Fall issue 2022

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Arts & Letters

Fall 2022 Volume 26 Issue 1



Cassiani Avouris

Eleanor Prytherch

Gabby Hoggatt

Sophia Balsamo

Cosette Gunter-Stratton

Annah Hahn

Ava Shaffer

Chelsea Hoy

Wren Whitehead

Sydney Scepkowski

Deanna Hay

Jonathan Fanshaw

Angel Hardy

Riley Courtney

Nya Hodge

Max Kaufman

Co-Editor in Chief

Co-Editor in Chief

Art Director

Writing Director

Business Manager

Outreach Chair

Outreach Chair

Social Media Chair

Social Media Chair

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Dear Reader,

Welcome, welcome! Whether you're

making your inaugural foray into

the annals of Inklings or returning to

witness the latest creative happenings,

we're elated that you've found your

way into our pages.

Guarding entry to the following

pages are a pair of wary cows and

their lifejackets. They will usher you

in to meet some of our most curious

characters yet. You'll encounter several

goblins, a decorated snail, an unruly

pancreas, a federation of cutthroat

fangirls, and maybe the most exquisite

Toby you will ever lay eyes on. All

bound within this volume.

The book you hold tells many stories,

but perhaps the one that coalesces from

them is one of transformation. The art

and writing in the following pages tells

of transformations from summer to fall

and fall to winter, of growing up and

growing old, of gender and personhood.

We watch as fruit decomposes into

earth to wait until spring.

Before you move along to your

reading enjoyment, some thanks are

due, first and foremost to our staff.

It's been a unique pleasure to watch

this issue come together under their

careful consideration. The time and

deliberation they've put toward it this

semester is admirable and deeply


We thank our contributors, who are

truly the wind in our sails each semester.

To our returning and new creators, we

salute you and your creative endeavors.

Inklings is more proud to be able to

offer a platform to showcase the weird

and wonderful talents at this university.

This particular issue special to us,

reader, because it is our first as editors.

We're following in the fabled footsteps

of editors past, and we want to thank

them for passing down their editorial

wisdom. We're honored to continue the

Inklings tradition.

Lastly, we want to extend our gratitude

to you, dear reader, for chancing to

pick up this volume. We don't doubt

that you'll be entranced, intrigued, and

enticed by what it has to offer. We wish

you well as you set off on this ramble.

Earnestly and contentedly,

Cassiani Avouris & Eleanor Prytherch,

Co-Editors-in Chief

these pieces were chosen by

an editorial staff of trained

undergraduates. the staff discusses

submissions without knowing their

creators, shares interpretations

and critiques, then votes on each

piece. our organization prioritizes

formal excellence, innovative

methods, and unique perspectives.

send submissions to




Olivia De Leon

Mel Hale

Angel Hardy

Deanna Hay

Gabby Hoggatt

Delaney Kirby

Juliana Lee



















A Little Privacy Here?

This Is Not To Be Looked At

Chit Chat

Ceramic Clown, My Beloved

Fairy Joy

Gender Euphoria

Teary Eyes, Pretty Bones

The Moon And All Her Flowers

In a Dream



Violet Butterfly Study

Gastropunk Versus the


Breathing the Same Air

Off to Bed Starboy


Deep Blue


Juliana Lee

Maggie McLaughlin

Allison McLean

Tayler Stephens

Mary Visco














Link Bridge




Rural landscapes


Dark July

Cowboy Control


Passing Through

Woah, What's that Goblin Doing?


r.p. almy

Cassiani Avouris

Sophia Balsamo

Anna Boyer

Liz Browning

Riley Courtney

Jonathan Fanshaw

Kit Gladieux

Cosette Gunter

Gabby Hoggatt

Sarah Holtz

Max Kaufman



















an ode to having a thousand


An Ecology Poem

homespace of the yearning

Blue Sunrise, Night Letter

For the Love That Sprouts From

My Chest

Heavy Metal Mimesis

Oral Recipe: Spaghetti with Catfish

Heads Passed Down to My

Father's Father

Chasing Gold

Road Trip (cw: abortion)

be present//disobedience

Honey Cut


mortality in sunder

Auntie xoxo (cw: homophobia)

hallelujah my soul will

paradise, ruin

I Hope To Post This On Facebook

One Day, If I Remember My Password

Max Kaufman

Jackie Michaud

Lucia Morello

Savannah Perry

Eleanor Prytherch

Sydney Scepkowski

Ava Shaffer


















Talking? Are We Talking? What's

Going On Here?

Where I'm From and What He's


Garden Trap

Remembrance of the Lake


I'll Hold You

and the sound of her hands in the


elegy for transsexual youth

sexual assault case dismissal

(cw: sexual assault)

dying young

found objects oct. twenty two

paint rock NC

say the word butch right now

third year gothic

Threshold Held

The Horrific and Grisly World

Domination By Virtue of Boyband-Obsessed

Teenage Girls

(cw: violence, suicide)

Jazlyn Simon

Alex Turner

Madalyn Wardin

Lorna Wodzak







lava lamp sing me to sleep

ode to my dad who's 68 and giving

me more time to miss him

Deja vu

No More Giggly No More Jiggly

Ugh Boy

Wash Cycle


A Little Privacy Here?

Olivia De Leon

oil paint


collage and acrylic

This Is Not To Be Looked At.

Olivia De Leon


Chit Chat

Mel Hale

linocut print



Ceramic Clown, My Beloved

Angel Hardy


Fairy Joy

Angel Hardy



acrylic paint

Gender Euphoria

Angel Hardy


Teary Eyes, Pretty Bones

Angel Hardy

acrylic paint


The Moon and All Her Flowers


Angel Hardy


In a Dream

Deanna Hay

oil paint


oil paint


Deanna Hay



Deanna Hay



mixed media

Violet Butterfly Study

Deanna Hay


Gastropunk Versus the Anthropocene

Gabby Hoggatt

lithography print


mixed media

Breathing the Same Air

Delaney Kirby


Off to Bed Starboy

Delaney Kirby

posca pen


posca pen and ink


Delaney Kirby


Deep Blue

Juliana Lee



ink and watercolor


Juliana Lee


Link Bridge

Juliana Lee





Juliana Lee



Juliana Lee





Maggie McLaughlin

hard ground etching print


chalk pastel

Rural Landscapes

Maggie McLaughlin



Rural Landscapes



Rural Landscapes



Allison McLean


Dark July

Tayler Stephens



Cowboy Control

woodblock and monotype print Mary Visco



Mary Visco

monotype print


Passing Through

line etching and monotype print Mary Visco


Woah, What's that Goblin Doing?

