Sorbic acid Suppliers

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Sorbic acid can effectively inhibit mold, yeast and aerobic bacteria activity, but also to prevent botulism,

staphylococcus, salmonella and other harmful micro-organisms grow and reproduce, Sorbic acid can

effectively inhibit mold, yeast and aerobic bacteria activity, but also to prevent botulism, staphylococcus,

salmonella and other harmful micro-organisms grow and reproduce, but the Sorbic acid spores of

anaerobic bacteria and Lactobacillus acidophilus and other beneficial micro-organisms is almost

ineffective, its role in curbing the development of more than sterilization, so Sorbic acid as to achieve

effectively extend the shelf life of food, and keep the original flavor of food. The preservative effect is of

similar products is 5-10 times sodium benzoate. The main features of 1 mold with good results. Sorbic

acid was significantly higher than the mold and acid salts,E200 s antifungal effect is 5-10 times sodium

benzoate. Sorbic acid dosage is generally 0.2 to 1.0 g / kg.


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