please ring Anne on 01760722611.

In the last Newsletter the date of our AGM was incorrect.

It will take place on Tuesday 15th November at 8pm in

the Conservative Club Swaffham.

Anne Thorp

Hon President & Poppy Appeal Organiser


It was sad that we had to postpone the Sunday Funday

but it WILL happen. We will let you know exactly when

as soon as possible. If you have already bought an ID

band or a Teddy ticket you can keep them or return

them to the museum for a full refund.

Meanwhile the mosaic workshops are still going on. We

still need about 100 tiles, so please look for when the

Family and Friends’ workshops are on or organise your

own group and let us know on swaffhamheritage@

outlook.com or carter22bookings@gmail.com.

Carter 22 – Swaffham Heritage

For a movie overview of what we have already done this

year and what still lies ahead.

During October Half Term

29th October Library 11am-12.30pm - Library crafts for

children. Making mummies.

We had a rehearsal day for the Pharaoh teddies zipwire

from the church tower.

All went well and the church’s big Winnie the Pooh still

had a big smile at the end of his zipwire adventure.

Keep your flying pharaohs’ costume but you might want

to change it for a Santa outfit! We’ll let you know soon!


Friends of Swaffham Heritage

As noted previously, we are looking forward to

putting on events in 2023 with possible outings, in no

particular order:

• West Toft Camp, tour of the training area in Thetford


• Duxford Imperial War Museum

• Fakenham Race Course, a look behind the scenes

• Old Kings Lynn, guided walking tour around the


• Sheringham 1940's weekend, held in September

• Lincoln Christmas Market, usually in early


Friends of Swaffham Heritage are invited to indicate

which three events they would like to support.

Please respond to our Membership Secretary,

contact details below.

If you would be interested in any of these possible

events, why not join the Friends and make your

choice. Call into the Museum to pick up a form, or

look online.

The Friends have been invited to a special Open

Evening at the Museum on Wednesday 12th

October showcasing the exciting upgrading of

rooms in the Museum, particularly the Carter

Room. This will be hosted by Swaffham Heritage,

we are much looking forward to it.

Swaffham Heritage is in the process of updating its

website, which also hosts the Friends webpage, so

look out for our new look.

The 100 Club

The 100 Club is a steady contributor of funds for

Swaffham Heritage, run exclusively by the Friends of

Swaffham Heritage for its members. We have draw

prizes of £40, £20 and £10 every month. Twice a year

in December and June we also have special big prize

of £100.

Winners for September 2022 are:

• £40 – no 2142

• £20 – no 2181

• £10 – no 2170

Cheques are on their way to our lucky winners!

If you would like to join the Friends of Swaffham

Heritage to support the work of Swaffham Heritage

including the Museum, please contact us. Better still,

pop into our splendid Museum in Swaffham and take

the tour round it. By joining the Friends you will enjoy

lifelong membership and free admittance to the

Museum for life. You will also be eligible to join the

100 Club – see details below or ask at the Museum.

For further information contact the Friends of

Swaffham Heritage Membership Secretary by

email stuartclapton@aol.com, or see our webpage:


swaffham-museum-12715/friends-of-museum/ or

call in to the Museum.















Swaffham Climate Action

Climate Friendly Tip of the Month - Water

We humans and the space we must

share with the four-legged animals,

birds and insects all totally rely for our

existence on water. With huge foreseeable increases

in populations, and the knowledge that the amount

of water available is finite, measures must be taken

to make that resource go further.

Dishwashers we are told use less water than doing

the dishes in the sink/washing up basin. If you have

one, make sure you pack it well, so that it is full before

you switch it on.

Don’t let the tap run whilst cleaning your teeth, in

two minutes cleaning we could each waste 8 litres;

multiply this by the UK population of 67m = 536

million litres of water in two minutes, what a saving

we could make if everyone turned the tap off

Regular meetings

Our meetings are usually on the second Thursday

of each month 10am in the Methodist Church and

anyone with an interest in climate awareness is most

welcome to join us. If you would like to know more,

please contact Cathy Mumford on 01760 721847 /

07799 642271, cathyjmumford@gmail.com or David

Jones on 01760 722468 / 07806 435066, dljdav@

gmail.com. We are a friendly group hoping to spread

reliable information about the climate crisis and

actions individuals can take to help.

