KASANAG Vol.1 (Page)

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28 Feature


he initial formal Formation of

fellowmen who decided to join the

Brotherhood is called Postulants,

wherein during this period, the

preparation for the Novitiate takes place. Everyone is

welcome into a shared formation process that enables

them to learn the deeper meaning of Lasallian values

of faith, service, and communion. The established

structures are ideal for acquainting the Postulants to

prayer, study, mission, and social rhythms of religious

prior to process of joining the Brotherhood. Still, along

with these adjustments, they get to meet new people

and immerse themselves in the culture of Mindanao.

As newcomers to the city, the warm welcome of the

Lasallian community conveys how hospitable and

friendly the people were; even if they didn’t know

them very well, they felt the culture of being part of

one family which greatly surprised them. No matter

who they were, the faculty, staff, maintenance,

life. Part of Formation is transferring to a different

place, being exposed to the Lasallian Brothers’

ministry, living with them as well as life, and

contributing to the community. When they were still

Aspirants, they, later on, were told that if applying for

the Postulancy Program was their goal, they would

be staying in a formation house, although they didn’t

know where exactly. In August of 2022, weeks before

they arrived, they received information that they

would be staying in Ozamiz City, the location of their

formator. Postulant Lemuel or commonly known as

Postulant Lee and Postulant Ruben said that there was

a period of adjustment from working full-time jobs

their guards, and students — would always greet them

with genuine smiles on their faces. Yet comes another

challenge — the language barrier

“I’ve never been around so many speakers of the

[Cebuano] language that I’m the only one not speaking

it,” Postulant Lee emphasized the adjustments they

have made so far living in Ozamiz. However, learning

Bisaya did not hinder them from interacting with

the locals. In fact, they would always encourage their

coworkers to speak to them in their mother tongue to

adapt the accent and learn vocabulary as well.

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