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needed to keep her enrolled. Nowhere in her insane schedule was there time

for anyone else.

Really, she barely had time for herself.

She checked her phone—it was noon, which gave her plenty of time to

get home, heat up some ramen, and get to work on time—and slipped her

purse over her shoulder. After a quick consideration, she hooked her fingers

through her shoes instead of putting them on.

Meg reached the bedroom door and paused. Was she really going to

sneak out like a thief after last night? Awkward morning-after conversations

or not, she should at least say goodbye to the guys. Last night had been

beyond fun, and souring it with her cowardice was a shitty thing to do.

She headed back to the nightstand and pulled the top drawer open.

There were the usual knickknacks and random shit in it, but nestled near the

bottom was a small pad of paper and a marker. Before she could talk herself

out of it, Meg scrawled her number across the first page and ripped it out.

She folded it in half and set it on top of the pillow.

If they call—and that’s a big if—it doesn’t mean I have to answer.

Satisfied she’d left things on the right note, so to speak, she slipped out

of the bedroom and padded down the hallway. Voices stopped her before

she made it halfway to the door. Theo and Galen spoke softly, but the

volume didn’t detract from the intensity of the conversation.

She should just leave.

Nothing good ever came from eavesdropping.

Meg shifted her shoes to her other hand and crept closer to the mostlyclosed

door. Through the crack, she could see a desk and computer. The

office. She frowned and focused on what the men were arguing about.

“I swear I will knock you fucking senseless and throw you in a trunk

before I let you endanger yourself because you’re thinking with your cock

instead of your head.”

Movement through the small slice of the room she could see. Theo

dropped into the office chair, putting his profile in her view. Unlike last

night when he’d been dressed casually, this morning he wore a suit that fit

as if it had been made for him. Expensive. Really expensive.

Meg knew they had money, of course. Someone didn’t live in an

apartment overlooking Central Park without some serious heft to their bank

account. But that suit drove reality right through her post-coital bliss.

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