Swaffham Social was a great opportunity to talk to people about our

group and we were pleased to have a list of potential new members and a

good level of interest in our stand. It was lovely to see the range of activities

and social groups in the community. The Community Fridge is a brilliant initiative to reduce

waste, a big contributor to climate change. By using the Community Fridge, making sure that

we only buy the food we need, and ensuring it is all used, we can all make a difference. An

estimated 9.5 million tonnes of food waste is created annually in the UK and if this goes into

landfill it releases methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. If you have leftovers or a surplus

food it can often be frozen or recycled into another recipe and a piggy bank (or a spreadsheet!)

to put in the money saved can be a good incentive.

We have resumed monthly in person meetings in February but will be trying out a new

format of alternating between morning meetings in person and Zoom meetings in the evening

so please get in touch to find out the latest. Contact Cathy Mumford on 01760 721847,

cathyjmumford@gmail.com or David Jones on 01760 722468 / 07806 435066,

dljdav@gmail.com. Anyone with an interest in climate awareness in the community is most

welcome to join us. If you are not able attend, you can still join the group, contribute with

suggestions, and receive all meeting notes and information.

Welcome To Swaffham parkrun

Newcomers to Swaffham may not know there is a

thriving parkrun event which starts at 9am every

Saturday on The Nicholas Hammond Academy playing

fields. It is part of the great international parkrun

community and free to take part. We are a friendly

bunch of runners, joggers, walkers, spectators, and

volunteers, with many regular faces every week, as

well as visitors from further afield, joining in the 5km

course. Don’t be put off by the name, parkrun is open

to walkers, joggers and runners alike!

If you would like to come along, please register via

https://www.parkrun.org.uk/swaffham/ and you’ll be

issued a barcode so that your time can be registered. You

can print the barcode or keep it as a photo on your phone

so we can scan it. You only need to do this once and you

will then be registered for any parkrun anywhere in the

World! Everyone is welcome, but unfortunately dogs

must stay at home. The “run” starts on the dot of 9am,

so please turn up earlier so you don’t miss it! We are

open from 8:30am. There are plenty of parking spaces

at the adjacent Swaffham Leisure

Centre along with toilet facilities.


Campingland Patient Participation

Group (CPPG)

We are pleased to advise that we have now been able

to resume our second hand book sale in the surgery

waiting room. Books are regularly changed. There is a

box on the wall for payment. Paperbacks 50p each or

3 for a £1, £1.50 each for hardbacks.

15th October 2022 – Market Stall

We will be having a stall in again in Swaffham Saturday

Market With second hand books.

Come and visit us – all proceeds are used for the

benefit of Campingland Surgery patients

Enquiries to: anewmeir1@sky.com or ring 07887


The Magpie Centre

During the summer holidays, volunteers at the Magpie

Centre, home of West Norfolk Riding for the Disabled,

were treated to a delicious barbecue by the Rapid

Relief Team. The helpers arrived, complete with food

and drink, to serve lunch to more than 100 guests in

the lovely grounds of Wallington Hall.

The RRT, established by the Plymouth Brethren

Christian Church in 2013, offers quality catering

assistance to charities, government and emergency


Magpie Centre volunteer (Ms) Caroline Dudley


‘It was very

generous of RRT

to do this. We are

so busy at the

Centre, caring

for the ponies,

helping with rides

and organising

fundraising events

that we don’t have time to chat, but the BBQ gave us a

chance to relax and socialise.'

The first full summer of Tea With a Pony sessions was

very successful, and will resume in April 2023. To book,

just call the Centre on 01553 810202.

Planning ahead for Christmas, look out for the

anthology, ‘Changing Tides’, a collection of poetry, short

prose and extracts from longer works by The Norfolk

Writers’ Exchange, now in process of publication.

Priced at £8.99, it will make an ideal stocking-filler.

Copies will be available from the Centre and other

outlets throughout West Norfolk from mid-October.

Alternatively, email TheNorfolkWritersExchange@

outlook.com for bank transfer details or send a cheque

for £8.99, plus £2.60 post and packing, payable to The

Norfolk Writers’ Exchange, c/o 31 Chapel Road, Pott

Row, Kings Lynn PE32 1BS. Profits from the sale of this

slim volume will be divided between West Norfolk RDA

and West Norfolk Deaf Association.

Last year we received

over 62,000 alarm

calls, and 97% of them

were answered within

60 seconds.

We are here to help.





(GPS tracker)




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from my friends

At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just


carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our


residents and their families.

With a little help

from my friends

At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our

residents and their families.

from my friends


The Paddocks


And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.




At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

The Paddocks

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends


need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual




of our



residents and their families.


The Paddocks



With a little help


At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends The Paddocks

from my friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our


residents and their families.


And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.

