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Galen gave Theo a look, and Theo nodded. No reason to hold back now.

She was interested and, as he told her, he knew what he wanted. What all

three of them wanted, even if Meg was understandably hesitant about going

for it.

It wasn’t every night an opportunity like this came across her path.

Galen twisted to face her fully, his big arms creating half a cage,

bracketing her in. The move brought his thigh against hers, and Theo’s cock

jumped as her dress slid up a little. Another inch and he’d know if she was

wearing panties or not.

Fuck, man, focus.

Galen leaned down, though he pitched his voice just high enough for it

to reach Theo. “You want to know what I want.”

A tremor rode through Meg’s body, but she didn’t retreat. She nodded

slowly. “Yes.”

“I want to watch.” He met Theo’s gaze and then turned his attention

fully back to her. “I want to sit here while Theo slips a hand up your dress

and plays with your pussy until you’re coming and we’re the only three

people in this entire fucking club who know it. When you’re shaking and

wondering how it can possibly get any better, I’ll have my turn.”

“You want…to take turns.” Only the slightest breathiness in her voice.

Theo’s estimation of her rose yet another notch. She was no wilting flower.

With the right opportunity, she’d give as good as she got.

Galen gave the slightest shake of his head. “Only to start. Theo and I

have known each other a long time, and we’re very, very good at sharing.”

“Oh.” She sat back in the booth and took another big gulp of her drink.

She looked downright shellshocked, and Theo stamped down on his

disappointment. He’d misjudged her. Galen was usually subtler than that,

but the stress of their current situation affected them both in different ways.

He didn’t hold it against his friend, but damn it, he’d wanted to taste Meg

tonight. She let loose a shuddering breath. “Well, then.”

Galen shifted away to refocus on the rest of the club. “Told you that you

didn’t want to know.”

Meg’s mouth went tight and her eyes flashed. She suddenly laughed.

“God, what a night. You sure you two aren’t serial killers or something?

Because what you’re offering is usually filed under ‘too good to be true.’”

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