Mary Visco

oil paint


oil paint


Mary Visco




an ode to having a thousand


r.p. almy

finding a way

to patch up my needs

hollow bandaids on my bleeding knees

get tough love from her, sweet talk from another

tight hugs from strangers

mother, mother, mother


An Ecology Poem

Cassiani Avouris

Sunken uprooted pack soil break//


sit on the running trail banks,

stillmoving water cools

years of sensory need

(gurgle: ought be the wrong word)

Silt condenses along ribcages and femur

overtake your head with creek chilled stones & stories

this is an instruction poem.

for the plants//

dead, they line my resting bed and i

carry the burs on my back pocket


homespace of the yearning

Cassiani Avouris

When all the trees usher with the soaring clouds each branch & bough

waves like lake michigan//stirs swimmers ache my calf bones (see

I am from that shore) of open windows lofted sleep pulling// into early

mornings please begging of the milkweed in the dune grass let me//

climb your heights again


Blue Sunrise, Night Letter

for nastia

Sophia Balsamo

there is nothing so lonely as one point of view


a house with one window.

a car with no mirrors.

a sky that never changes.

tap, tap—

back and forth weather report.

you say: snow's coming down

say, flurries get caught in my hair, stuck to street corners,

white outlines sketching out the t[o,y]pography of a city. an icy


e-tunnel vision expands. pixel breathing wormhole growing

wider and wider and wider—

Here, the air's warmer.

the autumn's dry fast breaks slow, january

snow missing its cue

later and later

i say: the leaves stir sinister

say, the wind gets stronger these winters,

scales rivers

like snow plows, a tor[r,m]ent of sparking

aurora mists.

key by key, we talk about trees, overcast shapes.

rains and suns. clouds greeting us in waves. the light-darkness

of our waking

living in the instar-phase of each other's shadows.

tomorrow. i know there is always fog rolling out, a reminder


of all i can

not see in the distance

these weeks say sunshine is a failing currency.

and still, you draw me outside.

point at the birds and the streetlamps and

the early bus stop stations full of apparitions

my eyes would miss a world away.

midmornings i swear i feel your soul

absorbing the fluorescence

reflecting bright off snowdrifts

take in with me moth gold sunsets.

Together we wake up telegraphing futures into cyberspace.


For the Love That Sprouts From

My Chest

Sophia Balsamo

dearest ones, secret treasures I press close,

tight against the swelling of my breast

a surprise seeded by time in the meadows

of my skin. wished upon a star and was blessed;

body tug-of-warring in its baser elements

you make me desire myself

an us rippling beneath my eyelids, tenements,

closets, closed-door love. hidden room behind the bookshelf.

they see you and weep, a witness of the soulshine

seeping out the pores. a gender-fucked benediction

of black ribbons predators would no sooner strip-mine

from this garden. end this unnatural affliction.

ignore their eyes, darling— the free feeling of you dancing is too


before, i was only nurturing wistful boyish daydreams of your touch


Heavy Metal Mimesis

Sophia Balsamo


the moon is bright CHRISTshine burning

sweat collecting slick beneath

denim and leather

fog machines / blinding lights / black nights -- sea of madness

here: broken beer bottles crunch

underfoot in pentametric beats

harmony in tune with the devil's strings

stargazer, they'll whisper as you cross their paths

black cat low class washed-up smeared with dirt and daemon's


NO VACANCY in their era of prosperity

gorged on sin // lustdesire for living

OH satan OH lord we do not believe

haunting specter whose flesh we try on like a halloween mask

we met at your black masses [see: bars on the bad side of town]

made up your prayers and spells and curses

not a rebirth, a repurpose / brimstone burning in the pits of our


this is how a story starts, but it's not where it ends.


Oral Recipe: Spaghetti with Catfish

Heads, Passed Down to My

Father's Father

Sophia Balsamo

basil and bay leaf spin

caught kaleidoscoping

in the spice-red walls of past-and-present kitchens

steam gets caught in our throats

thick phlegm sticking in layers

family dinners settle like rings in the esophagus

in hazy memories, baby hands sting sharp– hangnails aching–

when your dad shows you how to peel garlic

there are scars on your knuckles from baking,

stove-burns etched accidentally into palms just like your father’s

you watch him balance a youth’s passion with a man’s duty

jobs that leave him back-breaked and cigarette-stained,

unspooling that stomach-deep, fill-you-up type of love

he passes on in greasy takeout boxes. soon, you’ll be spoon-feeding it

back to him, hard day’s labors leaving his recipe box empty.


Chasing Gold

Anna Boyer

In the last days of summer,

I chased the sun down

long strips of crumbling sidewalk

and out from beneath trembling leaves,

but it laughed as it left me

holding only chilled mornings

and crystallized puffs of spent breath,

cracked lips and stinging skin

from a seasonal sucker-punch.

I went looking for the sun

at the tops of mountains and

in between the cracks of a tennis court,

dredged the bottom of drained swimming pools

and along the shoreline, checking

in the 18th hole and hiding beneath corn silk.

But glitter is not gold

and nostalgia is not now.

The sun has pulled a blue silk sheet

over itself, nestling into pillows

as it prepares for a grey dream

with the bears and ladybugs and groundhogs.

In the first days of autumn,

I made myself a cup of tea

and sat on the porch

wind tugging and threading through my hair


wind tugging and threading through my hair

the taste of cinnamon on my lips.

I watched a neighborhood cat

slink across the dry grass and under a bush like a time-lapse shadow

as the dregs of summer slipped away.


cw: abortion

Road Trip

Liz Browning

1. Royal Pine

She hadn’t seen him in three months. She hadn’t been inside his car

in over a year. Her bracelet no longer dangled from his rear-view

mirror. Her lip balm no longer took up residence in the crook of the

passenger seat door handle. Her hands sat in her lap instead of her left

palm resting on his thigh and her right swimming on the wind out the


His car still ran smoothly. His bedroom had always been a mess

of pop tabs under dressers and condom wrappers wedged between

mattresses, but his car remained nearly impeccable. His pride and joy.

She told herself that his car was the reason why she was here. His car

was reliable, clean, able to drive 300 miles of corn fields there and

300 miles of corn fields back.

2. Hold the Line

Similarly to Ben (the Acura MDX, named after the Michael Jackson

song), his taste in music had hardly changed. Perhaps his affinity for

music exclusively released before either of them had been born should

have been a red flag. But she hadn’t minded it then, and she almost

got emotional when hearing it again now. She had hormones to blame

that on, not genuine emotion.

The switch between pop synths and electric guitar solos was the only

sound that filled the sleepy space between them. They’d left at 7:00,

earlier than either of the night owls ever otherwise attempted to be

awake by. She sipped at the energy drink he’d offered her when he

picked her up and tried not to think about the cardiology article she’d

read last week about the negative effects of caffeine on heart health.

3. Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization

He was the only one who knew about her situation. She felt like a

traitor to her gender for not leaning on her female roommates for


support as she’d waited on the answer from the magic 8-ball of a

stick she’d peed on. She’d sat in the corner of the bathroom and

watched every second count down on her phone’s timer. She’d nearly

vomited when she read the results and then got the same result for the

next two tests she took.

It would have made sense to call her mom right after, or her friends,

or her boyfriend (the accomplice in this predicament). Instead, she’d

called him. She’d cried. He’d listened. He’d stupidly asked if it was

his despite the year plus of time since they’d last had sex. She’d know

her decision immediately. The getting there was not as immediate.

He’d said yes when she asked for a ride.

4. Chi-Town

In another life, or maybe just a year ago, she wouldn’t have needed

this reunion, this road trip. She could have ridden the twenty minutes

downtown with a friend and then gone right back home right after.

Instead, she was choking down a McChicken as they crossed the

Illinois state border and checking for the ninth time that she had her

driver’s license and health insurance card with her. It was noon now.