The Paddocks

1:58/2:45 WITH 1:58/2:45 A LITTLE HELP WITH FROM A MY LITTLE FRIENDS www.castlemeadowcare.co.uk



At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our

residents and their families.

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.


And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.





Swaffham Golf Club

Centenary Week celebrations finish

with a flourish

Members of Swaffham Golf Club have

marked the Club’s centenary year with

a variety of events since the opening

ceremony back in April.

August saw a whole week of activitiesstarting

off with our own version of the Ryder Cup. All

the Ryder Cup formats were incorporated into an action

packed day involving 23 matches with 68 members.

The event was between club Captains Bryan Banham,

Ann Ewer and Mike Westman and Vice captains Sam

Orlopp, Kate Faro-Wood and Keith Stedman with both

teams being drawn from the ladies gents and seniors

sections. It was a keenly fought contest with many

games going down to the wire but in the end the vice

captain’s team prevailed 14 points to 9. The victorious

team was presented with a Swaffham style Ryder Cup

cake and toasted with bubbly as befits champions!

A mixed Open was held later in the week attracting 92

players from other clubs. On this occasion Anne Bell and

Richard Sheardown of Richmond Park were victorious

with 52 points. Well played in scorching heat! It was a

memorable day too for Mark Athow (March golf club)

who had a hole in one on the 16th!

What else did we do? A nine hole hickory scramble

was held one evening. Everyone had to use hickory

shafted clubs for some of their shots which was an

interesting experience and made us appreciate our

modern day equipment! We chilled to jazz in the

clubhouse afterwards. However, the week wasn’t only

about golf, we held a gala

summer dance where staff

and members came suitably

attired in 1920s dress. It was

a most enjoyable evening.

The week concluded with

a more formal stableford

competition. Once the golf

was over members were

invited to try their hand at

archery and axe throwing

under the supervision of

local company Grey Goose archery. Phoenix, the

Norfolk based bird of prey rescue centre, also provided

an informative display of some of their rescued birds

so there really was ‘something for everyone’.

Our special Centenary Week has been supported

by several local companies – Energise Pentney, DRC

Bespoke, The Red Lion Swaffham, William H Brown

and The Dabbling Duck. Great partnerships and good

fun when sponsors were able to join us at events.

There is no doubt that our special Centenary Week will

be remembered for many years to come. Thanks to

everyone who made it happen.



Swaffham WI

Our last meeting was held on

Wednesday 7th September at the

Community Centre at 2.30pm and

went very well. The President gave details of previous

W.I. events and future ones due in September,

October and November this year. Birthday cards and

small presents were given to three members due to

celebrate in September. There was a table which held a

competition of small 'Fancy Boxes'. Another table held

details of future outings so that members could sign if

wishing to come along. The Speaker was Ruth Barnes

who gave details on 'Autumnal Flower Displays'. Many

of us learnt a great deal about good flower arranging

and the beautiful displays were included in the prizes.

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 5th October

at 2.30pm at the Community Centre. The speaker will

be Christopher Peskett and the subject 'Doctors without

Borders' better known as 'Medecins sans Frontieres'.

The competition 'Old Fashioned First Aid Tips'.

If you wish any more information please contact our

President Pauline Senton on 01760 788046 or our

Secretary Christiane Hewitson on 01366 328128.

Of course we have all been shocked and saddened to

hear of the loss of our beloved Queen on 8th September

the day after our meeting. It will take some time to

process the news.


Pickenhams WI

On 13th September we met at St

Andrew's church in North Pickenham.

Carolyn welcomed us and said what a

sad week it was, following the death of Her Majesty

the Queen. We started our meeting with a minute

of silence to remember the Queen. Carolyn then

welcomed Dr Sue Gattuso, who was talking to us about

Howard Carter, known as the 'Son of Swaffham'. This

was a change to the advertised talk as it is particularly

relevant to remember Howard now, as it was in

November 1922

that he discovered

the Egyptian tomb

of Tutankhamun.

Howard was an

artist and joined

an archaeological

survey of Egypt in

1891. Howard was

supported by Lord

Carnarvon and it

was Howard who,

on 26th November

1922, took Lord

Carnarvon to the

steps that led down and together they found the

Tutankhamun treasury and burial chamber. Lord

Carnarvon died in April 1923 and Howard worked on

the find for the remainder of his life.

Following this fascinating talk and interesting slides,

we broke for tea and biscuits and then held our

meeting. Felicity did a resume of the summer and

said how much we had enjoyed our Afternoon Tea

at Broom Hall, our

Mystery Tour (which

included a guided tour

of Norwich Cathedral

and a boat trip from

Wroxham), and then

afternoon tea in

Carolyn's garden.

