KASANAG Vol.1 (Page)

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34 Opinion


he essence of going to college is to

prepare students for their career

endeavors and carry them toward the

spot they eyed from the beginning. Most

of the time, they take life objectives as their reason to

take bigger steps ahead. However, this journey involves

an inconsistent feeling of riding from top to bottom,

but there’s one constant thing in life – change.

Various growth-stimulating and empowering

programs are available with different passions and

undertakings of the students. But instances may come

that they may discover different visions along their

journey of growth, making students hesitant toward

the course they took. The most common solution to

this dilemma is shifting to another program. However,

this decision requires thorough discernment, and to do

that—one should be familiar with its process.

Shifting programs simply refers to changing your

program of choice. To change programs, institutions

usually require shiftees to comply with several

documents. The process might be stressful, but you

can lessen the burden by making yourself aware of

what documents might be needed to comply. Packed

with advanced readings, patience, and confidence for

your next program, you should be ready to explore

another path toward the tassel.

Several factors influencing students to shift programs

include peer pressure, confusion, academic failure,

lack of motivation, financial difficulties, and incongruent

decisions with their parents. Changing your

programs is never easy, considering college programs

have different demands and requirements. The possibilities

students may face along the process include:

having to take up more classes in line with their new

program, prolonging years in college, and the life–

questioning decision one has to deal if they did the

right thing.

However, this doesn’t conclude that shifting can only

correlate with disadvantages. All will be well as long as

you are present in the moment and enjoy the journey

you will embark in the long run. There will always be

negative and positive outcomes regardless of your

decisions. We only have to be determined enough to

stand our ground through challenges.

Despite the obstacles, remember that you can always

make a change. Don’t let society drag you down. You

can decide and plan for your future, but don’t forget to

take a deep breath and relax. This time of the year can

be stressful, but with proper discernment, you can get

through this. Wherever you are in this timeline, take

the time to enjoy your life and nourish your capabilities.

Go, grab that degree – College is not a race.

is college a race?

A Perspective

Written by Judiel Gases

Illustrations by Mark Jason Calopez

Rya Leigh Engracia

Israel Gallogo

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