VOL 120, Issue 8 - November 3rd, 2022

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EST. 1903






Staff Writer

ASUSF Senate proposes

resolution demanding

period products in

campus bathrooms.




See five spooky looks

from Fright Night.


THURSDAY, NOV. 3, 2022 • VOL. 120, ISSUE 8


School shooting

spotlights Michigan’s

gun culture.


Dons Basketball gears

up for the 2022-23




Mahsa Amini’s Death Sparks Protest

San Francisco activists join the global movement for Mahsa Amini. PHOTO COURTESY OF USF IRANIAN STUDENT UNION

Flyers that read: “If you’re a feminist, look up #MahsaAmini” and,

“Mahsa Amini killed, aged 22, by Iran’s morality police for an ‘improper

hijab’” with attached QR codes have spread across the Hilltop over

the last two months.

On Sept. 13, Mahsa Amini, also known by her Kurdish name, Jina

Amini, was arrested in Tehran, Iran for not “appropriately” wearing the

hijab, a headscarf that is compulsory for women in Iran.

Accusations and eyewitness accounts claim the “Guidance Patrol,”

Iran’s morality police that enforces compliance with the Islamic dress

code, brutalized Amini while in their custody, leading to her death.

The Iranian government has since issued a statement claiming Amini

suddenly suffered a heart attack and brain seizure due to prior existing

health issues.

Amini’s family has denied these claims. Amjad Amini, Mahsa’s

father, said to BBC News, "they are lying," and that, "she has not been

to any hospital at all in the past 22 years, other than for a few cold-related


The circumstances surrounding Amini’s death immediately

sparked controversy, and Iranian citizens took to the streets to protest.

Protesters were seen shouting, “women, life, freedom” and “death to

the dictatorship,” in videos that have circulated from the protests. At

the center of these demonstrations, Iranian women have led the way,

burned their hijabs, and cut their hair in solidarity with Amini and in

opposition to the enforced dress codes.

The news outlet Iran International reports that protesters have

been arrested and subject to various forms of violence and mistreatment,

being tortured and held in inadequate facilities. According to the

article, since the start of the protests, “at least 253 people including 34

children have been killed by government forces.”

The Foghorn interviewed students and faculty on the Hilltop to

understand their perspective on this issue. The Foghorn granted full

anonymity to one of these interviewees for their safety as they have

direct ties to Iran. This is following a number of influential Iranian

figures who have been under threat of arrest or banishment from Iran

after supporting protests. Other students are referenced by their first

name, for similar safety concerns.

Charly, an Iranian student and senior international studies major,

said “it’s sad, but it’s hopeful, too, to see so many people finally be like

‘this is enough,’ and using Mahsa’s death as a symbol of hope and unity.

“It speaks to a lot of the Persian experience, everyone is able to see

themselves or someone they love in Mahsa.”




NOV. 3,







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It's official: Tesla tycoon Elon Musk has

closed the deal to purchase Twitter for $44 billion.

Musk’s acquisition marks a turning point

in billionaire spending, departing from the

norm of the wealthiest using their companies to

make large purchases. Think Mark Zuckerberg

who bought Instagram via Meta, and Jeff Bezos

who bought Whole Foods with Amazon.

Under Musk’s buyout, one man now holds

the reins of a platform used by 240 million

people. This raises a multitude of questions in

regard to Twitter’s future, an important one being,

will Musk allow hate speech and misinformation

under the guise of free speech?

Since their inception, social media platforms

like Twitter have been subject to the circulation

of misinformation due to algorithms

that manipulate users into only seeing like

minded accounts. While for certain hobbies

this might not be a problem, it can be dangerous

when users look to social media as a primary

source for news coverage and forming opinions

on controversial topics. Twitter specifically has

been under fire for its algorithm promoting misinformation.

A 2018 study found that fake news

reaches more people than factual information

does on Twitter.

“When people in positions of power and the

public start to echo extremist rhetoric, it's even

more likely that we're going to see real-world

consequences,” said former Rutgers University

institute of politics Director John Farmer.