This month we have

also enjoyed meeting

for coffee at Margaret's

Tea Room.

Next Meeting: On

Tuesday, 11th October at 2pm Jenny Williams is

coming to hold a weaving workshop with us. Also

next month some of us are going to have an autumn

meal at Pentney on 17th October.

If anyone would like more information, please

contact: Carol Richards on 01760 441333

or Melanie Cousins on 01760 440456.

View Swaffham Newsletter Online



Wednesday 26th October 2022

at 7.30pm Indoor meeting at The

Assembly Rooms, 1 Market Place,

Swaffham PE37 7AB

'Shetland to Scilly - Birds of the British Isles'

with Ashley Grove. As founder of “Experience

Nature Tours,” photographer, tour leader, and much

respected speaker, Ashley is well placed to provide

the opportunity to familiarise yourself with some

of Britain’s wonderful bird life, with many tips on

identifying them. He will share his images of birdsfrom

puffins in Shetland to rarities in the Isles of Scilly

– and much more in between. Please come along.

Visitors welcome. Admission £4 on the night. Free to

NarVOS members. For more information contact Ian

Black on 01760 724092 or go to www.narvos.org.uk




Ben Burgess Beeston Dereham Road, Beeston, Norfolk PE32 2LE

01328 701347 | www.benburgess.co.uk

Open Mon - Fri 08:00 to 18:00 | Sat - 08:00 to 12:00

Behind every


business is

a family

that cares




King’s Lynn 01553 771399 | Dersingham 01485 598598 | Swaffham 01760 721305


Pre-paid funeral

plans available








building better families

20's Plenty For Us

We are a group of friends and neighbours

who want more control over the traffic

coming through our lovely market town.

Our aim is to get the speed limit through the whole

of Swaffham reduced to 20 miles per hour.

Please support us, we are a non-political, non-profit

making group, working for safety and to bring down

air pollution in Swaffham. For more information, visit


Chat & Play

For parents, babies and toddlers, starting Tuesday

8th November at Swaffham Assembly Rooms from

9am – 11am (then every second Tuesday in the

month) Cost is £2 per family. Tea, coffee, milk and

squash will be free (please bring your child’s own

cup/bottle to use). This is a new group being set up.

Children will be provided with the appropriate toys to

learn to play and share together, whilst the parents

can chat.

For more information, queries, offers of help, or

donations of secondhand toys/equipment, please

contact Sue Chittock 07765 037235.

Sponsored by Swaffham and District Lions with a kind

donation from East of Anglia Co-op for 2 new walkers.


Merle Boddy Day Centre

The Merle Boddy Day Centre provides a

warm and friendly Social Day Care Service

for people living with dementia including

mental health problems and physical disabilities, in

Swaffham and the surrounding area.

We were recently very pleased to receive a big donation

from the local branch of the Nationwide Building

Society. The staff there very kindly designated the

Merle Boddy Centre for their Spring and Summer fund

raising campaign. They specifically chose to support a

respected and valued Swaffham charity, for which we

are delighted to be recognised.

The local Nationwide staff have regular book sales and

they also held a Hamper Raffle. In response to this

initiative, the generous clients of the branch contributed

to the fund raising. They generated an astonishing sum

of £345. In addition, the Nationwide Building Society

head office will match fund and top up local charity

support, with an additional £100. So, there will be a

total donation in value of £445. We are so very grateful.

In November, we are pleased to announce that our

friends, Ann, Lynette and Jo of Three Plus Tea, will be

organising one of their monthly Sunday afternoon

‘Authors, books and cakes’ events to raise money to

donate to the Merle Boddy Centre. The author on this

occasion is to be Heidi Swain, the popular Sunday Times

Best Selling Author of romantic fiction novels. You will

find booking details in the advert in the Newsletter or at

Ceres Bookshop. Also, please look them up on Facebook,

their page is ‘Authors, books and cakes’. These are

great occasions with interesting writers talking about

their work and books, and the homebaked cakes are


When you are reading this, we shall have had our

Annual General Meeting which was on Thursday 15th

September at 6pm in the Methodist Church Hall,

London Street, but too late to report in this month’s

newsletter. We had a lot to discuss with our clients and

their carers, particularly the challenging issues arising

from the exceptional increases in costs the Centre faces

at this difficult time.

Our fundraising has never been as important as now.

Like you, we are faced by enormous increases in costs

including for electricity, food and other consumables.

On our website you will find a fundraising page, where

you can click on the link to donate. Better still, come

along to the ‘Authors, books and cakes’ event!