She would probably be home a little after 6:00, a reasonable time to

get home from “work.” No one would question anything.


be present//disobedience

Riley Courtney


deface torn apart


I was 14 at a park at the end of August

Could it not have waited til September?

That month feels worshiped

wordly wrong


cessation summer:

when the bile in the streets

stops sticking to the palms of my feet

IT BURNS!!!!!!!!

hard coating churned out

simple messages:

I don’t think I love you anymore

He’s dead, stop crying, you didn’t know him

cessation in accumulation of a gold puckered ending:

the transformation of rain

as it became something

I wanted to kiss you in



lie flat

stop walking in the middle of the crosswalk

in a rejective defiance to the bustling movement of feet

And an invitation for street cars, trains, and taxis

To run me over until I have no excuse



Someone call my manager

I’m only 16, I can’t come into work today

I’m making out with the ground

Yes it’s sexual and Yes you should tell him,

He’ll enjoy that


Honey Cut

Jonathan Fanshaw

Sticky fingers pry at the honey bottle, twisting, turning,

tweezing drop by drop. Half-empty, I set it on the table by the twicechipped

plate. A toaster dings in alarm, having barely burnt a flakey

biscuit, my morning meal. I pull it out, plop it down, and proceed to

do the same for myself, chair rattling on risky limbs. It’s 7:00 AM

when I notice it humming by the door.

I’ve always hated bees.

Suited up in jackets of yellow and black, they’re far too

formal. Buggy eyes blank with hollow heads. This way, that way,

must make, must serve. A busy bee, the bee’s knees. Bees, bees, bees!

That incessant BUZZing in my ears when they pass my head, swiveled

for stings that could kill a grown man.

Why sting? Why serve? Why make? Flower to flower you

collect, create, celebrate, then back to the grind-comb. I mean, a

9-5 for all your lives and cast out to die in sixty days? Time after

time after time, glorified, but never justified. Meet your quota, have

your picture pasted to a wall, drizzled in enough sweet to sicken you


What could they be? Without the pheromones to function

every morning, what could they do? But the Queen says no. After

all, it’s not their place. Droning on and on, six sides (no mistake) and

they’re happy. Flutter off and find the brightest pink petals - so happy.

Only servants, only meat.

...I sigh.

My morning breakfast is engulfed in that gilded glaze.

Meagre, but enough. Bed and hair unkempt, fine enough. The cap of

my uniform, despite the hole in the brim, would be enough. And as

I lock the door to my flat behind me, at exactly 7:23 AM, I hear that

familiar thrum of thin wings trailing and I-



And with the stinger still burning in my finger, I snarl.

I’ve always hated bees.



Kit Gladieux

The drive is longer than I’d like, so

we count headlights to pass the time.






I hear your breath hitch and

I wish that we could bottle our laughter as

we punch the ceiling of

your Jetta in perfect unison.

The transmission jumps sometimes,

but we’re solid.


mortality in sunder

Cosette Gunter

pooled blonde thing

on a bed in a house no one laughs in

the bunny in the backyard

stopped just long enough to

l oo k

yet not long enough to

make a difference,

deliver a message or

become a friend.

it’s been zero days since

the last accident, but

at least the blanket is soft

and the plants are alive


the blanket is soft.


it’s become clear

that nothing is

and no one actually knows what to do most of the time



and not


in any given moment

the house creaks under its own weight

under the girl

under the bed

and maybe tomorrow

will be day 1 again

maybe tomorrow

the bunny will come back

but for now,

the blanket is soft.


Auntie xoxo

Gabby Hoggatt

cw: homophobia

◄Auntie xoxo

see past conversations

*she told me what you said

*your husband seems like

a dick

*not sent*


we r leaving the mall now

*deceiving foul thing

*don’t fucking talk to her

*I’ll leave every room you try to

share w me

*bad influence on my daughter

*spreading lies and poison from

your greasy little queer fingers

*not sent*

there’s construction on I-90

*over my dead body you little


*not sent*


Mom has ur crockpot

it’s on our porch


*im going to get her free

*cold souled bitch

*not sent*


hallelujah my soul will

Gabby Hoggatt

rejoice that you are here they say

what you mean, I beg, loosen your tongue and peel back the gilt

adorns every corner of the cathedral and I’ve never seen such beauty

in the eye of the loveless beholder, care outweighed by

my side, you promised, you promised

savior with arms outstretched but never in reach

inside yourself, find something worth my goddamn time

enough for this, I think

it through think it through, spend the night in prayer

at an empty altar, scream to a deaf god

almighty, hallowed be your name

means strength, somehow, I’m convinced my parents switched me at


rips me apart like so much wet tissue paper

thin skin, perhaps this fall will finally break me

I am not one for caution

tape in brilliant yellow streaks across my mother's china set

your gaze upon the path of righteousness and



paradise, ruin

Sarah Holtz

two water skim bugs play tag near a plastic bag full of rots

poison to those the Ams have deemed Are Nots,

who vehemently are and cry out in lowly decibels,

weAre! weAre! weAre!

a shredded red solo cup fills the gap between two sunny rocks and

carved letters in silent bark

may as well be bullet holes.

an invisible war, all those in favor weave in irreversible knots their

bright and eternally stretchy orange picket

webbing to strangle the border line between one land and another.

the Ams have it, and the Are Nots have not,

straining and tearing from multitude lock,


rusted bars twist their shrapnel spines inside forgotten cement.

yet the water still flows and the snake still suns,

in perfect harmony with this creeping narrowing chaos.


I Hope To Post This On Facebook

One Day, If I Remember My


Max Kaufman

There are little humans who set up camping tents on the spokes of

sprinklers, and that’s not what this story is about.

Their economy is constantly destroyed by water damage, so they’ve

decided to forget that they have an economy all together.

It would seem they are always back to being hunter-gatherers, scared

to trade. But they are really just quite loving to their own things.

A neighbor will share a piece of chocolate cake without worry.

I lost my wallet once. It’s brown leather. I used to be embarrassed that

I had a brown leather wallet because my mom called it “designer” or

“fashionable” or something. I thought boys weren’t supposed to like

those kinds of things. Or care. Or look like they like or care. I didn’t

really care even. It was just the wallet I had.

I lost my wallet and I found it again and no one had taken anything

from it. It was at the Art Institute. I left it next to a Picasso painting. I

thought maybe someone would think he was accepting tips. Picasso

doesn’t know me. Not right now, at least. I left the wallet there and I

walked away hoping I would lose it so I could find it again in cubes.

I’m not friends with any of the people I write about. I think I could

write better stories if Picasso would reach out. Or if one of the little

humans who set up camping tents on the spokes of sprinklers asked if

I wanted to come and forget about money with them. I would do it, I

think. I have lost my wallet before.

There’s nothing really special about any of this. I just thought

someone should know.

There’s nobody to read it really. I just thought someone should know.


I’m not upset, I’m just sort of flaccid. I do things without - - - - - - -

I have to go.

Maybe I’ll set off the fire alarm. I want to trade things again.


Talking? Are We Talking? What's

Going On?