San Francisco witnessed these consequences

this past week with the brutal attack of House

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s 82 year-old husband

Paul Pelosi. On Friday at 2 a.m., David DePape

broke into their home and attacked Pelosi with

a hammer. Now in custody, authorities have

revealed that DePape has a long internet history

with QAnon, an internet conspiracy theory

phenomenon associated with anti-semitic statements

and paranoia over perceived anti-white


Studies across the world have concluded

that a strong link exists between online speech

and acts of violence targeted towards marginalized

people. In the last decade, numerous tragedies

like the 2015 Charleston church shooting,

the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, and

the 2019 Poway synagogue shooting have unfolded

testifying to the power of misinformation.

In a statement, Musk assured users that

Twitter will not transform into a “free-for-all

hellscape, where anything can be said with no

consequences.” But, as we have seen, violent

rhetoric never remains within the echo chambers

of our digital world.

Since Musk’s buy out of Twitter, racist

trolls have taken to the app to test the limits of

free speech. As reported by the Princeton-based

Network Contagion Research Institute the use

of the N-word increased by 500% in the 12

hour period following Musk’s acquisition. In

response, NBA player Lebron James tweeted, “I

hope he [Musk] and his people take this very

seriously because this is scary

AF. So many damn unfit

people saying hate speech is

free speech.”

This year, Twitter began

testing out the experimental

program “Birdwatch”

where a small, select group

of users can fact check tweets

and provide context notes to

Tweets which may not directly

violate Twitter community

guidelines but do

present false information.

Who knows if this program

will become more accessible,

or even survive under Musk’s


As we watch and wait to

see what will happen to one

of the world’s main sources

for news, we wonder what

the future of news sharing

will look like on Twitter.

Given Musk’s record as a

“free speech absolutist,” we

hope that he will protect the

platform from becoming a

den for racism and white supremacy.


Iran has seen waves of protests and uprisings

against the Islamic regime for accusations of state violence

over the past two decades. The Iranian Green

Movement of 2009 began as a series of non-violent

protests in major cities against the election of Mahmoud

Ahmadinejad to the presidency and accusations

of a rigged election. In 2011, there were protests

curtailing the Arab Spring, a series of pro-democracy

uprisings across the Middle Eastern region protesting

human rights abuses and systemic oppression. In 2019,

“Bloody November” began as protests against rises in

fuel prices.

Internationally, people have expressed their solidarity

with Iran and support for the Iranian peoples’

struggle for liberation through domestic protests, and

social media campaigns intended to spread awareness.

Doreen, a second-year international studies student,

and board member of the Iranian Student Union

(ISU), said the ISU has attended protests as an organization.

Since Amini’s death, the ISU has gone to protests

in Berkeley, as well as the human chain protest at

the Golden Gate Bridge. They encourage digital forms

of protest too, “any pictures, any videos that you see

on your Instagram, you should do everything in your

power to really spread that information,” said Doreen.

Media censorship in Iran has been pervasive the

past few years, with the government shutting off all access

to the internet during the 2019 protests. Doreen

said a purpose of their advocacy is to combat the stifling

of information, and to amplify voices on social

media that may otherwise be suppressed and censored

by the Iranian government.

A third-year biology student, and member of the

ISU, whose name has been removed for anonymity

and safety, said that “it’s very easy when you’re apart

from your community, which is on the other side of

the world, to feel like maybe things are dying down.”

Protesting and spreading information via social media

has been their way of showing solidarity with Iranian


“I feel this guilt of [being] worried about exams

while I have distant relatives who are worried about

the cost of living, their rights, their ability to speak up

against the government,” they said. “It’s difficult to find


Despite the tragedies that have come from the

protests, many find the movement hopeful and distinct

from prior ones, due to its magnitude. Doreen said that

“it’s about all of the injustices that are happening because

of the Islamic Regime” and that Amini’s death

was the tipping point for many. “It started off as protests,

but is now more of a revolution against the Islamic

Republic as a whole.”

Professor Nora Fisher-Onar, associate professor

and director of the masters in international studies, said

that this movement should be an example for other societies

battling oppressive forces.

“When you see, in the context of decades of repression,

ordinary people willing to risk everything in

the pursuit of honor and dignity, it’s really quite moving,”

said Onar. “It should be a wake up call to people

in Italy, and Sweden, and France, and the United States.

It’s not just confined to the Middle East.”