If you are interested in our work and would like to be

involved, we always welcome volunteers, friends and

supporters to help with fund raising.

If you want to know more, find us on Facebook – @

merleboddycentre – or see our website - www.

merleboddy.org.uk - or call the Centre on 01760 724527.


Swaffham Lioness Lions

We had a successful and enjoyable

fundraising day at the Swaffham Historic

Vehicle Rally on 28th August with our

Tombola and Bric-a-brac stall, and helped

selling programmes at the gates. It was a lovely day and

well attended, with some fantastic vehicles on display.

The Lions and Lionesses were out in force for the

Wayland Show, manning the main entrance gates,

collecting the entrance fees and distributing wristbands

to the children (with the parent’s mobile phone

number on) should they accidentally be separated

from their parents. What a great day out that was!

Following a request for help, the Lions have donated

£250 towards the re-tiling of the roof of St. Andrew’s

Church at North Pickenham.

Recently we held a calligraphy session led by

calligrapher Josephine, which was entertaining and

informative. Also on the social front we have a Tenpin

bowling evening coming up at Fakenham, and a

Halloween social event is planned for October 29th at

Great Dunham Village Hall.

Fundraising Events coming up for October:-

• Chanter’s Jigge Musical Evening, Saturday 15th

October, 7.30pm Swaffham Assembly Rooms, in aid

of The Big C Charity. Tickets £7.50. Phone Lions on

01760 723377.

• Quiz Night - Friday 28th October at Swaffham

Conservative Club, 7.30pm start. The cost is £5 per

head, teams of up to 6 people. To book your team

in please call Adrian on

01760 724304 or mobile

07741 418781.

We were all shocked and

saddened to hear of the

passing away of our beloved

Queen. On Sunday 11th

September, Lion President

David Merchant and

Lioness Branch President

Karen Nye were proud to

attend the Proclamation

ceremony of King Charles

III at Swaffham Town Hall.

Swaffham & Litcham Home Hospice

The Home Hospice fundraising team have been busy

organising events for the rest of the year.

On 7th October, there will be a Bingo evening at

Swaffham Conservative Club, starting at 7.30pm.

Organised by Marilyn Figura with help from the team

that runs the regular Wednesday night bingo at the Club

– our thanks to them for their support.

On 25th November, again at the Conservative Club,

we are holding a Quiz starting at 7.30pm. Teams of up

to 6 are needed which should be booked in advance

- telephone me to book on 01760 724304 or 07741

418781. Cost is £5 per head.

We are again holding a Christmas Draw - First Prize

£200, Second Prize £100, Third Prize £50 – the draw

itself will take place on 10th December at 4pm at Tesco,

Swaffham. Tickets will be on sale in Tesco for a 4 day

period prior to the event.

Now to cover events that have taken place over the past

3 months or so from which the Home Hospice have

benefitted financially.

25th June was the date of our street collection, which

for many years had been held on an annual basis – Covid

19 meant that the event was not held in 2020 and 2021.

We raised £509 on the morning of 25th June – our

thanks to all of you that supported us. It was good to

be able to talk to people face to face about what we do.

Swaffham Young Farmers chose us as their Charity of the

Year way back in 2020. Covid restricted their fundraising

activities, as it did for many organisations during the

pandemic. However earlier this year, they organised a

fundraising event for us and on 13th July, they presented

us with a cheque for £2100 from this event.

Golf Days were organised by Narborough Cricket Club

and Swaffham Rotary Club on 26th June and 18th July

respectively. We received £1500 from Narborough

Cricket Club – our thanks to Jack Crisp and his team.

Swaffham Rotary Club has presented us with a cheque

for £2000 from their event – our grateful thanks to Rotary

President Malcolm Whittley and his fellow Rotarians.

Our thanks also to Sarah Simmonds at Artichoke,

Swaffham – Sarah organised a “Make Up” event towards

the end of June from which we benefitted to the extent

of £850.

Swaffham and Litcham Home Hospice provides support

for patients and their family following a cancer diagnosis.

We offer a range of support to help with the turmoil

which this diagnosis brings. We help practically and

emotionally and if our team cannot help we can direct

you to other agencies who may be able to.

Our counsellors can help to cope with the range of

emotions which hits not only the patient but also their

relatives. We also have a bereavement counselling

service which is open to anyone who has been bereaved.

If you think we can help in any of the above, please do

not hesitate to contact us on 01760 722937

Adrian Adcock

Treasurer and Fundraiser

Thornalley Funeral Services Ltd comprises of three funeral

homes: Thornalley Funeral Services in King’s Lynn, Dersingham

and incorporating Chapmans Funeral Services in Swaffham.

