~DOWNLOAD PDF~ 300 Dog Food Recipes: Three-Ingredient Meals

COPY LINK DOWNLOAD: https://isbooktoday.com/freedom/1682355659 This must-have cookbook for dog owners features over 300 nutritionally balanced fresh dog food recipes. Written by a veterinarian who is also a culinary school graduate, 300 Dog Food Recipes shows how fresh ingredients cooked and measured per each meal will produce the healthiest diet for any size dog.The book includes cooking instructions, snacks, and feeding guides, as well as information on feeding dogs with illnesses.After practicing veterinary medicine for over forty years, Dr. Amy Cousino wrote this book because she has seen thousands of dogs that were malnourished due to a diet of eating only processed dog foods. She has counseled pet owners about their dogs' diets, inspiring a fresh food regimen.Balancing the proteins and carbohydrates in foods and converting them to cooking measurements allows dog owners to make their own fresh food confidently. I think this cookbook will be a revelation for dog owners when they see that a board-certified veterinary nutritionist is not needed to feed a dog, and how inexpensive and easy the recipes are. The improvement in their dogs' health will be rewarded by more years of companionship. - Dr. Amy Cousino For your dog's sake, buy this cookbook today!About the Author: A graduate of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University, Dr. Amy Cousino is a retired veterinarian from Traverse City, Michigan. She also completed culinary school in Vero Beach, Florid

COPY LINK DOWNLOAD: https://isbooktoday.com/freedom/1682355659
This must-have cookbook for dog owners features over 300 nutritionally balanced fresh dog food recipes. Written by a veterinarian who is also a culinary school graduate, 300 Dog Food Recipes shows how fresh ingredients cooked and measured per each meal will produce the healthiest diet for any size dog.The book includes cooking instructions, snacks, and feeding guides, as well as information on feeding dogs with illnesses.After practicing veterinary medicine for over forty years, Dr. Amy Cousino wrote this book because she has seen thousands of dogs that were malnourished due to a diet of eating only processed dog foods. She has counseled pet owners about their dogs' diets, inspiring a fresh food regimen.Balancing the proteins and carbohydrates in foods and converting them to cooking measurements allows dog owners to make their own fresh food confidently. I think this cookbook will be a revelation for dog owners when they see that a board-certified veterinary nutritionist is not needed to feed a dog, and how inexpensive and easy the recipes are. The improvement in their dogs' health will be rewarded by more years of companionship. - Dr. Amy Cousino For your dog's sake, buy this cookbook today!About the Author: A graduate of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University, Dr. Amy Cousino is a retired veterinarian from Traverse City, Michigan. She also completed culinary school in Vero Beach, Florid

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300 Dog Food Recipes: Three-Ingredient Meals

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