A general magazine about The Gambian People, Culture, Women, Tourism, Business

A general magazine about The Gambian People, Culture, Women, Tourism, Business


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sew, they won’t buy or wear

them, most of the time. My

customers always tell me,

“Design for us, you’re creative”,

so I have their support,

both in the Gambia and


Our society believes that

when you receive an education,

you must become a

lawyer, doctor, or even an

accountant! We want to hear

from you about the importance

of skill work.

In those days, skill work was

not recommended that much.

People believed that after

completing school, you should

only work in an office. The

world is evolving, and people

are realizing how many benefits

there are to learning a

trade/skill. A month’s worth

of salary earned by working

for yourself is far greater

than what someone in a suit

is making for someone else

in that same month, and at

least for yourself, the money

is coming in almost every

day, as opposed to monthly.

Furthermore, no matter where

you are, the skill you acquire

can be useful to you. It is clear

we live in a fashion era, which

means fashion shows can be

found at any event you attend,

wherever you go. The Gambia

might be lagging when

it comes to that, but we’re

catching up. The first thing you

ask yourself when you wake

up in the morning is what do I

wear today and what matches

what. This is where skill work

comes in. Office work is not

for everyone. Initially, there

were a few conflicts between

parents and their children

when I started my design

school. Despite their parent’s

wishes, the kids wanted to

go into the fashion industry. I

convinced the parents to allow

their children to choose their

area of interest and now, alhamdulillah,

they realize this is

what their kids are good at.

What inspired you to start a

designing school?

I have travelled to various

international trade fairs and

fashion shows representing

The Gambia. Most of the time

I hear my colleagues from

different countries talk about

the different design schools

they have in their respective

countries, and it occurred to

me that the Gambia only has

tailoring workshops and our

sewing skills aren’t up to par.

Often, Gambians will travel to

foreign countries for proper

designs, and you can’t blame

them since we have very few

good, and well-trained designers

here. A designing class is

a must to perfect your craft.

Most tailoring workshops in

The Gambia are filled with

magazines where other designers’

designs are just being

copied. It’s at this point that I

concurred that this wasn’t going

to help our industry. I found

a talented group of students

and strongly recommend

those who wanted to become

designers to attend a training

school, one that I’d be opening

myself to. My only solution

was to open something in the

Gambia for these young people

could get the opportunities

we were not able to have

and help grow the country’s

fashion industry. The school

is working as expected, there

are many different complected

aspects of fashion, some

of which is knowing which

material goes with which, how

to choose colours, and how

to cut patterns. They learn

all those things. I faced a lot

of challenges in building the

school, but I am glad that

it is complete, and classes

are taking place. The hiring

of designing teachers was

the most challenging party; I

could not find one in the Gambia

that met the standards I

was looking for. I had to hire

people from outside of the

Gambia, house them and pay

them in Dollars, but I went

into this knowing these challenges

would arise, so I sent

my daughter to study abroad

in order to at least have one

lecturer to start with.

In addition to sewing and

designing school, what other

activities do you engage in?

I am currently the vice president

of the fashion designer’s

association of the Gambia.

I am also a member of the

Women’s Chamber of Commerce

of the Gambia, as well

as the Senegal Gambia Federation.

In the Gambia, the

fashion designer’s association

is the first ever to be established.

When I joined, I was the

youngest person in the group.

We also organize events in

order to raise funds for young

designers. So, aside from sewing

that is what I devote my

time to.

How do you balance work

and family life?

That’s a very good question,

and I’m blessed to have a very

supportive husband who has

supported me throughout my

career, but balancing work life

and family isn’t easy. In order

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