The Adweek Copywriting Handbook

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And in this book you will learn some of the valuable techniques

to use to expand your knowledge of the copywriting

process so you can write copy that motivates people to take an

action—specifically to take their hard-earned money and exchange

it for your product or service.

Copywriting is the key to any successful direct marketing

venture. You can have the world’s best product or service, but if

you can’t communicate your ideas, you have nothing. I will give

you the skills and insights you need to successfully write copy.

I’ve already personally taken the most expensive course ever. If

you would add up my failures and their cost to me, add the insights

I received mostly from my failures, and then add the experiences

I’ve had in copywriting and marketing, you would see

that it has indeed been an expensive education. And you’re about

to share in it.


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