Max Kaufman

My body surprised me, doing something I didn’t know it

could do, in the summer before fifth grade. My body surprised me by

knocking on the door to my midsection and unplugging the power

cord to my pancreas. It just stopped working. “It just stops working,

that’s what an autoimmune disease is,” they said. Okay. That’s fine.

I didn’t know it was working in the first place. They tell me it’s

important. Okay. They tell me I’m the pancreas now. I give out the

insulin. Okay. That’s fine. Needles? That’s fine.

But what about the real thing? It’s laying there, unmoving, I

can see it. Sort of floating and bumping, and altogether not tied down

or attached to anything by way of any power cord. This is not okay.

Not fine. There’s no light for the pancreas. I wish I could at least buy

it a gift card. Poor, unsustainable endeavor. Dependent little organ.

You made my body your coffin. I’m happy to carry you. Okay? That’s

fine. I see you like a bagged goldfish.

Don’t you want a proper burial though? Or do you think you

will boot up again soon? Or do you think? Or do you dream? That’s

what I wonder. You must see yourself in a brighter place than this. Go



Where I'm From and What He's


Max Kaufman

I am from snowplow-excitement, pile

of icy white soft, standing

to see over the sill. I am from Jess’s footsteps.

I am from memory of mountain

thuds on wood floors.

(Pictures of wagons

and me, pulled

by him, moving

where Sophie, so mellow, moved.)

I am from snow in my boots,

too cold to notice right away, “keep playing!”. From

late nights in Neon Heights, from Spotify links

back and forth—nothing else.

From post-audience inspiration, from playing too loud,

“keep your arm straight, keep it down,”

we threw the frisbee. He left me

his boots when I started crying from the cold.

He left me a snow angel to lay

in, too big.

I’m from

elation and laughter,

I’m from Falsettos,

beginning to end.


He knew how cold the boots would get—

I only could know after. He left his very best—




Garden Trap

Jackie Michaud

Maybe a green grid

stretched tightly over the garden

teeming and golden

still controls my whims and

keeps clusters contained.

Maybe love could sneak over the side

of a rim of a strand of a part of the plastic

and stay with me.

Maybe storm cloud lightning

could zap the grid taught

snap the lid off

of my cage so

we can rage, so

grind the sage down

for us to sneak out.

Seal my yearning

with yours, please.

Tell them you demand to.


Remembrance of the Lake

Jackie Michaud

Bottom windowpane at eye level, tip toes

and French toast still on the back of tongue,

little girl sees mother, cross-eyed young.

Look, out in the lake, that’s her.

A couple of seconds of squinted gaze

for little girl to see the freshwater swimmer,

her mother, leaving, wedging under the peninsula.

My mother is a fish,

A Vardamanian symbol of Christ, or

just death,

except she really was there, my father

said so.

Foggy-headed young searching for my

Hawaiian cake topper from years before,

I forgot about my mother,

as the fish

a moving spot just under the green surface,

disappearing - but somehow returning soon,

fully human, and dry.



Jackie Michaud

To specify:

I’m story-sinking-swim

and I steal your hazel eye,

tread, misuse your fumble fins.

Sorry, let me just say –

This river writes stories

while I sing; if I may

float soggy paper alle-gory.

I’m broken finger backwards

but, let me clarify:

Numbered wax sticks warn

me fragile bones and cloudy eye.

Zip pocket tight tonight,

I know a tidal wave, she’s no singer.

But listen: I might

sink if you do,

point, jeer, linger.


I'll hold you

Jackie Michaud

while the train passes.

My inner arms

cover your hands

curled-over knuckles

plugging your ears –

Let me absorb

the static,

Let me steal

your pain.

For all of you

to flow into me

through the squeeze of

our hands,

we race away

from the shaking

tracks; the threat

of the oncoming



and the sound of her hands in the


Lucia Morello

so you turn the corner and there’s your mother:

great watery forever-body extending until

her grey becomes the sky,

little white motions ready to rock

you to sleep,

and the reflected clouds, indifferent as always

so you immediately burst into tears because

how could you forget your mother?

keep taking your eyes off the road

as if she’ll suddenly dry up,

relinquish those fresh-fish bodies

and haunted, taunting ships

so when you wake up the next morning

you think you’re somewhere else

—that cold stranger no-light bed

where the parked cars watch your sleeping form,

and you wonder how you didn’t feel it—

the distinct bite of the air, the adulthood monsters

abandoning their playtime

that brief moment looking at the backs of your eyes

until relief enters you like a stab wound

you sit up, green walls, thinking

who will you be, who will you be when

these wicked suburbs become foreign to you?


elegy for transsexual youth

Lucia Morello

do you remember the way your mother held you?

beautiful girl back then, all

sunshine curls and cherub smile

you would never be

that beautiful again

oh, but it’s one thing to remember the littleness

of it all, the stout legs and bubbling mouth

but what of— the older girl—

do you remember her long, messy hair?

the newly exposed midriff, the little twos

peeking beneath the sternum

and now, this—

desexualization of the world’s bitch

remember when you used to be a commodity?

cut all that hair off and made your body a warzone, no—

your body was always a warzone,

you just learned to call it what it is

stopped being your mother’s daughter,

stopped being your mother’s anything

do you remember the way she held you?

she used to tell you you were beautiful

now she avoids your strange ghost self


no one looks at you anymore—

do you remember when you were something to be bought?

you walk through walls, you repeat “hello?” into the dial tone

are you there? it’s me. i’d like to talk.

do you remember when we used to talk?

so maybe you’ve never known how to be a body beyond that box,

beyond sale tags and price scanners, look in the mirror and find

your own personal mannequin-barbie-doll-slut

remember when the things you liked were cool?

traitor— defector— you are learning to take up a space

you had taught yourself never should be occupied

you are learning to fill a room.

you are ballooning upward and outward to fill the whole

goddamn house and no one will ever get back in

do you remember the girl eyes?

not just yours, no, they were never yours

do you miss them? i don’t think you miss them

but— they aren’t— gone—

why can’t you connect? why can’t you connect?

what is so fundamentally wrong with you

that you are never going to laugh at the appropriate pitch,

never going to walk with the right amount of sway,

never going to feel safe alone at night,

but never going to not walk her home anyway

do you remember walking her home?

do you remember when you weren’t the danger in the night?

it doesn’t matter anyway

who knows you these days?


what eyes hold you in any manner of verisimilitude?

who knows you these days?

sometimes— you wonder— if it is your mother

whose pain’s place produced you

who taught you, above anything,

how to be good, and not like a hero but like a prisoner

you are never going to be able to save her.

but what does she see when her eyes meet yours?

her daughter died years ago and left her with

this gaping wound (that’s you)

bleeding all over the carpet and not bothering to clean it up

and who wants to hold a gaping wound?

ruin their costume— i mean— clothes— i mean— body?

who wants to ruin everything they’ve worked for?