Chair of the international studies department,

John Zarobell, said that the kind of oppression Iranians

are facing now isn’t too different from oppression

in the United States. “It really in that way doesn’t matter

that their government is portrayed to be completely

different than ours,” he said. “What we see is a power

being abused, the police are not acting responsibly, and

I think it’s really great students have come together and

said we want to promote this as a shared struggle.”

Protests against the Iranian government erupt in downtown San Francisco. PHOTO COURTESY OF USF


Mahsa Amini is remembered around the globe. PHOTO COURTESY OF USF IRANIAN STUDENT UNION





NOV. 3,





Staff Writer

Living in the digital age, we are more intimately connected to technology than

any other era. Every tap on your phone gives tech companies information about

you. Your phone knows every message you have ever sent, every word you have

spoken to Siri, the speed you drive at, your location, and your mood.

Americans are spending over eight hours a day on screens, new studies show.

With so much time spent online, many have begun to wonder what happens with

all of this data.

The Bay Area is the birthplace of the online landscape today, and is home to

nearly 8,000 influential tech companies. Because of its proximity to this climate,

USF has founded a new data ethics fellows program on a donation from Craig

Newmark, the founder of Craigslist.

As a part of the Center for Applied Data Ethics, two activist scholars are

tasked with designing a new ethics curriculum for data science students on campus:

Christina Boyles, an assistant professor at Michigan State University, and Nantina

Vgontzas, who is coming from a postdoctoral fellowship at New York University.

Boyles’ interest in data ethics comes from her work in grassroots activism after

environmental disasters in Puerto Rico. She said that “many of the government

agencies use data as a way of determining who has the most need.” Her focus at USF

is the intersection of community, disaster, government, and technology.

Vgontzas’ passion comes from labor work around technology. “I've been a labor

movement activist since college. Now, there is the use of technology to further

control workers movements,” they said. “I’m very animated by the question of how

workers are building power in contemporary capitalism, looking at the algorithmic

organization of work at Amazon.com.”

Vgontzas and Boyles will spend the next year developing their curricula to be

used in data science courses in the fall of 2023.

78% respondents in a Foghorn survey said they do not think students are well versed in protecting their data.


“We're often feeding data into a surveillance machine that is then being used

and processed in ways that we might not sign up for,” Boyles said.

To get a better understanding of what data privacy concerns exist on the Hilltop,

the Foghorn circulated a survey on Instagram. Although none of the survey

questions required a response, out of 21 respondents, 11 people gave their full name,

17 people gave their email, and 14 people gave their personal phone number. This

personal data, in the wrong hands, can be used in identity theft and online scams.

These students, while giving their data away, may be somewhat conscious of

the fact that they are in jeopardy. Fifty percent of respondents said they do not consider

themselves safe online and 78% of respondents said they do not think students

are well versed in protecting their data.

Vgontzas saw some of these same concerns in their time working with students

at NYU. “They're being trained in the technical know-how of engineering and designing

online platforms, but they are wondering at the end of the day, where's that

data going?” they said.

Boyles said she wants students to “push back against that surveillance machine.”

“I'm really hoping that students start to identify moments where surveillance

is happening, to understand what the risks of that might be,” she said.

Boyles also said that even university required apps and websites can cause

harm. Canvas LMS, which USF students use to turn in their coursework, was sold

to a private equity investment firm in Dec. 2019. The company has said they are not

going to sell user data, but that promise is not legally binding.

During the Foghorn’s interview with Boyles, she pointed out that Zoom, the

application the interview was conducted on, “has one of the most loose privacy

policies, where they're really allowed to do anything with the recordings. So as we

use this tool, they could take this recording and use it in commercials, or they could

sell our data to third-party data brokers.”

According to the Foghorn’s survey, some students on campus are not thinking

about the data implications of the platforms they

choose to use, let alone the ones they are required to.

Eighteen of the 21 respondents use Google

Chrome and Gmail as their primary search engines

and email hosts, despite extensive evidence that Google

does not care about respecting users’ privacy. In 2018

it was revealed that the tech giant would track users’

locations, even with location history turned off.

Only nine percent of respondents use a virtual private

network (VPN), which can help protect your data

from being tracked and obscure your location from prying

eyes. Forty-three percent of respondents typically

allow cookies, files that websites send to your device

and to track your online habits.

