Print Programme Concert Mozarfrica I correction finale

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1. A Nyamb’Eweke: “God of the living”, Daniel Mouelle Kouelle II


2. Since by Man Came Death, George Frideric Handel

3. The Lord Gave The Word, George Frideric Handel

4. The Marvellous Work, Joseph Haydn

5. Mitso Miva Mideso: “Appeal”, Seth Atzo Kwadzo (Traditional

Mina from Togo)

6. Ololo Hosanna, Gontran Maka (Traditional music from Gabun)

7. Da Zei Eric Dassié Wendji


1. Musungedi, Ekambi Brillant (Cameroon)

2. Regina Caeli, Gregor Aichinger

3. Jubilate Deo, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

4. Benedictus Sit Deus, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

5. Ndolo Ebuki Bese, Abel Nen (Cameroon)

6. Laagoh Budji Gnangni (Traditional Dida from Ivory Coast)

7. Chemin d’Eglise, Georges Goudet


Headquartered in the heart of London, NDF Choir London is the primary

choir in charge of dominical masses at the French church Notre Dame de

France. The choir takes part in fundraising concerts, worshipping

evenings, outreach festivals and ad-hoc musical projects.

Regular vocal coaching is provided during weekly masterclasses by Gaelle


NDF Choir London also has at heart to promote worshipping, liturgical,

classical composers from round the world, as you will hear tonight.

Conductors: Salomon Fritz Bakoa, Mémona Rendeukeu

Soprano: Camille Gros, Katia Bidoung, Maria Traore, Marie-Laure Amon,

Mylène Lejuste, Stella Assoumou

Alto: Alice Dovi Goeh, Cyndi Brena, Mémona Rendeukeu

Basse: Boris Dosseh, François Cabau, Jean de Vannoise

INSTRUMENTS: Meidi Chalal, Adam Hope (Pianist), Julie Iem (Violonist)


Salomon Fritz Bakoa - Conductor

Born and raised in Cameroon, Salomon soon

developed a passion for music when he joined the

Marie Reine choir. Quick learner and diligent, he

was soon promoted as a tenor leader. He studied

relentlessly to master solfège and the art of using

one’s voice to touch souls. He became choir master

in no time and performed in numerous occasions at the Douala Cathedral.

Moving to London, he naturally inquired about a Francophone choir and

discovered Notre Dame de France. He soon became the leading choir master

of Notre Dame de France. Beside his day job at TotalEnergies, he has

developed his conducting skills whilst training at the Association of British

Choir Director. Always looking to lift others up, he has passed on his skills to

attending choristers, thus building on his legacy. He attended master classes

with Opera de Paris baryton Florent Mbia and the pianist Françoise Ferrand.

Under his tenure, NDF Choir-London performed at Leceister Square SitC

festivals, fundraising events, Westminster Cathedral mass, regularly

performed in front of the French ambassador and Cardinals. Most recently,

Salomon F. Bakoa recorded the acclaimed single Chemin d’Eglise. He has now

moved to Paris where he will pursue his musical journey. He remains a

fervent advocate and Patron of NDF Choir-London.

Mémona Rendekeu – Choir Master

Born in Lyon (France), Mémona is a young

professional, passionate about singing. She

started her classical music journey in 2019, as she

arrived in London and joined Notre Dame de

France Choir London as an alto singer under the

direction and mentorship of Salomon Fritz Bakoa.

Since Salomon’s departure in July 2021, Mémona conducts Notre Dame de

France Choir with passion and drive.

She is currently trained and mentored in this new musical challenge by Adam

Hope, Conductor and Musicianship lead for the National Youth Choirs of

Great Britain, as well as choral conductor and singing teacher at the Junior

Department of the Royal Academy of Music. She co-managed the project of

a single recording in Summer 2021. Its release, Chemin d’Eglise, paves the

way for more exciting projects.

Diane Gaelle Biyong – Vocal Coach

Although Diane started with a computer science and

insurance degree, she has also made great strides in

the musical world. Evolving in this world under the

artistical name D. the Queen Soprano singer, she

entered the world of classical music in August 2004.

She joined the choir Queen of the Apostles & Angels,

at the Cathedral of Douala – Cameroon. Diane is

passionate about opera. Vocal coach has become a second job for Diane,

who also directs and acts in recitals and Opera competitions. She has been

working with Notre Dame de France Choir since 2020, giving individual

training to a selected number of singers.


This evening, you will be hearing music from some of the most widely

acclaimed and well known composers. More interestingly, NDF Choir

London has embarked on a mission to introduce African composers to the

mainstream. One of the most attractive features of African classical music

is its extraordinary diversity. Some composers wrote music in a traditional

western classical style while incorporating traditional melodies and

rhythms. The results are unique and uplifting in equal measure.

You will discover untapped musical riches which will invigorate your

classical repertoire. Most particularly tonight, we will shed light on

fascinating and distinctive composers.


A Nyambe, an odd to Nyambe, God of the living - Daniel Mouelle Koulle

II (Cameroon)

In accordance with traditions of the Sawa and Bantou people, this is a

traditional Sawa song, an African spiritual calling in Ngosse. Through my

harmonies, this song is able to gain a classical feel.

Ngosse is prevalent in the long musical phrases and powerful messages

sung, while classical harmonies are mixed with an Ewesse beat.

Danielle Mouelle is a choir master and composer. He trained in

musicology under Christian Kubrick, at the Academy of Music in Berlin.

Since by Man Came Death - George Frideric Handel

1 Corinthians 15: 21-22

German-born English composer of the late Baroque era, Handel was

noted particularly for his operas, oratorios, and instrumental compositions.