(that’s you)

do you remember the way your mother held you?


sexual assault case dismissal

Lucia Morello

cw: sexual assault

















dying young

Savannah Perry

she was pink!

a puffy posie with pretty

practical petals;

persistently you find her planting

her pale and frail fragments

of flesh for feeling.

forget power,

pleading. fawning. willing.

feverishly you just watch

her, that wondrous woman’s

faint and fragile


as she fractures every piece of herself on the floor.


found objects oct. twenty two

Eleanor Prytherch

Don’t underestimate elderberries just because of their small size,












Fall Mums

Farm Fresh

Brown Eggs


We are super friendly even though we HISS and get up to THREE



paint rock NC

Eleanor Prytherch

more road grit grinding in my hip sockets this year

than the clear cut sad summer like a slow cold

river when the lines came easy

to be honest no good poems came out of that

hiking trip except this

no tears shed over sandwiches because I

ate that whole thing without any fear

i’m not fading from myself

only in grief for the year lost

to my own vicious love, sucked under into

roiling with sand in my eyes, oh well

the last 25 milligrams evaporated from

me at the end of June and now my whispers

are hoarse on the street at night and

chords of songs wake up and I remember

who she was that used to live here and doesn’t



say the word butch right now

Eleanor Prytherch

I want you to say queer about me I want you to look me in the eye

say lesbian without a flinch

your lavender latte ethereum

means nothing if you won’t

don’t even say the word it grits against your

freckleblush strawberry softness gimme a break

I want to dissolve “what’s your aesthetic” in the hot water

rinsing the dirt out from my nails

read my lips I cuff my sleeves

while none of you look at me

there’s no room for my rough streak in a cottage

and if you won’t say it I won’t stop


third year gothic

Eleanor Prytherch

when I got back to ohio it would be a rebirth

is what I said but

it filled me back up like a garden with lush

old wood and fish at my skin in the water and I

still had dreams

she says in the fall it’ll be the season of

forgetting and maybe hexing maybe

the three of us can sit on old floors

with candles salt and wish the worst but

I’ll lean on still bony knees and hold it like a

stone under my tongue


Threshold held

Sydney Scepkowski



Walked in the warm thaw home and thanked the day

First, kicked sandals with flattened soles

Socks picking up corner dust of the living

Room, blank besides the memory of city color framed

Above the rug sized small for a child’s room or our

Coffee table, broad for evanescing, stretching

Slotted sunshine for mother

Of thousands, offshoot

Propagating in a teacup and a cored candle jar

Before you turn off the last light, sit on the floor

Until your leg falls asleep or longer

Under the hollow of the guitarStrings gritting


A week of never stopping, cupped in a papasan chair.


The Horrific and Grisly World

Domination By Virtue Of Boyband-Obsessed

Teenage Girls

cw: violence, suicide

Ava Shaffer

It took them two days to outsmart The Pentagon. Three days

to seize The White House. Four days to buy out all major corporations

in America. Five days to storm and conquer every metropolitan city

in the United States. Six days to contact and coordinate with their

members in other countries to confirm that every major city across

the globe was now under their complete control. In total, it took the

teenage girls six days to take over the world, for the sake of their

favorite boyband.

This was her fifth Onboarding this week, and if things didn’t

run perfectly smoothly she was going to shoot someone in the head.

The elevator moved slower than usual, amping up her annoyance at

having to teach yet another new recruit how things run here at The

Boyband Revolution’s Headquarters.

The Headquarters was located in New York City, inside

the new and improved Empire State Building. When the teenage

girls took over the world, they renovated the musty old tower into

something much more to their liking. Now it had throw pillows,

boyband posters covering every wall, and pink carpet. They kept the

large glass windows overlooking the city though, those were nice to

gaze out of and be reminded of all that they control now.

The girl in the elevator accessed the jukebox on the wall’s

touchpad screen and punched in a song, I Want You, Baby. The

beautiful chorus of five boys sang out to her through the speakers,

their melodic voices soothing her nerves.

Oh baby you’re so kind, I wanna make you mine. Oh baby

you’re so bright, with you I know it’s right. Oh baby you’re so



pretty, I want to feel your- heart.

Tommy, Ryan, John, Chris, and Kyle. The Bloodlust Boys.

The reason for this all, the reason why this building, this revolution,

this girl, is here in the first place. She thought of them now, perched in

The Bachelor Pad on the top floor of The Headquarters. Maybe they

were strumming their guitars, long luscious locks falling into their

ice-blue eyes. Or maybe they were roughhousing with one another,

fighting over a game controller or the last slice of pizza. Or maybe,

perhaps, they were doing nothing at all. It didn’t matter, just having

their presence nearby warmed the heart of so many, especially the

disgruntled, overworked girl in the elevator.

Their smooth teenage boy voices echoed from the elevator’s

speakers, filling her heart with glee. Especially when the bridge came

with Chris’s solo, she clutched a hand to her heart and felt the lyrics

deep in her soul. Who cares if she has to spend countless unpaid hours

training another person to join The Revolution’s Headquarters, if the

training is for her boys she will do it gladly.

The elevator dinged open. Her mood dropped.

Standing outside the sliding metal doors was a short redheaded

girl, in the typical Revolution attire of a bulletproof vest, with

a The Bloodlust Boys concert t-shirt pulled over it. Her shirt was from

their third album, Make You Mine. An underrated classic, in her eyes.

Maybe this new recruit wouldn’t be so bad.

“Hello,” she said, reaching her hand out to the fresh-faced

ginger. Once their hands connected, the girl yanked the newbie into

the elevator, already punching in the code for their next destination in

the building.

“Welcome to The Boyband Revolution. I will be your

mentor and tour guide. My name is ChrisGirl64, you may call me

ChrisGirl64,” she told her sternly. Looking down at the redhead’s

nametag, she was pleased to see that the new recruit had already gone

through the naming ceremony before coming to Onboarding. Her

name was JohnGirl8751.

ChrisGirl64 remembered her naming ceremony like it was

yesterday. The day she stepped onto the large silver stage in the

basement of The Boyband Revolution’s Headquarters, completely


naked except for a portrait of her favorite member, Chris, of The

Bloodlust Boys painted on her stomach. That was the day she was

stripped of her old name, her old life, and given new versions of both.

She was the 64th Chris girl to pledge her allegiance, life, and heart to

the boyband.

As the elevator doors slid close, JohnGirl8751 regarded her

with wide, astonished eyes. “Wow, you must be one of the originals!

They told me at the training camp it’s not common to meet someone

in the double digits.”

Tucking her short brown hair behind her hair in dignity,

ChrisGirl64 replied, “It’s not common. You should be honored.”

The other girl bowed her head in a show of deep respect.

Just then, the elevator doors opened to Floor 2 of The

Headquarters revealing a long hallway, the red walls covered in

framed photographs.

“The first step of Onboarding is always to take you through

our history on the ground floor. We believe it is important for new

recruits to remember our origin, before we were the world’s highest

dominating power,” ChrisGirl64 explained in her tour guide voice.

She led the newbie into the hallway, pausing before a massive

fifteen-foot photo of The Bloodlust Boys. Tommy, Ryan, John, Chris,

and Kyle. The five teenage boys of the same height and almost exact

same facial structure grinned back at them from the frame, white

teeth shining. All with various shades of shaggy blond hair, they wore

matching outfits, a mixture of red and black polo shirts with tight

skinny jeans. The girls loved those skinny jeans more than they loved

world domination. Which is saying a lot considering how much they

really loved world domination.