Kaylee Rameriez, a third-year kinesiology major,

accepts cookies when she is in a hurry. “I feel like no one

is told what you’re really accepting by clicking yes on

the site. So, it feels like it doesn’t really matter.”

While it may feel like all this online tracking won’t

add up to much, or will only personalize your ads,

there are real world consequences to the compilation

of this information. In August, a Nebraska woman was

charged with two felonies for helping her daughter end

her pregnancy, based on Facebook messages investigators

obtained detailing her purchase of abortion pills.

Beyond the government, this personal data can

also be lost to hackers, like last year’s major T-Mobile

breach, which exposed the data of 47.8 million users

— data which showed up again on the dark web, being

sold for $270,000.

Going into this fellowship, Boyles hopes that after

learning about these data concerns, ethical ideals will

become a long term practice for students. “As they go

into their professional lives, we’re hoping that they start

making change in the workplace,” she said. “The power

imbalance that technology has right now needs to be

in a healthier place that really emphasizes people first

— to treat people well as opposed to making corporate


Savannah Dewberry contributed to the reporting of

this story.



Period products are few and far between at USF. PHOTO BY MEGAN ROBERTSON/SF FOGHORN


Staff Writer

Sofia Fontana, the pre-medicine student representative

for ASUSF Senate, presented a resolution

last Wednesday asking that all campus bathrooms be

stocked with menstrual products. The proposed resolution

followed a Sept. 29 investigation by Senate that

found only 17 menstrual pads across all USF bathrooms.

Senate is collecting comments and suggestions

from students prior to voting on the proposal.

A Boston Medical Center women’s health study

cited in the resolution found that one in ten college

students struggle to afford menstrual products each

month. The resolution additionally called on a promise

in USF’s maintenance services to restock these products


Fontana explained her decision to draft the proposal.

“I think USF should live up to its mission of

cura personalis through accessibility,” she said. As inflation

is on the rise, “expensive sanitary items are even

less accessible.

“Menstrual cycles are also unpredictable, which

could interfere with academics if there is no accessibility

to pads,” she continued. “USF should feel safe,

supportive, and accessible for all, to get what they need

to be personally and academically successful.”

In the proposed resolution, fourth-year student

Isabella del Rosario gave a statement expressing how

this resolution speaks to more pervasive issues of inclusivity

on campus, “Not only is having these products

available to students serving people’s basic hygiene

needs, but also supports the inclusion and uplifting

of various student identities in regards to sex, gender,

age, etc.”

Fourth-year psychology major Ellie Carpenter

has run into a lack of menstrual products on cmapus.

“Most of the times I’ve gone to the bathroom

and needed pads or tampons — actually, I would stay

nearly all of the time — they have not been stocked,”

she said. “The rare times that they were fully stocked,

it was a huge relief.”

Second-year business marketing major Maddy

Schwann shared that she had a similar experience with

this. “A good majority of bathrooms don’t have the

products there in general, but the ones that do seem to

be frequently all gone or nearing close to being gone,”

she said. “I imagine the men’s room and general neutral

bathrooms are equally, if not more neglected.”

Schwann expressed why she feels this resolution is

an especially important one to pass, “It’s very important

for these products to be available because menstrual

cycles are often irregular and hard to predict. Many

women have been in the situation where they need a

pad or a tampon last minute.”

During the Senate’s comment period, students

with thoughts about the proposed resolution can send

a direct message to the Senate’s Instagram @asusf_






NOV. 3,









Second-year entrepreneurship and

innovation major



Contributing Writers

What/who are you dressed as tonight?

“I dressed up as the dinosaur.”

What inspired you to dress as this?

“I saw it on Amazon, it was cheap.”

Who would you not want to run into in a

haunted forest?

“Like a ghost or a demon.”



Second-year business marketing major


What inspired you to dress as this?

“It was super last minute and the best last minute outfit is one

where you can throw on a headband.”

Who would you not want to run into in a haunted forest?

“A monster or a bear. A bear!”



Second-year computer science major

What inspired you to dress as this?

“I like nature, I have a headband.”

Who would you not want to run into in a

haunted forest?

“I wouldn’t want to see or hear other foot

steps in a haunted forest because the idea of

not being alone is horrible.”