Thornalley Funeral Services is owned and managed by the Thornalley

family. The Directors, Ray and Shirley, along with their son Andrew

and his wife Abi, take pride in delivering the best possible service

and care to bereaved families in and around the areas of King’s Lynn,

Dersingham, Swaffham and beyond.

As a family owned and family run business and not part of any

big group, we are able to offer a n i ndividual, p ersonal s ervice t hat

reflects local prices rather than national prices.

Chapmans Funeral Services, previously owned by the Gaskin family,

was purchased by the Thornalley family in June 2016 and is managed

by Peter Dyer with Nichola working alongside him. All three funeral

homes work closely together to uphold our traditional values of

respect and dignity. Serving the local communities of Swaffham,

King’s Lynn and Dersingham, we have built our reputation over many

years. With our highly dedicated team working alongside us you can

be assured of a personal service that is second to none.


18 19

Behind every independent

business is a family that cares

As members of SAIF (Society of Allied Independent Funeral

Directors), we abide by a strict code of practice to ensure you

receive a high standard of service in all aspects of our business.

Swaffham WEA

You may have seen the recent window

display in Ceres Bookshop, where there

is a lovely selection

of books illustrating

the subjects that WEA

courses are covering

this term: crime

fiction, cinema and

films, and cookery

and baking.

By the time you read this, all being well, we will have

held our Day School with Kate Jewell on the rise of

crime as entertainment. It certainly has an enduring

fascination as a subject.

Next up, Nigel Herwin will be running a 5 week course,

starting on Friday 7th October, on Film Director Greats:

who do we regard as “great”, and what is it about

their films that make them so highly regarded? Which

directors does he include in this description? Would

we agree, and would we have some suggestions of

our own? It is a huge field – what will he choose to

illustrate his course?

The course reference no. is C2228953, and to enrol in

advance, either phone 0300 303 3464, or go online

wea.org.uk. The course costs £40.

To round off the term there will be another Day School

on Saturday 26th November at the Community Centre,

10 am to 3 pm, when Jane Williams will talk about

changes and developments in “Cookery Through the

Ages”. The course reference no. is C2229121, and the

cost is £25. More details to follow.

Free NHS Health Checks Available

at Swaffham Community Centre

If you are aged beween 40 and 74 years then you

could be eligible for a free NHS health check, courtesy

of Reed Wellbeing.

These checks are currently taking place at Swaffham

Community Centre on Mondays from 9am to 4.30pm.

To check your eligibility and to book an appointment visit

the Reed Wellbeing website: norfolkhealthchecks.

reedwellbeing.com or call 0808 175 0413.

Ashill & Holme Hale Garden Club

Website: ashillgardeningclub.wordpress.com/

Email: ashillholmehalegardenclub@gmail.com

AGM, Fruit & Vegetable Show and a GQT

Our August meeting was a busy one as we held our

AGM prior to holding our annual Fruit and Vegetable

show followed by a Gardeners Question Time Q&A with

a panel of experts.


A total of 58 members attended the August meeting

to hear a review of the club’s 2021-2022 activities

from the Chairman Neville McBrien, as part of the

AGM. The annual financial accounts were also adopted

and the management committee for the coming club

year (August 2022 to July 2023) was also appointed.

Membership remains strong with well over 100

members as at July 2022. The annual membership fee

for the coming club year was kept at the low price of

£6, which provides access to 11 monthly meetings,

including refreshments.

Annual Fruit & Vegetable Show

Despite the challenging summer weather there was

still a good number of entries from members to the 10

classes of the club’s annual fruit and vegetable show.

Vegetable classes included lettuces, tomatoes, potatoes,

onions and courgettes while the fruit entries included

plums, chillies, apples and berry fruits. Our independent

Judge, David Taylor had the difficult task of picking the

winning entries to each class. The winners of each class

were presented with certificates and following tradition

all entries were auctioned off at the end of the meeting.

Winners are listed on the club’s website.

Gardener’s Question Time

After a well earned tea break the meeting re-convened

with a panel of 4 experts which included our judge

David Taylor, along with class winners Wendy Churchill,

Jackie Priestley and Robert Self. The audience asked the

panelists a range of questions including how to deal

with white rot fungus; the best non-peat composts;

lawn issues; to identifying foliage problems on samples

brought in by members. The session was a lively one with

views from the panelists and the audience contributing

to an entertaining and informative interchange of ideas

on all things horticultural.