Littered around the shrine were various displays of affection

for The Bloodlust Boys that members of The Revolution liked to

come and leave on their lunch breaks. Love letters, homemade

cupcakes, underwear, locks of hair, a bloody knife. Anything to show

the utmost devotion.

ChrisGirl64 and JohnGirl8751 paid their respects to the boys,

bowing their heads to their gods and blowing a kiss to their favorite


member. Then they continued onwards. “As you, a diehard The

Bloodlust Boys fan should know, the boyband began on July 23, 2010,

when five of the most beautiful and musically talented men in history

joined together to bless us with the gift of their song,” ChrisGirl64

said, waving a hand towards the photos arranged in chronological

order on the walls.

There were pictures of when the boys first started, big smiles

and boyish haircuts. Gaps in their teeth and lanky frames. Then

slowly, the photos started to show their rise in popularity. Their

charts and cash grew, as did their hunger for power. The crowds in

the stadiums they performed at started to multiply. Girls covered

their walls floor to ceiling in The Bloodlust Boys posters, screaming

and crying at concerts, spending their entire savings on boyband

merchandise and their latest albums. It was all there, displayed

proudly on the walls. The love, the hysteria, the devotion.

They came to a halt before the next photograph, an ornate

golden frame causing it to stand out. Inside the intricate frame was a

vinyl record of one particular, world-changing, deadly song.

“This is what started it all, isn’t it?” JohnGirl8751 asked, her

voice somewhere between horror and awe.

ChrisGirl64 nodded. Lately, she had been getting bored

during her Onboarding sessions, but this part never lost her attention.

“March 25th, 2015. The day The Bloodlust Boys released their

highest-grossing song, Kill All Men, Baby. The day they called upon

us as their loyal servants to kill every man. Well, at the least the ones

that made the foolish decision to not pledge allegiance to the band.”

Next to the photo was another touchpad screen, with the song

already pulled up. The album art consisted of the five boys, all dressed

in head-to-toe black, smoldering sexily towards the camera lens. She

pressed play and let their harmonic voices take over.

Kill all men, baby. They won’t treat you like I do, baby. Let me

love you, baby. Come follow me, baby.

Next to this photo was a framed photograph of a pretty blonde

girl with a button nose and freckles.

“KyleGirl1,” ChrisGirl64 explained. “She was the first to


answer the call. She sawed her boyfriend’s legs off with a sharpened

CD of The Bloodlust Boy’s popular album, You Belong To Me. She

was pretty bummed when the CD could no longer play, though. But

she has been Kyle’s right-hand woman ever since, and that keeps her

pretty happy.”

“She’s kind of like your- I mean our- leader, right? Under the

boys, of course?” JohnGirl8751 asked.

ChrisGirl64 nodded. “Yes, in some ways. She’s basically a

spokesperson for what the boys want, most directions coming straight

from Kyle. She’s so lucky to be so close to them.” ChriGirl64 had a

wistful tone in her voice, for the power of KyleGirl1’s position or her

proximity to their loves, was unclear.

She shook her head to rid herself of the thought, “But she

wasn’t the only one who took drastic measures for the attention of The

Bloodlust Boys. These other girls helped us get to where we are now,”

she said, motioning toward the rest of the photos.

In one picture stands a smiling girl with curly black hair,

TommyGirl3. She’s holding up a bloody The Bloodlust Boys band

poster, the edges bent and crumpled. Rumor has it she used that poster

to give deep papercuts to her father until he bled out on the kitchen

floor. Kind of impressive that the poster didn’t rip that much.

Another photo showcases a curvy girl with braces, pointing

to a The Bloodlust Boys shirt she is wearing. RyanGirl8 used that

very shirt to strangle all of the male teachers in her school, letting

them hang from her makeshift noose until they were dead. She had to

retrieve the shirt afterward, of course, it was a limited edition concert


“Wow,” JohnGirl8751 gulped.

“This is only the beginning,” ChrisGirl64 replied with pride.

She walked her through the rest of the gallery, the

photographs indicating in excruciating detail how exactly the teenage

girls who answered The Bloodlust Boys’ call took over the world.

How it began with just the men in their homes, then their cities. How

the hundreds of thousands of teenage girls banded together to take

down major political figures and law enforcement. There were still


some men left over, but they were complacent and pathetic, bowing to

the wrath of The Bloodlust Boys and their diehard followers.

How easy it was for them, the overlooked and picked-on

generation of girls, to form an unstoppable, deadly force. Nobody

saw it coming, but the teenage girls were not surprised by their own


ChrisGirl64 checked her watch, sad to leave the only section

of the Onboarding tour that filled her with glee. Although there were

posters of The BloodLust Boys on every wall of the building, she

found herself missing this gallery and all of its glory. “Let me show

you the other floors, so you can get the full picture,” she said to the

newcomer, and they entered another elevator that took them up to a

higher level.

JohnGirl8751 heard the sound of metal clanging and shouting

before the doors even opened. Once they did, she had a full view of

a large gym, with punching bags, weights, swords, and other highquality

violent weapons. There were four full-sized boxing rings in

the sweat stenched arena, where ripped teenagers were pummeling

each other into the ground with a ferocity only exhibited by those who

are used to chasing boyband members down streets and fighting their

way out of security guards grasps at concerts. People always thought

teenage girls were so weak. When they finally figured out how wrong

they were, it was much too late.

“This is the fighting gym, where we train our soldiers. That’s

how we control a lot of the world, through brute teenage force.

Most people here are RyanGirls, because he likes his women buff,”

ChrisGirl64 explained. JohnGirl 8751 surveyed the room, noticing the

beefy arms of the fighters, their biceps bulging under their tattoos of

Ryan’s face.

ChrisGirl64 pointed toward the right of the elevator, where

another doorway leads to an even bigger open space.

“That’s the armory. We keep most of our weapons in The

Boyband Revolution’s Headquarters. Machine guns, ammo, grenades,

you name it. Took it all from the Army, you should’ve seen their faces

when thousands of teenage girls stormed their camps. They were

afraid to hit us, I think. Made it all pretty easy,” she said.


JohnGirl8751 took in her surroundings quietly, asking few

questions as they walked through the floor. They toured the facility

for a while, until a beeping noise sounded from ChrisGirl64’s hip.

She quickly pulled an advanced walkie-talkie, pink and bedazzled of

course, out of her pocket.

“Yes?” she asked impatiently into the device, annoyed with an

interruption to the Onboarding she so desperately wanted to finish, so

she could go listen to her favorite album, Let’s Be Together in peace.

“We have an issue on The Hacking Floor. Some of the

security cameras on the top floors have gone out,” a high-pitched

voice echoed from the device.

ChrisGirl64 sighed. “Be right there,” she mumbled. As she

led JohnGirl8751 to the upper Hacking Floor, she vented about the

call. “This happens all the time and then they fix it without my help.

I don’t know why I need to come up there. They would never call

KyleGirl1 to handle this kind of low-level shit.”

Like the training gym, JohnGirl8751 could hear the next

floor before she saw it. The sounds of computers dinging, keyboards

clacking, and mice clicking hit her ears before she saw the room.

But when she did, she was astonished. Rows and rows of high-tech

computers lined the blue-tinted space, all with complex code and

numbers scrolling across the screens.