Fourth-year business major

What/who are you dressed as tonight?

“I am dressed like Men in Black. The whole [CAB] eboard did

a group costume.”

What inspired you to dress as this?

“We all voted, it was very easy, very simple.”

Who would you not want to run into in a haunted forest?

“Any large animal. Bear, moose, deer, Sasquatch — I hate it all.”



Fourth-year psychology major

What/who are you dressed as tonight?

“I am, the one and only, Chainsaw Man.”

Who would you not want to run into in a

haunted forest?

“The last thing I want to see is a Chainsaw

man. I’d be livid.”



NOV. 3,





First-years Kyra Mullane and Josh Roitman joined the workshop for a relaxing mid-day activity. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY HANNAH YODER /SF Foghorn




Staff Writer

A table covered in cutout scraps of vibrant tissue paper was the aftermath of

Cultural Centers’ papel picado workshop on Thursday afternoon. Students filtered

in and out of UC 4 for an hour and a half to create intricate banners and connect

with Mexican culture, listen to Mexican folk music, and celebrate Día de los Muertos.

Papel picado, which translates to “perforated paper,” is made by cutting designs

into folded tissue paper to make mirrored shapes, which can then be strung

into a banner. These banners are traditionally hung in streets during a range of

Mexican fiestas, but in the United States, they are most commonly associated with

Día de los Muertos celebrations, and are hung among other decorations on ofrendas,

or altars, to welcome the spirits of the dead back to their homes.

While traditional designs are typically elaborate and intricate, featuring skulls,

lovebirds, and flowers — Thursday’s designs were more freeform. Students created

whatever brought them joy — one student even created a scene of an alien abduction.

In some banners, the colors were intentionally chosen to represent different

elements of the holiday: black for grief, pink for celebration, red for blood, white for

hope, and yellow for light.

“When I think of Mexican culture, I definitely think of cyan, magenta, yellow…

really lively colors to show that it's a true celebration of life,” said Dan Perez-Sornia,

assistant director of Cultural Centers.

Cultural Centers invites everyone at USF, regardless of ethnicity and background,

to join in their Día de los Muertos celebrations. “For students that don’t

identify within the Latine umbrella who might be really cautious about cultural

appropriation, we really wanted to break down the barrier and show how easy it is

to celebrate culture and get involved,” said Perez-Sornia.

The Papel Picado workshop was part of a weeks-long series on campus leading

up to USF’s final Día de los Muertos celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 1. Taking

place in McLaren, this event will showcase ofrendas, host performances from Aztec

dancers and various speakers, and celebrate with Mexican food. The community ofrendas

in Gleeson Library and Kalmanovitz Hall will feature papel picado banners

sponsored by the Cultural Center.

As attendees of Thursday’s events take their creations home with them, papel

picado banners will adorn the dorms and apartments of numerous USF community

members who are either embracing their cultural heritage, or excitedly celebrating

a new culture.


is a fourth-year

sociology major.



My Michigan friends and I used to pass the

time by making lists of our high school teachers.

What began as polls of who assigned the most

homework or who had a more chill classroom,

snowballed into the absurd: who had the best (and

worst) dishes during our school’s potlucks, which

Hogwarts house did they belong in, or whose

dinner parties would we attend (Pierson was the

obvious choice — apparently, he laminated his

cocktail menus).

At the top of one particular list was Mr.

Hoffman, a vet who told censored stories about

his life as a military sergeant. It was unanimous:

Hoffman’s room was the best one to be in if a

school shooting happened.

Mr. Hoffman’s safest classroom accolade

was inspired by the Washtenaw County’s Active

Shooter Training Program my high school teachers

did. Under the watchful eye of their trainers,

teachers practiced survival tactics in school shooting

simulations using “Home Alone”-esque tricks to stun an “intruder” armed

with a starter pistol. The training uses the A.L.I.C.E. (Alert, Lockdown, Inform,

Counter, Evacuate) method to teach educators, churches, and government

workers how to stay alive until authorities arrive. The program is credited to the

Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department but the program is active on many

campuses in the Metro Detroit Area, including the University of Michigan.

Over the years our drills began to feel tedious, but the reality of what the

drill meant became clearer with each school shooting. It felt like my peers and

I were waiting for our time. On Nov. 30, 2021, Oxford High students, an hour

away from my old school, faced theirs.