He wrote the most famous of all oratorios, Messiah (1741), and is also

known for such occasional pieces as Water Music (1717) and Music for

the Royal Fireworks (1749).

This chorus clearly depicts the central tenet of the Christian faith, that

man’s sins will be redeemed by Christ who was himself human. Handel

sets the words “since by man came death” in a minor key (A minor) and

in a slow tempo (grave), and the choir is unaccompanied except for the

continuo. The next phrase “by man came also the resurrection of the

dead,” in contrast, seems to explode out of nowhere in a bright major key

(C major) and fast tempo (allegro). This phrase is also accompanied by

the strings of the orchestra, and the lively rhythms convey this greatest

of wonders of the Christian faith. Handel then repeats this sequence,

returning to the slow, somber, unaccompanied version for “For as in

Adam all die,” which “Even so in Christ shall be made alive” is given the

explosive C-major, allegro, setting. St. Paul’s balanced rhetoric of two

pairs of contrasting phrases is perfectly matched in Handel’s setting.

The Lord Gave The Word – Georg Frideric Handel:

Lyrics from the psalm 68 verse 11: the Lord gave the word; great was the

company of the preachers

The Marvellous Work- Joseph Haydn:

(Franz) Joseph Haydn was a prominent and prolific Austrian composer of

the Classical period. He was instrumental in the development of chamber

music such as the piano trio and his contributions to musical form have

earned him the epithets “Father of the Symphony” and “Father of the

String Quartet.”

Mitso Miva Mideso: “Appeal”- Seth Atzo Kwadzo (Traditional Mina


Stand up, let's go, let's keep moving

Come on, let us move forward

Let us not give up on our plans

Stand up, let's hurry up

For the common good

Let us walk in love

Oh, stand up and may love guide us

So that we may build a better world

Ololo Hosanna - Gontran Maka (Traditional music from Gabon)

Da Zei - Eric Dassié Wendji (Cameroon)

The song originates from South Africa. Translation: Lord, come and dwell

in the depths of my heart. O Father of heaven, come and stay with me, o

Mother of heaven, come and stay with me; Holy Spirit, come and stay

with me, with all the Saints and Angels, dwell with me.



Musungedi - Ekambi Brilliant (Cameroon)

I hear voices coming from heaven. Pay close attention, it the seraphim

The Savior

I am The Savior

I have come to save you

You shall not kill

I hear voices coming from heaven

I was sent by God the father

To save the poor

A prophet is not respected in this world of wicked

When you pray,

Do it with fervour.

A life full of misery is pending upon you

Hunger and damnation are near

Please follow me

Regina Caeli - Gregor Aichinger

Gregor Archinger was a German Catholic priest and composer of the late

Renaissance whose work was highly influenced by Orlando di Lasso. His

motets are known for their careful voice leading and sensitivity to

beautiful sonorities.

Regina Caeli Laetare is a Marian antiphon and is especially appropriate

during the season of Easter.

Translation: O Queen of Heaven, be joyful, be joyful, Alleluia,

Because He Whom thou didst merit to bear, Alleluia,

Has risen as He said, Alleluia,

Pray to God for us, Alleluia.

Jubilate Deo – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Loosely translated, “Jubilate Deo” means “Make a joyful noise to God”.

This anthem of jubilant praise has been popular since the 19th century,

and is attributed to Mozart.

A set of English lyrics for this tune is:

Let us praise you, let us praise you, Father, let us praise you.

We rejoice in you, O Father, let us give you praise.

Benedictus Sit Deus – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Benedictus sit Deus Pater,

unigenitusque Dei Filius,

Sanctus quoque Spiritus,

quia fecit nobiscum misericordiam


Blessed be God the Father

and the only-begotten Son of


and the Holy Spirit;

for he has dealt with us

according to his mercy

Ndolo Ebuki Bese - Abel Nen (Cameroon):

90% of Abel Nen songs are about love.

Loose translation: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does

not boast, it is not proud.

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,

it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices

with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always

perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will


Laagoh Budji Gnan Gni - (Traditional Dida from Ivory Coast)

Lord I thank you for all you did for me. I give you praise for your good

deeds in my life.

Chemin d’Eglise – Georges Goudet

Georges GOUDET discovered the world of musical entertainment when

he was a teacher and facilitator in school chaplaincy.

Gradually music, singing and the creation of shows became essential in

its proposals to young people. Making himself available for teaching, he

answered "present" to the call launched by the diocesan Church to be

totally involved in catechesis for all ages of life. Responsible for the

Diocesan Service in Saint-Etienne then for the Christian Initiation Service

for adolescents, singing and animation remained in his baggage and


Gradually, the show's intermittent status became unavoidable. More

than 1000 performances, vigils or shows throughout France, Switzerland

and Belgium over the past 20 years, a large part of which with the team

of "Trésors de la Foi" then with the company of the "Quatuor à Word ".

Today, he devotes his time to the creation and presentation of a wide

variety of musical projects: shows for children and adolescents with

Marie-Louise VALENTIN and the company of ZACCROCHES and the very

last intergenerational show "VIENS WITH US". And now the very last

album ENVOLE-TOI which launches the September 2021 return!


Many thanks to:

Father Pascal Boidin, Rector of Notre Dame de France

Father Robinson, SJ, Rector of Farm Street Church of the Immaculate


Georges McCombe, Administrator, Farm Street Church

Notre Dame de France Marist Community

Franck Taki, volunteer drum player

The wonderful volunteers who contributed their own time and efforts to

make this happen. You have made an unforgettable difference.

© Maria Traore


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