Improving The Professional Knowledge And Skills Of Teachers

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Improving The Professional Knowledge

And Skills Of Teachers

The realization that teachers of young adolescents need specialized professional

preparation is not a recent phenomenon. For over seventy-five years, the

literature has included calls for these preparation programs. Unfortunately

however, significant numbers of teacher preparation institutions, state

departments of education, licensure agencies, and others have chosen to ignore

the need for these teachers and have promoted the widespread idea that when

qualifications for teaching young adolescents are considered, the response is

often "no specialized preparation needed."

As a result, many of today's middle level students are taught by teachers who are

not sufficiently prepared to be successful in the challenging and rewarding

responsibility of understanding and teaching young adolescents.

A complex set of reasons has caused and perpetuated the failure to recognize the

importance of specialized professional preparation for middle level teachers. It is

important to examine some of the barriers that have prevented full success in

implementing specialized middle level teacher preparation to help prevent the

same mistakes from reoccurring. Some of the major barriers are: (a) the negative

stereotyped image of young adolescents; (b) too few advocates at teacher

preparation institutions and state agencies; (c) desire for flexibility in assignment

of middle level teachers; (d) lack of knowledge of the public about appropriate

middle level schooling; and (e) the limited number of instructors in teacher

preparation programs who have the depth of knowledge and experience needed.

These and other barriers must be carefully considered in the movement to

establish strong middle level teacher preparation programs. The most destructive

barrier to specialized middle level teacher preparation, however, is the failure of

states to establish mandatory middle level teacher licensure.

A close relationship exists between the type of licensure available and the

number of teacher preparation institutions that offer special middle level teacher

preparation programs. Special mandatory middle level teacher licensure leads to

the development, implementation, and continuation of special middle level

teacher preparation programs. Therefore, a major reason specialized middle level

teacher preparation programs are not universally available in the nation lies in the

failure of many states to design and implement licensure regulations which

promote the specialized knowledge, dispositions, and performances needed to

successfully teach young adolescents. As well, many states with specialized

middle level licensure have plans with wide overlapping grade levels. The result of

such plans is that most prospective teachers select options with the widest range

of job possibilities instead of choosing to focus on specialized preparation for a

single developmental age group.

The following essential elements of middle level teacher preparation programs

are based on current trends in the field, best practice of middle level teacher

preparation, and the field's growing knowledge/research base. This discussion is

limited to those elements unique to middle level teacher preparation and does

not include other elements that are essential to all quality teacher preparation

programs (e.g., diversity, technology). While the elements include a variety of

traditional focuses (e.g., curriculum, instruction), they are set within a matrix of

current and future concerns.

The movement toward collaboration in teacher preparation with school-based

faculty is a relatively new phenomenon and is a movement against the historical

tide of separation of teacher preparation program from school sites. In the case of

middle school preparation, with their own short but unique history as both

schools and teacher preparation programs, middle schools preceded the

establishment of middle level teacher education programs. To further complicate

matters, often when middle school teacher education programs have developed,

they have often done so without developmentally responsive middle school sites

to use as clinical settings. For these and related reasons, to a large extent, middle

schools and middle school teacher preparation have developed on similar parallel

tracks, each fighting for recognition and legitimacy, but relatively uninvolved with

each other.

To reverse this pattern, collaborative partnerships which move in two

simultaneous directions are essential. First, the collaboration with middle school

faculty (school sitebased teacher educators) and university-based middle school

teacher educators should integrate both faculties in planning, implementation,

direct teaching, assessment, and continuing oversight of the program.

A second direction that partnerships should move in is the creation of site-based

delivery of middle level teacher preparation programs. To achieve high levels of

success, delivery of the program should move out of the university setting to the

school where the work of real middle level teachers and young adolescents is an

ongoing, daily event and where middle school interns have numerous

opportunities for authentic teaching performances with appropriate audiences.