Allegedly, then 15 year-old Ethan Crumbley shot and killed four of his peers

with a handgun his father purchased for him days before the shooting. The Oxford

community lost Madisyn Baldwin, Tate Myre, Justin Shilling, and Hana

St. Juliana because of an “early Christmas present.” Nearly a year later on Oct.

29 2022, Crumbley pled guilty to 24 felony charges: four counts of first-degree

murder, seven counts of assault with intent to murder, 12 counts of felony use of

a firearm, and one count of terrorism.

According to CNN, Ethan’s teachers raised warning signs about Crumbley

watching footage from real shootings, researching bullets, and expressing violent

ideation on his schoolwork. Despite meetings between Crumbley’s parents and

school officials, Ethan Crumbley fell through massive cracks.

CNN has covered Crumbley’s trial where expert witness Jillian Peterson, a

forensic pathologist and associate professor of criminology and criminal justice,

described a slow, monotonous “build-up” that led to a crisis point. Peterson said

the “crisis point is often a suicidal crisis where the perpetrator is hopeless and

isolated and no longer cares if they live or die. During that crisis point, their

behavior is changing, they’re acting differently and the people around them are

noticing that they are acting differently.”

In a highly unusual court proceeding, Jennifer and James Crumbley now

face charges of four counts of involuntary manslaughter. The basis of the Crumbleys’

charges is the failure to act as responsible caretakers and committing gross

negligence during their son’s crisis point despite Ethan and school officials urging

for psychiatric help. At the time of writing, it is unclear if James Crumbley will

face federal charges for supplying his underage son with the handgun.

This tragedy doesn’t point to a complete lack of gun laws in Michigan. According

to Everytown, a non-profit organization focused on advocacy for gun

control and against gun violence, Michigan has sensible laws that require background

checks for gun permits and prevent individuals with assault, violent misdemeanors,

hate crime, or felony convictions from owning guns.

There are cracks in legislation that do not account for an epidemic of young

men using gun violence as a deadly way to be heard. Ethan Crumbley’s interest in

guns cultivated by his parents is not novel. Although Crumbley’s mental health

raised red flags, the culture Crumbley, Crumbley’s victims, and every Michigan

student is raised in has intrinsically linked guns to our communities’ identities.

Michigan students and educators

sit at a crossroads of enthusiastic

gun culture and the reality of school

shootings. I wish I could describe

one coming-of-age moment where I

first saw a gun but they were always

there. My mom's attempts to limit

my brother’s and my exposure to

guns in an open-carry state were in

vain. Despite my brother’s desire, she

wouldn’t allow us to have toy guns,

so in basements and backrooms, we

would play with our cousin’s. I knew

who I pretended to be when I held

the plastic replica straight and who

I was when I cocked it to the side.

I saw real guns at county fairs and

at Walmart during my dashes to the

toy aisle. The three of us would ring

in the New Year tucked away from

any windows listening to a cacophony

of fireworks and gunshots.

Gun control is a problem that

adults can solve. The only tool minors

have at their disposal is their

voice — their deaths are not enough

to incentivize adults to vote with

their best interests in mind. I’m still

unpacking my opinions on gun control

but I’m certain of this: the safety

of children in schools should be

prioritized over any hobby, gift, or

right. Rest in peace Madisyn Baldwin,

Tate Myre, Justin Shilling, and

Hana St. Juliana.




NOV. 3,







a fourth-year biology


Growing up, the most difficult task in our

household was getting six children to go to bed

by 10 p.m. While one escaped to the kitchen, another

would run upstairs; two would hide behind

curtains and the rest just ran from one room to

another. They all had one demand: six bedtime stories

before closing their eyes. Did any adult in my

family have enough patience to narrate six stories

everyday? Certainly not. But the children refused

to understand. Storytime gave us an opportunity to

tease each other, make faces if the adult was dozing

off, and laugh until all were tired enough and started

yawning. This nightly routine was just a glimpse

of life with my cousins.

Having lived in a joint family throughout my

childhood, cousins occupy a large chunk of my life

and childhood memories. We are a noisy bunch —

teasing and criticizing each other for every little

thing. Today, even though our educational and

professional obligations have scattered us across

the world, our cousin bonds and rituals remain the

same, thanks to social media.

