10 tips for successful weight loss

Being overweight or obese can lead to a range of health problems. Although many different “fad” diets are available, a balanced lifestyle and nutritious diet are the key to healthful living and better weight control.

Being overweight or obese can lead to a range of health problems. Although many different “fad” diets are available, a balanced lifestyle and nutritious diet are the key to healthful living and better weight control.


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Many social and environmental cues might encourage unnecessary eating.

For example, some people are more likely to overeat while watching

television. Others have trouble passing a bowl of candy to someone else

without taking a piece.

By being aware of what may trigger the desire to snack on empty calories,

people can think of ways to adjust their routine to limit these triggers.

8. Plan ahead

Stocking a kitchen with diet-friendly foods and creating structured meal

plans will result in more significant weight loss.

People looking to lose weight or keep it off should clear their kitchen of

processed or junk foods and ensure that they have the ingredients on hand

to make simple, healthful meals. Doing this can prevent quick, unplanned,

and careless eating.

Planning food choices before getting to social events or restaurants might

also make the process easier.

9. Seek social support

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