My Experience With Hydrocephalus

In this book i have decided to write my experience with hydrocephalus to inspire people to do not feel ashamed about what they were born with or got it later in their life

In this book i have decided to write my experience with hydrocephalus to inspire people to do not feel ashamed about what they were born with or got it later in their life


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In this book I have decided to write about my experience with

hydrocephalus and how it helped me in my art world, sure it was not

an easy thing and it took me time to do it, but now I am here with this

book to inspire people to do not feel down about themselves because

they weren’t so ‘’lucky’, these people need respect and something

that will make them feel down. This planet needs support and love

and not people who will do everything to cancel the people who are

not like them

Zoe Szymon

It all started in 2005, when it was discovered that I had more water in

brain so doctors recommended for abortion, but this was not the right

choice and I was born, but I was immediately taken to other town to

get my shunt…. However because it was put the wrong way inspired of

helping it only made my head bigger…. there were crazy doctors that

all they wanted was to use me for experiment…. I was immediately

taken away from there, however because something during surgery it

caused half of my face not be straight and my mouth was almost on

my ears, it took a few years not to complete it 100% but still that’s

something good, I still have and it can still be visible sometimes but, it’s

not the only thing I had from hydrocephalus…I also used to have a lazy

eye when I was younger which I supposed it happened because of the

pressure in head

Hydrocephalus is a condition in which an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid

(CSF) occurs within the brain.[1] This typically causes increased pressure inside

the skull. Older people may have headaches, double vision, poor balance,

urinary incontinence, personality changes, or mental impairment. In babies, it

may be seen as a rapid increase in head size. Other symptoms may include

vomiting, sleepiness, seizures, and downward pointing of the eyes.

Hydrocephalus can occur due to birth defects or be acquired later in life.[1]

Associated birth defects include neural tube defects and those that result in

aqueductal stenosis.[1][4] Other causes include meningitis, brain tumors,

traumatic brain injury, intraventricular hemorrhage, and subarachnoid

hemorrhage. The four types of hydrocephalus are communicating,

noncommunicating, ex vacuo, and normal pressure. Diagnosis is typically

made by physical examination and medical imaging.


Symptoms that may occur in older children can include: [12]

Brief, shrill, high-pitched cry

Changes in personality, memory, or the ability to reason or think

Changes in facial appearance and eye spacing (craniofacial disproportion)

Crossed eyes or uncontrolled eye movements

Difficulty feeding

Excessive sleepiness


Irritability, poor temper control

Loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence)

Loss of coordination and trouble walking

Muscle spasticity (spasm)

Slow growth (child 0–5 years)

Delayed milestones

Failure to thrive

Slow or restricted movement

Vomiting [14]

There are couple reasons to get hydrocephalus,

such as Congenital or Acquired


Congenital hydrocephalus is present in the

infant prior to birth, meaning the fetus

developed hydrocephalus in utero during fetal

development. The most common cause of

congenital hydrocephalus is aqueductal

stenosis, which occurs when the narrow passage

between the third and fourth ventricles in the

brain is blocked or too narrow to allow

sufficient cerebral spinal fluid to drain. Fluid

accumulates in the upper ventricles, causing



his condition is acquired as a consequence of CNS

infections, meningitis, brain tumors, head trauma,

toxoplasmosis, or intracranial hemorrhage

(subarachnoid or intraparenchymal), and is usually




The awareness month of hydrocephalus is September and it’s followed

by an blue ribbon, however September is not only for hydrocephalus.

It’s also for Alopecia, suicide prevention, deaf awareness and NICU

Awareness. As I’m getting older im having the thought to create an

event for all these people and support them

I know many people who are just like me with hydrocephalus so I can

understand how they feel like, I try to stand by their side the best I can


Hydrocephalus is more common than we think, as a result, a few celebrities have been

through this condition, here a listen with celebrities who have been through this

1. Billy Graham

2. Terry Schiavo

3. Dick Wagner

4. Derek Pattinson

5. Dena Schlosser

6. Arnold Kramish

7. George Visger

8. Robert J. Morris

9. Prince William Duke of Gloucester

10. Gene Stipe

Celebrities sometimes can have the power to promote something, if they use that power

people will hear them and that’s what I’m trying to do through that small book, to give an

effort to a thing that is quite common but still not many people pay attention to it

At that point, here are a few people I would love thank for their support during my journey

with hydrocephalus. The honorable mentions go to:

Alan Cooper

Vijay Raj

Misty Morton

Adrie Van De Nieuwenhof

Leonardo Thimo

Rachanaa Jain

Dharadeep Randev

Devvie Barton

Ergyn Gokovi

Ellen Wing

Tommy Hellament

Mukesh Kumar

Dimitrios Gaitanis

Kaushal Singh Gahmari

Joe Rpsing

Heather Keeney

Chandan Chatterjee

Anthonie Bie

Paisanito Mimo

Sabitabrata Roy

Chirag Friend


Breaking in to the world of celebrity fashion, art and animated film making is no meen feat but this does not

scare a very talented young lady from Greece.

Aged just 17, Zoe Szymon has already been the proud recipient of 140+ international awards for her brilliant

animated films and her inspirational art.

The celebrity podcast and interview chanels are clamoring for the chance to bring her on and talk about

her life and achievements in the art world and she never fails to delight her interviewer and watching

audiance with her talents and sense of humour.

We all have to make the best of the deck of cards that mother nature has blessed us with and some of us

have a more difficult task to achieve success than others.

Zoe was born with a highly debilitating illness called Hydro encephelitus which manifests itself in a build up of

fluid in the brain.This fluid increases the size of the cranium and can lead to many and varied symptoms

which may seriously affect normal every day living.

Not being able to run around like other kids and unable to maintain balance to ride a bike and carry out

strenuous excercise Zoe has more than compensated by way of her extraordiinary talents within the creative


Her ability to absorb knowledge is outstanding and she is conastantly questioning the world , always hungry

to learn about everything and anything.

Zoe has suffered her fair share of bullying and online abuse but she has an amazing ability for one so young

to rise above the level of the perpetrators of these hidious abuses and always stays positive and determined

to further her art.

I predict that we will be hearing a lot more about the achievements of this talented young lady ZOE SZYMON.

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