The Wedding Tamasha

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Shweta shredded the lettuce into the salad bowl while Julie threw

in the tomatoes. Sarah came in to help when the turkey was ready. She

eased the turkey out of the oven and carved it. Soon everything was on

the table. Pete walked in right then, just as everyone had gathered around

the table.

He looked striking in plainclothes; Shweta thought he looked cute

and that was probably because she wasn’t afraid of him anymore. Pete

greeted the family and hugged everyone. When he hugged Shweta, she

was amused to see that she had to stand on her toes for it.

After the toasts to good health and a great Thanksgiving, everyone

dug into the food. Julie had excelled at the All-American Thanksgiving

meal especially prepared for her son-in-law, Tim. The pumpkin pie and

Shweta’s sweet rice pudding rounded off the meal.

Pete came by to drop Shweta and Max off at the door, as they were


‘I thank you for again from the bottom of my heart,’ Shweta said to

Pete, her eyes growing moist. ‘If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be going

to my brother’s wedding after all.’


Three days later, on Sunday evening, Shweta bid a tearful adieu to

Julie. Shipra and Virat drove Shweta and Max to Newark airport.

Shipra was teary eyed when their car drove into the departure area.

‘We’ll keep in touch,’ Shweta said, squeezing Shipra’s hand. ‘You

should visit me in India.’

Shipra nodded. ‘And don’t forget to email or WhatsApp. I’m going

to miss you so much.’

The girls hugged, before Max and Shweta finally waved goodbye

to Shipra and Virat.

As she and Max walked towards the check-in, Shweta couldn’t

believe it was actually happening. She was finally taking a flight to her

home in Bangalore. She had plenty to think about on the trip back home

—the family reunion, the wedding, and all the fun she’d have. The

worries about facing her family and starting right back from where she’d

been six months ago also bothered her, as did the crumbling of her

‘happily married’ charade.

As she took her seat in the flight, Shweta decided that she’d focus

on the excitement and ignore the anxiety.

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