Upcoming Meetings

Our September monthly meeting (September 22nd)

will have Colin Thorburn, president of the East Anglian

Orchid Society presenting both a talk on all things

Orchids and then will give a practical demonstration on

how to look after Orchids. Our October meeting

(October 27th) will have Dr Anne Edwards presenting

a fascinating talk on 'The Work and History of the John

Innes Centre at UEA'.

All meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month at

Holme Hale Pavilion and start at 2.30pm. New members

from anywhere in the district are always welcome, so

come along and join us at one of our monthly meetings.






President's Corner

One of the pleasing jobs of

being President of a busy, active

Rotary Club is to be able to donate the proceeds of

our Charity Projects to help those in need.

Last month I presented cheques to Ashill Welfare

Fund, Swaffham Men's Shed, EACH and Swaffham

& Litcham Home Hospice. The latter two being the

results of our Charity Golf Day which raised nearly

£3700. The photograph below shows me with Home

Hospice Co-Ordinator Wendy Martin and Treasurer

Adrian Alcock.

We were very pleased to have sponsorship and

support again from Adrian Flux Insurance of East

Winch for that event.

This month we have our Annual Art Exhibition on

28th, The opening and Preview and then on 29th

and 30th supported by Keys Fine Art Auctioneers,

Swaffham Town Council and Heygates of Swaffham,

further details can also been found on the separate

notice in the Newsletter.

This month also we are supporting Marathon walker

Peter Harris along with the The Swaffham Rugby

Club carrying out his daily taxi service from 9th to

12th October. He is walking The Angles Way from Gt.

Yarmouth to Thetford a distance of 100 miles in aid of

Swaffham Rotary Club Charities and the Rugby Club.

The Angles Way, the ancient route linking the Norfolk

Broads to Suffolk Brecks, Weavers Way with Peddars

Way and Icknield and Iceni Ways and described as ‘A

real cradle of history’. Peter has run 5 Marathons and

many Charity Walks and his walking keeps him out of

any Doctors Waiting Rooms! We do hope that many

will support him in his aim to raise £2000 and you can

do so by supporting his crowd funding page, which

you can find a link to on our website.

Swaffham History Group

When the announcement on Thursday 8th

September of the death of our Queen, Queen

Elizabeth II it came as a shock to learn of this

momentous moment in our history. The “Demise

of the Crown” refers to the death of a Monarch

and the transfer of authority from one sovereign to

another due to death. This transfer, we are told, of

sovereignty is automatic and in a few short days we

have been told and indeed have viewed many events

of tradition and heraldry harking back centuries.

Like many people in the land I can remember

Princes Elizabeth being told (in the press) of the

death of her father King George VI while she was

staying at 'Tree-tops' in Kenya. Then coming home

and to being crowned Queen, June 2nd 1953 at

Westminster Abbey.

It is with great sadness that our group records her

passing, and also to acclaim our new King, King

Charles III. God save the King.

For further details of the History Group please

contact 01842 879140 or Email: jbaz@go-plus.net

View Swaffham Newsletter Online


20 21

In Touch With Your Town

The Passing Of Queen Elizabeth II

September 8th will be a date that is

etched in the countries mind forever,

as Buckingham Palace confirmed

the death of Queen Elizabeth II at

the age of 96. Operation London Bridge went into

effect immediately within the council and Swaffham.

A book of condolences was available to sign in the

Town Hall for a week, whilst the Buttercross lights

were changed to a patriotic purple. Mayor Stewart

Bell, Town Clerk Richard Bishop, Deputy Town Clerk

Helen Carrier and councillors congregated outside

the Town Hall for the reading of the Accession

Proclamation, whilst a Civic Service also took place

at St Peter & St Paul’s Church.

Car Show

August Bank Holiday saw the Swaffham Classic Car

Show and Funday return to the recreation ground in

Haspalls Road. As the sun shone, a record number

of cars, bikes and attendees enjoyed the event. The

variety of motors was an absolute delight, for both

the judges and public. After much consideration, the

worthy winners were Geoffrey Mission with Sunbeam

(pre 80’s), Doreen Harvey with the Mercedes 240D

(post 80’s), Philip Field with hi Norton Commando

(best best), Ken Jackson with the Derby Bentley (best

in show) and finally, Roger Bristo with the extremely

popular, Triumph Dolomite (people’s choice). A

huge congratulation to all, as well as Kerry and her

fabulous team for organising yet another amazing

event for everyone to enjoy. A huge thank you to the

sponsors and volunteers, without whom the event

would be able to take place. We look forward to

seeing what next years event has in store!