To have the middle level teacher preparation program be totally university based

is to: (a) continue to have it be cutoff from the day-to-day realities of school life;

(b) avoid interactions between two cultures (university and school-based teacher

educators) that have much to offer each other; and, (c) move induction to after

graduation rather than having it be a part of the preparation program. To

collaborate on teacher preparation means to: (a) establish a dialogue and mutual

trust between two important elements of the profession (middle level schools

and teacher preparation programs); (b) initiate positive change that will influence

all participants; (c) improve the professional knowledge and skills of teachers

resulting in increased student reaming; (d) provide opportunities for conducting

joint research projects; (e) offer leadership opportunities for teachers, professors,

and administrators, and other stakeholders; and, (f) attract resources to the

school site. The movement toward professional development school initiatives

and school-university partnership programs which emphasize the performance of

critical teaching aspects with authentic audiences and settings is already

underway in some middle school teacher preparation programs.

Middle school teachers, at their most fundamental level, must be experts in the

development and needs of young adolescents. Prospective middle level teachers

attain this expertise through formal study of young adolescent development and

opportunities to work directly with young adolescent students and to apply this

knowledge, all the while reflecting upon the implications of developmental

realities. Without a solid grounding in knowledge and experience of young

adolescent development, the success of the individual middle school teacher and

middle schools as a whole is limited.

Interns should be afforded opportunities to study and observe individual aspects

of young adolescent development and then to integrate this knowledge into a

usable whole by working in authentic situations with individual young adolescents

who have these developmental characteristics in unique combinations. Emphasis

should be placed on the creation of a knowledge, skills, and dispositions in middle

school curriculum, instruction, assessment, student-teacher relationships, and

programs emphasized in performance based assessment.

As well, developmental realities of young adolescents should be set within a

matrix of social, cultural and societal contexts. Teachers should know about how

developmental realities play themselves out against a backdrop of race, ethnicity,

religion, gender, socioeconomic status, family, and community. The intended

outcome of this focus is the creation of developmentally responsive programs and

practices for young adolescents.

Just as young adolescents are different from young children and older

adolescents, middle schools are different from their counterparts at the

elementary and high school levels. This difference is much more than that of

appearance, however, and extends to the philosophical foundations of middle

level education and the organizational structure that grows from and supports

this philosophy. A thorough study of middle level philosophy and organization,

therefore, must be a primary element of the student's preparation program and

not merely a superficial exploration. Middle level teacher preparation programs

should be anchored within a context that supports and extends young adolescent

development. A study of middle level philosophy and organization provides just

such a mooring. A prospective middle level teacher's preparation program should

include opportunities concerning formal study of these essential elements as well

as opportunities to work in middle level schools that implement middle level

philosophy and support it with distinct developmentally responsive middle level

organizational structures.

Working in these kinds of schools affords prospective middle level teachers

valuable opportunities to experience school organizations that utilize: (a) teams,

(b) advisories, (c) exploratories, (d) textbooks, (e) intramurals, (f) flexible block

schedules, (g) heterogeneous grouping, and, (h) interdisciplinary and integrative

curriculum. The emphasis of formal study of middle level philosophy and

organization and site-based opportunities to work within these structures should

be placed upon a school organization for young adolescents where the creation of

a personalized environment that supports and extends their healthy development

is the goal.

The focus of the study of the middle level curriculum is the uniqueness of the

curriculum at this level. Rather than relying on subject matter or disciplinary

curriculum organization, the middle level curriculum should be organized around

and emphasize interdisciplinary and integrative approaches, approaches that also

incorporate young adolescent interests as starting points for curriculum planning.

Prospective middle level teachers should learn about middle level curriculum

through both formal study of curriculum and opportunities to work directly with

the curriculum in a variety of forms and formats. Students of curriculum should:

(a) study past and present theorists of middle school curriculum; (b) learn about

different curriculum designs, formats, and propositions; and, (c) examine a wide

variety of curriculum documents at various levels (national, state, district, school,

team, and classroom). Part of the intern's onsite experience should provide

opportunities, as members of interdisciplinary teams, to develop curriculum. They

need to understand the "big picture" view of middle level curriculum. This view

should include, but not be limited to: (a) the advisory curriculum; (b) the

exploratory curriculum; (c) curricula in the interns' teaching fields; and, (d) other

curriculum areas outside the interns' teaching fields. The program should also

place emphasis upon how different parts of the total school curriculum support

and extend young adolescent learning. To accomplish this, opportunities should

be included that place emphasis on the common core curriculum which provides,

at the middle school level, a general education for students.