Now, all of us are living in different countries for various academic and professional

responsibilities. Seldom do our schedules match well enough that all of us can

meet in person, maybe once or twice. But be it crossword sessions, or video calls; we

make sure to talk at least four to five times every week.

On some days, all of us are just online, absorbing each other’s comforting presence,

in silence. The silence has allowed me to express unspoken emotions, or just

open up about loneliness. And then someone cracks a ruthless joke, lightening the

mood. The bedtime story tradition has now changed, with each of us narrating incidents

from our daily lives during video calls. These opportunities have been extremely

therapeutic and reflective, helping me to revisit incidents and observe them from a

different perspective, through my cousins’ feedback.

According to a study conducted by researchers Ping Chen and Kathleen Harris,

people who have deep, positive family relationships have significantly lower levels of

depressive symptoms than those who have less positive adolescent family relationships.

For me, my relationship with cousins gives me a sense of deep-rootedness and

sense of belonging even when I am several thousand miles away from home. It gives

me the strength to find familiarity in the unfamiliar and take up new challenges as I

move towards a new future.

Work, education, responsibilities, and commitments drive us at maddening

speed. Oftentimes, I am caught up in coursework so much that I forget to catch up

on my favorite books, doodle, or just listen to music. However, on these very hard

days, during cousin chat sessions, I return to my eased self and my cousins remind me

why balance is important.

“Did you read the fifth chapter of ‘The God of Small Things?’ It broke my heart,”

my elder cousin starts without waiting for anyone to rant or get gloomy. “None of you

read anything this week? Nonsense! How I wish I could punch your faces through

the screen!”

Social and emotional bonds help us to ease up and slow down. My strong bond

with my cousins is an important testimony to that and I am extremely grateful for it.

In a recent chat session, one of my cousins reflected: “No matter how much we fight,

I think we will continue chasing each other even after passing away, fighting and

pulling each other’s leg in the Land of the Dead!”

The men’s soccer team hopes to bounce back this month. PHOTO COURTESY OF CHRIS M. LEUNG/DONS ATHLETICS




Staff Writer

It was another busy week for USF athletics, with cross country, volleyball, and

men’s soccer all competing. The men and women’s cross country teams raced in the

WCC Championship this week, along with women’s volleyball defeating Loyola

Marymount University, and men’s soccer falling to Santa Clara.

The women’s cross country team performed well in the conference championship,

placing second overall behind Brigham Young University. Third-year Ruby

Smee placed highest for the team, coming in third place out of the 95 runners

with a time of 19:51:1. With such a performance, Smee was named to the All-

WCC Cross Country Team for the second year in a row. Next best for the team

was graduate student Zoe Wassell who placed 14th overall with a time of 20:40.6.

Second-year Grace Copeland and fourth-year Baneet Bains were not too far behind

Wassell in 15th and 16th place.

The men’s cross country also had an impressive performance in the WCC

championship, finishing sixth overall. Graduate student Ed Buck finished highest

for the team, coming in 21st place out of the 84 runners with a 22:53.7 time. There

was a significant gap between Buck and the rest of his teammates. First-year Daniel

Abramowicz was second best on the team with a 52nd place finish, with third-year

Ben Preddy finishing right behind in 53rd place to round off the top three USF


The Dons also found success on the volleyball court this past week. The team

traveled to Los Angeles to face off against LMU, in a game that USF won in four

sets. LMU secured an early lead, winning the tightly contested first set 25-22. The

Dons responded in dominant fashion, controlling all of the next set, winning 25-

18. The third set was a back and forth battle that had USF down 24-21 at set point.

But the Dons were able to hold on and regain the lead, winning the set 28-26. USF

was in complete control in the fourth set, dominating LMU 25-14, and took home

the victory. Graduate student Claire Crijns and second-year Maria Petkova both

played pivotal roles in capturing the win for the Dons. Crijns finished the game

with a team high 13 kills and five blocks and Petkova finished with 11 kills, five

blocks, and two aces.

The men’s soccer team did not have the same results as volleyball, losing 3-1

at home against Santa Clara. Despite leading the game in total shots 16-9 and

corner kicks 10-0, the Dons were unable to capitalize on the chances they created.