“We hire a lot of JohnGirls here, because he likes his women

smart. Most JohnGirls are familiar with coding from when they used

to hack into music databases to leak songs early from The Bloodlust

Boys,” ChrisGirl64 explained. “These girls helped us get into The

Pentagon, crash the stock market, access powerful people’s personal

data from their phones, and control anything that’s digital nowadays.

So basically, everything.” She then hurried off to take care of the

security camera issue.

JohnGirl8751 surveyed the room on her own, watching the

brilliant girls at work. Their cheetah-print nails tapped incessantly

on the keyboards, their eyes narrowed and focused on their screens.

All that power, at the tips of their acrylic fingernails. She noticed

that every girl’s mousepad was the face of a different boy from The

Bloodlust Boys, and she noticed how silly Tommy looked spread


across the mousepad’s fabric material.

She could see herself working here, hunched over the

computers, controlling the world’s markets, websites, data, and

people. She was smart too, but not because John likes smart women.

In fact, she didn’t give a shit about what John likes. Or what any of

the others in The Bloodlust Boys likes. But she was not about to admit

that right now. Not when this was the only safe place for her.

At that moment ChrisGirl64 returned.“Okay, all sorted. Like

I said, just a blip. Something about The Bachelor Pad’s cameras going

out. But the boys up there know what they’re doing, so if they wanted

the cameras off then I’m not concerned. I trust their judgment more

than I trust mine,” she said, her faith in them unwavering as always.

“Can we go? To The Bachelor Pad, I mean?” the redhead

asked immediately, eager to explore more of this twisted building and

see the real reason why this revolution happened in the first place.

“No,” she said firmly, authoritatively. “That’s restricted

personnel only and you’re not-”

ChrisGirl64 was cut off by the sound of her walkie-talkie

beeping again.

“Hey! Hey! Can anyone hear me?” A tinny, frantic, male

voice shouted from the device.

Even over a walkie-talkie, the sound of Chris’s husky voice

was unmistakable.

“Chris!” ChrisGirl64 shouted into the walkie-talkie. Her face

turned bright red and she almost dropped the walkie-talkie from her

now shaking hands.“Hi! What do you need? I will get you anything.

Anything.” She leaned against the wall for support, sure her legs were

going to give out soon.


“Please, I’m in The Bachelor Pad, I need y-” The line cut

ChrisGirl64 looked at the redhead, her pulse thrumming. “I

guess we are going to The Bachelor Pad.”

ChrisGirl64 gave herself a pep talk in the mirror of the


elevator on the ride up to the very top floor. As they passed the

countless other floors, she thought about how they were all filled with

important information on The Revolution that the newbie needed to

learn. But damn the Onboarding, that can wait for another day. She

was going to see Chris. Chris. He said he needed her. She had never

felt so ecstatic in her entire life.

But when the doors to the elevator slid open to a deathly

silent Bachelor Pad, and a metallic smell assaulted her nose, her

excitement quickly drained away.

The Bloodlust Boys, always pale but never this pale, were

laying in disarray in the center of the room, limbs bent at unnatural

angles and blood pooling around their toned, 6-pack-ab bodies. What

was once a sexy mancave with low-dimmed lights, leather couches,

record players, and pool tables was now a murder scene.

Tommy, Ryan, John, Chris, and Kyle.

Tommy was lying face down on the carpet, with Ryan splayed

awkwardly on top of him, the fabric of his flannel shirt stained dark

red where his once-beating heart was. John’s typical long golden locks

were tinted a nauseating scarlet around his neck from the deep slash

across his throat. Chris was lying next to the couch, his face streaked

with crimson spilling from a deep gash on his forehead, the blood

flowing into his beautiful blue eyes. And on the couch…

Straddling Kyle, the love of millions of teenage girls, on the

black leather couch was none other than KyleGirl1, blood coating

her hands and her clothes. Kyle’s chest was still, his eyes wide open.

There was a long, sinister knife sticking out from his right eye socket.

KyleGirl1 was shaking, her tiny hands full of tremors. As if

she could sense their arrival, she looked up, locked eyes with the other

girls. She looked scared and powerful, but mostly scared.

“I had to do it,” she wailed in the direction of the girls coming

out of the elevator, hot tears pooling down her porcelain face. “He

told me he didn’t want me anymore, that he just wanted to spend time

with his boys.” She cried again. KyleGirl1 grabbed the roots of her

platinum blonde hair, pulling hard, screaming at the top of her lungs.

“What am I without him? What am I without any of them?”


She asked, her eyes frantically searching the faces of her dead idols

for answers.

Before either of them had a chance to move towards her,

KyleGirl1 shot to her feet. Her pink The Bloodlust Boys t-shirt was

heavy with blood, clinging to her figure. “If I don’t have him, I don’t

have anything!” She sobbed, before taking a running leap towards the

large glass windows.


Time slowed. Glass shattered. KyleGirl1 plummeted to her

Shock overtook the room. JohnGirl8751 looked at

ChrisGirl64 to see what she should do. These were her idols, the loves

of her life, the reasons for her very being. What should she do now?

Cry? Scream? Throw herself out the window too?

Instead the brunette just mechanically, slowly walked over

to the record player next to the blood-splattered leather couch.

Leaning over the warm carcass of her once beloved idol, ignoring his

congealing blood and open eyes, she lifted the needle off the record

player and replaced the vinyl with a new one. The ambient, upbeat

pop sounds of The Bloodlust Boy’s hit, It’s All Over, Baby, played

softly from the speakers.

That same mechanical walk lead her to the drink cart, where

she grabbed the neck of a The Bloodlust Boy’s themed vodka bottle.

She moved towards JohnGirl8751 and slouched against the cement

wall until she was sitting on the red shag carpet.

“I’ve always loved this song,” the former said. “It’s my


It’s all over, baby. You and me. Everything we’ve been

through, baby. It’s clear to see. Now that we’re forever apart, baby,

where will you be?

She nodded her head solemnly to the cookie-cutter lyrics,

a single tear streaking down her face. Even in times of irreversible

crisis, The Bloodlust Boys' music could cure all.

JohnGirl8751 slowly lowered herself next to the crying girl,

sitting crisscrossed applesauce. Shock enveloped them both like a


cruel hug, urging her towards vulnerability. “Can I tell you a secret?”

JohnGirl8751 said after a while. The room was beginning to smell

worse, rotten.

ChrisGirl64 nodded.

“I’m a lesbian.”

ChrisGirl64 didn’t even open her eyes. Unphased, she replied,

“Yeah, me too.”

JohnGirl8751 turned to the girl in shock. “What?” Suddenly,

she felt something akin to hope spring into her chest. “So you don’t

actually love these guys either?” Her eyes were shining now, the

excitement there evident. “I only joined The Revolution because

the RyanGirls were about to ransack my city and I needed to get

somewhere safe,” she confessed.

ChrisGirl64 finally opened her eyes, but they didn’t reflect

the same hopeful light as the other girl’s did. “I love The Bloodlust

Boys with every ounce of myself,” she said, her face more grave and

serious than ever before.

“Why?” JohnGirl8751 was baffled. “How could you love

these guys? How could you follow them, idolize them, worship them?

You don’t even want them.”