It is important that prospective middle level teachers enter a curriculum

organization that emphasizes a general education which includes interdisciplinary

and integrative reaming. Therefore interns' content preparation should expand

beyond one field (discipline) to two or more teaching fields. As well, these fields

should be broad and integrative. The preparation in the multiple fields should

have a thorough academic underpinning of content, content pedagogy, and the

connections and interrelationships among the fields (disciplines) and other areas

of knowledge. Even while students are working in or studying a single field, they

should be on the constant lookout for interdisciplinary connections to utilize in

their teaching.

Interns should operationalize their learning by working in interdisciplinary teams

with students as they teach their subject (discipline) knowledge to young

adolescents. It is essential that they teach in their own disciplines as individual

subjects as well as create and teach interdisciplinary and integrative lessons and

units that incorporate their knowledge of broad fields.

While middle level teacher preparation programs are founded on the

developmental aspects of early adolescence, this foundational knowledge must

find its way into action. Planning, teaching, and assessment offer opportunities to

translate this developmental knowledge into practice. Opportunities, therefore,

should be offered in both systematic study and in practice in authentic settings.

Systematic study of planning, teaching and assessment should include the wide

range of developmentally appropriate instructional techniques and the research

that examines their most appropriate use. This element should also include short

and long-term planning techniques that middle level teachers employ in both

daily lessons and interdisciplinary units. As well, the range of assessment

techniques should be an essential focus-from traditional testing to alternative

assessments, portfolios, exhibitions, open-ended problems, and learning to

construct and apply each of these appropriately. Finally, the role of technology as

a form of planning, instruction, and assessment should be examined and

appropriate techniques developed.

Early and continuing field experiences provide the context for learning about

young adolescents, their appropriate instruction and assessment, and how

teachers and schools can further development and reaming. Early and continuing

field experiences provide a learning laboratory for interns for formal study and

application where education faculties (school site and university-based) can

teach, supervise, and advise.

Because collaborative partnerships are designed as induction programs, interns

should begin their school site work early in their college careers. With early

middle level immersion experiences, prospective middle level teachers and

teacher preparation personnel can make informed decisions about each other.

Early field work also provides a developmental sequence for the program, in this

case a developmental sequence based upon interns' development. This sequence

should follow a pattern of increasing complexity and involvement, culminating in

an extended internship experience where prospective middle level teachers are

functioning as site-based teachers responsible for groups of young adolescents.

By having a developmental sequence over an extended period of time,

prospective middle level teachers can move through various aspects of the

essential elements of programs in a three-part organization-introduction,

development, and maintenance. Another extremely valuable aspect of field work

is that it allows multiple mentors, coaches, and teachers to work with prospective

middle level teachers while reflecting and evaluating on their development with

these individuals.

One of the unique elements of middle level schools for teachers is the heavy

emphasis on collaboration. This emphasis is on the day-to-day aspects of teaching

with colleagues as well as external constituencies of families and community

members. This focus on collaboration should flow from the philosophy and

organization of the school where all of the school's resources are mobilized to

support young adolescents and their development. By collaborating with internal

and external audiences, teachers are not operating in isolation. This permits

insights and understandings about students to be shared with others and

therefore maximized.

A second element of the collaborative role is concerned with the multiple

audiences with which they must collaborate. These audiences include colleagues,

families, and communities to further the education of young adolescents.

A major focus of middle level teacher preparation programs should be providing

opportunities for interns to experience and reflect upon the knowledge that they

are not isolated individuals-either in schools, in working with families, or

functioning within communities. They should come to understand and appreciate

the fact that they exist within a complex web of relationships with responsibilities

and obligations, and yet with support and resources from others.

Mandatory middle level teacher licensure that does not overlap with the

elementary or senior high school grades (e.g., grades 5-8) is also strongly

supported because of the realization that quality middle level teacher preparation

programs are very unlikely to be established or maintained in states where no

middle license is required, or even available, to award those who successfully

complete professional preparation programs. Only when middle level licensure

becomes universally required will young adolescents be assured of having

teachers who have received the specialized preparation needed to be highly


Jeff C. Palmer is a teacher, success coach, trainer, Certified Master of Web

Copywriting and founder of https://Ebookschoice.com. Jeff is a prolific writer,

Senior Research Associate and Infopreneur having written many eBooks, articles

and special reports.

Source: https://ebookschoice.com/improving-the-professional-knowledge-andskills-of-teachers/

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