Santa Clara scored their three goals all in the first half, the first coming in the 18th

minute by fourth-year Oladayo Thomas. Santa Clara’s second and third goals came

in quick succession in the 33rd and 36th minute. The Dons did their best to battle

back but fell short. Third-year midfielder Max Hamelink managed to get the ball

past Santa Clara’s third-year goalkeeper, Felix Schaefer, in the 60th minute to decrease

the lead by only two, but Santa Clara was able to hold on and preserve their

lead for the remainder of the game.

Men’s soccer hopes to bounce back in Spokane, Washington against Gonzaga

this upcoming Saturday, Nov. 5. Two days prior, on the release day of this issue

Nov. 3, the volleyball team hopes to continue their six game winning streak against

a top 25 ranked BYU team at home on the Hilltop.

Students can attend all campus games for free with the use of their One Card.



NOV. 3,




Staff Writer


Graduate students Abby Rathbun, Khalil Shabazz, and Kia Vaalavirta look to solidify their


Winter is coming which means USF Dons basketball will soon be

back on the Hilltop. Both men’s and women’s basketball tip off their

season on Nov. 7 at War Memorial Gym. The women’s team will kick

off their season at home against Cal State East Bay at 4 p.m., immediately

followed by the men’s team who will play Texas Southern University

at 7 p.m.

The women’s basketball team is coming off a 17-16 overall record

and a 10-8 conference record from the 2021-2022 season. The Dons

made it to the WCC tournament but were eliminated in the second

round by the University of Gonzaga.

The Dons roster has many familiar faces including graduate students

Kia Vaalavirta and Abby Rathbun, as well as star guard Ioanna

Krimili who last season led the WCC and USF in scoring and rightfully

earned All-WCC first-team honors for the second consecutive season.

The Dons also made some notable acquisitions including fourth-year

guards Loren Christie and Amy Baum from the University of Buffalo

and Hawai’i Pacific University.

In an interview with the Foghorn, Krimili talked about her hopes

for her team’s chances. “Both our backcourt and frontcourt have improved

significantly since last season and this year we should be one of

the most competitive teams in the program’s history.

“This season we were picked fourth [in the conference] but that

is nowhere near an accurate representation of the caliber of team we’re

bringing into the conference. We are coming in ready for this season

and the rest of the conference should be too.”

The men’s team is also bringing back nearly the entire team from

last season but made some key acquisitions following the departure of

Dons legend Jamaree Bouyea. Coming off of an overall record of 24-10,

and a conference record of 10-6; the Dons are led by graduate student

Khalil Shabazz who was a key part in helping the Dons make their first

NCAA tournament appearance since 1994. Shabazz is coming off an

efficient senior season finishing second in scoring and being placed on

the All-WCC second team. Shabazz will be joined by key players such

as Julian Rishwain, Zane Meeks, and Josh Kunen.

The Dons also welcome four new transfer students; graduate student

guard Tyrell Roberts from Washington State, second-year seven-footer

Saba Gigiberia from Georgia Tech, graduate student Toni

Rocak from UC San Diego, and second-year guard Marcus Williams

from Texas A&M. The new transfers bring much-needed energy that

the Dons lacked last year.

Shabazz said he’s looking towards the future and setting ambitious

goals of making it back to the NCAA tournament this year. “This

year’s team has a little more depth than last year which will be a good

problem for us, if one guy isn’t having a good night there are eight or

nine other guys whose night it can be.”

Fans are also eager to witness the new backcourt of Shabazz and

Roberts, as Roberts is filling a big role left behind by Bouyea. Shabazz

is excited for his new teammate, and both have learned how accustomed

to each other’s style of play.

“It’s been great getting to know the new guys and finding out how

we mesh on the court. As for [Roberts] and I, it’s going to be fun playing

with someone who has a similar playstyle as me, and the fact that

we both came from Division II schools is pretty cool.”

Prior to their stints with USF, Roberts played at UC San Diego

before transferring to Washington State and Shabazz played at Eastern

Washington before coming to The Hilltop.

As basketball season looms over the Hilltop fans have to wait and

see if the Dons will dominate the WCC and make their way to the

NCAA Tournament in March.

Students can attend all campus games for free with the use of their

One Card.

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