The Memorial Service of Doris Mabel (Toni) Groom

At St Peter & St Pauls Church, Swaffham on

Saturday 5th November 2022 at 13:00 hrs

It is close to two years since our Toni passed away

on the 1st of October 2020. This sad event occurred

during the height of disruption due to the Covid-19

pandemic. The funeral in October 2020 was therefore

an abridged ceremony with only 30 attendees. We

know that Toni had many friends in and around the

Swaffham community and further afield that were

not able to attend the funeral. He family would like

to take this opportunity to announce this memorial

service to celebrate the life of our mother and

friend to many in and around Swaffham. After the

service light refreshments and a display of ‘The life

and times of Toni’ will be offered at The Swaffham

Conservative Club until 16:00 hrs. Please can you

contact Jenny Groom on 01366 383963 or 07460

463334 to advise of your attendance.

Days Field – Former Allotments

The latest news on the Days Field front is that at long

last the Town Council have exchanged contracts on

the proposed sale of this former allotment site. It is

an important step towards freeing up some capital

that can be reinvested back into the Town. A deposit

is now secured and over the coming weeks we await

a planning application, which when permission is

secured will mean that the transaction can then

progress towards completion.

Town Pound

This very small piece of land/property has now been

transferred to the Town Council ownership. In the

past, this property had been claimed as such, but

due to non-registration at the Land Registry back in

1978 following a restoration an anomaly was created

and is now corrected. It is a grade 2 listed building.

The Town Pound c1730, has cut flints with brick

quoins and dressings. Rectangular, entrance to the

east, fitted with a timber gate, no roof. Pounds were

used to hold animals who had become a problem

or that were illegally wandering around loose. Town

Pounds were in common use from the mid 1600’s to

the late 1800’s.

Swaffham Christmas Market

Stall bookings are coming in fast, so please avoid

disappointment as there will be a cut off point,

we only have limited space and will avoid too

much duplication where we can. Details of our

entertainment program will be released in the

October edition of the newsletter, but the 3rd and

4th December will be a chance to get your skates

on again, with a return of an even larger skating rink

this year. Online booking details will be released

next month.

Swaffham Town Council

Tel: 01760 722 922


Town Hall opening times:

Town Hall opening times:

Monday to Thursday: 9.30am - 1pm (lunch) 1.30 - 4pm.

Friday: 9.30am - 1pm


Breckland District Council


01362 656 870. For all enquiries regarding: Planning,

Refuse Bins, Housing, Recycling, Licensing & Benefits

Your Breckland District Councillors:

Cllr. David Wickerson

01760 725 741



Cllr. Ian Sherwood

07795 236 878



Cllr Ed Colman - also your Norfolk County Councillor

07940 406 356

ed.colman@breckland.gov.uk / ed.colman.cllr@norfolk.gov.uk

Town Council Committee

meeting dates - OCTOBER 2022

• Monday 3rd - Market, Events & Tourism - 6.30pm

• Monday 10th - Human Resources & Governance

- 12 noon

• Wednesday 12th - Full Council - 6.30pm

• Monday 24th - Finance Full Council - 6.30pm

• Tue sday 27th- P lanning & Built Env ironm e nt

- 4pm

Highway issues

Norfolk County Council – www.norfolk.gov.uk

– 0344 800 8020

For Highway issues & faulty street lights:

- Highways - please give the location of the issue and

a telephone number where further information can

be obtained.

- Faulty streetlights – please give the precise location

of the light and the number on the column.

Alternatively visit the website and search for

Highways or Street Lights to report your concerns.

The Town Council

Mayor - Cllr Stewart Bell


Deputy Mayor - Cllr Judy Anscombe


Cllr. Lindsay Beech


Cllr. Nayna Bass


Cllr. Wendy Bensley


Cllr. Paul Darby


Cllr. Graham Edwards


Cllr. Colin Houghton


Cllr. Shirley Matthews


Cllr. Kurt Oliver


Cllr. Ian Pilcher


Cllr. Les Scott


Cllr. Jill Skinner



Richard Bishop – Town Clerk


Helen Carrier – Deputy Town Clerk












Opening Times: Mon – Sat 9am to 5pm in Downham and Ely | Sunday 10am to 4pm in Ely only

Visit the café in our Downham Market Store where delicious food and drink awaits you.

Check out our website reedshomestore.co.uk | Find us on facebook for the latest updates

REEDS Furniture, Flooring, Bed Centre & Homestore, Bridge Street, Downham Market PE38 9DS T: 01366 382213

REEDS Furniture, Flooring & Bed Centre, Lancaster Way Business Park, Ely CB6 3NX T: 01353 669754

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