The Wedding Tamasha

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what you’re talking about, officer. Are you pressing charges against me?’

Shweta thought she detected a slight trembling in Raj’s high-pitched


‘Mr Valsan, anything you say can and will be used against you in a

court of law. Do you or do you not have this lady’s passport?’ Shweta

didn’t dare look up. Instead, she stared at her feet and hoped that Raj

would hand over the passport, and she could be out of there.

Pete waited for a reply, standing there, his legs apart, fixed on the

ground, his arms crossed over his chest.

Raj stammered, ‘I…I…haven’t seen this woman in at least two

months, officer. I…I’m being charged falsely.’

Shweta shot her head up, staring at Raj in astonishment.

Pete bore down on him. ‘I repeat my question, Mr Valsan. Do you

or do you not have this lady’s passport with you?’

To her surprise, Raj said, ‘You can search my house, if you do not

believe me, officer. It’s not here.’

Shweta snuck a glance at Pete in alarm. Searching Raj’s house was

not part of their plan. Pete would have to make a quick decision. Shweta

had assumed Raj would give in to a threat, but it definitely seemed like

he had decided to stand his ground. Shweta wondered what Raj was up

to when he knew as well as she that the passport wasn't in the house.

Pete remained silent for a moment.

Although she’d been told not to speak, Shweta knew that she had to

take a chance. It was her fault she hadn’t told Pete about her previous

failed attempt. If she didn't tell Pete now, he'd be setting out on a wild

goose chase. She cleared her throat. ‘It’s not inside the house, officer. I

already looked. He’s hidden it somewhere else.’

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Raj turned to glare at


Pete caught on quickly. ‘I see. Is it true Mr Valsan that this lady is

your wife?’

Raj’s grey eyes fixed Shweta with an icy stare. ‘Yes, officer.’

‘Is it true that both of you came to the US on May 16th this year?

‘I don’t remember the exact date but I think so...’

‘Is that a ‘yes’ or a ‘maybe,’ Mr Valsan?’

Shweta couldn’t understand where Pete was going with this new

line of interrogation but she’d just have to trust him.

‘Yes.’ Raj nodded vigorously, obviously not getting the new

direction of questioning either.

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