The silent tears continued flowing from ChrisGirl64’s eyes.

She shrugged, the movement sad and defeated. “They were the first

things ever made specifically for me. The first time I ever felt like

something was marketed just for me, and girls like me. A boyband,

who sings about how much they love and cherish me, how they will

treat me right.” She shook her head, “No, not me. Us,” she amended.

“They sang about how they would treat us right.” She waved her

hand towards herself and then out the door, motioning towards the

countless floors below them that were filled with other teenage girls

with big hearts and nowhere to put them now.

“That kind of community, that love, that sisterhood,” she

sighed. “It was beautiful.” The wistful look on her face made the other

girl wonder what she was missing.

JohnGirl8751 still couldn’t wrap her head around this.


“But why did you let it go so far? How could you let yourself get

brainwashed? How could you kill for them?”

ChrisGirl64 shrugged again, taking a swig from the branded

vodka. She didn’t even flinch as it went down. “I don’t think it’s

possible for us to love anything in moderation. All our life we are

told to give everything we have to men. Our smiles, our attention, our

hearts, our minds, our bodies. We were never taught anything besides

total devotion. So why are you surprised that we would follow these

boys to the end of the Earth?”

A somber silence fell over them. Neither one of them knew

what to say after that. The dreamy song came to an end, a final baby

uttered over the speaker.

“Listen, ChrisGirl64-”

“My name is Anna,” she said. Took another swig. Avoided

looking at the couch.

“Anna,” JohnGirl8751 said, rolling the sound out on her

tongue. Anna flinched as she did. She wondered how long it had been

since someone had used her real name. Years, probably.

“I’m Lauren,” the other girl said. She wasn’t sure if she was

expecting a response, but Anna didn’t give her one. They sat in silence

again, listening to the faint plink-plink-plinking of Kyle’s, (or John’s,

or maybe was it Ryan’s?) blood drip onto the hardwood floors.

“So what do we do now?” Lauren wondered out loud. She

didn’t know if she was expecting an answer.

A steeled expression came across Anna’s face. She took one

last swig from the bottle, glancing longingly at the face of Chris

printed on the label. “I heard there’s a new boyband, in Korea. Called

The Berserk Boys. I’ll have someone call our contacts there, and we

will redirect.”

“Redirect what?” Lauren asked.

“The world’s greatest weapon,” ChrisGirl64 replied. “The

love and devotion of teenage girls.”

108 109

lava lamp sing me to sleep

Jazlyn Simon

lava lamp sing me to sleep

give me dreams, give me dreams

green sludge and floating stars

tell me this is where home is

break two eggs on an iron skillet

trust me with two pinkies

and never say a word to anyone

tell me it’s time for breakfast

feed the vines with a water faucet

give them life, give them life

i tell you silently that i think of you

tell me that i could grow here

kiss the lemongrass for luck

dash it and stir and watch the pot

i am in dire need of your presence

tell me i have a place here

you are cooking and i am waiting

it will never say what i want it to

i love you and it is foolish,

it is foolish.



ode to my dad who's 68 and giving

me more time to miss him

Jazlyn Simon

my father keeps leaving the refrigerator door open

and when he does remember to close it, he’ll have left the milk carton

on top

setting it there while he perused for something else, forgot what, and

shut the door

the milk is warm by the time anybody notices.

and my father keeps playing his saxophone (which one, i’m not sure);

apparently there’s rules to these things, a soprano is not the same as an

alto is not the same as a tenor,

and he’ll talk to me for hours, if he could without getting sidetracked,

about the different finger placements, about the subtle difference in

sound each one makes, one more deep and chesty, one more light like


and i couldn’t relay the information if i tried, no musical inclination

was passed on in the genes, but i hear it in the way he plays,

it’s everywhere-but-nowhere, and sounds like amber-colored bourbon;

(i’ve never drunk bourbon, but i’m sure my dad has, when you’re as

old as him you’ve done everything once.)

he starts to tell a story and i’ll think

ah, i’ve heard this one before, the one about how his friend michael

was struck by lighting by his mailbox,

but i pretend i’m hearing the story anew, like it’s magnificent to me;

telling him i’ve already heard it would just make him say, "figures!"


he talks about his friends and people he once knew dying

i think it reminds him of his own mortality

(it certainly reminds me.)

he takes meds everyday, so many yellow-orange bottles with white

caps in our kitchen

you could make a joke that we’re a pharmacy, though maybe not a

very funny one

(my dad would laugh; he loves to laugh, even when it’s not

appropriate, even when everyone inside the bitter-silent car would

rather do anything else.)

he leaves the fridge door open and i wonder silently if it’s a stepping


i think i’ll know when he can no longer remember how to play


or tell me again, again, the difference between the notes, what an

octave is,

for all the time i’ll have neglected to soak it up before i’ll wish i could

hear it forever


Déjà vu

Alex Turner

Deja Vu

How many fucks do I give?

"uh-one, uh-two-HOOO, uh-threeeee..."

How many clicks does it take

to get to the center of your self-worth?

Only Instagram knows.

B u t

There's more~



Soft lullabies hymn me to sleep.

I want to defeat them,

to scratch away every remaining flake of eye crust.

Is it us, Or is something within?




Finally, an empty glass.


No More Giggly No More Jiggly

Madalyn Wardin

greasy sleazy egg

burnt out bum

pan on stove

lap licker

soaked finger

chopped liver

smoke swing

dirty drag


pour pungent whirl

hips foil

no cheesy no easy

yell sex yell

spoil yourself

he’s gone

if he was here

we’d make some pancakes


Ugh Boy

Madalyn Wardin

ugh boyyyy, u make me wanna swoon

but sometimes i think of a substitute

someone who would have more than 2

centz to pay for my steak moo

ugh boyuy, i get in a mood

so i say bye so soon

i run out dropping spoons

from cups 2 the door 2 move

broke boiz are good @ a woohoo

please god milk me 2 the tune

boi, i miss working from dawn to noon

counter call makeup girl talking bout poon


wish you could talk abt ur poon

but u talk abt what shoe

u like cuz u the few

who notice when the pedicures new

come’on letz dance

dance like the dance shoop

bop don’t fall down the stoop

round n round inna loop

we keep eachother in scoops

bowls separate but close 2

far from touching our headz snooze

ur the 1 thing i don't wanna lose


Wash cycle

Lorna Wodzak

Another year tossed to tumble

because December’s just a shrinking shirt.

It’s a lonely cold cycle,

not that you would know.

Big and small hands meet at 12.

I hold my own hope in a bottle.

It’s perched behind the vanity mirror,

placed with wringing hands

that wish you wouldn’t drink the last drop.

It’s your place until it’s mine

and it’s mine when the halls echo empty,

the sound of boots hitting the hardwood

hangs to dry in the yard.

It’s always been my duty

–from the moment the world kissed me and called me pink–

that when the day lay old and dying,

(and you’ve come home from your disaster path in baby blue)

(and you’ve no more patience for me than I have for you)

to know

to wring

to echo

to hang

to dry


further encounters at











felicitous thanks to

C a t h y W a g n e r

S a c h a B e l l m a n

F r e d R e e d e r


Cover art: "Echo" by Juliana Lee

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